Why does Yea Forums hate yuri?

Why does Yea Forums hate yuri?

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low T

It doesn't. Why did you make this thread?

Why does she stare at me like that?

Yuri and yuriniggers are different things

when you consume yuri you're in fact trained to be a cuck

I don't hate yuri
I absolutely loathe yurifags though

Girls are legit gross.

I don't. I just prefer other genres

this, Yea Forums doesn't hate yuri and it never did, its just some crossboarders from Yea Forums trying too hard to fit in that hate it

yuri, loli, and yaoi are all loved by Yea Forums

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Faggotry is degenerate. Straight is pure

oldfag here, literally just a meme that new people thought was real.

Bakc to yo/u/'re containment board freak.

There's nothing wrong with yuri, but yuri-fags are the absolute worst.

>"why does (place) hate (thing that place actually likes) ?"
>instant 10 replies
Yea Forums is such a quality board

Only tryhards pretend to hate yuri without even having a real reason to hate it. Same with yaoi.

i'm almost exclusively into yuri, it's the other yurifags i find revolting

because faggots like (yo/u/) keep making threads about it

i can't belive there are anime threads on a anime board

Because homosexuality is a sin. Get right with Jesus.

The thing is, I agree with what you're saying here but that isn't consistent with how people respond to yuri seen elsewhere. Like the tomboy fag who spergs out at one lesbian being posted, for example.

Because of people like /u/

If you're singling out an user you can recognize by posts you probably take issue with him personally and it's not necessarily indicative of the entire board population
The rest of the hate, for the most part is preemptive and justified to keep the queers on /u/ away

Yuri gets more action in the first episode than their average Harem shit in 200 chapters, I think it's sexual frustration

yurichads actually get a sex scene on their series

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>Yuri and yuriniggers are different things
yeah, but when haters are pitchng hissy-fits, they don't distinguish

Yuri has no variety. There's no cake yuri, there's no age gap yuri, there's no NTR yuri, There's no rape yuri (unless it ends in dicking). It's always boring vanilla with generic, identical-looking JC girls.

>there's no age gap yuri, there's no NTR yuri, There's no rape yuri

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>no cake
>no age gap
>no NTR

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>there's no age gap yuri

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Educate yourself.

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>there's no NTR yuri

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My interest is piqued

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That's Me ravaging her ass

Can we agree that age gap yuri is completely disgusting?

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That's me getting my ass ravaged

that's a dangerous hole you're staring down into, friend

every anime should have yuri

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Yes, since it shows that the older girl never grew up, but remains fixed in her adolescent stage. Once the younger partner reaches adulthood their relationship will naturally end as she becomes interested in men.

>Once the younger partner reaches adulthood their relationship will naturally end as she becomes interested in men.

Nah, Their relationship will grow even stronger.

>interested in men

How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert?

Yuriniggers are the epitome of human trash

Does it really count if they look exactly the same?

>How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert?

self-insert is for loser with low self esteem.

how ?

same reason we hate /pol/
there is a containment board for it but they leak here all the time.


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when will you learn that the only containment board that exists is /mlp/

>one isn't wearing a tuxedo



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I thought Yea Forums and /pol/ were the same inbreed retards

i can't selfinsert in any way

It's so weird how i can read really nsfw yuri and have zero reactions to it. meanwhile a hetero sex scene has me diamonds.

No that's /pol/ and Yea Forums, they are both containment boards.

Only fags hate yuri. I can't even get off to lesbian sex but their relationships give me an intense feeling in my heart that's nearly as good as cumming.

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do people actually self-insert in romance series ? or is it some kind of meme ?

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Yuri is for trannies and women

>Only fags hate yuri.
so Yea Forums and /pol/ hate yuri. /lgbt/ supports both yuri and yaoi in general.

HSL is most of those

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What are you but coiled maggots, consuming carcasses with contorted countenances? Your precious God has given you 80 miserable years to rot on this shitball which orbits a flickering light destined to extinguish. Just about enough time to see the light, that light being the indisputable nature of the darkness which fills the universe and your hearts. There is no ocean deeper than, no philosophy truer than, and no court of law as just as my hatred for you. You may snigger at me. You may call me an edgelord. You may even realise the seriousness of my words and feel a primal, sobering fear. But you will NEVER understand what got me to this point or where exactly this point even is. It lies on no axis you operate according to the rules of. I am the spirit of the void.

