2D girls are confirmed to pee and poo. How does this make Yea Forums feel?

2D girls are confirmed to pee and poo. How does this make Yea Forums feel?

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Peepee poopoo


what? where?

I want a 2d girl to fart in my face

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false. she's airing out her foofoo so it doesn't get sweaty and stinky

Then why did she need toilet paper after?

That's actually really hot

for the sweat silly

Do you not wipe your dick off with a bit of TP after a piss user, or are you the type to just give it a little shake?


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I love Satania!

I do a little dab on the head with a single square of toilet paper

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I checked that episode and they didn't even show anyone on the toilet.

Also, isn't that that one short where the characters were voiced by JAV actors?

they poo marmalade

Don't let the shiteaters know!

why do sataniafags like scat so much

Haha imagine if she forgot to pull down her panties before going wouldn't that be a funny scene?

they have shit taste

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They show them eating a cornet, and yes.

Anyone have links to their videos? For academic purposes.

If you've ever read an ateru haito doujin then this shouldn't be news to you. Great artist by the way,
writes some of the best love stories ever told.

Stuff is too hardcore

I want a dog to eat Satania's melonpan

I like it when 2d girls have embarrassing accidents, so it's a good thing.

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Girls using the toilet is hotter though

Can't say that I agree with that. Meganekkos having accidents is about as cute as it gets.

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What about meganekkos using the toilet?

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Cute but not nearly as cute.

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That means they canonically have a pussy and can be fucked.

the urethra and vagina are two different holes


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Truly the thinking man's fetish

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>Implying she's not just there for privacy while she thinks clearly
All the best thinking is done on the toilet, OP; everyone knows this.

She panicked when she found out there was no toilet paper. She clearly did something.


Same here.


i wash it on the sink

So 2D girls can't pleasure themselves in the bathroom? They can only pee or poo on a toilet?

more please, more

Sometimes they pleasure themselves after finishing their business

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do you guys shit naked too? i just can't keep my clothes on

i do. started with taking my t shirt off now i only leave my socks on

A man of culture I see

im erect

Only if im about to take a shower

the best part is not being on the toilet itself, its someone walking in on it and displaying embarrassment over some sort of sexual thing.

When has that happened in anime or manga?

Robot girls are lewd

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And where else?

Of course, shitting while naked is the natural and most healthy way.

Damn I really need to catch up, I'm like 70 episodes behind. Be back in an hour.

imagine the smell

I bet her farts smell like straight sulfur.

It makes me thirsty

Usually yes, but when it's super cold I do it with everything on.

What upcoming anime and manga might have toilet scenes?

Sensible Yea Forums just thinks "yeah, of course. so what?". "my pure perfect 2D waifu who isn't disgusting like 3D women" Yea Forums are probably devastated.