
No no no no no

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I'm starting to think the Gyaru has feelings for him.

What have you been taking user? He's the average of average. No one would ever develop romantic feelings for him.

Eh? Nah, I'm not buying it.

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What's the issue? If anything, this only tells her that he doesn't like Komi.

>I don't like any one
just what did he mean by this

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He doesn't like anyone, he only loves Manbagi.

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>Tadano is now a dense harem protagonist who doesn't understand his own feelings or the way others feel despite that being his defining character trait since chapter 1
>pointless drama that inevitably will not advance the main romance in any way
Manbagi is a character who exists solely to suffer and drag everything down with her, that's the issue.

I don't really mind the drama since it's so simple, I just don't like tadano's "there's no way these girls are interested in me" attitude. It's already old.

Don't fucking remind me.
He stepped down from beign a based MC

He needs closure from his middle school crush.

That is what happens when everyone keeps saying you are average. This still falls under dense harem MC territory but I don't blame him for turning out like that. I'm more worried about what Manbagi is going to do now. Is she going to be more aggressive now that she knows, or at least thinks, Tadano doesn't like Komi?

How can the mute even compete?

Calling it now, they're gonna go on an explicit date.

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Why is author doing this to her?

He's a hack.

MC has the dumbest face I ever seen.

Shes gonna win the bowl, right guys

The series is called Komi-san, not Mangabi-san. She is only there to be a stepping stone to make Tadano and Komi realize they like each other.

Why is Manbagi so cute, bros?

I hope she gets a shot at the Tadanobowl.

>Just read the chapter

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This manga is such a shitshow, I hope there's at least some suffering.

Her shirt is a reference to you, she's saying you lose, you loser.

>Manbagi does something cute
>Komi-san does something cuter without even trying

How can we realistically stop the mute autist?

Tadano being this dense doesn't make sense. Stop trying to justify this.

While I'm not putting is past Oda and play it totally safe and going with the dense protag is "unaware" of his feelings, I'm kinda hoping that Tadano just elected to not tell Manbagi he likes someone so it doesn't get back to Komi.

They established outright that Tadano was interested in Komi in the white day chapter, and Manbagi and Komi are total bffs now. I doubt she wants him to go to Komi, tell her that he likes someone, and then have Komi ask him when he's not prepared to take the next steps (especially since he believes he has zero chance with Komi).

You're right, now he's a full on Chad out to bang delicious gyaru poon.

His BELIEVES in normalcy. Normalcy of incompetence, normalcy of common sense, even the normalcy of chance. At no point does the normalcy of TWO hot AUTISTISTS wanting his TADADICK ever come into a reasonable frame of examination.

komi btfo

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>Tadano is now a dense harem protagonist who doesn't understand his own feelings or the way others feel despite that being his defining character trait since chapter 1
Why are romcom mangakas so incredibly incompetent at writing shit

she has a DROP THONGS NOT BOMBS sticker/poster on her door in the last chapter

We need Manbagi spin-off where she wins while Komi suffers.

She doesn't know what it means

>there's no way these girls are interested in me
I had that attitude in high school. Turns out years later, they were. It's a real thing.

My penis does, however

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Why are they trying to do Manbagi dirty? She’s a good girl.

It's not fair

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Alright, this manga has gone from a solid 8 to a middling 6 over the last twenty chapters.

We have the obligation to protect her smile.

Go on, make the kyoani fire incident look like a fucking joke.

I stopped reading completely about 30 chapters ago. Well, I read this chapter because I saw a lot of commotion about it, but yeah, the manga went down hill and lost a lot of its charm.

I-it’s fine, right? He was just reading the mood, right? He didn’t want to dash her hopes so suddenly so he lied to buy time for a plan, right?

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Goddamn please don't let Komi get ruined by romcom bullshit.
The manga already peaked with the blackboard spread and never reached that high again, please don't fuck it up more.

Komi wants a friend, not a boyfriend.
Have you all not watched 500 Days of Summer?

>teasing us with false prospects that secondary girl (best girl) might win
I hate this author so much

>Manbagi spin-off where she wins
>While Komi suffer

>Refuse to headpat Komi when she begged him to
>Says he doesn't like anyone
>mfw no more FUN FUN moments in the future

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I stopped after loli namek

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>Oda himself is enjoying the clusterfuck this whole thing is causing for everyone
Are we getting KUBO'd?

