What do you do in this situation?

What do you do in this situation?

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God I wish I was her

Miss, go to jail

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Damn straight I’d go to jail
I wish I was born a woman for the sole purpose of kidnapping shotas

Oh your a guy. That's even worse

Threaten a terrorist attack on her house or place of business if she and the rest of her cow-tittied kind don't stop snatching up all the cute boys and leaving us with nothing but gross old men. Enough is enough.

Attached: youneedtoexplode.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

If you really think about it, it can be sexy too

Only women are sexy

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Join her.

Attached: [HA/ss/] Sunohara-sou no Kanrinin-san - 06 [275B8A2B].mkv_snapshot_15.17_[2018.11.13_23.57.08].j (1280x720, 105K)

Be jealous?

That sounds like something Aoi Yuuki would say

>he unironically thinks women exist on the internet
>he unironically thinks women unironically come to post on a Korean basket weaving forum
>he unironically thinks women exist
>he unironically thinks
Get the fuck out of here

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>What do you do in this situation?
Enjoy the /ss/ life as a shota of course. Wait, I am the shota in this fantasy right?

amazon x muscular shota is the best combo
come at me

Hi dear, can you open up your cloth?

Throw a bag of potato fry on the floor and threaten to stomp on it if she doesn't put the shota down


>penn and teller

Attached: it.jpg (482x482, 28K)

Attached: illjusttakemylolisandleave.webm (960x540, 531K)

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Yeah, they're pretty great

That's a lot of lolis!

Who am I supposed to be in this scenario?

tell her to stop stealing jokes from Yuru Yuri

Fight her for the shota.

Rape her

God I wish I was him

Correction, you find only women sexy.

Lucky shota.

I will show them the way of the cock and there's nothing you can do about it to save the Colors!

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God I wish I was Akkun.

Attached: IMAGINE.jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

Buy the BD when it's out.

Attached: 23.jpg (1280x1877, 615K)

Why is Hotaru so sexual without even trying to be?

I would take the shota with me to my bedroom to snuggle the hell outta him

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How many lolis is too many?

Attached: [GH] Uma Musume Pretty Derby - Extra Race BNW's Promise - 02 (BD 1920x1080 FLAC) [B86B2279].mkv (1920x1080, 2.22M)

>be shotacon
>also self insert as shota
>be presented with the dilemma that is and
Fuck this

I'd call the cops.

What Who should I do in this scenario?

I'm can be sure, but it'd be an unimaginably high number

Attached: lolis.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

The shota's butt.

As a shotacon, I'm only interested in /sm/, not /ss/. And why self-insert as the one who gets fucked?

Fuck the shota's ass while motorboating those titties.