Dead eyes and a mind alive with suffering, for that is all dead eyes are symptomatic of, I walk your streets and watch the vermin. The human sludge that feeds off its own shit and piss. Grand ideals and high-minded philosophy rattling around vacuous heads, heads desperate to find meaning where there is none to be found. You toil in vain. You love not what you create but what you destroy. In this life you will be ground to dust, crushed by the weight of your own sins. Satan s throne is cold with malice. His trident is red with the blood of righteousness. There will be no mercy for you.

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Shut your damn mouth, Whore of Babylon!

Homosexuality is wrong and no amount of cope will change this. This is not the board to glorify fictional mentally ill women with a fucked up sexuality because it pleases your dopamine inhibitors. Begone, homosexuals are literal subhuman.

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I self insert into lengthy detailed fantasies after finishing. It ain't easy to come up with situations where two hardcore lesbos want to mutually fuck a man.

>posts a lesbian

There are no lesbians in lucky star, sorry yuricuck.

please dont ever use my wife on your stupid fucking posts you literal monkey

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I don't hate yuri, I hate retarded people.

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im 100% sure araki fucked minoru so she isn't gay, but you can't watch lucky star and tell me with a straight face that konata isn't a huge fucking faggot for konata

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Tae-san to Jimiko-chan or something along those lines, right? I recognize the style.

>loved by Yea Forums
I wish


it has been loved by Yea Forums since its creation, some crossboarders keep trying to remove yaoi/yuri from Yea Forums but if you ignore them they will go away really fast

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We love yuri. We just hate yurifags.

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>yurifags who sperg out about "hetshit" and ruin threads about series that aren't yuri

I hate Yuri and Yurifags above poster doesn't speak for me! I'd whoop the fucking daylights out of any lesbians or Yurifags in real life so don't you fuck with me!!!

go back to the watamote general honey, or i will make you sleep on the sofa tonight

I don't hate it, I just don't give a shit about it.

Damn thats good bait for getting fetish suggestions.

See this? This is what I'm talking about, fuking retards sperging over nuance, Kobayashi is not even gay. Sadly we do need the containment boards for /u/ and /y/.

better be a loser than a literal voyeur cuck

>Thinly veiled ask for recs

all boards are containment boards.

kobayashi is gayer than tohru

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>He doesn't self-insert as the little girl

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I don't. A whole bunch of people who behave suspiciously like they're crossboarders do, though.

ugh there are literally no yaoi manga with shotas, crossdressing or rape

and people wonder why yaoi is disliked by everyone

True, because Tooru would ride a dick, if Kobayashi kept one. Kobayashi would only ever be into pussy.

I find it extremely doubtful that those people are actual yurifags. It feels too forced to not be pure falseflagging.

if kobayashi stayed with a dick the manga would be way better

post your favorite canon couple

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still waiting for ch.14

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Flaseflagging is the most effective means of destroying people's good will towards a group. It pretty much always works.

The newfags come from there and spread to other boards, like Yea Forums back in the day.

Yea Forums isn't a single person, some anons hate it while others love and others are indifferent.
I for one love it when done right.

yeah I'm gonna need some sauce on that friendo. didn't know I had a need for taht

From the thumbnail I thought that was an anime girl looking at me with blood covering most of her face, and her hands/fingers broken

user i think you are blind

Falseflagging and gaslighting are powerful subversive tactics.

Women have a hard-on for other women.

Just saying.

I think /pol/ and Yea Forums crossboarders are to blame, since they are stupid enough to mix 2D and 3D, they think yuri equals real life lesbians.

>find the source
Oh, no. Nope. This series of twists and turns is not good for me, and my dick is not into it.

so canon they even have a daughter who is also a homo

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Because all cute lesbians love my dick.
It's really easy just imagine yourself as the one exception to the rule.

Don't mess with based Ahmed

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I love how they realized the original straight love triangle plan fell through and embraced the homo.

>they think yuri equals real life lesbians.
It does but it's awesome to see them lose it.

You are scum.

