Literally the best girl in DanMachi.
Shame the author is a hack and this girl is too mature for the author to properly handle.
Literally the best girl in DanMachi.
Shame the author is a hack and this girl is too mature for the author to properly handle.
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How much money do you suppose it would take to spend a night with Ishtar?
Gonna quote my boy Aquinas quoting Augustine:
>Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain evils be incurred: thus Augustine says [De ordine2.4]: ‘If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust.'
you cant possibly fail reading comprehesion this hard, can you?
the statement is not about welcoming or """"tolerating"""" vices, but that human nature makes totalitarianism an indistinguishable condition from anarchy.
Her nails are ugly.
>totalitarianism an indistinguishable condition from anarchy.
I dont see it
Haruhime is the best Danmachi
Wasn't ishtar the goddess that had sex with a bull?
>sex slavery prostitution
Sure is based
>tohsaka rin gets isekai'd