Why do people think that Stands are caused and created by the arrow virus...

Why do people think that Stands are caused and created by the arrow virus? I've seen this so many times but its obvious that isn't the case. The reason why the arrow gives people Stands (or kills them) is because the virus is so painful and deadly that it forces you to manifest your potential Stand or die. Awakening your Stand is what heals you. Everyone has latent Stands, its just that most people never awaken theirs. This is further supported by the fact that Polnareff and Kakyoin has their Stands since childhood, yet Pol's sister and nobody in Kaks life had Stands, and they couldn't have been pierced by the arrow.

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This is one of the several reasons why the end of part 6 happened.

you know that anyone can have a stand right

you don't have to go through some crazy shit to have a stand

did you ever get to part 6?

Did you not read the OP? It literally fucking says that anyone can have a Stand.

There might be other ways to get stands, the fact that arrows aren't even mentioned during Part 7 and 8 hints at the fact that mĂșltiple things can awaken your stand, including having them naturally happen. Also, Diavolo got his stand from an arrow but Trish got him just for being his daughter, it seems that all your descendants get a higher chance of awakening their stands. It might explain certain natural stand users like Avdol and Enya as people that had some ancestor that found out some equivalent of the arrow.

However, risk of death by itself might not be enough to awake a stand, or everybody would get them. Getting a stand is already kinda dangerous, like getting a nen baptism.

Does everyone forget that DIO awakening The World and Jonathan's Hermit Purple was the catalyst for Joseph, Jotaro and Josuke awakening their stands? It was literally the plot of Part 3.

>Holly is slowly being killed by her Stand, her soul just isn't strong enough to handle it!
>Meanwhile Stands are used by rats, children, psychopaths, dying cats, and literal retards

And algae. FF is probably the single strangest one yet.

Shonen is meant for boys, girls are weak and have lice. That's the only explanation I can come to think of.

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you have to understand that araki was literally brain damaged while writing part 5

Holly is weak as shit


>You're waifu
>You are waifu

Feel free to call me a retard and/or a secondary but was Josuke even alive during part 3?

Even aside from the characters like Avdol who have had their stands for as long as they can remember, Tonio from Part 4 and the Feng Shui guy in Part 6 develop their stands from perfecting a craft.

Attached: avdol.png (1360x768, 1.61M)

Yes. He would have been 6 or 7.

Holly's Stand is just too insanely strong for anything to handle.

Then how come you can stab an actual Stand with the arrow for an upgrade?

>because the virus is so painful and deadly that it forces you to manifest your potential Stand or die.
What does a biological virus have to do with spiritual energy/reflection of one's self? Why would getting a stand cure an illness? This midichlorians-tier explanation is dumb and unneeded. Just accept that part 5 is dogshit.

And just what IS Holly's Stand?

The arrow lore was cool. I wish Araki went more into it.


why did Dio stabbing himself cause the Joestars to get stands?

the arrow touched the red string of fate connecting them

It's because Holly has no desire to hurt anyone or anything. She's too kind for a Stand. I could have sworn they explained this, but maybe not? Anyway, that's why she can't handle hers.

>the fact that arrows aren't even mentioned during Part 7 and 8 hints at the fact that mĂșltiple things can awaken your stand, including having them naturally happen

They're a new setting. Jesus's mummified corpse is what brings stands out there.