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Its gay

I fucking hate reddit
Tags : yuri age gap incest milf ntr rape drugs

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>ruin threads about series that aren't yuri
A couple of them do their best to ruin threads about series that are yuri as well. It's pretty clear they're shitposters or insane by this point, most likely both.

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Yes and?

I'm sorry about gridman, I really felt like translating only the yuri parts of the anthology

finally, I can use this image

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Good job getting those recommendatuons, user, hope you can reverse search.

>why does /particular board/ hate thing it loves?
/pol/ loves yuri more than hollywood, but that isn't saying much. /lgbt/ is a bunch of faggots that hate girls loving girls since they don't have penises.

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Citrus was so wholesome!

Yea Forums don't hate yuri but /u/fags that add yuri related stuff in every non /u/ show.

Almost every time someone has a completely unwarranted spergout over 'yuriniggers'(always that specific phrase too), they end up being a frogposter or using some sort of Yea Forums, /pol/, or otherwise not-anime image along with their shitposts. Or they act like this.

By now yurihaters are more obnoxious than actual yurifags.

yurihaters are braindead

Still better than yuribaiters

Age gap yuri with a seemingly aloof but secretly lewd loli and a pressuring older onee-san that gets submissive in under covers.

sauce? hard to search cropped images

It will take me a while to get over picrel


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I want to fuck two or more lesbians at the same time

they are so fucking cute together, nakatani is a genius

touko is not going to invite you, sayaka

try not being ugly then

>somefag posts a pic of two girls kissing
>immediately gets tons of "kill urself yurifag" replies

Same, desu.
Is the manga or light novel finished/translated? I was an anime only scrub but this series was one of the best if not too short and sweet.

ignore crossboarders

yes, there is only 1 chapter left before it ends
yuu tops

Be like Maki, enjoy the story

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Because it belongs in its containment board.

the yuri board is /g/

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I only like yuri if it leads to dickings. So like harem and monsterization yuri. Rest of it is garbage

also known as "i dislike yuri"

iToddlers btfo

A lot you faggots here copping need to have your asses beaten in the streets and then raped by girls with strapons!

>tfw no more big yuri mangas to adapt and no one will gamble on making an original yuri anime so we're stuck with SoL adaptations

Nothing can created from such a union; it is therefore pointless from a biological standpoint. A 300,000-year legacy -- as your earliest ancestors passed their genes onto the next generation, only for you to fuck it all up.

But honestly, it seems these days that the evidence is proving that it is a genetic predisposition, so it isn't your fault. Blame your parents instead that you were born flawed from the start. Can't blame gays and lesbians for being broken since birth; just get the fuck out the way for the rest of the functioning world.

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We are not mere animals. Procreation is no longer the purpose of human life.

imagine wanting to create more humans when there are already over 7 billion of them


you won't procreate either

I actually have kids
Though yeah I'm still a virgin

When we start colonizing the stars, it's gonna be hella necessary.

...But we'll have perfected IPS cell technology and artificial wombs by then, so feel free to be gay.

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>implying we will get that far before everyone fucking dying because of war or some other dumb shit

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basically its ok like anything but in moderation

Fucking senpai arc I want it to end this shit now! It's getting Gal Cleaning levels of fucking bullshit. And it's not even interesting.

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>all those dumbass yuriniggers falling for this
Then again, they're so eager to spread their religion, they'd have given you recs even if you asked normally.

It's not very fulfilling. Doesn't quite fill the void.

Ah, but this is the point. That's why it's called the purest form of love - it's love unburdened with other concerns like procreation or our species' future, it's love only and exclusively for love's sake, by its very design. When you remove all that is incidental, yuri is what you end up with, and this is why it's so heavenly beautiful.

Fuck gays though.

She saying "Jelly?" with her eyes.

Because girls scissoring is boring, and with futa you might as well have a dude.

At this point what differentiate love with lust then?

The way someone acts.

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

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get a new pasta.

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wrong pic

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also men have never been attracted to women, femboys are superior in every way

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In the ideal future, after medical technology has advanced sufficiently, there will only be Traps, Futas, and Women left. Men as we know them have nothing the first two don't cover, and the world will be all the better to be rid of them. I'd sign up day one if I'm under 40 when the gene and conversion therapies become available.

