Do you have an interesting taste in anime?

Do you have an interesting taste in anime?

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No and I don’t care about Yea Forums’s validation


I have the best taste in anime.

Post your 5 favorites

>When monogatari is the most interesting of them all


cmon Paprika is wort watching for the visuals and ost

you tell me

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>Haibane Renmei
>Angel’s Egg
you tell me

Of these I've only watched Bakemonogatari, Gurren Lagann, Baccano and Utena.
I only watch anime I find appealing rather than "top 10 anime of all time".

Well, I've read Berserk up to the end of the sea god arc but I've never watched any anime adaptation; I just don't think that an anime adaptation can make it justice.

Plenty of unusual and unique shit on here but in your eyes it’s more important to avoid liking popular things. Be true to yourself more, stop seeking validation through these silly metrics.

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Is Aria as good as the other shit on here? It always looked generic to me but everything else I’ve seen on this chart is fucking fantastic. Might pick up.

Kinda have a hard time believing Cat Soup is unironically on anyone’s favorites list, what is it about it you like so much?

The fuck? Haibane Renmai is considered boring?I don't know a single normie who has even heard of it. Hell, a lot of "anime fans" don't even know of its existence.

I stole an update from some random faggot.

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Relaxing SOL. Nothing else. If you watch 3 episodes a day you might fall asleep (just like with the YKK adaptation). Stick to Princess Tutu, a masterpiece by the same writer and studio.

favourite art style and animation work in any animated thing. Also half nostalgia

Because, obviously, phoneposters are experts on the subject

Are you attacking the fact that I’m phoneposting to try forgetting the fact that you don’t have unique taste?

Gurren Lagann is not part of the "elitist pretentious slow kinos", it's actually cringe bullshit overrated for a strange reason, le "epic shit" is childish and so cringe that even stuff with 4kids dubs like Pokémon or Naruto looks even more serious and natural than that.

No, but why should I?

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4 of my 3x3 is on there, what do i win

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People won’t laugh at you at 3x3 threads

>only lists one of my top 3

Does that mean I'm interesting? If the other two are Doremi and Nichijou then what's the one listed?

Fair enough. Even if it’s not one of my favorites, it’s definitely something I think everyone should watch once.

> small cubes
Do posters here even know about it? Never seen it being discussed, although seen Tortov mentions.

The only anime I ever watched are Spice and Wolf, nichijou (with the boys) and Kaiji

Thanks m8, heard good things about Princess Tutu, I’ll check it out

What’s 2nd from the left, third down?

Anne Of Green Gables

Anne Of Green Gables

It's the only anime short film to have ever won an Oscar.

I'd probably put it in my top 10 anime as well, although that could also be nostalgia as it was one of 2 films that got me back into anime.

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didnt the mangaka die before the movie came out? Is the manga anything like the movie?

To many people like thing
I can no longer like thing

where is madoka??

I don't recognize a single one of these.


King of taste here.

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That’s a chart of animes that make you seem intelligent, not blinded by pretty colors.

There are a few chapters that have some link to the film but the majority is original. The manga and TV series are very different and more dark comedy.

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nice baka trips

nobody will think you´re a pretentious semi intellectual if you say you like madoka

whats middle, middle right, top right and bottom centre?

Right, they'll think you have a PhD in philosophy or maths.

Middle right is Figure 17, top right is Zettai Shounen. I really enjoyed the both of them but they're very slow shows. I don't recognize the others that you're asking about either.

>cultured and tasteful
>ttgl and baccano

There always has to be at least a “fun” show on your 3x3 so you don’t go full pretentious mode

>one third of your grid is included in the OP
apparently no

Middle is RahXephon

you must be a MAL refugee then
get back there and do not come back

Rate mine

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Code Geass is the greatest anime of all time

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it isn't

is patlabor supposed to represent the whole franchise or just the pseud movies?

Good shit.

this is indeed some pristine taste except di gi charat

Its good, but not a life changing experience like some anons here hype it up to be

I want to be the kind of person who can stand by or even just define his taste without being affected by the opinion of others, but it can be more difficult than people say it is. I wonder if many people feel that way too, or it's just a matter of being unassertive.

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>scared internet strangers will criticize your favorite chinese cartoons?
If I would be afraid of being criticized I wouldn't openly admit that Ergo Proxy and Bakemono are one of my absolute favourites

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No bingo.
None of them on my own 3x3.
Shit thread.

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2 series that I would consider to be among my all time favourites are listed there and I like them because they personally appeal to me, not because I'm seeking validation. The vast majority of what's listed in that image is good though.

*points at you and laughs*


>I wonder if many people feel that way too, or it's just a matter of being unassertive.
Both. You seem weakminded, but so are most people.
There's an easy method to get away from the mindset of caring too much about other people's opinion: Realizing that most people are retards and have bad taste.

best itt
what's bottom left?

Is bottom left A Kite?

Look at me, I like things that other people don't like. Validate me!

No, Mezzo Forte. I've been meaning to watch Kite, but have yet to do so.

who cares about having interest if you like what you watch? seeing a fun show makes me happier than a sweaty hikiNEET on Yea Forums telling me I have good taste

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Based Chad

You’re kinda stupid, huh?

>he says, submitting a post he knows will get him loads of (You)'s
Not fooling anyone

List every mecha anime you've seen.

thank you cirno

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I feel like I sometimes avoid mentioning classics because they're already so mentioned but my taste is simple; I watch what I watch really, I tend to just hop right into what I feel at the time and don't really see myself sticking to any one type, I think that works best for me but to a lot of people that just sounds like "I watch anything I have no taste"

Watch kaleidostar
Once you can break a show down and know it's inner workings, then you won't feel the need to rely on other's agreement. Only once you get to that point does it become simply a matter of opinion.
bretty gud

Not any better or worse.
Still no bingo.
Still none of them on my 3x3.

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I’m interested on your 3x3, mind posting it?

It depends on the person. I'm seeing a lot of people say that it's overrated, but it's my favorite anime out of 800 completed.

Good taste. What's top left?


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Really interesting (by the way, nice 00:00:00). Have you seen RE: Cutey Honey? I like it more than Universe.

not as much as somebody who thinks haibane renmei is some obscure title

Is this the unofficial 3x3 thread?

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>Have you seen RE: Cutey Honey?
Of course. But I do like it least of all Cutie Honey anime. It's still pretty good, mind you, but much more Anno/Gainax than Nagai, and very much divorced from the source material, missing its themes, its characters (Re's Seiji literally is a non-character) and Honey's character arc. There's nothing wrong with liking it more than the more "authentic" apadtations though. it's just a different approach you're taking to the franchise.

I don't think so. It revolves too much around that 5x5 the OP posted. No one rates anything else in here either.

Yeah I think you’re probably way more stupid than him, actually.

Tenshi ni Narumon

Thanks, added to backlog.
Also feel like galaxy angel doesn't get nearly enough attention here. It felt a lot like milky holmes.

I've seen a lot of criticism of Gurren Lagann, but I think you're the first person in the world to call it boring.

I didn’t do that chart

Gurren Lagann, not so good.
Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT.

darker than black, more like browner than shit

bakemonogatari? more like BAKAmonogatari