How to Discipline Shishunki-chan

New chapter is out. Cute imouto tries to compete with big bro's busty senpai.

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Milk truck just arrive

When will chestlets learn?

Short skirts.

>first kiss stolen
We better be getting lots of kisses to make up for this.

Is this an imouto manga?

More of a DemoKano situation except with all fluff and 600% more blushing.

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>titcow is going to lose
what's the point?

>Naturally bald bagina

Rin 2.0 sucks, she has even less personality and she is even more bland than Rin.

See here a chestlet understanding why big chests are better.
But this one has learned.

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The manga-ka's MO is to make the big tittied girl lose HARD if she wasn't the main girl. The only way you have busty girl win if she was the first girl like the cat girl manga that was canned in 3 volumes.

Just marathon-ed the half of the first chapter. Do you people actually read this garbage?

>not like yumi nakata's sexual tension works

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>flat chest without confidence in it
Into the trash it goes.

Now being able to finally read the translated chapter just confirmed that senpai, although hot, is annoying as fuck. Also, it was pretty obvious that Kanon enjoyed the kiss.

>canned in 3 volumes

It’s still ongoing my dude

Pretty sure he's talking about Moujuusei shounen shoujo.

Yumi's never done a harem ending right?

Why would an imouto want to compete with big bro's senpai?
That would be incestuous

Yeah, it’s says “ongoing” but last chapter was 4 months ago so I dunno.

No, at least I don't recall her doing one.

That's because chestlets are inferior.

It got canned in three volumes, sales were shit. It was out of the blue so they did it in the middle of an arc, even the manga-ka didn't prepare.

Even worse, she recycles the same last story arc. Anyone who read her previous work could predict exactly how her manga ends since she is incapable of writing anything differently.

She is the shining example of a pretty manga-ka without the talent to write. She needs a professional writer to not make dog shit.

Also a womanlet 145cm.

To be fair, in any of her previous works, harem endings would have defeated the story theme of the "red string of fate" aka "one true love" she loves doing.

Just like this one, Kanon is winner, anyone who says or thinks otherwise will really be deludeding selves for the second coming of Rin.

Nothing wrong with that. She writes some of my favorite sexual tension, I enjoy reading it a lot more than hentai.

Ganbatte, ass-chan!

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Considering her work is basically soft core porn, it's not surprising. Her writing is shallower than most porn, they could tell a story and develop characters way better than she can.

Sorry, fuck you.

She is Rin with a good personality, isn't a hypnotical slut, doesn't dress like a whore with her cleavage out, and she has hints of bisexuality in her first full chapter.

She is Rin if Rin didn't suck ass and wasn't a bitch.

To watch best girl (Imoto) beat the odds and win.

Kanon is a fucking treasure and her best MC

We both know there are no odds though. It's a pretty clear straight shot victory, there's just gonna be a lot of pussyfooting around it because it's one of those manga.

I got a chuckle in real life reading that the first time.

It's not even at the level of an underlying theme, it's just that her writing is so shallow and basic that the whole story is told in the first chapter and everything else is just killing time until the axe comes around.

I personally like her work and that she prioritizes small girls over tit cows.

Picked up, the imouto is super cute

Since japan has a word for every fetish in existence, what is that action called?

Translations are a few chapters behind the raws, which are already over.

Really? Shame, her art was really good too.


>marathon-ed the half of the first chapter
Holy shit how long is the chapter??

The best part is that she makes the cowtits lose in the most embarrassing way possible. It is one thing to lose, it is another to have them lose, and also lose their dignity.

It's nice to see titty monsters get what they deserve.

>chestlet is the main girl
Into the trash.

I don't know, it is kind of nice seeing the chick with the small tits win, since it never happens in real life.

Rin > Ui

am i in the right place?

I NEED a cute NBR imouto guys...

Literally who?

>it is kind of nice seeing the chick with the small tits win, since it never happens
It happens in literally almost every anime/manga/LN these days. It's a documented chronic shit taste condition on most nips that the lowest performance, usually also worst girl has to win.

