Fucking Finally

"Maoujou de Oyasumi" (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) TV anime announced


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About time, I´m tired of jacking off to her monocrome bikini.

post lewds

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Post the titty harpy

I prefer pic related

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>74th night
Now I'm wondering how many chapters they can cover



Suya is lewd, LEWD

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they should animate collab chapter

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Oh shit. I guess I should finally read this.

I wonder what they'll translate for the teddy bear things since kirei cake is so faggy with translations you can never be sure what's real (see: death boy and black maid)

Viz just translates them as “Teddy Devils”, so that would be it, I guess.

The possibility of this manga getting an anime adaptation never crossed my mind.
Suya is for being the next Demon Lord.

god I hope someone snipes it so we can catch up to the raws

Is it ecchi?

Oh wow.

It's because generally episodic/skit-based stories don't really translate to cour-based anime well. You're going to get 12 episodes of Suya's sleep shenanigans, but what is it even going to end on/build up to? There's romance developments now that the manga is 100 chapters in, but the anime is not getting anywhere near that.

Will it have sob story begging TL notes like the manga?

>Final episode is double length
>Credits play at the normal time
>Surprise Komi crossover part
>At the end, an announcement pops up before the video ends; Season 2 confirmed, no mention of Komi

I'm not sure there are many directors who can adapt this masterpiece.


Please donate to my mom bro she needs it bro it’s my mum donate to my patreon bro

May be too lewd. Don't open this in your work place.

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>what is it even going to end on/build up to?
I skimmed chapters around 24 and 36 and didn't see a good stopping point. Maybe they'll just skip around and pull chapters from later.

I think 84 will be a good place.

>generally episodic/skit-based stories don't really translate to cour-based anime well
>but what is it even going to end on/build up to?
Sure, it's not like hundreds of CGDCT slice of life comedy shows that don't have an overarching story exist out there.

They definitely gotta have the loli chapter

Why does she seem like the kind of girl who would just fuck the ever loving shit out of a little boy given enough opportunity?

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>romance developments
Are they gonna push Suyaris and Leonard pairing for real? I thought those were mostly for one-sided love jokes.

Most likely with the built up

All I can hope for a couple of doujins.
My dream would be a Fatalpulse doujin where the demons take revenge on the princess.

Plebbit collab?

I can't wait for the lewds

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She's super fucking cute!
Pubes = Diamonds

What if they added that to the subs as a joke

I can't believe Suya's aniime is coming before Komi's

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who /succyun/ here?

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Does anyone understand the daemons' plan?

Step1. Kidnap Princess
Step 2. Moticate Hero to come after them after levelling up
Step 3. ???
Step 4/ Profit!!!

His plan is to be the stereotypical Dragon Quest demon lord because of reasons.

who do you ship Suya with?

a) Demon King?
b) Demon Monk?
c) Harpy?
d) hero?
e) newcomer?
f) someone else?


Demon monk of course only most practician taste

Hero is the only male who doesn't get real damage from princess's attacks and her good luck does not affect the hero

Demon Monk makes the most sense, but after the latest raw chapters I would also be okay with Demon King.

Demon King

Demon Monk looks worse and behaves like your averange romcom MC

I think princess is quite dense as an average romcom MC too. It's hard to say that the problem is on Demon Monk alone.

Demon Monk best boy

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I want Dogakobo to be the studio.


Why would you want that evil for poor Suya?

Best girl made for bullying

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I want to impregnate Succyun!

If this is Dogakobo, it should be pretty good. They are really good when animating comedy.

I wanna headpat the princess

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Such pedestrian taste. A far superior doujin would be Suya domming the Demon King and taking over while the Hero being a braindead moron accidentally rescues Succyun. Who takes over
the Human Kingdom, raping the Hero/Future King into compliance.

Too late she's already been impregnated.

Upcoming magazine cover featuring Suya and anime announcement.

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>le funnay series XD
>she is so sleepy and cute XD
I love how they use same joke over and over.

And yet it works.

>chapters: 709
>Detective Conan
>chapters: 1042 and still going
Yeah, i guess people love to eat same shit.

It's pretty legit for slapstick gag manga though. Conan on the other hand...

>Conan on the other hand...

Never underestimate Japans lust for little shota ass.


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Will it be a short anime or something?


Calling it right now, 22 episodes

I meant the episode length. I can't imagine a chapter filling an entire 20 minutes episode. 10 minutes could work if you stretch it out. So either short episodes, long episodes that consist of multiple short episodes, or an anime-only padded abomination with 1 chapter per full length episode.

No Suyaris x bed?

Rather Bed x Suyaris x Succyun x pillow myself.

Finally we'll get porn of her.

>long episodes that consist of multiple short episodes
Pretty much that. We got enough chapters to last us two to three seasons at this point

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Final episodes are the ones where the other demon lord kidnaps her. Y/N?

Final episode is Queen episode.