I would unironically pray to god I'll get a daughter and not a son, I don't want him to see that future.

You niggers have an entire board to yourselves, that's why

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I don't hate yuri, I just can't relate. I like futa though.

>ywn live to see the ideal future
it hurts

I actually heard there was a research regarding artificial in vitro fertilization for gay people. Not sure how that went, since it was my friend who told me that story

But considering the progress in genetics in modern times I would not be surprised in another 10 years it would be possible to extract the nucleus from an egg cell, implant that into a sperm, and do invitro fertilization that way.

This a dream that nobody wants and I'll take it.

I hate /u/niggers. two chicks doing each other should be awesome but they have to ruin it with their mental illness. I just want to see two girls getting hot and sweaty but fucking /u/niggers only care about their stupid memes
>muh purest form of love
>muh /u/goggles
>muh dyke marriage

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Fuck Yuu

>Because girls scissoring is boring

With that kinda talk NO. Tribbing is godsend from god.

I'm a /u/nigger and would want to see two girls fucking each other quit larping buddy.

Calm the fuck down, Touko.

>Used to be a hardcore anti-yurifag
>Read hentai2read.com/eve_no_sekai/1/2/
>Literally get mind/dickbroken into being a yurifag, go on a binge reading yuri manga and watching yuri anime, wondering why the fuck I never read them in the first place, heart beating fast the entire time

The Y chromosone is dying, this is a fact. I can only hope there's an afterlife so I can look on from the heavens and weep as I bear witness to a perfect world of girls loving girls. Even better if there's reincarnation and I'm reborn as a cute girl.
Just know that if you're an anti-yurifag, you really need to get some taste. All women love yuri. Most men, even as dumb as we are, love yuri. You are a minority. You're completely alien to the human race and are quickly dying out as society becomes more and more advanced and of course naturally more feminized.
Grow up.
Have sex.
Hit the showers.
Lift some weights.
And get a clue.

>spamming ancient pastas
Typical /u/niggers

Mindless faggot shit in anime is cancer, and usually ruins the series it's injected in.

Example: Watamote

>Literally get mind/dickbroken into being a yurifag
That's because you're mentally retarded.

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>implying Hana would actually have a relationship with a hopeless pedophilic degenerate like Miyako


I love it, always make my willy hard

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Stop posting Zola you faggot.

> Anyone who criticizes my gay anime is an incel

Top tier debate skills.

read the manga

>yuri literally saves watamote from dying AGAIN
>"n-n-no it ruined it!!!"
fuck off

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If low tier faggotshit is enough to save a series, that series was never good.

Kill yourself, my man.

It's not low tier, watamote has some of the finest and most refined gay sexual tension in manga.

Yuri is great. But action based series with an all girls cast and yuri as a side element is where it's truly at.

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I'll get around to it.


this but unironically

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What's bad about yuri

We don't, we just hate yurifags.


That's... really fucking cute. Makes me want to try reading Watamote.

You're not from Yea Forums huh.

>we just hate yurifags.
and you still hate yuri meaning you hate yuri.

/pol/ is leaking.

Why do you make these shitpost threads with a false statement presented as fact?

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lurk more, you'll learn to recognize yuriniggers in time newfag

We have a super autist who hates yuri and tries to push "yurifags are ruining the threads" at every chance because he literally feels cucked by yuri. He's been doing this for a long time already

yuriniggers dont deserve sympathy or tolerance, just like Yea Forumstards and /pol/tards they're easily spotted and rightfully driven out to their containment board.
Yuri is fine, yuriniggers can kill themselves.

its worth it, but dont forget that it only becomes a yuri manga after the kyoto trip which starts at like chapter 71

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That's pretty sad.

A yurinigger is a strawman that only exists when someone starts falseflagging. The reason they're as easy to spot as Yea Forumsirgins and /pol/tards is because they're usually Yea Forumsirgins and /pool/tards.

dykes IRL ruined it to me

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I'm watching yuri right now, and i fucking hate /u/.

It's trash.

You're trash.

yuri and yaoi are insanely superior to normal romance, there is no reason to dislike them

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Because homosexuality is disgusting even if it is cute anime girls.

how ?