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Hey me too!

I really don't understand that twisted logic of him. It's not even being dense, it's acting beyond stupid. He is definitely aware of his own feelings towards Komi, most of his denial has been trying to not misunderstand Komi's friendliness for something bigger so he doesn't gets his hopes up just to get them crushed. That's fine. He also knows he's an average dude going for a goddess so of course he would think she's out of his leauge. He also had a bad experience to back up his attitude.
What i don't understand is why he needs to deny to like her. Just because you think it's one sided/unrequited doesn't mean jack shit. You still like her.
He's fooling himself and the girls are the ones who's gonna pay the price for this.
At this point i hope he crashes and burn and loses both of them. [/spoiler]It will never happen but that's what he deserves[/spoiler]

nice spoiler dork

>That is what happens when everyone keeps saying you are average.

did anyone said it to him tho?

too late bro

The same logic applies to Komi though. That is the problem with relationships like these, one of them needs to take the first step or else nothing will happen but Komi is too autistic and Tadano thinks she is way out of his league.

most are hacks

>What i don't understand is why he needs to deny to like her.

yeah! this does not make sense, he did not even need to say who, just say "there is someone I like". he even already said that to his sister.

Mangas about people who can handle their emotions and act accordingly are short and dont have drama user.

Not even once. Thank god I dropped this trash a long time ago. All I feel for you poor trapped anons is pity.

Why does this reddit manga keep getting threads?

What manga?

Gee I wonder

>reddit manga

Wouldn't there be a large gap between the O and the V there once the shirt is relaxed?


HAHAHAHA. Holy based.

reddit is anything he doesn't like, so presumably he's also reddit.

He's an idiot teen who did a near-total 180 in personality after getting rejected. There's a reason he got accepted into the high school specifically for spastics, weirdoes, and gimmick characters. This is completely natural for him.

It's simple, it's because he's fallen in love with Manbagi over the course of the last few chapters.

What a LAD.

Komi-san is inferior!


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I don't know if I'm remembering this right but I think one of the earlier chapters said that this was a story of a boy Komi-San once loved

This needs to be edited to replace Manbagi on the right with Komi, the guy on the left with the back of Manbagi's head, and the text to

>I am her boyfriend
>So please, never talk to me again

>pic related

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I dont believe you

What do these moon runes say?

You wouldn't start another fire just because Manbagi is going to commit suicide would you?

Would you user?

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Are you blind ?

Not taking the first step towards eachother has nothing to do with admitting to have feelings for someone, especially since no one in particular is being mentioned. In Komi case though her friends are fully aware that the only option is Tadano (does she even ever hang around any other boy?) and she would die of embarassment if they caught on that, but would never flat out deny it.
Tadano on the other hand is just fucking up everything for everyone (including himself) by lying like that.

The problem is that neither of them is going to make progress, even if Tadano told Mangabi he likes someone she would believe there is a chance she is that person considering the very reason she was introduced was for potential drama and maybe as a trigger for Tadano and Komi's relationship to actually advance. There is also the fact Tadano is the one who would be affected the most by a possible rejection, he already experienced it once but now if Komi rejects him her followers or pretty much anyone would see him like the average guy who was rejected by their goddess Komi. The opposite also applies, if Tadano rejects Komi her followers or people around the school are likely to get in the way or maybe he will be seen as the asshole who rejected such perfect girl. Even in the hypothetical case they become a couple, I seriously doubt he will have it easy.

I understand drama is necessary to bring them closer but the way is set up is off putting.
Tadano is going to get bullied no matter what, if Manbagi starts getting pushy and explicit with her intentions we will either get a jealous Komi or a heartbroken one and he'll still end up taking the blame from everyone for not considering Komi's feelings
If his endgame is mantaining the status quo and avoid conflict (literally his goal since the first chapter) he's doing a piss poor job at it right now. Shutting her off by saying he's interested in someone without revealing who it is would've probably cause a lot less trouble in the long run. Straight up saying no doesn't even makes sense about hurting Manbagi's feelings since in his own mind nobody ever sees him in a romantic way. He's just being stupid.

So what's next, will Manbagi invite him on a date? I seriously have no idea what this manga is trying to achieve anymore

How many chapters is "Komi-san can not Communicate" up to? I really need a cute rom-com. Everything I followed has ended. I'm dying here.

