Lets have a thread celebrating the little drunkard that could.
Why do you guys like her? Do you agree with her portrayal in the newest (>newest) Rebuild movie?
Also, to get it out of the way;
>Lol kys Asucuck
>Lol kys Reifag
>Lol kys Kowarufag
Lets have a thread celebrating the little drunkard that could.
Why do you guys like her? Do you agree with her portrayal in the newest (>newest) Rebuild movie?
Also, to get it out of the way;
>Lol kys Asucuck
>Lol kys Reifag
>Lol kys Kowarufag
Other urls found in this thread:
For me, I think she's the most expressive, and I think trying their best to stand against the inevitable tide of themselves can be considered heroic. I wouldn't look up to her, but she's like someone to look over at
>Do you agree with her portrayal in the newest (>newest) Rebuild movie?
Like I care. Screw Rebuild. Screw commander fanfic Misato
We saw very little of her in 3.33. I'm hoping 4.0 will divulge more into a lot of these characters before ending everything just to ultimately see how they progress.
I have a strange feeling that this last Rebuild will lead into a new series.
Based Misatochad, 2nd best girl but absolute BEST woman
She was poorly equipped to deal with those kids
Although I really wouldn't mind something that actually showed us what the fuck happened during the timeskip.
Also, I suspect that if any of the WILLE characters get a "big revelation" in the final movie, I would want them to provide context on why they changed outside of what rushed (non-existent) character development is hamfisted into rebuilds.
This series could theoretically provide that context, but it's likely that Anno wouldn't work on it cause he's bored of Eva
Why did Shinji turn her down?
Is he some sort of faggot?
Uh oh best girl is crying. What do?
Sure, I'll play along for one thread.
But did you have to use a R*build picture?
Get off the computer Ritsuko. Misato is more than perfectly capable of managing her little family.
Don't make me pull out the big guns, gamer bro
Local man doesn't want sex without the emotional intimacy
Also scared of emotional intimacy anyways so
14 years is a long time but I feel as if something more was revealed during that time. And with all this talk of timeloops and the Rebuilds being a sequel. What if the people, over the long course of time, were revealed the Third Impact from EoE and the part Shinji played during it all?
This is all headcanon shit. Still can't help but speculate, though.
Xenos GTFO
Basically, yes.
>zero two
Somehow I have a sinking feeling that they might not confirm loop theory just to keep us arguing over the next several decades on what could be.
They clearly know Shinji could trigger third impact, because he tried it before, so I'm not to certain that they knew about any previous cycle
Where do I find my own Kaworu in real life bros?
Sorry, didn't watch Franxx, already reached my disappointment quota for the year with Eva shit
what i wouldn't give to live with the gang at Misato's
Best girl has best theme
>They clearly know Shinji could trigger third impact, because he tried it before, so I'm not to certain that they knew about any previous cycle
Not to mention he was on the precipice of starting Fourth Impact. Shinji needs to snap out of his trance and haul some serious ass. He's got these two fuckin' organizations gunning for him; quite possibly ready to use murder as a justifiable means to stopping further catastrophes. I'd take my chances in the shapeshifted hellscape they call Earth.
>42 years old
She aged like fine wine. Absolutely the best girl.
You say that like putting him through hell isn't what the next movies gonna be about
Will Misato finally get to win the Shinjibowl in 3.0+1.0?
Post Rare Misatos
Leading up to the opposite of what EoE was about. He deems humanity not worth saving and blanks out the Evangelion universe, thus returning everything to nothing.
And Anno rejoices as he longer needs to slave over the Evangelion franchise ever again.
Is this rare?
Yo wtf are these things and who the fuck comes up with the choreography for these insane fights?
No but I had no Misatos left, I've exhausted them all.
Pleas e feed me more thank
I'll try.
holy shit muh dick
Misato is one of the only girls that looks better with her hair in a ponytail vs down
I really like her taste in automobiles. Really adds another dimension to her character.
>Kaji was regularly balls deep in that
What a fortunate guy.
Love the detail put into it as well.
Man this fucking post delay is killer.
If you put a baby in Misato she can't drink beer for 10 months, her only "major" flaw solved
Y'know, one thing I noticed is she gradually switches to coffee as the show goes on.
For all the shit she gets, she really tried her best to change
Hug and kiss her.
But it was too late.
Do you guys think that Misato would have been able to bridge the wall Asuka put up between herself and Misato has she cared for Asuka the same way she cared for Shinji?
