
Literally the best girl in DanMachi.

Shame the author is a hack and this girl is too mature for the author to properly handle.

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How much money do you suppose it would take to spend a night with Ishtar?

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Gonna quote my boy Aquinas quoting Augustine:
>Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain evils be incurred: thus Augustine says [De ordine2.4]: ‘If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust.'

you cant possibly fail reading comprehesion this hard, can you?
the statement is not about welcoming or """"tolerating"""" vices, but that human nature makes totalitarianism an indistinguishable condition from anarchy.

Her nails are ugly.

>totalitarianism an indistinguishable condition from anarchy.
I dont see it

Haruhime is the best Danmachi

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Wasn't ishtar the goddess that had sex with a bull?

>sex slavery prostitution
Sure is based

>tohsaka rin gets isekai'd

Hands down, easily the worst show of the season.

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>The meeting of man and woman creates new life
Abe is pleased!

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Japan had glorified prostitutes with celebrity status. It's a complicated matter.

And yet somehow I doubt your expertise on this subject

I am a virgin.

Imagine the STDs

When japan is creating propaganda it is about fucking. When America is creating propaganda it's about muh oga bogas and homos.

based as fuck.

saraba da


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based allen btfoing sluts

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>Featuring Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear Sex

What a cumbrain.

>slut-shaming is bad and you should feel bad for having that opinion, it's a sign of maturity
>let me just also force this opinion down your throat about why sluts are also the best
What a joke.

That's the point.

I'm black and I think it's retarded that Yea Forums collectively goes all "Humina humina awoooga awooga" whenever a dark-skinned or tomboy is introduced in a harem-themed anime. Ya'll muthafuckas are superficial as fuck.

for each non sequitur, her philtrum increases in size

Most people are learn to deal with it already.

Kill yourself dogfucker

Anyone notice that used good are being pushed really heavily this season? I wonder if japan has finally accepted reality that pure women don't exist and that most salarymen will just end up with some used up slut if they even manage that

>just accepted used up whores you dumb otaku
pick one

yuh dawg finna git me sum chainz and rimz nigga mackin on da pawpeyes nigga widda syde ho nigga
Yea Forumsnons wanna fuck em because they have nice dark skin but their facial features resemble a cartoonized western or asian profile and not those of "homo-simians"

Japs tend to exaggerate the good parts of their culture and the bad parts. I'm guessing its a topic in japan, prostitutes or used women like some user said

Retarded post

No, you retard

No one believes you.

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Demon lord retry exists

I thought Isekai Cheat Magician was the worst show.
At least demon lord retry acknowledge it's own genericness.

I like aisha more

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..you're joking?? Maou-sama absolutely kills it this season.

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It is a tight competition between the two but retry is just so bad.

>retry is just so bad
Do you have something against feminine boys?

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>but retry is just so bad
>proceeds to watch danmachi

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>literally says that those in authority RIGHTLY TOLERATE vices
>"it's not about tolerating vices!!! Muh purity, muh virgin waifu!!!"
End yourself.

>retry is just so bad.
You have no taste.

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Yeah, she has pretty much everything that could be considered appealing about Ishtar, except she's not a bad person

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No seriously why no Freya doujins?

I don't know but it sucks

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>The Walking Home Gently guy is back.
Let me translate medieval to modern for you, autist-kun: "hookers should be tolerated because wihout access to hookers men gonna be raping bitches."

Just one FreyaxBell doujin and I'd be set. I'd say through Syr in there for a threeway so she'd at least have a doujin as well but I know that's too greedy.
We can only have Hestia doujins.

Its very irritating when plebs focus exclusively on the main girl

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II - 09 [1080p][Multiple Subtit (1920x1080, 2.24M)

>based allen
>is cucked out of his goddess by bell
>is cucked out of syr by bell
>is cucked out of his little sister by bell
>is cucked out of the heroic moment in SO by bell
>is SHORTER than bell
I don't think there's a character in this series more JUST than Allen

Its saying basically all humans need to let loose every once in awhile or eventually bad things boil over.

>I wonder if japan has finally accepted reality that pure women don't exist and that most salarymen will just end up with some used up slut if they even manage that

user you're in for a surprise regarding Haruhime.

He would. That's literally how his best friend became accepted as human, they placated him with whores.


(((They))) fear the samurai

Wow bro that’s racist. Racism is bad :/

>He enjoyed Shamhat for "six days and seven nights"

>is SHORTER than bell
Wait, what? No way.

I didn't know that, but it's hardly surprising considering how short his sister is.

It was pretty obvious after seeing her passing out when she saw Bell's collarbone.

Was danmachi always this generic? I don't feel strongly either way about it, it's just an average anime to me now. But my past self rated it pretty high. I developed my taste?


in the novels they say he's 160 bell is 165

What a fucking manlet, this is hilarious. Orario's fastest is shorter than a 14 year old boy.

He should really aim for a nickname that doesn't feel like a punchline

I had the same thought a couple weeks ago, too. I reflected and came to the conclusion that once you look past the thin veneer of novelty it has (it's attempt to create a modern myth), it's actually done rather poorly -- and it's limited by the conventions of anime cliches and the like.

It's shooting itself in the foot whilst trying to act the part of a meaningful story. You've seen past the bullshit too and come to the same realization even if you can't word out your thoughts properly. Look inside and prove me otherwise.