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>seriously have no idea what this manga is trying to achieve anymore
Good sells

217 is the latest

But the thing is the drama is going to happen regardless of what he said. Telling her that he likes someone only gives her the illusion that she could be that person but saying he doesn't like anyone also gives the chance she could make him fall for her if she is more aggressive. Seriously, this is not new in romcoms.

>Everyone ITT.

If she loses it will hurt so much

is that you otterposter

>Manbagi is hit by truck-kun on her way to meet her friends and confesses her love before dying in Tadano's arms
what would your reaction be?

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its not if, its when.
manbagi as a character solely exists to further komi and tadanos relationship. i'll even spoil the next 200 chapters.
>manbagi asks tadano to go out with her to some festival or some shit
>10 chapters later they actually go on the festival
>manbagi confesses, but tadano can't hear her over the fireworks
>repeat 10+ times
>in the second to last chapter manbagi confesses but gets rejected
>in the last chapter tadano confesses to komi and they get together

Komi losing would hurt far more. Call the cops I don't give a fuck. Manbagi will grow from the experience and find another good boi while staying friends with everyone

Manbagi's being offered up as a sacrifice to give Komi the push she needs to make the first move
As far as she's come neither of them can naturally make a leap like that so we need someone to force it

Komi losing would send her into a despair deep enough to never utter a word ever again in her life. Poor girl has been trying her hardest to crack out of her shell with some varying degree of success and i just don't want to see her efforts thrown out of the window
My heart really wishes this is going to get resolved quickly and we go back to cute komi shenanigans but i'm really afraid we're going down the generic romcom trope road that will drag on for far too long with zero payoff until the final showdown.

>Manbagi dying in tadano's arms
>While she's trying to confess her love for him she starts vomiting due to her internal injuries
>How embarassing, in my final moments my love is seeing my sparkles again
I don't know why but i'm amused by this scenario


so why was he walking away blushing,
Would he use his memory of Manbagi's Manbagis for later nocturnal use?

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>Komi gets isekaied,
>Manbagi and Tadano lose themselves in grief driven lust to soothe the pain
>After falling pregnant their families each insist that Tadano take responsibility and Marry her.

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The difference between Komi and Manbagi is that Manbagi needs a whole chapter to set up a page for her to woo everyone, Komi needs one panel.

It's not fair, but that's how it is.

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Quiet Yamai

Komi is insufferable
Manbagi's inevitable build up and loss is going to hurt like a mule kick.

>we need someone to force it
that sounds like a job for him(her)

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>Najimi's jealousy over Manbagi/Komi skinship
I did not know I wanted this

Amazing, I didn't even need to read this manga to know that this average joe would get more girls to fall for him by just being kind. absolute generic writing.

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Where are the Najimi skinship doujins Japan

It'll never happen, but I want a Najimi route.

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Because a very beautiful girl hold his hand and asked him if he's single

More like he doesn't think at all.


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I'm still fucking waiting for sleepover 2 : electric boogaloo : featuring gyaru Komi at Manbagi's house.

Someone has to lose

You're certainly proving that you didn't read it, yes

>Gyaru Komi
>Komi takes away bagi`s one advantage

Stop, she's already dead.

She musn't know what does it mean

never, you disgusting faggot enabler

Manbagi has two pretty massive advantages that Komi can't hope to approach without pads


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Manbagi confirmed for pure girl who is secretly into super lewd stuff.

I bet she fingers her ass every night while moaning "Hitohito" and looking at her fish

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I'm aware user.

It actually says "thing", but it's nice to believe.

Maybe it's something with a real life counterpart?

Nah it's just the same shit as when you sometime see "Kookle" instead of "Google".

>Complaining about lack of development and a dumb MC in a RomCom that has been going for over 130 chapters and showed no signs of them ever actually falling for each other
Based retards, go read Kaguya instead

lolwut? Komi's not in Meat Dango territory but she's no slouch, especially considering she's otherwise constantly described as tall and lithe/slender

nah, sorry user it's another knock off like the Guccoi hat
same poster design but spelt "drop thing not bomb" and without the thong around her ankles

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>that chapter

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>tags: ryona, male on trap, nagadashi, full nelson, NTR, mindbreak, ahegao, small penis, big penis, ball sucking, fellatio, anal, orgasm denial, maledom, crying, bondage, bisexual, harem, ball sucking, hair pulling, slapping, spanking, anal fingering, vaginal, bisexual, afraid, headlock, malesub, dominant male, size difference, chastity device

Najimi teases too far and interupts Tadano with Manbagi and Komi. Ends up being broken while being held down by the girls

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you're barely aware that you exist, you live to serve your faggot overlords. Just kill yourself


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Your problem is there is a trap tag or that someone admits Najimi is actually male instead of doing this "no one knows" bullshit?