Do you think she would still see Misato as someone to compete against?
Why does she wear the cross?
She'd make an attempt but inevitably would fail imo. There was more going on with her than just neglect, hell even Shinji didn't seem to improve despite having Misato in his corner.
Her father didn't care until she put it on
If she took it off, would she die?
i want to hug them bros
Why was Misato such a bitch to Asuka?
Wanted both guys she was with
I love Sadamoto but I think he does inorganic objects and backgrounds better than character designs. I say that because it's like their faces are "cartoonish" while everything else has a sense of acute realism down to the last detail.
>has she cared for Asuka the same way she cared for Shinji?
>Do you think she would still see Misato as someone to compete against?
Depends on what could have happened with Kaji and Shinji. If Misato got together with Kaji and if Shinji reciprocated Asuka’s attempts at bonding then maybe not.
Zero Two was an almagamation of so many different popular females in mecha anime like Asuka, Misato (uniform) and especially Anemone and perhaps Aida Rayhunton of G-Reco.
When was she ever a bitch to anyone except Ritsuko?
When Asuka started doing badly, she starts getting really angry and yelling about how she will "replace that bitch"
Are you familiar with Tsutomu Nihei? Your entire post embodies his artwork. He can create these vast, beautiful and alien landscapes that bleed detail alongside his biomechanical monstrosities he lets loose on his pages. Yet he draws the most derpy looking human-beings. Same principal here -- draws fantastical monsters and landscapes, accurate firearms and vehicles, yet humans are drawn with Japanese style. I guess it's just culture.
How are they gonna repair Shinji’s mental state in 4.0?
When I was younger and stupider and actually wrote fanfiction, I once had an idea for a fanfic where Shinji impregnates Misato. It was basically an AU take on EoE where Instrumentality is drastically effected by Misato being pregnant.
just walk it off
>It was basically an AU take on EoE where Instrumentality is drastically effected by Misato being pregnant.
Like this?
I'm the complete opposite of an edgelord, but I would have put a bullet into Shinji's head at this point. Nearly end the world once, okay, fine, just be more careful next time. Nearly end the world a second time and a trend has been established. You deserve to die.
>Why repair it?
>pregnant misato shoots of a group of sdf commandos while waddling at them
It wasn't his fault at all in 2.0 though and everyone was a complete dick to him for no reason without explaining anything to him. In 3.0 pulling the spears was his fault but I hated everyone by that time anyways so I didn't even care.
Good analogy.
Ooh ok now this is some art
They're Rebuild's answer to the Mass Production Evas. Nerv at some point completely figured out dummy plugs to turn Evas into totally controllable machines, an internal power supply that Wille doesn't have or doesn't want because 02 and 08 still recharge off of power banks in the field, and apparently Fuyutsuki is responsible for modding them into other machines because Wille call him a motherfucker when they see the positron tank made of amputated Evas.
Shit, instead of causing all these impacts, just mass-manufacture these Eva's and hold the world hostage.
Also NERV also seems to have mastered the art of Phase Shifting so these guys can literally be anywhere at anytime...
(DESU if this sets up some kind of Vidya tie in like how the old series did with archaic consoles, we might end up with something cool on our hands in a year, an actual polished EVA video game)
My brain hurts just trying to think about rebuild "world building"
NGE had an acceptable amount of craziness in its world and the technology but it was doled out slowly in pieces though Misato's investigation. The thrill of discovery helps with the immersion. But rebuilds 2.0 and after goes full on retard out the bat with ZA BEAST MODE and just stright up gurren lagan in 3.0 for no reason, and a hundred other details that make zero sense.
It's been 10 years and I still fucking hate whoever thought beast mode was a good idea
>"Guise let's give our character depth and motive , maybe that'll make her interesting like how the old series characters were"
I think the jumbo-tron made of hexagons was just optic camo covering the gun marching up while Mari was distracted by quadcopters. Like the same screen that attacked the launching Wunder from underneath.
Funny enough, the entire point of Unit 2 becoming irrelevant was due to it being unable to develop a berserk mode, even in EOE, it runs on auxiliary power
The whole point of Unit 2, and by extension Asuka being shoved aside was BECAUSE Unit 2 was unsuitable and unneeded for Instrumentality.
Hell, that's why they dropped the bitch first ASAP so that her Eva wouldn't screw with things.
Which begs the question; What if Unit 2 was still up when instrumentality began? I wonder what would have gone differently?
