
Who is the best Raildex singer and what is the best Raildex song?

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Put on your trip.

Mami Kawada and Kurosaki Maon are both good
I like Magic World and See VisionS the most

I casually listen to both Only My Railgun and Sister's Noise all the time. I don't know for certain whether they're my favorites, but there's something to be said for how they stick with me like none of the others.

Yeah, it's called shit taste.

Well that isn't very nice.

Kamachi does it again, in the whole prologue of Apocalypse Witch, he talk about this awesome boat and go somewhat in depth about it and then he destroys it by the end of the Prologue

I already don't like the people call the Problem Solvers can't wait till the main character kill them all.

Friendly reminder that Namirin did a cover of Only My Railgun.


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the ED of the Index I was best

FIXED STAR is so underrated

True dat

I like all the songs.
If there's any trouble is that dunno what kind of drug Mami Kawada was before retiring because she screwed up these songs pretty hard on live

>because she screwed up these songs pretty hard on live
Which lives in particular? She had plenty of them, and yeah in some of those lives she sounded pretty bad. One time I think she even screwed up No Buts.

I like Sisters Noise and See Visions more than any other, Railgun III might change that.

Pretty good taste, after re-listening to a bunch those are definitely in my top 3.

I like the Dark Matter opening, LIGHT IS THE SHADOW

But, can it give me a tan?

Guess it's doing well. Though I find it funny Dengeki advertises it as a "School Battle Fantasy" when there's no school left after the prologue.

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yeah getting a high profile artist helped a bit i guess, the cover is even on the daily top ten of pixiv.

That can be arranged

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it's 2019 grandpa, you can use webms

Nah. If I got gifs I'm gonna use them.

What about Saten?

That’s true.. I never thought about it like that. None of us did. And also Index too!

She's more well known than Mikoto by half of the population in the city.

We’re all attracted to Saten stupid bitch. You’re not special.

>bla bla bla I think I’m MORE attracted to Saten than anybody else in the thread because (insert basic compliment here)

Story of my life.

She’s studying boys. Maybe we can talk to her later?

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>3 mb gif

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I’d invite her over to Netflix and chill but she looks like she’s really struggling. She might be taking that assignment home.

Not if I do it for her.

If you did it for her she’d get an F- user. I think it’s best if I do it. Either that or preggo user since he went to Notre Dame for 7 years to learn how to bend lines in ms paint.

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Saten will join Touma's school in part 3 I bet none of you saw this coming.

She’s dumb but she’s not THAT dumb.

Why doesn’t Touma ever wear his helmet? Isn’t it required for his special education class?

They’ve determined his skill is so thick that the helmet was optional for him.

That and if his head got any bigger rejecting girls like Mikoto who are way out of his league he could actually implode his head if it was enclosed in a helmet.

That’s true.

I forgot.

We all did.

Have sex, mobilebitch. Oh right, you can't since your bitch ass boyfriend dumped your ass.

You’re really going to get personal out of nowhere when we’re just having fun and discuss the characters?

>Having fun discussing characters

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Don’t be rude. What do you gain by trying to start an argument about something like that?

Whatever then. You can be bored. Bye.

Last thread was kill because of mobile game drama. Let's not do that again. Take it to if you must.

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Yeah right

>Bondage Porn

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Kakine is the TRUE NUMBER 1
He shall have victory soon

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So when is Mikoto going to take her rightful place as the strongest level 5 and what power-up is going to get her there?

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Failing like usual, I think your a Crowley's possibility

Ok its on. Im a tripcuck and i loev atention

She's already the strongest of the weaker half of Level 5s. Stay content

No Crowley is Kakine's father

What if Measure Heart's ability is from her wanting to be love by her parents or wanting to know what love is?

She needs to control magic somehow and then actually use the AAA to its fullest.
Accel and Kakine already have a step into the realm of magic, even though in this analogy kakine tripped and got a concussion

>Stay content
Why? She has reason to get stronger and I'd be sad to see her drop out of the scaling. I'm already sad to see how often she gets turned into a damsel and defeats only enemies that many others could if the plot had let them be there.


>She's already the strongest of the weaker half of Level 5s

way to belittle #3 best girl

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So magic electrons then?

Based and Railgunpilled.

She's probably #4 in terms of practical power. Which means bottom of the top 4 or top of the bottom 4, depending on how you split it.

Cause AAA is already enough of a power up. Though there really isn't any problem with her getting stronger, the matter is the reason and the means.
No problem. Gunha is more deserving of that spot anyway.

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she can just hone her precision even further to the point where she can reverse the charge of electrons, creating anti matter

Can accel reflect anti matter?

>Can accel reflect-
Yes. Fundamentally the answer is always yes - it's just about whether he can analyze it. Otherwise he only can't if Kamachi makes up an exception for it, which I would be more than fine with. Better for him to actually put in work from now on.

Can Kamachi write antimatter?

So many posts and it didn’t hit bump limit? Are you absolutely sure

Something has to make physical contact with Accel so it can be reflected,he can probably reflect the energy being generated but not if the antimatter makes physical contact with him, he would lose equal mass to the antimatter

I'm pretty sure it was removed for being off topic. It had been bumped plenty of times around when it was just suddenly gone. I was there posting Mikotos at the time.

Better for him to focus on expanding his esper power when there’s so much more it can cover conceptually. Forced jobbing is never entertaining.

Since anti-matter is something that isn't just theoretical, but exists, it cannot do a Dark Matter and pass through. Accelerator may have it included in the whitelist

Misaki a pile of shit

You mean posting Mikoto while shitposting?

yes, but the moment it makes physical contact it his mass would be removed along with the antimatter before the reflection could actually happen

I think Mikoto and Gunha tie for number 3. He isn't very clearly above her like the two top incels so whoever wins a fight between them would be pretty fucked physically, especially if this is edgekoto.

Gunha is going to power up by releasing his power and Mikoto is going to get AAA level up up+meme magic boost

Was last thread the JSDF Squeenix shill Kakine Mobiletan abomination? If so, I could see why that was pruned.

Two sides of the same coin. His power is such that in theory he always wins - but in practice he can't so he is forced to lose by reasons that are almost always bullshit. That he is too strong is the very reason he jobs - and thus if he were given more actual weaknesses his strengths and how he uses them to work around weaknesses would have more opportunities to shine.

Feels lonely to be the only one who likes No Buts

I posted three images of Mikoto - one of which was in response to someone expressing appreciation. I don't think I was doing any damage to the thread. If nothing else I wasn't the one who was off-topic.