>in real life
I don't even know what to reply.

If you are a chestlet and womanlet at least do compensate with better looks and skills, but these girls won't even put that much effort in while the well-endowed actually do.

Get the fuck out

If you read her previous manga you would know, since she likes tor recycle characters. The new girl the a perfect expy of the past girl who lost, she has big breasts, long dark hair, same exact face design.

Finally the loli will win.


Huh? what are you talking about, a loli already won in her other manga, Kanojo Kagi something thing. She beat her big tittied rival the same way Ui beat Rin.

Having the small breasted girl beat the big tittied girl is not unusual for her, it is actuallyt he opposite, it is unusual for the big breasted girl to win. Maybe the manga-ka has a thing against big breasts, like chicks with big boobs bullied her in school or something.

>that thing

so he will get doubly cucked ?
the girl he is in a relationship is stolen by his senpai
his sister takes away senpai

I didn't expect this to happen, at least it isn't a harem.

>hints of bisexuality
how? When does she ever put her interest on the guy?
She only uses her charms to get him do all the work and so she can mess and then flirt with his sister.
At most gay, that is aware of her charms and isn't the man hating type like the little shit for OSK.

That would be much better than the bullshit endings she did in the last 3 manga. Though otaku would probably flip their shit and start sending out death threats like the children they are.

So it seems.
As I though previously she will just be the character that teases the MC and never actually falls for him or even considers that, she'll just Use him whenever she will want to mess up with his sister.
The guy of course will be follow her up until the ending when he'll finally give into his sister, because he is a horny dumbass.

Of course she doesn’t like him, Rin didnt like Hayato early on, she in fact hated him in OSK. Didn’t stop her from stealing 75% of the manga’s focus.

Konoka is the same way, sure she doesn’t like the MC NOW, doesn’t mean she will not pull a “Rin” on us later.

OSK ending wasn't that bad and with a tittle like that it's hard to imagine a different one.

You wouldn’t say that if you saw how she basically recycled her first two manga endings into OSK.
>Big titled girl last hurrah in hotel, does desperation move
>Gives up, humiliated
>MC fucks main girl
>The end

On it's own it honestly doesn't seem that bad.
Sure Rin could've got a less humiliating end, but most of interactions between her and Hayato were glorified sexual harassment, so I doubt that would work out.
Her recycling shit (to that extent) seem troubling.

Even here we have similar faces and the stay-at-home girlfriend thing is kind of familiar.

>On it's own it honestly doesn't seem that bad.
>Sure Rin could've got a less humiliating end, >most of interactions between her and Hayato were glorified sexual harassment, so I doubt that would work out

It isn't glorified sexual harassment user, IT IS sexual harassment. If the world had any modicum of common sense, Rin wouldn't be in love with Hayato, she would be testifying to get his ass thrown in juvenile hall.

Rin literally fell in love with the guy who sexually harassed her.

>Her recycling shit (to that extent) seem troubling.
>Even here we have similar faces and the stay-at-home girlfriend thing is kind of familiar.
She goes by the books, all the time.

First girl wins, tsundere loses, big tittied girl loses (except if she is the first girl), everyone is a childhood friend, sexual harassment = love

>gay girl
>in ecchi romcom

I don't think anyone with some intelligence would have thought Rin would win.

I think the anger is how she was treated in the end, especially after sidelining the main girl and becoming the de facto main girl from Volume 5-13.

She was a big reason why the manga lasted as long as it did, and the last two chapters basically shit on her hard just to make Ui relevant again.

I don't know about you, but having a gay rival would be great, especially if the gay rival is a super hot 10/10 girl who is popular and charismatic.

Mommy a best

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Eww, NTR.

Dropped like a fuckin rock.

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that's just some lucky pervert moment, senpai mouthraping his sister-girlfriend on the other hand

It not really NTR if a girl is doing it.

It is just a phase.