>Artist: Asanagi or Shindol

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it's stupid to assume either way what's in between Najimi's legs except for tadano's dick
Also yeah, trap tags are trash

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shrodinger's trap
untill you raise the skirt, the character is both male and female

exactly. which is why the only tag should be anal

a sobbing Najimi, bent over and being fucked in the ass by Tadano, cumming into Komi's mouth. Komi's long nails drag on his tiny little femboy balls almost painfully while Manbagi chokes him with two hands. As Najimi orgasms he is shouting about how he decided to dress like a girl because he has a small clit like cock and he didn't know how to handle it

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Or Najmi was always a girl, he just dressed as a boy when he was younger because his parents didn't give a shit. Harem ending with awkward class beauty, dark gyaru who is pure, and confident and fun flat tomboy.

That's much better

let's be real, we'll never know Najimi's gender
but honestly, it's better this way
a mistery loses it's charm when the answer is discovered

I'm sort of wondering if Najimi will ever get a concrete backstory before the end since the manga is all about weird personalities and eccentrics

I don't doubt it happens, I just don't enjoy it in this manga.

Sorry, not into dick.


Also this

I doubt because we haven't come back to any early characters that aren't Tadano and Komi for a while. Even though the author fixed the worthless yandere by pairing her with chuuni for the bantz

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>worthless yandere
Yamai's delivered some of the funniest panels in the entire manga. Call the cops I don't give a fuck

We'll especially never know because now there's a character that's explicitly a trap.

haha what no

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Thus far, the series has been pretty honest about adolescent social interactions. My experience is that guys like Tadano end up basically with the first girl who hand holds them all the way into a relationship.

It would make a lot of sense for Manbagi to win because Komi just never speaks up.

I don't think Yamai is particularly funny compared to the other classmates but she's definitely the character I relate the most to. I, too, want rough sex with Nakanaka

Moved on from Kaguya, did you?

sleep tight otter

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This legit had me on the floor dying and so did Najimi finding Tadano in her closet.

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>Teasing Komi like this when she was a
barely able to stop herself from jumping him a semester ago

This does not bode well.

The fact that she desperately wants to be spoiled by Tadano is cute as all hell

Manbagi will ask out Tadano and the good soul he is and because he recalls how painful his rejection was, he'll accept and they go out. Manga is renamed to Manbagi-san wa Konyoushou de wa nai.

how subtle

this is going to hurt isn't it.

Yeah, I just saw that

That's what Komi get for not saying or do a thing about that candy.
Now it's coming to bite her ass

Meaning? Also if it means we get another chapter faster he can gloat all he wants

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Rumiko will win

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havent read the past like 50-100 chapters
is komi-san still the best girl? is tadano-kun the best boy?

read horimiya, this one is going down the drain

Why the fuck do romcom do this? Like is it satisfying some kind of fetish?

I've been at a 5, sometimes 4 level for a while honestly

Tadano has become even more best boy.
As for best girl, the tan gyaru is a serious competitor.
But Komi is still best girl

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I wonder how different anime and manga would be if otaku weren't pissy about any romantic progress. or is it more of an author problem?

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Otaku love romantic progress. This is 100% an author thing. It's because they know once you get past the romcom shenanigans stage, there's a likely chance people will stop reading your manga as much because the teasing and love drama isn't there anymore. Competent writers can make stories around this but that's not the majority of romcom mangaka. Why do you think so many of these end when the couple gets together?

>It's because they know once you get past the romcom shenanigans stage, there's a likely chance people will stop reading your manga as much because the teasing and love drama isn't there anymore. Competent writers can make stories around this but that's not the majority of romcom mangaka. Why do you think so many of these end when the couple gets together?
People are okay with being okay, since they rather not risk trying to be great.

will tadano and komi end up together? it's the only rom-com manga i've ever been interested in so i'm not aware of how bad it is

It is ridiculous to assume otherwise.