At this point creating a satisfying kryptonite for Accelerator is nearly impossible. Better to cut the losses and focus on writing his power interacting with other forces in an interesting and creative way.

not a SEAfag, but all of Index I and II ops are superior to Railgun’s

The thread wasn't deleted you autists. It archived at 500+ posts
Reflection doesn't work on physical contact. Its a barrier that exists outside on Accelerator's field. It wouldn't touch him unless he didn't know about it, but antimatter dark matter would be an interesting idea.
Not really. Especially when he was tanking blows from a stronger Mikoto (one who was casually unleashing bolts of lightning beyond any seen on Earth or produced by her)

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Cutting the losses at this point would honestly be killing him off before he has another chance to job. Having him win every major fight and be truly unbeatable would be awful - even if it makes sense, and even if it was using interesting mechanics.

Isn't it slightly above the surface of his skin? I mean, it covers his clothes and seems to reflect at a slight distance.


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Estelle was touching his clothes when he had his reflect on and wasnt affected

Having him lose inexplicably is even worse. Clearly he should focus more on the politics of running AC for a while, but why wouldn’t you want to see Accelerator explore more unconventional uses for his powers against more powerful opponents? If he’s tiered out, then just take him out of the small pond of AC’s darkness and avoid setting him against opponents like Hamazura.


>If he’s tiered out
But that's just it, he's not tiered out of any conventional power measuring system because he's not limited by magnitude. Once he can control something he can control it better than anyone else - it's a mere matter of exposure. It would only be if he could do fewer things (or at least was limited in how/how well he could do them) that seeing him apply his power creatively would become interesting. As it stands he can just go with the most straightforward path of overpowering whoever he encounters. I want him to have weaknesses precisely because I want to see him be a creative and interesting combatant instead of having a major part of this series constantly infuriate me.

Don’t expect the mechanics to be consistent, but saying that the barrier exists right above the skin avoids issues with timing and potentially having to repair damage.

Also his reflection has definitely protected his clothes before.

I dont think thats really fair considering AC clothing is way above than what we can imagine, just look at Touma's uniform suviving WW3 like nothing until Fiamma, hell just look at the hoodie

Yeah I mean he's got one stat over her

You know, I'm thinking that if Accelerator is to be finished as a character, then it should be in the inevitable Kakine arc. He's the only character who has been able to reliably pierce through Accelerator's barrier time and time again, and is the only character who sort of scales along with him. Once he triumphs over what Kakine becomes or does and redeems him, it'll be hard to write anything beyond for him.

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he couldnt pierce his barrier the second time they fought
he couldnt even pierce his barrier a second time on his first battle
Any robot with amata.exe installed can do the job better

>managed to hurt him and force him to fight in a direct battle for a short time when he's used to ending shit quick
That's first time
>psychologically attacked Accelerator and managed to weaken his barrier just enough for a lethal kill before Mugino joined in, but still had the upperhand with immortality.
I don't think a lot of people realize just how much Kakine closed the gap with Accelerator in his second incarnation, and now that he's contacted magic he has every bit the possibility of accessing Black or White wings or something different. Accelerator will have a lot of trouble with Kakine next time he comes around

Accel can just erase Kakine from existence with a swing of his meme spear

Gunha is pretty busted. I think it'd be close enough to be a fight for sure, but I doubt she could really push him in an unassisted battle. She'll need some kind of boost to face him properly - let alone to compete with the likes of Accelerator.

With the AAA? Maybe, though the benefits provided by that aren't as direct as they could be and wouldn't necessarily help in the type of power struggle she'd be facing - especially with her time limit. The speed would be big, obviously, but other than running away how would that help her? And again, time limit. Gunha has stupid stamina and recovery.

I get where you’re coming from, and I mostly agree, but I don’t know if Kamachi treats Accel’s power as if it follows the rules and assumptions he originally created when he’s writing. There seems to be some limit on the amount of energy he can create, and he’s stated to only be able to manipulate what’s already available in the environment unlike the other level 5s, despite his feats. Whether Kamachi was trying to establish new limits or explain away why Accelerator didn’t do such-and-such in the current volume, there’s been a trend of him losing to inconceivable things that I don’t think the author is willing to fix. Since I don’t see him writing in a specific counter instead of just having him job, I’d rather remove him from the smaller scale fights entirely. If only showing him when he can be creative with his powers, when he’s the underdog, means limiting his fights I’m all for it. But honestly, the ill-defined limits of his power isn’t the most outlandish reach in Index lately.

Power levels mean nothing here fags

I cant believe Mikoto killed all those clones and traumatized poor Accel

I can believe it

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So satisfying.

so cringe

glad it bothers you.

They both couldn't past each other's gimmicks the second fight. Esper battles in general aren't decided after a long hard battle where people exchange blows, instead one move is enough to off the enemy when your that haxxed

Acceleator and Kakine should leave the level 5s so we get newer, more fun abilities to fight against like a level 5 teleporter

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Mikoto should be wearing the A.A.A in this image.

Removal by upscaling would mean they're still around to fix literally any problem by throwing their weight around. Their current state should be their ceiling, at least for now, so that other people can catch up - and this should be in addition to some excuse for them not to be involved in the coming arcs so that they don't jump in and take all the glory (or job for the sole purpose of not doing that despite the fact that it shouldn't be possible). I'd like to see Gunha and Mikoto become the big science-side heavy hitters for part 3. And I mean properly this time in Mikoto's case.

This^ Mikoto, Gunha and I guess Misaki
focused books would be pretty cool and nice way to make science feel more connected compared to Magic. Level 5s seem like they live in completely seperate worlds and that is fine but I think a rivarily dynamic between those 2.

If Accelerator, Kakine and Mugino are lumped togther as the shit side of AC then Mikoto, Misaki and Gunha should have their own OT15/NT6 imo

Accelerator is already removed to some extent due to being a chairman, so those 3 can run around more freely in the city compared to him. Kekine is under the ocean and will likely remain there until the next big incident that will engulf the world. This leaves Mugino, Beetle and 6, all of whom have legit reasons to not really get as much exposure. The fact that Gunha remain quiet and uninvolved through the shit that was happening in OT and early NT is just crazy.

I'd like for Mikoto and Misaki and Gunha rather than just Mikoto since I'm interested in them as a unit than Mikoto alone.

knowing Kamachi he's much more likely to do an all girl team up tho

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Remember that time Touma used his uniform to clog a mech and not only did his uniform not tear but the mech was left unusable for the fight

I'm down. I favor Misaki, but give me those team ups.

AAA Rensa when?

mosoko mokoto

That's because he didn't close the gap.

You're right. He surpassed it.


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>power level arguments

When will you guys learn that this is useless? It's not about how strong you are in this particular series. It's about the story Kamachi needs to tell, with a heavy favor towards whoever is most morally right during the fight.

