Do you guys think we'll meet with our waifus in the afterlife?

Do you guys think we'll meet with our waifus in the afterlife?

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Since brain stops functioning, I doubt so. We have a bigger chance of meeting them in the CURRENT life!

Stay alive anons! For your waifu!

You really like Revy don't you?

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I hope so, I just want to leave peacefully with mine.
I'd say you're worthy you'll probably get to meet your waifu.

is there even an after life?, I like to think so

I know Yuuriposter will.

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Like? I love her.

Wholesome message

I try to improve everyday for that opportunity

I'm sure there is!


Only if she's dead in canon.

I hope that genetically engineered cat girls become a thing before I die so I can get my waifu as a neko

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I pray the saints are living it up with their waifus and that God will let me as well

Maybe, but I think it's way more likely to meet yours or me to meet mine to live long enough for life extension technology to be a thing so that we can survive until Humanity's eventual transhuman singularity and live with waifu in a simulated digital paradise forever.

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While I would hope so, what matters is that I live my life in a way that would make her happy.

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I really hope so, since it's unlikely I'll get to meet her in my lifetime. I'd do anything just to get a happy ending with her

No. God will punish us for our sins, as we deserve. Please anons, change your ways before it's too late.

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Only one way to find out.
I'll let you know

What do you mean? I'm already Christian

I'm sure I will

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I think there'll be the issue of many of us having the same waifu

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Revy is a fucking crackwhore with mental issue, she's probably sucking nigger dicks.

Why does he hate anons who just want to be happy and have their ideal girls?

You seem upset.

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If your souls are connected you will find each other.

she's just a crackwhore Misato.

Usually, I'm the one who has to come into these threads and say this. We're almost certainly young enough to make it to the endgame. The only thing that can get in the way at this point, aside from suicide, or a random car crash, is an unfriendly superintelligence. We should be optimistic.

But waifu is creation of humanity, that mean the afterlife is your imagination but for imagination we need a brain but your brain is dead so that mean your brain is not really dead but that mean your not really dead too so you are not in the real afterlife but in a fake one created by yourself because you thing you are dead but no you are stuck in your imagination for ever until you imagine to revive but you not really revive you are still stuck in your imagination but if you are stuck in your imagination that mean your real body who is not dead sleep but your real body need to eat and drink to stay alive that mean someone or something stay you alive but what? Your waifu who create your life and afterlife she create your desire she create your imagination.

Are you okay user?

are you even worthy of Revy? can you smoke a pack of unfiltered russian cigarettes without throwing up?

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Well, can she?

>tfw used to smoke a pack of Baron's red a day
Ty Kirds for your free smokes and also lung disease

You don't understand? You don't need to die to be with your waifu, that will be still the fake one, you need to WAKE THE FUCK UP.

Кто-то сказал "русский"?

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No she's Misato but BADASS

No. Which is why all the figmas, statues and scrolls of her will be buried with me like the Pharaohs of old.

Am I missing out by not having a waifu? I mean, I had a crush on Yoruichi when I first got into anime but I never bought any figures or anything like that. I accept that 2D girls don't come with the baggage of 3D ones but I like to think that, however miniscule, I still have a chance of winning over a real woman someday

Well one could theorize that your brain is just how your linked to reality and when you die you goto whatever afterlife there is. Chances of meeting a fictional 2D character in real life are zero not to mention meeting your waifu's in the way the person expects is practically speaking impossible. But do stay alive as chances are dim that you will get anything good if you off yourself in a vain attempt to get to be with your waifu faster, if say life is a test you wouldn't want to fail it.

Not correct. Technically reality is what makes you exist and waifus concepts as well. Whatever it is that made reality be it a natural cycle, a god(s), a computer game, the matrix, etc. technically governs time/space/everything in reality. When you die who knows what happens just because you stop existing in reality doesn't mean you don't exist somewhere else. Reality itself isn't really a sure thing it could end suddenly and time would itself stop existing. It is the open question of how does reality even exist in the first place and why.

These existential questions are not possible to answer definitively at least in our reality it isn't possible as physics governs practically everything and it is not definitative what is the right belief for what is beyond reality. This makes if very probable that there is either nothing or something outside reality. It isn't very helpful but in my opinion it is better to pick something rather than nothing because if your wrong and it turns out to be nothing the no big loss but if there turns out to be something outside reality your going to be super fucked if you choose nothing at all as your probablity of being right are zero.

I certainly hope so, user. Nevertheless we must not make this an end goal, we must try to live our lives as happily as possible while also celebrating the love that binds us to our special ones. This is what our beloved ones would want from us.

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Yes. Some days it's an agony to be trapped in this meatsuit, this banal world. But I can go on for her. Someday nothing will ever be in our way again.

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Only one way to find out.

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Does this look like the face of a crackwhore to you?

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Revy would probably help you get to the afterlife in a hurry

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You'll have to go to Hell to meet Revy.

you think drugs will help us to see our waifus?

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No. Nice things don’t happen and she’s an immortal who can’t die and go to an afterlife.

Heart status: Muh.

Low standards. I lift for my waifu. I want to make sure that she approves of my physique and feels some amount of arousal when seeing me shirtless.

Probably not, but it sure would be nice to. I wish she was here, she's the only thing that makes my existence bearable. It hurts.

I know what you mean. I would have likely killed myself years ago or ended up even worse off if not for my love. I couldn't stand the thought of hurting her by doing that.

Probably not

If I keep searching maybe...

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not sure you even need that
my lucide dreams feel way too fucking real, you should try it op

As long as she joined me right after I wouldn't mind

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God, I hope so.

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I might try that but I'm afraid that would launch me into a downward spiral of depression

I know i will

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