Is it the author thing or editor thing?



I hate her character so much I can't get any enjoyment out of these moments.

Rumiko will SUFFER

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You wanna die?

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What if a mysterious space-time anomaly splits Tadano into two people so neither girl has to suffer

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Oda needs to be shamed for daring to introduce such a QT whose sole purpose is probably getting heart broken.

She's going to win

Komi doesn't deserve suffering either.

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>Komi would never say (or write) that. She would just do that stuff while Tadano is there holding her bags
I really think that she bested Komi in that chapter, by a lot

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>Competent writers can make stories around this

a-any recommendations?!

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bonnouji, horimiya, fujiyama

Nah, Manbagi woos me in a single panel every time.

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She had over a year to be fair.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

She's put more effort in than komi, maybe she'll be the one to figure out when tadano's birthday is

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It's fine, she'll get over it with her 100 friends.

>she'll be the one to figure out when tadano's birthday is
I can't fucking believe that we never had a Tadano birthday, and that Komi never bothered to something or even search for it.
Komi doesn't deserve Tadano.


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Jitsu wa watashi wa

You're that goddess.

The reverse NTR is making this manga uncomfy.

Now it can only go one of two ways, heartbreak for one of them or vague end where nobody actually gets together.

None of them are in a relationship.

maybe manbagi will get hit by a truck before her heart gets broken

women getting cucked is the best
especially main girls cucked by side girls

what if harem end.

Where is the NTR? It's just a story about two teenagers in love, and all the hijinks they get up to with their friends Najimi, Nakanaka, Yamai, Komi, and many others.

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>Shouko succeeds in obtaining the 100 friends she always desired, but at the cost of losing the boyfriend she truly wanted
Absolutely based and poetic. Can't wait to see Kuckme-san get blown out by our GUCCOI girl

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So guys since Tadano and Manbagi belong together, who is Komi-san gonna end up with? She's a nice girl, she deserves a good match.

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You forgot to edit Magister-dono. I'd also suggest reading Onani Master Kurosawa, if you haven't yet, to understand why that page hits so hard.

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Not my edit, and also I've read it, it's the most rollercoastery manga I've ever seen.

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He still ends up with best girl in the end, though.

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Sometimes, good things happen user.

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When does a character named Onani get added to the cast?



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Once again why do people worry about some silly ugly gyaru?

I don't get why people are so confused by Tadano being oblivious to the feelings of the opposite sex. It's already been discussed at how oblivious he was to that aspect by his sister a few times already. Tadano may be perceptive of how people are feeling from a social standpoint, but it's clear when it comes to things about love, especially when it concerns him, he's clueless.

There's nothing wrong with the writing.

komi and tadano was OTP and there was no good reason to throw a wrench in the works unless it's for drama.

Too much emotional investment, and honestly making Manbagi too pure after her initial introduction. The whole point of his sister grilling him after the festival was making sure he didn't suddenly turn into some kind of heartless bastard that toys with girls' emotions, but he clearly passed her judgement.

This whole manga has gone to shit. We've had nonstop arch for new characters that are boring and dont progres the plot in any significant way. Now we have the MC turning into thick skulled mongoloyd. Close to dropping this.

Sometimes you can't flesh out characters or story without drama. And considering Manbagi is one of the best girls, and people are obviously going to ship her with Tadano, a Love-Triangle Drama over-arc makes sense, and I'm ready for it.

>dont progres the plot in any significant way.
Guess what, if you want plot progression you are going to have to get love triangle drama. Otherwise you are going to get boring Tomo-Chan type of shit. And I say that as someone who was reading that shit everyday as it came out for years.

i mean does komi even deserve the win tho

i like the girl but she can barely communicate, doesnt try to go for tadano romantically in any way and she is just flat

She's absolutely smitten and the narration has stated multiple times that she wants nothing more than for him to spoil the ever loving shit out of her. Also if mustering all her courage to actually shout out for him isn't going after Tadano romantically I don't know what to tell you

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Sadly, most need rely on this crutch to make thier story serviceable.
I'm just tired of starting a decent manga only to have the author completely fucking it all up by using this lazy writing gimmick. Now we will have lots of chapters of the challenger being built up only to be destroyed by the now lobotomized MC when he finally realizes his true feelings.

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user, your argument falls apart once you realize Manbagi is going to win and Tadano is discovering his love for her.