Anyone know the sales for this so far with volume 1? I recently bought it (special volume even with the bonus maid chapter).

It did pretty bad, I can see this one getting killed quickly. Looks like the Japanese otaku who are boycotting it because of what she did with Rin are actually following through.

Do you have a source or just shitposting on futaba?

It’s genuinely impressive how new the series is and how low it continually ranks. People just don’t care about the series.

Expect this to get lewd as fuck fast to desperately increase its magazine ranking.

Alternate universe “My Wife is the Head Discipline Committee” next

Go go go!

According to the scanlated extra chapters there should be one with Rin in one of the last two volumes, because I'm pretty sure every other girl got one already.
At most you can get the lesbian adventures of Rin and Sawatari.

Just do a spinoff for each girl including best girl

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I already own it, it sucks ass, just dream sequence of Rin

Give me the real thing, a 10 volume alternate story with her as main girl


This is how I know you are fucking gay, anymore Rin is good Rin, even 10 pages of her just cooking food is better than nothing.

>just dream sequence
of course it's just a dream, but that the most you can get

Scan it, I need a good fap tonight.

Don't Jinx it you asshole, I seriously want this to be a thing after this shitty manga gets canned.

>It isn't a harem
You do realize there the main girl has two friends with bigger boobs who are already introduced? This shit is going harem, sooner or later.

At least one of them has another love interest already.

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That doesn't mean anything in manga, especially with this manga-ka. It's her MO that a girl drops her crush and gets wet to the MC.

This chick could easily be turned down, and she goes full force for the MC as her rebound because he said one nice thing to her. Since its Nakata Yumi, this chick will fall in love when he groped her tits and sees her naked several times.

That short hair is awful, you can't have huge breasts and short hair.

This is why sempai is kino, large tits and beautiful long hair.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates ecchi manga

What happened?

Bad plot. No ammount of ecchi can save it.
Look at Kiss x Sis.

>Yea Forums suddenly hates ecchi manga from this shit author

Fixed for you

Nah, OSK was great, especially when it became "Rin and Friends" the problem was that it ended and now we see this terrible replacement.

The worst part is she designated the big tittied fanservice as the loser AGAIN, bitch can't take a hint.

>mom has huge tits

Does that mean she loses too?

t. Yumi Nakata

No, she has small tits DON'T GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON THE MOM.

You swear that she can't surprise.

She could throw a curveball and make Konoka not only the main girl, but the actual MC, and it is her harem.

What now haters?

Never read Okuu-sama, only Kanojo no Kagi, can someone explain recap why Yumi Nakata is so hated?

Read it, then come back.

She already lost when her daughter was a chestlet and a midget.

>Bad plot

I mean compared to similar manga this ain't bad for what it is.

>Two huge tittied high school girls in the cast.
>Yumi Nakahara manga
All I see are two future losers

The user should have said she can't write for shit. Her characters are vehicles for fetishes and to masturbate to. Their character interactions are barely human, she clearly never designed them to be human, they are basically paper dolls. Who are they? What's their motivation? How do they see the world? How does the world see them? What's their aspirations, hobbies, etc?

They don't feel real because they are literally walking fetishes
Girl 1: small tits, smell fetish, perverted
Girl 2: huge tits, happy, stockings, dense

People are anal pained Rin lost and taking it out on her new manga. Still waiting on a source on it selling like shit, since all thats in this thread is shit flinging both directions.

>They don't feel real because they are literally walking fetishes

Would it be better if it was like How Not to Summon a Demon Lord?

It’s not rocket science user, just buy the last 12 months of comic Rex, see where the new manga is located (front, close to front, middle, back) then benchmark it to her most popular manga in the same magazine when it was published on 2012.

Then compare it to manga that ranked low and how long they last.

The new one is by far, consistently lower ranked, probably one of the worst performing new series. It’s current ranking means it will last maybe 3 volumes, 4 at best if they don’t turn things around.

