Going back through backlog and final got around to seeing this.
Angel beats
Little Busters is better
Are you new to anime?
I said backlog user. One of those I was told about a long time ago and finally got around to it.
Same people right?
It wasn't very good, especially for a Jun Maeda work.
I kinda got mixed vibes from it. Goos but it kept wanting an antagonist that couldnt stick around. Whenever shit got stale they just reused the quiet girl for story time, instead of going for backstory of the other characters.
Would somebody who's new to anime even watch Angel Beats? It doesn't really get talked about much anymore does it?
It kinda has that older anime problem. It came out in 2010. People who were 10 and weren't into anime, are gonna be 20 soon. So some might not know about it or it's just one of those "older shows" that gets forgotten about.
Have fun with a nonsensical plothole filled ending
i like Angel beats songs
no teh 2002-2010 era has some gems that most people forget about
Yeah, the VN is. The first Little Busters anime blows dicks, Refrain is pretty good as an anime though.
It's incredibly popular among newfags
which means it is very, very overrated.
Well shucks, I thought both seasons were rather nice
its one of those shows that everyone watches when theyre new to anime, alongside with aot, death note, sao, etc etc
I just felt that it didn't do the VN justice and meandered quite a bit. It also covers my least favorite character arcs for a whole season. Refrain was when shit got really good and J.C. Staff actually felt like making good anime again.
i tried to get into the VN but this shits art and UI looks like it was made in 1990 and i could never get used to that. the oldest vn ive finished is from 2008 so figures i guess
When I was new to anime it got recommended to me, but I dont know if it gets recommended anymore
it does, unless someones entire friendgroup consists of newfags 15 and under
It's has been sitting still on my backlog for years now. One day I might watch it.
It's not even that bad when you compare it with Clannad, which came out only 3 years earlier. The thing that bothers me is that it's not consistent, but that's what happens when you have multiple artists working on it.
Friend told me to watch it in like 2015 and I forgot about it. Finished mindhunter on Netflix and was just going through stuff to watch and happened to see it on there and it was 13 eps so I said fuck it and watched. It felt kinda rushed toward the end. I looked it up. Apparently they have a prequel manga and a manga that's retelling the anime with more detail that just started. Seems kinda pointless to do since the anime finished already.
Forgotten anime thread?
Kinda made me think of a less good version of highschool of the dead
You know he's the main character because his familiar is a cute flat loli.
Angel Beats is bad, I don't understand why it was all the rage when it was airing.
It's pretty good.
I remember being quite disappointed when it went from episode 1 to SoL for the middle though.
So it was the fire force, darling in the franXX, etc. Of it's day?
Everything Key is on the must watch list. This is perhaps second to Afterstory.
2000-2010 was the golden age
It was the K-on of the School Days of the previous generation
Fuck that makes me feel old
One of the first anime I watched. Then a few years later watched the OVAs and I couldn't stop cringing through the entire thing and wondered how I possibly could've enjoyed the main series.
The piano opening was one of my favorite OPs
Fourth to Little Busters and Kanon more like
Key? After story? Care to enlighten me user?
Damn right my fellow Kanon-bro.
Shiori best girl
Both worse than Air.
No, Franxx is like Valvrave except not nearly hilarious enough to make up for how retarded it was.
What do you think of Rewrite?
It's my favourite Key VN, even though it's by no means perfect. I guess I really liked the cast, Akane in particular.
Oh shit I forgot valvrave even existed
There's a lot of stuff like it or better for people getting into anime now. It's a forgotten relic from the end of the golden era
yes,,,this anime lisa s debut
All of you disgust me.
Air was bad.
What's air? Sounds like a shit show
Based air poster
I've seen it and remember next to nothing about it.
Dead kids, jumbled story, good OP
A serious anime that became way overcomical
Heroines were good, story was good but badly done
Watch Haruhi Suzumiya or Haibane Renmei instead