Although Asuka came back at the end of EOE, would she have made the same decision that Shinji did?
>still caring about a 20 year plus series
>still caring about the same three cardboard cutout characters
>still making these shit threads
Misato is cuck and a drunked femcel to the highest degree
So everything was stacked against Asuka in the first place? Goddamn, what a fate. At least until the Rebuilds. Strangely she's more amped in them.
I was frustrated by the third movie because it seemed like they could have prevented Shinji from piloting that Eva if they just SAT HIM DOWN and had a STRAIGHTFORWARD CONVERSATION with him to let him know what's been going on for the last 14 years. Absolute stupidity. Apart from that, I wish the movie had more scenes with Misato and Asuka and the blonde dyke lady with the eyebrows. I was interested to learn more about their lives, yet we never got that opportunity. But I understand that the writers probably just wanted to focus on Shinji.
Sorry to tell ya this, blonde dyke was Ritsuko
Don't worry it's all part of their keikaku.
Oh yeah, I knew it was her, I just couldn't remember her name (it's been a little while since I watched the series). Thank you.
I for one, hope they don't do a hamfisted retreading of the old backstory for Asuka.
They gave her so little character development in the last three movies, I'm gonna fuckin scream if they just vomit it all in one exposition scene. I hope they give her a reason her personality is taken to the extreme, but it really feels like it should have been done in 3.0
Shinji was revived as they were scrambling to get their secret weapon running, they were attacked during that, there were repairs and plans to direct afterward, and then the captain and science officer did go to sit with him and explain things, right up until they were attacked again by Rei coming to grab him. Because Misato went to that herself when she should have shit to do as captain of the Wunder, she may not have been willing to let just whoever had time break anything to Shinji before she could be there, either.
>They gave her so little character development in the last three movies, I'm gonna fuckin scream if they just vomit it all in one exposition scene.
This is the lament of all these being movies. And ultimately they might splurge everything out in an exposition if you take some of this 4.0 artwork into perspective.
>I for one, hope they don't do a hamfisted retreading of the old backstory for Asuka.
Probably why they went the route they did with 3.0 instead of following NGE's trajectory and end with a weird botched-up EoE.
What is this expression?
"Oh man, oh god, oh fuck"
>shinji pls
>don't get this joke
I unironically think her and Ritsuko are well-written female characters. They do badass and powerful things but also have broken sides to them, they're not perfect but also not useless to the story and play second fiddle to the male characters like in so many other Anime.
I was surprised to find out there weren't any women on the writing team for Eva.
I always considered Misato and Shinji being the primary characters of the show.
Isn't this correct? Misato and Shinji's relationship is easily the most important in the show, and this is underlined by Misato being the first real new person that Shinji meets. Not to mention that between them the show is bisected and also united: Misato deals with the deep conspiracy of NERV and SEELE, Shinji deals with the ins and outs of what it's like to be a pilot, and both of them have to encounter the Angels together.
Yes, even Anno himself said Misato and Shinji are the MCs of Eva. There is a huge parallel between them too. Everything from their relationships with their fathers, friends, love interests, themselves is paralleled and contrasted really well.
Found pic related for $5 at a thrift store today. Pretty happy with it.
>ywn see Misato's training to become a bad-ass operator
And yet Anno doesn't pair up his male MC with his female MC by the end, apart from that one great kiss. I guess he didn't think it was appropriate?
Because she knew Asuka from Germany. She knew her bratty ways.
Protagonist, deuteragonist to comment on the protagonist, tritagonist to drive the conflict experienced by protagonist and described by deuteragonist. Evangelion stripped to atoms would just be about a sulky boy supported by a sympathetic womanchild after he's recalled by his distant father.
Eva is a human study, not a harem.
Cute Misato
Kek based
>make more new boyfriends
Asuka a slut confirmed
I like mature girls, milfs and OLs. Misato was a mix of 1 and 3. God I wish I was Kaji.
Asuka is a future Enjou Kousai.
That wasn't stupid yet except the flipping, Evas were always grotesque beasts forced into shape by bondage suits and just on the edge of rampaging. 2.22 02 looked like an excited, aggressive deformed anthropoid after Mari freed it a little. 3.33 gave it a natural form of a kitty that it could turn into pretty comfortably along with changing the shape of all of its mechanical parts.
This is the best Eva thread we've had in a while and it's nice to know there are still people mature enough on Yea Forums to appreciate a character like Misato for her depth in addition to sex appeal. Comfy/10