I just want some development

>I had that attitude in high school. Turns out years later, they weren't. Just as I thought.

Wat? Is this supposed to be bait?

Komi wants lap pillows, head pats and ear cleaning sections !

Made me drop the series for good.

Pulling that dense protagonist shit, fuck you

no, she wants to huff cats

no, she wants to huff Tadanos

Between this and the quints manga which can stir more shit?

You guys are overthinking what the MC is doing, its very simple. The author can't write anything beyond a confession like all hacks

after 300 chapters

doesn't matter, she's going to win anyway. best girl never wins in romcom

it means he loves someone above the regular people

what the fuck user

>maybe a date
Yep, all this in the final volume.

wheres the progress in this manga?

the only progress were the friends Komi made along the way

Is that his lying face?

>Komi can't communicate
>being a passive beta your whole live won't lead you anywhere

Oh fuck it makes sense now. Also, didn't Komi say that she was like that because of her freaking out about her group during the middle school trip? Some closure on that would be nice.

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Manbagi's smell > Komi's smell

Just do the Tomo way and end everything with a fight.

Remember when this manga was good?

Thanks for these

Oh no.

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Someone do this ASAP please

is this a real question? 5toubun, no question.

Tadano wants to fluff Manbagi's Manbagis

it's a shit idea though

Oh come on user, it's fun to make this board mad

when you know you are out of the league of the hot girl you get together with one of her friends. My dude Chadano is leaving every route open for himself

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Hey now don't be mean
then use / on the second one

WAIT, THE FUCK? I can use it even though I only use one spoiler box?
tem temtem tem tem tem tem tem[/spoilers]

that's really a good page

>tranny shit

If mamba doesn't win, I riot.

>implying I don't instantly mute artists that has shit taste

>People are okay with being okay
Except most of the time it's not even "okay" it's straight up garbage. Remember the trash pile that was N*sekoi?

manbagi is going to win the tadanobowl

What the hell
Why does this exist

I dont read this shit but i'm pretty sure the one with her name in the tittle will win

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It's the same problem with Gal Gohan. secondary girl is better but can't win and it was obvious from the first chapter she was added.


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>Komi reaches 99 friends
>Only person left she can try to befriend is this fucker

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Yugami and Komi would be pretty easy, He'd consider her never talking to him an advantage.

He's literally the direct antithesis of Komi
Him and Shousuke would get along though

Too late.

>Komi returns years later when Tadano and Manbagi are happily married with 2 children
>Komi realizes there's no place for her anymore after years of no contact

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Abe-san is UGLY

>only 2 kids
you're low balling pretty far there

>cute thumbnail
>open up to disgusting eyebrows
theyre both dudes?

That's why he's the 100th friend she has to make. He has basically final boss status

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>the only friends he wants to make are aliens

Still the best love story ever told

he'd get pissed at her wussyness and inability to refuse but would find some roundabout way to divest her onto another "friend"

>Next arc is school festival
>Crossdressing Tadano again

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That's the best damn Komi-san fake I saw. Is there more ?


It's a scam.

I am about 70% sure of it and I'm going to refresh this thread every minute for the remaining 30%

Or you could just write a decent story from the outset and not drag it out. Not every romance story needs love triangles or to become like Tomo-Chan where the last third is pointless padding.

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Is there more... ?

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I think you mean kaguya there kid.

Assuming this is real (shut up let me hope) what's more likely ?
>It's another chapter where boys/girls imagine themselves in romantic scenario and this is Komi/Tadano's part
>It's Shogi disguising herself as Tadano to train Komi
>It's a dream
>It's actually fucking real bros

Dream episode

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>page 9

See you next wednesday, user !

oh god my dick

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if this is another najimi prank i swear i'm going to kill myself

I mean, it's the same with any romcom/harem. Nisekoi literally means Fake Love, and yet people still had belief that Onodera could somehow prevail. It took ten (10) failed confessions for her to finally confess, on the second to last chapter of the manga.

son of a bitch now i have to wait and be disappointed

Delusions 3.

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if this is another najimi prank i swear i'm going to kill the trap

Im dying

why is this a thing that exists

7/10 would've been more believable if it was in Japanese

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So Najimi is totally going to turn out to be a girl, right? That seems to be where the jokes about him/her are heading considering he/she keeps trying to go with the girls to do things like changing or sleeping but doesn't seem to be attracted to any of them.