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The story up to the minotaur fight is just really tight thematically and ends with a really good payoff. After that point there's just this giant gulf between Bell and his goal, and even though he's moving forward it just doesn't really feel that focused. The character's major motivations take a back seat to just reacting to bullshit for both the wargames and pleasure quarter stuff. The volume after that is even worse, but will probably not take more than a couple episodes at most.
After that the Xenos stuff still just feels like a distraction, but it at least focuses a lot more on character development and ties into his connection to Aiz a little bit at the end of it.


it's what happens when hacks try to establish a shitty "franchise", instead of trying to man up, become an author and try to tell a fucking story already. You know, those things with a start, an impactful middle part, and a fucking end.

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LMAO look at this fucking loser

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This posed is BASED, VIRTUOUS and PIOUS

authors gotta eat too dude
story ends food ends

Both of them were Jew worshipers

Every Christian is a Jew worshipper. Speaking of, when we gonna see the JC Familia?

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Why do all of these people do whatever these Gods and Goddesses want? Why are they so respected? They dont seem to be different from any human.

All they want is to be entertained; they grew so bored in heaven managing the souls of the deceased that they chose to descend down upon the world.

In exchange for descend down into the mortal world they sealed their divinity so they'd live like mortals do, which is why they seem rather normal.

They provide super magical bullshit powers. Still wouldn't sign my soul away to those heavenly fuckstains though.

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>story ends food ends
no, you simply proceed to write another story

Most authors get one profitable story. See JK Rowling and her utter failure to do anything that isn't Harry Potter. The goal then is to milk that one chance for as much as you can.

>Here in the Lower World, the meeting of man and woman creates new life
It doesn't really convinces anyone when said from a glorified prostitute

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>Most authors get one profitable story.
bullshit. this doesn't apply to authors, but to hacks only

We need a doujin to properly show what sex with Ishtar is like

Attached: [Erai-raws] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II - 09 [1080p][Multiple Subtit (1920x1080, 1.73M)

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The gods can literally decide the fate of what happens to mortals after they die. Unless they want to get fucked over they better show some damn respect.

Imagine the smell.

>managed to make a chocolate unlikable
s2 is a disaster on all fronts

He LITERALLY SAYS tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain evils be incurred i.e. taking away bad things also takes away good things and lets other bad things happen i.e You need whores around to stop everyone turning into coombrains i.e. go neck yourself.

do you think ishtar has beef curtains? is that why bell looked away?

No, you're right. Most authors don't even get one profitable story.

>being this brainwashed
Revelation 3:9 those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie

Jesus was literally a Jew, friendo. There's no getting around it. Christians worship him. So they worship a Jew. At least he's the best Jew.

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Based Jewsus

It's one of those "so bad it's good." Isekai is a trash genre anyway nerd.

Do sex goddesses have the ability to tighten their vaginas as much as they need to? Its something I've been thinking about

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Do you even know what a jew is? they are israelites aka whites.

Why do you care so much? Is your penis that small?

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No, just wondering what makes sex goddesses so special when it comes to sex

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Jesus was a Jew. He was circumcised. That's all I'm saying. Also Jews are not white.

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so slut lovers should support bans on prostitution.

We aren't sure if those men are 60+ years old yet

You don't sound white, care to say what you are?

None of your business, you fucking nigger familia

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watch as he recoils

>waits 10 minutes after a response

you're a jew aren't you


nope, just some faggot passing by, randomly checking this thread to see if any useful discussion. I wish the worksafe boards had ID's sometimes..

Syr is creeping me out

Syr? She's just a cute young waitress, you shouldn't be concerned about her.

Attached: [Moozzi2] DanMachi Sword Oratoria - 03 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv_snapshot_09.31_[2019.08.16_07.3 (1920x1080, 1.54M)

>it's another episode of everyone gets it already what's going on. everyone, except for the MC who is dumb

I don't think Bell is really aware of the Freya familia's connection to that pub in general, but he is more or less aware of Freya stalking him between him connecting the dots from his constant sense of being watched to her and the events that will happen in the next episode. As for Syr she would only seem suspicious to him for the grimoire and the necklace. Maybe not even really the necklace

Is it bad that I unironically love Freya? Even though thats something that's probably a turnoff because it plays right into her hand

No, I love her too

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It's weird because you shouldn't love her, she's practically a sociopath with no emotions except for those that amuse her. Her golden goose is an investment made out of greed and not necessarily because she likes or loves bell, basically "I do it because I'm bored and because I can."

Should I bother watching the show again if I know bell's power up method is being a doormat?

I'm hoping that Phryne actually gets gutted like the big rapetoad she is.

what would sex with freya be like? ishtar would grind your pelvis to dust but I can't get a read on freya.

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She clamps on your dick so hard that you can't ejaculate during sex and you will never get off while she laughs at your attempts of climaxing

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Lots of soft whispers into your ear of encouragement to seed her fertile womb as her greatest champion

>soft whispers into your ear
No thanks. That shit is annoying.

>Should I bother watching the show again
That's something only you can know, user-kun.
Depends on where you stopped watching.
If you stopped watching:
>before the end of the first season
Then finish the first season.
>after the end of the first season
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 valis.

Funny how all the prostitutes in real life hate it and avoid it if possible. Also, it creates an environment for horrible diseases.

Women who have had multiple partners are far more likely to report unhappy mariages later in life.
Go ahead and act like whores all throughout your prime years and when you get to 30 and hit the wall you'll start to wonder where all the "good men" have gone.

Actual best girl reporting

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STDs don't exist in 2D. Also, prostitution in ancient times is a very different from modern prostitution.

Nobody pulled out in ancient times. It was still sex for the purpose of procreation.

I want Ishtar to brutally sexually rape me.

Sacred prostitution isn't really a thing anymore. Outside of "escorts" that cost absurd amounts of money it's pretty much just desperation in some form, whether that means poverty in a more general sense, feeding some addiction, or just human trafficking. Though I suppose there's also just the genuine turbosluts out there.