Example: Touma could go full "bust the universe with a fart and is a indestructible dragon" and will STILL get defeated by Hamazura using a regular bubble blowing wand he bought at a dollar store for Fremea AS LONG AS Touma is what needs to be defeated.

>Too easy, level whateverthefuckyouare

And in the cases that the one who is NOT the most morally right wins the fight, you can bet it's either part 1 of the fight, leading into a power up/story arc for the one who is more morally right, or both

Examples: Amata, and pretty much anyone Touma loses to

This. If it wasn't the case, then Mugino slaughters Hamazura in OT like she did Frenda and saves us a whole shitton of reading

unironically best Raildex ED. No Touma cameo is my only knock against it

>If it doesn't have Touma it's bad

Rabid self-inserting Toumacucks, everyone

>being this buttblasted
Railkeks got deep issues

worst ED, mikoto has no friends

Which I don't want because I'm reading a book.

Taste is subjective, here's mine: Level 5 -judgelight-

Stop self inserting in misaka

>saves us a whole shitton of reading

I'll insert into Misaka if you know what I mean

Best OPening ever!

I like all of the index songs and sisters noise from railgun. Though if I had to pick one it would be Index 4th op

Who touched you

If you wanted a Railgun ED with a Touma cameo, then you should have chosen Links.

Links is the most meaningful Railgun song.

So what kind of BS would you expect from Gunha that would allow him to punch trough Accelerator vector shield


I like dear my friend more.

What time limit does Misaka have? Based off her fight with Mugino she was still capable of fighting after spending the last few days blowing up labs and then when she approached that lab she got in a fist fight with Frenda, before Mugino ever showed up, and then she won against Mugino. Misaka is no slouch when it comes to stamina frankly. She was slightly winded for like 10s in her fight against Robutt but that didn't last.




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more quality than Index III

le index 3 bad amirite

Yeah you're right, it is bad.

>hey I'm going to bring up Index 3 even though no one was talking about it

You get free upvotes if you say index 3 is bad.

Ofcourse, how could I have forgotten


Enshuu soon

Only My Railgun is the only Raildex song I would ever listen again at gunpoint instead of taking the bullet.


You know, Touma is an asshole for really putting himself out there during the sisters arc. Mikoto couldn't help but fall in love with him. So he should take responsibility!

Youbo's first meeting with Kakine

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Shut the fuck up Mikoto

Middle school girls are meant for the best fucks of your life.


Die demon, you don't belong in this world.

I want to sniff frenda's hair

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Trinity of Kakine

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I bet it smells of Fructis shampoo

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Liking Index III is a reddit stance though, shill-kun.

So is bringing Index 3 up out of nowhere every other minute, retard-kun.

I wanna be frenda's bf!

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fripside and whoever sang the 1st Railgun OP

so fripside?

can you do the misaka vs mugino fight?

KamiKuro will be introduced soon and the popularity of the ship will skyrocket in nipland.

He will make his move next year

I want to rest his head on my lap and gently stroke his hair

Does Accel's reflect work passively? What if someone defuses the battery on his choker? Won't he be defenseless?

Accelerator's barrier isn't a physical object. It can reflect it. Scientists can "hold" anti matter using magnetism and you think a magic barrier can't?

Read the novels

watch the index anime

Misawa Sachika with ease.

Mikoto and every ship involving her a literal best

i did watch index s3 and it was too rushed.. all i remember was hamazura and item, and how touma has water resistant vest when he cancelled gabriel..

can you remind me how it works?

All I see here is crying over Mikoto not being the strongest. I'm honestly shocked that people can have Mikoto shoved in their face every single volume and still cry about not having enough.

Did you skip index 1 and 2????

abe for sure


>no masterpiece
peasants, all of you

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Too many only my railgun plebs in this thread

Mikoto is best girl and protag too

>Mikoto is best girl
>and protag too
That's not Touma

You're right, it's not Touma.

Masterpiece, despite its ironic name, is not even catchy. Fucking waste of garbage.

Yes, we know you're an expert on reddit.

Touma is just Misaka's semen faucet.

so we're getting the eldritch tentacle monster tomorrow
if it's made with CGI then you can lose all hope that the dragons in Railgun 3 will be 2D and visually appealing

Come on user, it's not that bad.

Index III murdered my dog, shit in my food, and burned down my house. It also unleashed ebola on the world too

Its pretty bad

It's better than most of the railgun OPs

Dont argue with people who are obviously trying to cause a shitstorm

It is.

thanks reddit spy


Fair enough.


>I'm mad that I dont attention
Cry more

Gunha and Mikoto are definitely my priorities but I'm down for more Misaki as well. And absolutely I would love to see the dynamics there - both as a practical team and as people interacting.

That'd be a shame honestly. I care very little about Mugino and I think Gunha would have much better interactions with the other two.

Will the imoutos announce railgun 3?

I've always felt that Touma is at his best as a side/cameo character. He's certainly not awful as a protag - if you discount the anime which does him dirty - but I like his interactions with other characters more than I like being in his perspective.

Railgun 3 was already announced though

Kunoichi novel illustrations

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(for ants)

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Why are the images so small

>with a heavy favor towards whoever is most morally right during the fight
>Example: Touma could go full "bust the universe with a fart and is a indestructible dragon" and will STILL get defeated by Hamazura

Eh I prefer touma as the protagonist. Misaka feels more like a side character better

More like piece of shit

When will Mikoto get her own version of "Godspeed"?

Where did masterpiece hurt you

He's not miles off, to be fair. The fan conception of powerlevels has fuck all to do with who actually wins fights.

Shit visuals and vocals


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Why did this happen?

Not really

Fucking White Queen.

Must have been one hell of a nut

No, it was because of not fucking the White Queen

She did some teleportation with lightning in her 5.1 form

Mikoto is so damn best I want to worship her so much

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imagine sniffing mikoto's butt

>No shorts
Wrong and bad.

kimi is sex

imagine sniffing her womb

Sounds painful

No. Everytime there's a specific brand of shitposting, you are there posting Mikoto images and siding with them. You are part of the problem.

Kimi is the hottest girl Railgun has produced to date.

She's a strong girl I could climb all the way up if I wanted

I thought Kimi would have brown to reddish hair, I wasn't expecting sky blue on her, but it somewhat fits her.

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Do you think Kamachi has ever been to Russia or Europe? London?

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He seems the type to travel a lot. His british food hate leaked into other series.

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Measure Heart looks a lot better in the red dress.

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That's why she's called "The Girl In the Red Dress"

>siding with them
But I'm not though. I post explicitly to break up the off-topic bullshit - and occasionally to annoy those people away. Either you lack situational awareness or you're confusing me with someone else.

Stop being a Railgunfag.

Bullshit. Every single time I've witnessed your involvement you literally side with them and belittle the anons who call them out.

