What do you do in this situation?
What do you do in this situation?
God I wish I was her
Miss, go to jail
Damn straight I’d go to jail
I wish I was born a woman for the sole purpose of kidnapping shotas
Oh your a guy. That's even worse
Threaten a terrorist attack on her house or place of business if she and the rest of her cow-tittied kind don't stop snatching up all the cute boys and leaving us with nothing but gross old men. Enough is enough.
If you really think about it, it can be sexy too
Only women are sexy
Join her.
Be jealous?
That sounds like something Aoi Yuuki would say
>he unironically thinks women exist on the internet
>he unironically thinks women unironically come to post on a Korean basket weaving forum
>he unironically thinks women exist
>he unironically thinks
Get the fuck out of here
>What do you do in this situation?
Enjoy the /ss/ life as a shota of course. Wait, I am the shota in this fantasy right?
amazon x muscular shota is the best combo
come at me
Hi dear, can you open up your cloth?
Throw a bag of potato fry on the floor and threaten to stomp on it if she doesn't put the shota down
>penn and teller
Yeah, they're pretty great
That's a lot of lolis!
Who am I supposed to be in this scenario?
tell her to stop stealing jokes from Yuru Yuri
Fight her for the shota.
Rape her
God I wish I was him
Correction, you find only women sexy.
Lucky shota.
I will show them the way of the cock and there's nothing you can do about it to save the Colors!
God I wish I was Akkun.
Buy the BD when it's out.
Why is Hotaru so sexual without even trying to be?
I would take the shota with me to my bedroom to snuggle the hell outta him
How many lolis is too many?
>be shotacon
>also self insert as shota
>be presented with the dilemma that is and
Fuck this
I'd call the cops.
What Who should I do in this scenario?
I'm can be sure, but it'd be an unimaginably high number
The shota's butt.
As a shotacon, I'm only interested in /sm/, not /ss/. And why self-insert as the one who gets fucked?
Fuck the shota's ass while motorboating those titties.