God has no room for fags. Also gay shit all stems from trauma.

>He's still afraid of the big bearded man in the sky.
Isn't it past your bedtime, nerd?


im sorry user, but my god is a faggot

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Yuri is boring inane pandering trash and its fans are vapid obnoxious mentally ill degenerates who shit up the board.

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Nice shitposting user.

What do you expect, OP made this thread as shitposting bait.

It's complicated. I absolutely loathe yurifags, but at the same time 50% of them are probably falseflaggers. The entire fanbase comes off as having a superiority complex, as if someone not thinking about yuri 24/7 must have something wrong with them. Yurifags love thinking themselves the underdog, making every thread "Why is yuri so hated?" or "Why does Yea Forums hate yuri?" all the time. If it's not that then it's "Yuri is the purest form of love! Yuri is the most supreme form of love!" They all mostly type like fucking infants too.
Oh and any time a lesbian shows up in my hetero romance stories, she's by far the worst fucking character and completely ruins everything. Hell even in non-romance non-yuri anime/manga lesbians ruin everything, just look at Mudazukai this season, Lily is so fucking awful.
It's why I don't hate yaio despite having no interest in it either. Almost every yaoi thread is a quick and tasteful It's time and that's that.

Also yuri killed maho shoujo.

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Shonen is boring inane pandering trash and its fans are vapid obnoxious mentally ill degenerates who shit up the board.

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Despite my flat feet and poor cardiovascular health, no woman could catch me

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>yuri killed mahou shoujo

Wrong, it saved the franchise as a whole and soon it will save romance too.

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Pussy destroyer

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Romance was saved two years ago though?

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>good romance
>a guy and a girl
choose one

>not making vigne do all the work

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Anime fandoms tend to have very low standards, but yurifags just have none, they will eat up anything with yuri or yuribait in it. And then theres this problem of characters being defined by their crush and nothing else, no ambitions or other goals. It's sad cause I'm starving for good yuri romance

I'm tempted to give this show a try
How full of DRAMA and Misunderstandings is it?
I find that shit kind of tiring

This show sucked


there isn't alot of drama except for sayaka, she is in love with the MCs love interest but gets rejected, she gets a girlfriend on her spin-off tho

also read the manga because they fuck at the end

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Yuu viciously seduces her senpai and fucks her brains out.

Yuu is not gay

momo is not a woman of culture

Of course Yuu isn't he's a boy.

having sex with your homies is not gay, its just being a good friend

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Nice persecution complex there.

Eat shit yuricucks

you didn't get it did you

fall off your horse straightnigger

Fuck off poll/u/ters.

I'm prepared for what may come

Feet sniffing

Seethe and dilate Tsukifag. How poor must otaku standards be if that is their idea of a good romance?

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Why do people get huffy over something as intrinsically good as yuri?

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himawari already does that one her own tho

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I don't. Why would I? The only thing I hate is meta threads like this where people shitpost back and forth. Why don't you like what you like and avoid what you don't? Pretty simple, really. The other issue is that Japan doesn't really do yuri. It does subtext or it never goes particularly far with it. Like the image in the OP, there is nothing like that when it is played straight and not for 'she is the slutty lesbian character' (see SnQ or something). What I think I'm trying to say is, lesbians are treated as a fetish to sell. They're rarely lesbians just because they like pussy. I think Black Lagoon and Cross Ange went into it a bit better but eh.

I don't, but that specific ship is weak. Mikoto is for Touma.

Is there anything she wouldn't do on her own?

Many humans are intrinsically evil

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post canon lesbians

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Nah. Mikoto is for either Kuroko, or Saten. Touma a bloody shit.

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Canons are yaoi though.

user please dont say that, some people are born with mental disabilities like autism that makes them unable to enjoy a cute relationship between girls

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Mikoto is for pegging Touma with her massive railgun.

This seems to be the /u/ thread, so can someone please tell me whether Strawberry Panic is good?

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I don't know. I watched it 12-13 years ago.

it's okay

I'm here to kill high schoolers

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That's my issue as well. I watched a few episodes in 2006, never finished it, and am wondering if I should.

tell me the name of a yuri manga series that is better then yagate kimi ni naru, no citrus allowed

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Touma is shit even Kamatachi is tired of him.