I'm surprised there's that many fucking art of this ship for how crackish it is. I don't even think there's this many drawfagging for borderline canon shit like Acqua x Villian or even Hamazura and Takitsubo

Mandela Effect. But I agree

I'm just as surprised but I'm not complaining

>How crackish

It doesn't really feel that crack at all, plus, you have to admit, they look really fucking good together as a power couple.

No user they do, I actually prefer it over the Uriharu/Mugino stuff but It's still fucking based on virtually nothing. I guess it depends on what counts as a crackship for you, but to me one side has to at least show romantic interest or at least stronger than "Fellow agent" kind of bond.

It just hit me but the person with the strongest connection to Kakine is ...Accelerator....lmao man that's sad

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Kakine and MH literally do not give a shit about each other, it's pretty crack

>yfw we get a filler chapter of Junko doing CQC with more sakuga than all of Index 3

How would max power Junko fare against the other Level 5s, based on her scuffle with Gunha.

She speedblitzes Mugino and thats it

Mugino is such a shit esper in general, Aleister should have played the keikakuman role more seriously and killed her when she lost to Hamazura

They look good together.

Mugino oneshotted buddy over here. Junko is doing jack shit besides run.

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Ties with Gunha, beats Mugino and Mikoto

Dude was autistic and didnt move at all
Plus Junko has electricity control so she can protect against her lasers
Mugino is getting her face stamped

>literally just stood still while Mugino vaporized him
you're retarded if you think Junko will do the same

>ties with Gunha
lol no

>Dude was autistic and didnt move at all
we didn;'t see the fight
>Plus Junko has electricity control so she can protect against her lasers
Ah no, that may work once or twice but even Mikoto was eventually overpowered.
>Mugino is getting her face stamped
Yah good luck reaching her face with the beam spam

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>lol no
But what about in bed?

Hamazura and Villian aren't all that good looking

Kakine and her bantered and he asked her if she was seeing anyone seriously. Its not exactly official but it's a bit much to say its not based on anything.

>you're retarded if you think Junko will do the same
He tried to outmaneuver her and throw a boulder at her, something Junko did step for step in AB

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> we didnt see the fight
Because it was so one sided there was no point
>even Mikoto was eventually overpowered
You mean the no sleep and no eat Mikoto that couldnt even fire a Railgun?
>Yah good luck reaching her face with the beam spam
More like good luck to Mugino hitting Junko with her shit aim

except the fact that Junko is way more maneuverable than goggles was ever shown to be

Mugino then says that it would have been a pain if she didnt have takitsubo, implying he pulled his invisibility trick, which would explain why he didnt think he'd need to dodge

>hehe I like these characters, don't speak about them
Gunha was literally powering up mid fight and almost got serious and still couldn't beat her. Even that jobber fridge causally immobilized a level 4 without even using 10% of his power. Also Mikoto gets beat, Junko easily deals with her lightening spam and dodges Railgun. The only issue is the giant iron sand golem.

Junko is up there skill wise, Mikoto and Gunha can't beat her with just raw output

Did you even read the fight? Gunha wasnt even serious

Also Junko cant dodge lighting and Mikoto could just cancel Rampage Dress since its lightning based

>Because it was so one sided there was no point
So let's stop making up nonesense about how weak and dumb Youbo was?
>Thinks Junko has more stamina than Mugino's terminator ass
She could still use electricity. As long as there's electricity output, she should be able to bend electrictiy

Not that Junko is anywhere equal to a tired Mikoto even
>More like good luck to Mugino hitting Junko with her shit aim
Already killed a far more versatile level 4 and has far better reaction feats

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Because both Villain and Takitsubo are, for the most part, non-characters. They don't really have as much personality and are mostly there to be the damsels-in-distress for the heroes to save, so the relationship is really one-sided. Comparatively, both Kakine and Measure Heart are interesting characters on their own, even with how little we know about them. They behave pretty equally with each other, and their interactions are definitely way more interesting than those canon couples.

>Also Junko cant dodge lighting and Mikoto could just cancel Rampage Dress since its lightning based
Mikoto was taking classes on that same skill, she doesn't have that amount of control lol
>Gunha was going easy
That doesn't matter, like I said other level 5s fodderize level 4s without even being slightly serious.

Anyone else a Dubchad?

>Gunha couldnt beat her
The manga said, unambiguously, with no confusing elements, flat out, from junko herself, that Gunha was holding back on her.

Because she didn't want to risk injuring Takitsubo, she says she wasn't even trying hard
He has invisibility, gravity control, and is psychokinesis user. He's alot harder to hit than someone who can dodge.

Attached: lol.jpg (445x710, 63K)

That's just in the anime. In the manga he tried to turn invisible but Rikou used her AIM Stalker to find him and let Mugino kill him. In a 1v1 he might have fared better.

>Rikou used her AIM Stalker
where was that stated?

Index Manga. Its fleshing a lot more shit then both the novels and the anime

>So let's stop making up nonesense about how weak and dumb Youbo was?
He thought he could beat Kakine at one point
Its not made up that he is dumb
>>Thinks Junko has more stamina than Mugino's terminator ass
I never even mentioned Junko's stamina, the fuck are you on about?
I compared Mugino to a way weaker Mikoto so that "feat" cant really be used.
Not to mention that Junko has deflected an attack from Gunha, Mugino has no chance
>Already killed a far more versatile level 4 and has far better reaction feats
versatile yes
better reaction feats?
hell no, mention at least 1 where Yobou is going at mach speed or reacts to it
>she doesn't have that amount of control lol
Post proof, Mikoto has done far more precise shit at a greater scale
And even if she cant do that for some reason, Mikoto can make it so Junko can never touch her with electromagnetism
>That doesn't matter,
You literally said that Junko tied with Gunha and then said that he was powering up, dont backpedal

I want a Railgun mini arc (4-5 chapters at most) where Touma saves Mikoto again. This stuff is so satisfying to read

>its a good thing I have takitsubo
>Mugino said this because takitsubo got in the way
Are you retarded?

No I mean can you post the panel?I just remember her asking Takitsubo if she wa okay which implied that he tried attacking Takitsubo first since School were more concerned about her but Mugino killed him

Attached: 0136-007.jpg (1113x1600, 294K)

Its not mandela effect, mugino talks to saiai and says it would have been a lot harder without takitsubo, read the chapter before spouting shit.