Of course, who knows, titty Mc Student Council made her big splash and rankings might improve.

I thought ToC ranking was just a Jump meme

No, it’s across the entire industry. Manga that move to the end of the anthology die a very quick death. There is an undeniable correlation with rankings and how long a series lasts.

OSK was always high in rankings, so they funded 2 season of Anime, an OVA, and developed lots of merch for it. What a coincidence, it was also her longest lasting series ever, and her highest selling manga ever.

When your favorite manga dies, it is likely a combination of anthology rankings getting lower and lower and physical/digital sales below their expectations

>Does fetishes
>In her many manga, she never done a girl with inverted nips
Feels bad bro, maybe the girls who haven’t been nude will have them

How come Rororro is doing fine and lasting well even though in the TOC of its magazine it's only ranking at the middle or even towards the end?

How well did Kagi do, for reference?

Outliers are not a trend, more often than not.

I am more butthurt that they change Rin's areola's halfway. In her first nude scenes they were big and beautiful, but they kept getting smaller and smaller as the manga kept on going.

At least it was better than the anime that decided to change then in literally every scene. The inconsistency in the anime was horrendous.

Outliers are not a trend.

I am more butthurt that they change Rin's areola's halfway. In her first nude scenes they were big and beautiful, but they kept getting smaller and smaller as the manga kept on going.

At least it was better than the anime that decided to change then in literally every scene. The inconsistency in the anime was horrendous.

Does the chestlet have a big ass?

Big enough for her size.

>Translates Raijuu as "Normie" instead of Normalfag
Sorry, I'll stick the the superior Imouto Manga.

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I think maybe the manga-ka realized big aureoles are nasty and mostly on breast implants and changed it to show that, yes, Rin’s breasts are real.

I fucking knew it, every thread mentioning OSK
and Yes, Fuujisaki was an annoying character no way around it.

Any character not named Hayato, Ui, and Rin were completely and utterly unnecessary. The chapters about each of them were the low points in their respective volumes, and they contributed nothing to the love triangle.

Ensemble casts are great if you can write them well like Rumiko Takahashi. If you can't write for shit, and your greatest strength are drawing characters in various states of undress, then WRITE AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND FOCUS YOU DUMBASS

Any character not named Hayato, Ui, and Rin were completely and utterly unnecessary. The chapters about each of the secondary unimportant characters were the low points in their respective volumes, and they contributed nothing to the love triangle.

Ensemble casts are great if you can write them well like Rumiko Takahashi. If you can't write for shit, and your greatest strength are drawing characters in various states of undress, then WRITE AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE AND FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTH, DUMBASS

Let me guess this right, Everyone hates Rin because
>Muh cockblocker
>Muh big tittied no fun allowed
>Muh "Hypocrite"
> Muh "NTR homewrecker"
Also she was the only character with substantial character development, While Everyone loves an obnoxious shit as Ui
>Manipulater slut
>Lewd and perverless personality
>Cuck herself around Izumi with each other girl even her own mother
>Muh "Perfect girl"

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Putting "muh" in front of something doesn't make the argument less relevant. If she was none of those things, she would be a more likable girl, like this "Rin" in this manga.

She is literally Rin (face, eyes, big boobs, long dark hair) without any of the bad parts (cockblocker, NTR, hypocrite, bad personality).

Forgot add this, Literally does the same fucking lewd things with Izumi in each chapter based on her

She literary mouthrapes his girlfriend in front of him and said girlfriend seems to like it (granted she doesn't know she is his girlfriend, but does notice how close they are)
>bad personality
I think it's somewhere here, now we can call how she acts at the end of last chapter and in this teasing, but lets wait to see how she acts when she is serious.

Point of fact: There are way more people who like Rin than dislike Rin.

Evidence: After volume 5, the series started focusing on her, and sales started spiking. When sales started to show down in Volume 10, what did they do? They brought out more Rin.

They didn't bring out Ui to save the series, they brought out Rin.