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That's Komi-scan being teases

What the fuck is this
That's some awesome edit skills

There's no editing skill in creation that could fake Komi's hairs.

There's no way that this is Komi.
She's way too assertive.
Also, reminder that previous chapter's preview for this chapter was "Story time", so most probably is something very similar with the Delusion chapters

Literally just padding out the chapters. He's directionless.

If it was an edit it would be either mechanically on model or off-model in an uncanny way. Instead it goes just slightly off-model, precisely how the author would. I don't think it's fake, more probably delusion/dream chapter.

>hair made in MSPaint
>slightly off model

Which one is correct?

Hopefully it's a girl's delusion. Although it's probably Tadano's since Komi wouldn't fantasize about getting her hairs wet.

Now that people are pairing Tadano with Manabagi I can more comfortably imagine Komi being paired off with characters that aren’t him (even though I know him and komi are endgame) Before it was sacrilegious but now the bubble has been broken.

I hope all of this leads to her getting close to a different guy. We don’t get to see her interact with other male characters enough.

You sound like an actual cuckold
Imagine not supporting Tadano fucking both of them, hopefully at the same time

That would make Manbagi unhappy so out of the question.

I disagree, my friend, she seems to enjoy skinship with Komi which implies the contrary of your statement

I can't believe Komi and Kometani was the true endgame all along

The field trip arc until the White Day chapter will always be the highest point of the manga for me.

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>nah bro gotta milk the series
>here's a love triangle bro

Yeah, it sucks. I still want to read it until the end, but after the train wreck that was Tomo-chan my pacience for Komi-san is going away fast. Really hope all this bullshit gets resolved in a few chapters. And the utter lack of actual best girl is pissing me off.

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Why do MUH PROGRESS fags have to come into series where the romance isnt even the primary focus and spread their cancer around?

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So what ? Romance wasn't the primary focus of Jitsu Wa either, it was comedy. Yet Jitsu Wa ended up being one of the greatest romance manga in the last decade. No shit people want more of that good stuff

>Romance wasn't the primary focus
Are you joking?

>it worked that one time so we should always do that
That's an exception not the rule

I really dont know. It's mind boggling to me that people expect radical changes to happen in a slice of life high concept manga about some weirdos and a beauty who wants to make friends. It was surprising to me that they introduced another love interest at all, even if it's obvious she won't win.

I understand people not liking the slice of life genre, but complaining about a manga because its sticking to it's genre is fucking stupid. It's like going into a bokuben thread and complaining about it's harem aspects.

>Romance wasn't the primary focus of Jitsu Wa either
Jitsu Wa was AT LEAST 50/50 comedy and romance. Komi is like 75/25 at best, its usually a back drop to the gags and side character interactions.

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>slice of live can't have progress
you're as retarded as last chapter tadano

>Only way to have progress is with the generic romcom love triangle drama
It's your logic that's as retarded as last chapter tadano

The progress is Komi gaining more friends and interacting and becoming closer to them, thus slowly becoming a more open and outgoing person. Thats what the whole story is about, but you romance fags are always too fucking single minded to see the obvious.

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>there can't be progress on multiple fronts at once, she has to get 100 friends before she is allowed to do anything else

You're a retard for thinking a slice of life manga will go at anything but a snails pace. It's fucking astounding that in an industry where tons of huge manga from all over the genre spectrum make almost no progress whatsoever you can demand a slice of life manga change it's pacing. Seriously, if you don't enjoy it then please just drop it. I don't want to keep seeing your dumb whining in these threads anymore.

how low does your IQ have to be to actually think Mangabi has a chance of winning?

The most amusing part is that most romcoms using triangle love shit move at an even worse pace in terms of development in order to keep the status quo between the characters.

Tomo and Komi Ryona when?

except I never said that, the love triangle is bullshit and tadano should've shut down manbagi before it came to the current state

it has more than 200 chapters you dumb nigger, it's moving at a snails pace even if something happens. no one would complain if instead of the manbagi love triangle bullshit we should've gotten a bit of progress between komi and tadano

This is like screaming and crying that nothing happens in yotsubato.

yeah, because yotsuba& is known for teasing fuuka and her almost-boyfriend inching closer together over a dozen volumes

Romance niggers are simply incapable of enjoying anything else. Coming into threads to bitch about NO PROGRESS is the only small relief they can scrounge up.