>Its not made up that he is dumb
so the same way Mikoto thought she could beat Accelerator but is Dumb? Or maybe the way Accelerator thought he could beat Aiwass?
>I never even mentioned Junko's stamina, the fuck are you on about?
When you say she can continue bending metldowner beams longer than Mikoto then you are effectively saying that Junko's stamina and power control is better than a tired Mikoto
>Not to mention that Junko has deflected an attack from Gunha
Meltdowner beams have better destructive feats than Gunha's regular namless punch.It's callled a Particle Waveform High-Speed Cannon for a reason, it destroys at atomic level
>I compared Mugino to a way weaker Mikoto so that "feat" cant really be used.
Yes it can since Mikoto could still produce electricity. Also like I've posted, Mugino can always attack her whilst her arms are up to fend off the beams like she did with Mikoto
>better reaction feats?
But Mugino has far better reaction feats based on dodging Mikoto's lightening/attacks and shooting off Kakine's spears/projectiles.
>Mentions Youbo feats
He's had one or two pages of content dude, he gets scaled to other level 4s accordingly

What are you talking about? She said she would have tried harder to capture him if Taktistubo wasn't there, as in if Takitsubo wasn't her priority to protect. The entire topic was about leaving Youbo alive.

Takitsubo not here-->Mugino doesn't have to protect her-->Mugino can try harder to draw information out Youbo

No. That is not what she or I said read it again.

It is absolutely what the topic was about.

What are you fags arguing about this time

Do you think this series attracts autists more than others? For some reason I feel like if I met a Toaru fan in real life I wouldn't be able to even talk to them

One of my buds that likes it is a normalfag but the ones arguing every thread are insufferable cunts

Why are you so mean

People just take advantage of the anonymity here. I guarantee you if you met any of these arguing autists in real life they'd be quiet as fuck.

>Its not made up that he is dumb
so the same way Mikoto thought she could beat Accelerator but is Dumb?
Mikoto didnt realize Accel was #1 until it was too late
>Or maybe the way Accelerator thought he could beat Aiwass?
Accel didnt even know what he was
Yobou knew what he was getting into from what we can infer from his dialogue.
>Junko's stamina and power control is better than a tired Mikoto
that tired Mikoto could barely use her powers so yes, that'd be right
>Meltdowner beams have better destructive feats than Gunha's regular namless punch
Good thing it wasnt nameless, it was on the level of the punch that destroyed 5.1 giant junk ball, judging by the prefixes, i doubt Mugino's shitty lasers could do that.
>Mikoto could still produce electricity.
At that point she could do some sparks, she even said that she cant even use a Railgun anymore
>But Mugino
I was talking about Yabou feats, and if Mugino really had reflexes that good (and not just because her power is similar to Mikoto's) then she wouldnt have lost to Shiage three times in a row
>he gets scaled to other level 4s accordingly
So going by that, Junko blows him out of the water

Level 5s vs Junko as per usual. I actually think Mugino could only lose if she goes retard mode, which she does only for Haaaaaaamaaaazuuuuuuuuraaaa

Attached: HohInteresting.jpg (300x327, 54K)

They're just being faggots because its all anons. I guarantee most of the people that act like obnoxious cunts on here would be quiet in real life. There would be a few people here that might actually be relatively normal I'm sure, but they're probably the ones that dont argue endlessly and fuck off whenever retarded shitposting/autistic arguments show up in the first place.

Railgun S> Accel S1> Index 1> Railgun S1> Index 2> Index 3

Objective fact


Who cares what your topic is? You're misquoting the chapter, and you're misquoting me, that's the current topic.

Accel is only better than index 3

>Mikoto didnt realize Accel was #1 until it was too late
No she was going to fight him again if Touma didn't stop her
>Yobou knew what he was getting into from what we can infer from his dialogue.
Overconfidence is common amongst espers, being cocky doesn't correlate with being dumb in a fighting scenario
>Good thing it wasnt nameless, it was on the level of the punch that destroyed 5.1 giant junk ball, judging by the prefixes, i doubt Mugino's shitty lasers could do that.
That junk was smaller than an aegis ship which Mugino can destroy, also Junko didn't tank that one head on
>that tired Mikoto could barely use her powers so yes, that'd be right
Did she or did she not have the pose up while holding up her arms? If using electricity is limited for electromasters then the advantage is for Mugino since she can spam beams without any real limit as long as they're. Mikoto only really succeeded at bending it once or twice, the other attempts it backfired
>At that point she could do some sparks, she even said that she cant even use a Railgun anymore
No sparks are needed for bending electricity, yes Mikoto was tired but she could still fight at that point, it's not like her output was reduced. She just couldn't continue for much longer.
> if Mugino really had reflexes that good (and not just because her power is similar to Mikoto's) then she wouldnt have lost to Shiage three times in a row
see Accelerator. His stats were far superior to Touma.
>So going by that, Junko blows him out of the water
No she doesn't Kinuhata is more are as good if not flat out better. Same with Awaki and even Umidori. Youbo just goes invisible and sets her on fire or slices her.

You just have no other arguments but "No". We can do this all day.

Railgun S > Index 1 = Railgun > Index 2 > Accel > Index 3

But liking Accel isn't really that objectionable and your order was otherwise good.

Oyakodon when?

Attached: Mikoto Misaka.jpg (1684x1191, 243K)

A few years ago.

Attached: Zashiki_v08_388.png (816x1200, 150K)

Oh Also here's the panel of Mikoto not needing visible sparks to bend beams

Attached: 222.jpg (1123x1600, 397K)

Accel is not as good as Index 1 or 2 sorry.

You said something wrong, I said no. You're right, you could continue to deny that Mugino said she got helped by Takitsubo all day, there's no cost associated with being a retard, but I have better things to do, so I'll just prove you're retarded and leave you to it.

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Oh wow. Looking back at the chain, you actually already had this image, and somehow still never figured it out. Now that's impressive.

>No she was going to fight him
As suicide, yes
> being cocky doesn't correlate with being dumb in a fighting scenario
It is though, how many battle shonen are there were the villian loses because he was too cocky.
>That junk was smaller than an aegis ship which Mugino can destroy,
Not the point, Gunha's attack are wider and stronger than Mugino's, anyone could destroy an aegis ship given enough time
> Junko didn't tank that one head on
She pretty much did
>Did she
> it's not like her output was reduced
She literally said that she couldnt use a Railgun at that point
>His stats were far superior to Touma.
good joke
her power hardcounter Junko so it wouldnt be fair, though Saiai has no way of beating Junko
ESPECIALLY weak against speedblitzing
Needs help from cyborg equipment and its a bigger glasses canon than Awaki
Junko has far better reactions than him, just look at her fight with the Yumiya sister

I've already posted that panel and explain to you that Item were annoyed about not having info out Youbo and that Mugino couldn't because like she fucking said ("Takitsubo, are you ok") she was worried about her more than trying hard enough to leave him alive

It's not my fault you're autstic and can't follow a basic conversation user. Go back and try to read it again slowly. I have hopes you'll figure out where you fucked up, but I'm not going to do your work for you. "Give a man a fish" and all that.


