this is one of the most wholesome things I've ever experienced. Do yourself a big one and go watch it if you haven't.
This is one of the most wholesome things I've ever experienced. Do yourself a big one and go watch it if you haven't
Other urls found in this thread:
>degenerate furryshit
Kill yourself
Best kino.
This one's really good.
But I already did.
to think it did everything right where The Boy and The Beast did everything wrong
>the boy and the beast
>doing anything wrong
neck yourself
Mirai no Mirai is also very wholesome and kino
yeah look shit
thanks for informing me of the fact that shit exists tho
it's not like I can't look in the toilet after pooping
The Boy and The Beast was a fine movie with a lacking third act. Certainly not deserving of the hate it gets here.
Literally dropped it at the 3rd act.
no thanks
Because he didn't like it, and therefore that means it's bad. Yea Forumstards will never fucking learn.
Was the 3rd act when he went back to his world? Or was that the 2nd act? Either way, that's when the film turned to shit.
That part was good.
I watched this while I was drunk. It's the only way I can actually enjoy this movie.
God dammit why does the son remind me of myself so much
>Brother kick up his annoying cunt sister
Do you really need to be that rude about an anime you didn’t watched?
Father died for a stupid reason.
Daughter bullied into being full human, son chooses to be full wolf, will likely die in less than a decade.
>Why does my son remind me of myself so much
Am I reading this right
I might be also drunk
It was fun to watch.
Wolf Children is 8/10 mommykino
Maquia is 10/10 mommykino
>rating anything 10/10
>rating anything on a scale of 1 to 10
Immediately disregarded
Even comparing Wolf Children to this turd is laughable.
The kid is fucking aannoying
It's not a 10/10 in general.
Just a 10/10 in one aspect.
Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki is unironically a based masterpiece. It takes a high vibrational mind to comprehend and appreciate this beautiful art.
That's even worse. Precisely why I hate sliding scale rating systems.
Why did the sex scene had to be with the guy in full wolf mode
I meant why does ame remind me of myself so much.
I liked it but a couple things about it bothered me.
In the other hand Summer wars might just be my favorite anime movie.
>Summer wars might just be my favorite anime movie.
Jesus the shit taste
Literally unwatchable among Hosoda's flicks
>get girl pregnant and leave
it was a meh furry pandering movie
I cry bitch tears everytime I hear this song.
>Literally unwatchable among Hosoda's flicks
Jesus the shit taste
Thought the tomgirl would try to find her brother, but it just ends abruptly. Like the siblings didn't care about one another and are only tied by the parent.
6/10 movie, not impressed. Watch more anime.
No, OP. Couldn't endure more that 5 minues of it. Horrible animation, the characters don' belong to the backgrounds. 1/10 waste of download time.
The fight scene was painful to watch
Hana was too powerless to stop them
That's very common. I'm really surprised when real life families have strong bonds like in my japanese cartoons.
... He didn't leave. He was dead.
To be fair, four year olds are fucking at least Hosoda was accurate on that note
Hosoda also acted like a kid during production
to the point that his staff got annoyed
probably more redos than usual
or being too nitpicky
Great taste. It's Hosoda's best film and better than anything Miyazaki has ever produced.
This is supposed to be a family-friendly film
I wonder how did the parents explain that scene to their kids
Are you saying that if you had a werewolf partner you wouldn't try sex in their wolf form? Not even once?
It was pretty tight.
Computers, decrypting abstract imagery regarding computer usage and hanafuda. If you lack comprehensive knowledge of any of those things it is.
It's a good movie, but the werewolf side doesn't add THAT much to the movies. With a few twists, it could have been about ordinary humans, and probably the better for it. Particularly, the male's death while chasing birds is probably the dumbest thing in the movie. He could have been by truck-kun like any ordinary person.
>It's a good movie, but the werewolf side doesn't add THAT much
The mom accepting her son's wolf nature was like half the conflict of the film.
>will likely die in less than a decade.
Would already be dead if he had wolf livespan.
You could do the same thing with a guy wanting to be an hermit/monk/forest keeper.
I remember it was so beautiful when I watched it. I was really willing to recommend this to my mother back then.
They were fine in the first years, but the sister went on to become kinda a cunt, and distanced herself. Him watching her go away in the end was kinda sad. She probably resented him for not hiding his wolf side.
I have. It was decent but still easily the worst Hosoda film I've seen. The son is a punk. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is far better.
>Judges a movie by its cover
>Uses a shit analogy in both the literal and the figurative sense
Based retard
Why was it like a final goodbye with the son. They live on the same mountain, he can still visit her any time.
that shit was dead ass funny, like the whole weight of the scene was fuckin ruined kek
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is probably his worst non-franchise film. The start is pretty alright, but it quicly falls apart the moment it has to start explaining things. The rules of time travel are pretty much nonsensical and make the resolution of the film, finding a final charge and bringing back the guy, feel asspulled and unearned. And the backstory and motivation of time traveler guy are just so corny and silly, it's impossible to take the story seriously after that.
I wonder how much of these is the original novel's fault.
>The rules of time travel are pretty much nonsensical
Just like time travel.
>Furry gf
>"user watch this movie, its petty good"
>Its shit.
>"You were right, it was pretty good"
>"I knew you would like it"
This move was just a good fuck for me.
No, to a far greater extent of that of the typical time travel. Like, people who talk about time travel to natives get erased, but it the native is given the time travel device and goes back just 5 minutes to tell the time traveler to not say anything, the erasure gets undone and he still gets to know about time travel. So what's the fucking point? Or how the "nut" thing gives you a final charge and it's always there where you first picked up, meaning that you have infine charges as long as you keep going back to that point. It's just so stupid.
The whole thing with the son was dumb.
I know they are japanese, but they could just draw them lines as eyes and it would still be better.
Kill yourself.
The sexscene traumatized me.
I just watched it, really wholesome but not as wholesome as wolf children. The ending was pretty emotional tho I liked it
>bestialism is wholesome
What's wholesome about a woman fucking a wolf?
Learn to use some fucking words other than retarded buzzwords
This. The werewolf side just left me confused and with so many questions that i couldnt appreciate the ending. I think it goes for anyone that doesnt have gigalow iq. Son lives like 200 meters away, can transform whenever. Why they made it seem like its a final goodbye?
To me the movie was more of a tragedy about mother that lost her husband in stupid way, struggled with werewolf children and then it felt like kids just left her.
That just felt awful but most of people liked it idk, do you lack empathy or something?
The directing was awful. Still i dont deny it was pretty fine but flawed movie.
i'm really happy that animes are getting moms more time recently, they are always cool characters