>cockblocker, NTR, hypocrite, bad personality
These are the favourites slanders from the miserable haters-fags of Rin in which they are very wrong about her maybe except cockblock but that isn't so bad

Cockblocking Ui isnt necessarily a bad thing. As the end of volume 10 showed, Ui is a HORRIBLE PERSON. Rin basically gave up and realized it was time to move on, and then Ui goaded her, egged her on so that she was guaranteed to fail.

Especially for a girl who really doesn't know the concept of love. Rin misconstrued her uncomfortable feeling of uneasiness that stems from Hayato's sexual harassment, and everyone around her says, "No Rin, what you are feeling is love." No you dumbasses, she wasn't feeling love, she was feeling how people feel before they file restraining orders against stalkers and sexual harassers.

Ui is a horrible person, we know that.

Love is what matters

Being a slut about someone don't involves love, stupid.

You can be a slut for someone you love, Ui was one, and Rin turned into one.

And here in Yea Forums they treat Ui good while Rin is hated, what a boards of massive hypocrite fags

Are you looking at this thread? Literally 70% of the Rin posts are positive posts. Rin is the poster girl of the series in Japan, not Ui.

You could get more Rin merch in Japan than Ui, that's a fact.

Why aren't people talking about the actual topic of the thread?

Because it's barely started and doesn't have the crazy baggage of her pervious works.

Man of culture.

Because the new Rin hasn't lost yet. When she does, people will talk about nonstop.

The end of volume 10 really bothered me because any sane person would have not pushed Rin the way Ui did. It tells me she is a psychopath with sociopathic tendencies.

The anime was a shitty adaptation, they cut so much good stuff.

Wrong, you could say that Rin fans buy more merch, that is not indicative of anything.

She started with hentai, not writing war and peace.

This is probably the gayest post I have ever seen on Yea Forums, congrats fag.

>Lewding the stepmom
That's just not right.

Shut up

It's not fun.

i want to bully my RIn gf

You do realize that in any other situation, Hayatp would be in fucking prison for the shit he did to Rin?

she wont squeal even if he rape her and cum inside, she is fiercely loyal


She needs to hook up with Parallel Paradise's writer or some other writer like Nisio Isin

I would accept a Mom ending

No, since that is just mean to dad.

We still like ecchi manga. Problem is that Japan needs to create new ecchi publishers since the famous ecchi publisher like Champion Red Ichigo that serialized Yea Forums classics like Yomeiro Choice, shut down back in 2014.

Champion Red Ichigo had one of the most author freedoms when it comes to ecchi but there is no true successor.

Even Jump Plus is still tame with that World's End Harem.

Yomeiro Choice, Domina no Do!, etc would not be able to find a magazine that would accept them today. There is artistic freedom being restricted in Japan due to economic environment.

Go Nagai should get off his ass and make an ecchi publisher since some consider him the godfather of ecchi in the first place

i forgot how fappable his manga was

>No nipples
It was weird.

nipples are disgusting

Comic Rex isn't bad, they probably didn't do crazy censoring for OSK. The problem is not Comic Rex, it is Yumi Nakata's terrible writing skills, she can't do characterization even with a gun to her head. She can do ecchi well, but she needs someone skilled who isn't a shit writer like her.

t. Ken Akamatsu

I was hoping for that but instead everyone is shitting on the author.

>big aureoles are nasty

It's a cute manga although I can see some bad things.

It is isn't the circumference that is most important as long as it isn't too big or too small.
What is important is the PUFFINESS

What is a puffy nipple?

Not the nipple, the aureola.

I hears stories about how shit OSK fans are, but damn, it's like ResetEra, but for anime.

I'm sorry, I would be more active if it wasn't NBR.
I mean the entire story wouldn't work properly without major hurdle leaping for them to be BR instead but still, I just can't get as excited about NBRs.

Post one.

Well, chestlets are 1-0 in Yumi Nakata's works so who really needs to learn here?

I hope the MC ends up with both.

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