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>As suicide, yes
dumb yes
>It is though, how many battle shonen are there were the villian loses because he was too cocky.
Shoune tropes are shounen tropes, they are supposed to highlight hardwork, victory and friendship. Fiamma still wiped everyone despite being a smug bastard, Othinus still beat everyone while calling herself god, and Kakine still continued to win until he met Accelerator. Being cocky doesn't mean anything as far as intelligence, all of these characters are smart.
>Not the point, Gunha's attack are wider and stronger than Mugino's, anyone could destroy an aegis ship given enough time
Give me a proof that Gunha has that amount of destructive level
>She pretty much did
Look at the panel, she didn't tank it. Also Gunha was going easy on her
>She literally said that she couldn't use a Railgun at that point
And? we're speaking about bending electricity which needs little to no power.

Also Mikotos regular electrical rage produce more power output than railgun.
>good joke
are you dumb? Accel can make himself as hard-hitting and fast as he wants to.
>saiai counters Junko
How? the point is that they are around the same level
According to what? Accelerator punching her? Awaki beats Junko before anything begins if she is post trauma.
>Needs help from cyborg equipment
which Junko can do what to?
>Junko has far better reactions than him
Reactions can take you so far when someone is invisible and can attack you with many things, some of which are hard to notice like slices and pressure. Junko cannot consistently react to what she can't see

Attached: Gunha.jpg (400x839, 94K)

Not really, I need a better argument than this one buddy.

Accel is garbage

>ahahahahaha good joke
Wait wut? Explain why that's funny to you

Attached: huhh.jpg (180x200, 10K)

Accel was acceptable for the first 6 episodes, then the quality took a nosedive to power-point tier.
By comparison Index 3 shat the bed by episode 2. It's up to Railgun S3 to try and fix this mess, but it's looking bleak.

Accel is the only thing that improved the source material

Sisters arc in railgun s added OT3 scenes

>durrrrrr Railgun save duh franchise hurrrrrrrr
Shut the FUCK up doomposting faggot, the franchise will go on regardless.

Accel was literally fine other than the last episode, stop being a drama queen

I literally said it's looking bleak, which implies I don't have much hopes for Railgun either. Learn to read.

He said, quite clearly "the series will go on regardless" user. Ie; even if railgun is of similar quality the series isn't going to suddenly die.

People sure are melodramatic around here

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I never said the series would die as a result of the shitty anime to begin with, so that's on him for crying about something that isn't there.

>threads are more dramatic than the series

Seriously. Wish they'd realize theyre on an anonymous board as a minority of the actual audience and it's armchair bullshit.

Honestly that's all of Yea Forums. Everyone wants the new biggest controversy. Shit is all about sales and who BTFO who rather than enjoying fucking anime any more.

There would be a lot less melodrama if people would stop getting offended whenever someone speaks the honest truth about the poor quality of content we're getting.

the only good shot from shitdex3

It's more like we have people constantly bringing up the same fucking thing over and over and people are tired of it, like look at . Why would you even say that? Why even bring up Index 3 here, why not just be like "fuck I love Saiai's thighs"? Like jesus christ lad, we fucking get it. I was disappointed with Index 3 too. That doesnt mean I need to bring it up every fucking other post when nobody was talking about it.

Because modern anime sucks. It says a lot when the two best 2019 is Wataten and Magical Sempai. (No disrespect to those anime, they're actually really good at what they attempt to do). But battle anime/shounen are just so boring now with rushed and forced plotlines that still manage to incorporate the same boring tropes we've seen for years now with MC's that are godawful. (Male MC's in anime are generally godawful characters, it's rare to find a good one but that's another conversation)

I want to tongue her ass

Yea Forums used to be the place where the news came from first and the memes came from first because people were enthusiastic about it and had fun, but once the people downstream got wind of that and started hanging around waiting to catch whatever's new, instead of being here because they wanted to be, it tanked what made it interesting.

Sounds like you're not watching the right anime.

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No it would be a lot less melodrama if you stopped repeating the same fucking thing for years. This has continued since 2014 and has been futile. Everyone is well aware of it, but it's not enough to fucking end something.

You dont watch much anime do you

>Why even bring up Index 3 here
Because it's a Raildex thread. You don't have the power to force people to simply delete bad experiences from their memory and make them only post positive things. If you want a safe echo chamber this isn't the website for you. There's plenty of other positive discussion, but you all need to stop getting assblasted and stop replying to every single post that says something bad about Index 3.

My dissapointment from index 3 outweight my lust for saiai

He's got a point though. Why? Why are you STILL mad and crying about it? I thought NT11 was absolute trash, but I don't bring it up every single thread because I'm not depressive.

But we dont. You fags shit talk Index 3 all the fucking time, then when someone tells you to stop repeating yourself/bringing up Index 3 out of nowhere ONE TIME, you get defensive about it. Like right now.

Seriously lad, you know who else brings up shit out of no where and tries to force shit into existing conversations? MP. Thats why people are getting tired of it. No, you really, REALLY dont absolutely need to sing ballads about how bad you thought Index 3 was every time someone posts an Index 3 picture or whatever.

>You don't have the power to force people to simply delete bad experiences from their memory and make them only post positive things.
Do you remind people about the time your dog died in every conversation you have in life? Or just like, every week or two to remind them? Or do you move on?

>Seriously lad, you know who else brings up shit out of no where and tries to force shit into existing conversations? MP.
This is a really good point actually.
>inb4 it’s MP trying to stir up shit

NT11 was released 5 years ago, while it hasn't even been a year since Index 3 ended. Shit comparison.
A simple post was made comparing the quality of Accel and Index, and it got two butthurt responses within minutes (one of which was complaining about something that wasn't even mentioned). Who is really being defensive here? And yeah you can go ahead and invoke boogeymen, just don't be upset when people call you a shill in return for getting upset at every single criticism whether they're genuine or shitposts. Bottom line is, you need to grow thicker skin.

>It's longer so it's a bad comparison
It's still been months dude, you've had plenty of time to move on. I also think Accel is garbage, every, single, month it comes out. I say whatever greivance I have with that month's chapter, and move on. It doesn't need to be in every single thread. You're (supposedly) an adult, you can live with life not being perfect.

>inb4 it’s MP trying to stir up shit
Someone other than me will inevitably just tell you to fuck off and you'll claim MP was one person responsible for all the previous posts. Happens every single time.

>Bottom line is, you need to grow thicker skin.
Or maybe you need to get new material. A child can insult me and I'm not going to give a shit because, like you said, I have thick skin. That same child can then follow me and repeat the same thing over and over and over again, and it's now an entirely different question if I'll get annoyed at it. That's patience, not thick skin.