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How many times do I have to tell you you're really expecting the wrong kind of development from this manga? I'm done explaining the obvious to you, retard.

It's just in otter's nature to bitch about any romance at all, regardless of how things are going, SOMEONE will bitch about it.

Explain the Otter meme to me

>could have minor romantic progression between komi and tadano
>instead get shitty manbagi love triangle
>lmao why are you complaining about shitty writing, it's SoL so it's alright that the romance part of it is becoming a complete trainwreck
the romance aspect has been a significant part of this manga since the beginning, expecting it to continue decently (as it has until last chapter) is not to much

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>could have minor romantic progression between komi and tadano
That isn't what this manga is about despite how bent you are on it. How many times do you need this explained to you?

>the romance aspect has been a significant part of this manga since the beginning
No it fucking hasn't. Komi gets lots of cute moments that are meant as much for the audience as they are for tadano. Tadano and komi have made almost zero actual romantic progress and you might actually be mentally retarded if you can't understand that's on purpose.

The ironic thing is this user is throwing a bitchfit over the romantic progression when manbagi was clearly presented as a way for komi and tadano to make some progress.

Komi just needs a friend, thats all her character needs to be fulfilled. THE GYARU MUST WIN

No more naked men posing and photographs?
What am i even reading it for then.

>That isn't what this manga is about
It's a significant aspect of this manga, otherwise it wouldn't be giving so much time to it.
>No it fucking hasn't
are you a speedreader? valentines day, white day, family vacation, festival are just four significant examples, in addition to a shit ton of cute bonding moments together
>The ironic thing is this user is throwing a bitchfit over the romantic progression when manbagi was clearly presented as a way for komi and tadano to make some progress.
If you can't understand why people are pissed about shitty writing I can't help you. Enjoy your love triangle, apparently bullshit like that is what you enjoy.

Got it, you actually are mentally retarded. Not wasting more time on you. Please just stop reading this manga.

said the speedreader that ignored half of the manga he's talking about

Alright, one more reply since this post is low hanging fruit.
>valentines day, white day, family vacation, festival
Nothing actually happened. They blushed and acted shy each time and made zero actual progress. Any romance you think is happening in this manga is completely in your head. They like each other but komi is too shy to say anything and tadano is convincing himself it can't be that she likes him. This is literally why manbagi is now a love interest, she's being used as narrative impetus to force one of these dorks into action, probably komi.

Imagine being so mentally deficient, so brain addled that you scream and cry over a romance in a slice of life manga. I didn't realize understanding an incredibly simple SoL manga had a common sense requirement in order to be understood until I read your posts.

90% of even dedicated romance mangas is cute couples doing cute couple things without anything changing whatsoever. Them doing shit together and hinting at liking each other is supposed to be what if not a romance subplot? No one can possibly that dense.
>This is literally why manbagi is now a love interest, she's being used as narrative impetus to force one of these dorks into action, probably komi.
Except there are about a 1000 ways to do that better, which is why everyone was and is complaining.
>Imagine being so mentally deficient, so brain addled that you scream and cry over a romance in a slice of life manga.
Said the mongrel that fails to understand that SoL having slowly unfolding romance subplots is nothing out of the ordinary at all and complaining when they go to shit is understandable to say the least.

Komi didn't want to go on the highschool trip because of the middle school trip.

>shy gyaru getting isekaid
I'd watch it.

So... Like anjou-san?

is anjou into lewd stuff? That's never really implied, she's just really outgoing and revealing

I guess you could be right on that part of being reveling and outgoing, but wouldn't that be consider lewdness. All of her teasing to seto is about sex so she has some form of lewdness.

Cause Tyrone's fucking mental

yeah, but to me it doesn't seem like there's anything behind that teasing. She'd probably be incredibly shy if it ever goes real

Where is that from?

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All lewd Najimi scenarios should involve anal with obscured crotch.

This reminds me oh how cucked I felt when the only couple I cared about on Tsure tsure children. Get into the same university and decide to finally have sex, and then it ends. God dammit the story had just begun.

sorry for the rant

Thats why harem ending is best ending

I'd argue that Komi is split the other way, 25/75 between comedy and romance. Sure it is fun and silly but it is advancing romantic drama at the same time.
A better comparison between the two is Comedy and Drama rather than Comedy and Romance.

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