>bottom line is, you need to grow thicker skin
I think you should look in the fucking mirror and realize that more applies to your butthurt ass over a cartoon.

I'm not boggymaning you fucking faggot, I'm saying you are acting like fucking MP, not that you ARE the cunt. Likewise, you need to stop getting bent out of shape whenever someone tells you they are sicks of people bringing up Index 3 out of nowhere. Like jesus, I dont fucking scream about how trash Nagai's filler is when people arent talking about fucking Railgun, I dont see why ya'll need to bring it up when we arent even talking about Index 3 at all.

No seriously, its like this
>Oh I think xyz in the LN was a bad development
If you dont see why this would get fucking annoying after awhile, I dont know what to tell you

Not him, but imagine if after NT11 the novels went on an indefinite hiatus, pretty sure it would get discussed a lot more when people bring up the novels.

What on earth are you comparing to here? The anime is not on an indefinite hiatus, the series has continued, the spin offs are all still going, this isn't even slightly a good comparison.

NT11 also wasnt hyped for years

Is this the first time you've ever been disappointed by something you're hyped for user? How old are you?

>No seriously, its like this
>>Oh I think xyz in the LN was a bad development
>If you dont see why this would get fucking annoying after awhile, I dont know what to tell you
This so fucking bad

What you fail to mention in your mediocre example is that it's not one "child" telling you the same thing, it's a large group of people. Unless you truly believe it's some small faction out to get you and make your life miserable.
Look at these two posts here and . One is simply making a comparison and the other is borderline throwing a tantrum. Who is actually butthurt here? Why are you so hypocritical and blind?
Same as above. This all started with someone throwing a fit over a mere comparison so none of your greentext applies to this situation.

Dude, I was hyped about a new fucking Star Wars trilogy and we all saw how that turned out. And you don’t see me bitching about it every other post on fucking Yea Forums or wherever you go to bitch about movies.

We have no idea when Index 4 is coming and that's a fact. Even if they are rushing to get out of OT and there are people who believes NT is just around the corner, don't forget the anime adaptations inexplicably stopped after 2013, right after Railgun S and Endymion were both a hit, with Miki chalking it up to 'adult reasons'. So it's really no different to indefinite hiatus when there's nothing concrete to go on.

Whether it's one child or a bunch of children is really not relevant at all in my example? The fact of the matter is it has literally nothing to do with having thick or thin skin, it's about hearing the exact same tripe day in and day out.

>We don't know when Index 4 is coming so it's comparable to the main series itself completely grinding to a halt
>all I have to console me is two other anime adaptations and 4 spinoffs and the main series
I still have literally no clue what you're trying to pull with this comparison besides pretend it's totally fine to be bitching and crying almost an entire year after the fact.

>the other is borderline throwing a tantrum.
Except that he isn’t, he was telling the guy to stop being a doomposter. No, you don’t get to ignore the entire point and pretend people aren’t constantly bringing shit up out of left field. And yea, I agree with him, it is annoying to see people constantly act like Railgun will be the lord and savior, or that shit needs saving at all. Again, stop being melodramatic

This is a terrible example, you see people bitch way more about SW than about Index

Where’s the lewd posters to drown out this autism?

And they’re fucking cancer. Why would you aspire to be cancer? Shut the fuck up and move on rather than

They don't generally bring it up out of nowhere though at least, so they have that going for them.

Good thing this is an index thread that talks about index so its not out of nowhre

You're really fucking clueless. Go make a star wars thread on Yea Forums and see how quickly someone shits on the state of the franchise.


Maybe hope to a better ending. Index III and Accelerator may have been failures, but that's only cause of JC Staff. I can guarantee that the Index adaptation will be like Kakine, it will fail massively in the first few times, but the third time will be the true reckoning.

Attached: Throne.jpg (1080x1175, 105K)

You really have no idea what you're talking about. If someone goes "Wow darth maul is so cool" or whatever shit in normal conversation you don't have some autist jump up and go "Fuck that, current Star Wars is SHIT!" and derail it entirely.

Good thing no conversation was derailed since the original conversation in question was comparing seasons to begin with. In fact you people whining derailed the thread with this meta talk rather than talking about the topic at hand.

Its an index thread, as long as its index related its not derailed by definition, in fact, what you are doing right now is derailing since its talking about non index stuff

The whining is a symptom of an ongoing problem that isn't solely contained to this thread. Let's not pretend otherwise.


>as long as its index related its not derailed
Not even you believe this tripe.

That there's no new content in a particular medium so naturally discussion flock towards the last known entry in the medium?


To be honest I just come here for monthly manga and getting updates on Kamachi's other series
If people weren't so scared of establishing a kamachiverse thread in /jp/ I wouldn't bother coming here as much

This is the most insecure fanbase.

I wanna have sex

Attached: sex.jpg (500x494, 71K)

Nobody goes there but 2hu and 3dpd is why.

Way to convince people you aren’t shitpostingn

So you're saying that everyone constantly complaining about Index 3 is a secondary and they have a right to complain because they have no other material to talk about? Fair enough if true.

I want to PEE in Kanzaki

Kawakami threads exist there which is the other author js06 translates for, so we could easily replicate them

I am sexually attracted to Misaka Mikoto

Hrs more complaint that people are sick of it being shoehorned into conversations. Again:
>I think X was a bad development in NT22
Again, if you can’t understand why this isn’t annoying, especially after seeing shutters like MP shoehorn in Railgun discussion when nobody was talking about Railgun, then I don’t know what to tell you

Look through the reply chain buddy

More ontopic than your whining

So fuming they can't even keep track of who is on their side or not.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 04 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.57_[2019.08.02 (1280x720, 82K)

Accelerator is squaring off with W I D E F A C E for the starter keeper position in the Autumn Babby Cup. You can vote for him and other team members, or write in other suggestions in this poll.

Attached: sample-3e41763b3a1dc61b394546a0ab13aa27.jpg (600x799, 221K)

No one cares mate.

I voted for wideface on the principle that I know the team is going to keep sucking major dick, so having another player take the blame is better for Accelerator.

Attached: 1498351198036.jpg (640x640, 67K)

Already voted

What was the proper way to use it?

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Free one way ticket to groping fat tits.

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We, don't know because Touma killed IT too fast for us to learn it.

>blaming the players when you could blame the idiots in charge.

So novel readers can’t discuss the anime? Or even when they do they must not draw attention to Index 3 despite it being the elephant in the room as the most recent anime entry? You gotta lobotomize the entire board then.
>but people stopped bitching about X (insert bad adaptation here)
Probably because that fanbase was dead, or they got better content later on, which is a luxury this fanbase is still waiting on.

Are you like, not following the conversation at all?
>Most recent anime entry
But it's not.
>Only dead fanbases or fanbases with better content stop bitching
Where do you think the meme that "x adaptation doesn't exist" came from, or means? Literally the entire point is "we know it's shit, shut up about it already".

Shut the fuck up and post Touma.

Attached: itadakimasu.png (692x550, 632K)

...what would Saten's reaction be to sixty TRILLION niggers?

I love Mikoto and her scenes
Serialized Railgun novels when?

>Post proof, Mikoto has done far more precise shit at a greater scale
>And even if she cant do that for some reason, Mikoto can make it so Junko can never touch her with electromagnetism
Not him but SS3 proves it. Junko has cellular-level control. Mikoto can only control her nerves, and it takes a fact ton of concentration for her to do that alone. Cellular control is beyond impossible for her.

Literally every time Mikoto hacks requires more precision than that

I guess controlling your innards is just much harder to do. In any case, that's what happens in SS3 so it's beyond arguments.

Mikoto doesnt do that because she doesnt likes it since it reminds her of Accel

Stop making a fool of yourself and read SS3.

>They behave as equals
I always thought MH had so much influence for a non-leader in School. She was ordering Yobou around, she made Kakine reconsider several times, she got to leave whenever she wanted and he didn't even get mad at her unlike the other two and Sunazura. The only time she ever got anything close to a mean treatment is in the newest DM chapter

Also Teto apparently thinks of her as Kakine's "Stopper" or whatever that means. It'd be shame if she's never brought up again. IF should have been enough of a bait to remind Kamachi that she existed.

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>when you want to wank Mikoto by any means necessary even if you don't understand the context

Was it ever stated why Academy City was built in Japan?

Aleister wanted

Aleister's a weeb?

Aleister liked Japan.

Attached: 1551929096148.jpg (1989x900, 364K)

Aleister likes Japan to get away from Christianity and the western world. Something something Kamakura Buddha.

Fascination for the Far East.

Who are the most braptier characters?

>didn’t grope Takitsubo
For shame

Stopper is another word for a plug, in other words a brake or something to help him resist things. Which would be in line with their interactions, he was often asking her advice or cooling down when she was there after all.

Shit series and shit girls

>Railgun S ED09 EP24
mystery her hair clip was has changed (offscreen)

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>“Oh, fome on. Is the familiar sight of your childhood friend really that much of an eyesore?”

>“No, if anything it’s the opp-…!!”

>(Oh, no!! Prime numbers! Pi! Anything that will distract me! Oh, I know! I can review my Crystal Magic knowledge!)

few words in and this happens
Why is the MC such a faggot?

the curse of being an LN protagonist

That how it should be, there should be no chance of a childhood friend winning in LN

>no butts
what did he mean by this


>Crystal Blossoms. That cutting-edge magic technology controlled printed circuit boards smaller than stamps to produce various supernatural phenomena by catching the optimal currents produced by the occult high and low pressure fronts created by the collision between the energy emitted from the Original Crystal Embryo in the center of the earth and the various powers raining down from outer space.
What the fuck

Just think of it as magical circuits that turn into divine powersuits

Cute series and cute girls

>The energy from the Original Crystal Embryo at the center of the earth and the various powers raining down from outer space would interact and produce variation points similar to high and low pressure, and their power simply read where those were and used the invisible tailwinds to produce supernatural phenomena.
Is this gonna be the series "flesh and blood soldiers"?

He saw a giant Buddha statue and thought it looked cool.

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I didn't watch railgun but I really like sisters noise

railgun S was quite good up to episode 17.
Even the Febri shit wasn't so much bad, just retcon shit.

Attached: mugino vs frenda 2.png (1650x2000, 3.58M)

Eh I don't really care about misaka and her gang or the sisters arc.

Thank you. Not everyone has to like it or her.

In terms of mean treatment, there was OT15 where , after she lost track of Hamazura, she asked Kakine if it's possible if Hamazura disguised himself as a pram, a mother or a baby. Kakine's response was "Shut up and die, you idiot."

I'm starting to see where the HO comparisons came from

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>be me
>retarded cumfag
>browse pornhub
>search "japanese"
>reach page 201
>see a video where a guy just eats some food and the thumbnail is a toaru logo edit

Attached: file.png (273x225, 78K)

Misaki, of course.

Kawada fucked up the entire tail end of her career. Her last album doesn't have a single good song on it, while you could reasonably argue she's never done a bad song before in her life before that point. She should have ended her career on Square the Circle.

Post MisaMisa lewds

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Attached: __misaka_mikoto_and_shokuhou_misaki_to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun_and_etc_drawn_by_misakamitoko0903__samp (850x568, 139K)


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>Accel princess carries 10046 to safety
LO is going to have wet dreams again.

Attached: Wet Dream.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>The world can't handle demon speak

Why is Accel so dreamy?

Fucking hell, the stream is too laggy.


>Rainbow Sephiroth
The joke has been made a million times already, but this really must be where the colors from Index 3 went.

>I know I’m making a stale joke but I’ll make it anyway

Stream too laggy damn it

So what happened?

Based and redpilled.
>still SEETHING that he can't police the threads.

What the fuck are you on about? I was making fun of him for admitting that his joke was stale as fuck but doing it anyway, how the fuck is that policing?

>this joke is shit but imma say it anyway
>haha retard

Way to out yourself, retard


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 10 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.59_[2019.09.13 (1280x720, 79K)

What did he mean by this?

>when youre so ready to start shitposting needlessly that you jump the gun and dont make sense

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So where are the Index/Aleister cameos? Was the demon hinted at? Was there a flashback to ancient China?

Based siscon

Why are siscons so resilient?

I have a feeling these chucklefucks are going to remove his elevator scene.

Inb4 “I was pretending to be retarded”

The love of their imouto's gives them superhuman endurance

Touma's mom looked like that?

Attached: file.png (600x900, 602K)

>rack that big
She fucking wishes


Attached: mpv-shot0130.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

>So where are the Index/Aleister cameos?
Just outside the panel.
>Was the demon hinted at?
Not just hinted at. If I understand correctly, Isaac straight up reveals he himself was the "demon" that contacted Taowu, so presumably it's the actual Taowu talking when the demon is first mentioned. It seems the whole big mystery of the unknown demon who contacted Isaac from outside was either never more than a misunderstanding or just got dropped at some point between manga and anime.
>Was there a flashback to ancient China?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - 10 (AT-X 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.58_[2019.09.13 (1280x720, 66K)

Welp, there goes my interest for this episode.

>hentai tentacles

Attached: 20190913092343.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

How wet was Misaka Misaka?

Wetter than Misaki was when Mikoto mounted her.

I’m a Railgun fan!

We all are

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