MisaMisa is the true pairing, as approved by jar-jar binks

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I don't think he's shit but he's not my favorite. I like him more as a side/cameo character - which is why I really like Railgun. Also I want Mikoto to be happy and successful - including in her romantic endeavors. She wants to be with him, so I want to see that happen.

s/u/bhuman trash go kys faggot

You just want recommendations, so no. This one is better though.

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The answer for everything bad is always Shouneniggers.

>no new ip
really maketh one ponder

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Get that yuri cumbrains are bottom of the barrel trash?

>"stop ruining other threads with yurishit you fucking /u/fags!!"
>create yuri thread
>"reeeeeee kys subhuman faggot"

how does Yea Forums manage to have such quality ?

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KaMikoto > MisaMisa > Kurokoto

I respect your ship - it's pretty good honestly - but I care far more about KaMikoto. I want her happiness for one thing, but I also enjoy their chemistry (when they actually have enough of an interaction, damn it kamachi). Also I just love tsunderes and tsun romances.


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Not him, but there really shouldn't be /u/ threads off /u/. Talking about yuri when it's relevant is totally fine - like when there's canon lesbians or even just a nice ship. And as has been argued this thread the people who hate yuri are even worse than people who bring it up all the time - but if there isn't more to the thread than yuri it really does belong on I think this thread is fine though since it was more about discussing the issue than the yuri itself.

>Also I want Mikoto to be happy and successful - including in her romantic endeavors.

Same for Kuroko. I want her to win Mikotobowl one way or another.

people get mad if i talk about futa on /u/ tho

because it's always just foreplay

Well those people suck, and maybe you should have a thread like this one there to discuss the issue. Same with yuri, futa is fine here if it's on-topic (and not explicit).

/u/ is one of the last good boards, i dont want to ruin it with meta threads

Yuri ia gross

Attached: FILTH.jpg (1024x1456, 228K)

>/u/ is one of the last good boards
It's true because it's one of the best and oldest mods out there for /u/.

girls are physically incapable of having sex with each other.

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>girls are physically incapable of having sex with each other.

That's not true.

oh yeah? Why don't you prove it then?

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>Why don't you prove it then?
Orgams and coming multiple times user.

Because we want cock.

Attached: cock.png (629x329, 166K)

Is a blowjob sex? Is a handjob sex? Is masturbation sex? Is foreplay sex?

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>Is a blowjob sex?
Carpet munching is much better oral sex.

I am not the least bit ashamed to recognize this and point out that's a newhalf. Not even a futa.

>Why don't you prove it then?

bend over right now

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but user, you're not a girl

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>not knowing everyone on the internet is a cute girl

Attached: pffftt.png (179x220, 60K)

Carpet munching IS oral sex.
But it is sex. So is using toys. Where exactly you draw the line is a difficult question, but intimate oral - especially when reciprocated - definitely counts.

why are buff lesbians superior to every other type of girl ?

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I prefer tomboy lesbians, but I know what you mean.

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>crossboarders from Yea Forums
Hello fellow redditor!

I wonder how /u/ would have changed if moot originally created it as a Yuri/Futa board and kept /d/ simply for alternative fetishes. Probable changes include:

>the presence of dicks would scare some off the more hardcore man-hating/overreacting purityfags
>the fanbases of yuri and futa are roughly about equal so they won't overpower each other
>Futabu, Parade Parade, and Stainless Night would be considered board classics
>"yuri is the purest form of love" probably becomes less of a popular phrase
>genderbender threads would probably be more acceptable on /u/
>and there would be less overrall standards for the cannocity of yuri pairings

Obviously with how board cultures grew, you couldn't merge the two topics together now, but I still think it would be an interesting what if scenario.

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I like your idea

Fuck Yuri-trannies, die in a fire you freaks.

I hate everything about that, so I'm glad it didn't happen. Also, futa is the alternative fetish /d/ was founded on.

Age gap is good

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But I don't op. I think there should be a separate anime genre that's girls only.

Fuck trannies, but fuck anti-yuri niggers more.

Don't listen to this retard. Watamote isn't a yuri manga and it never become one after the kyoto trip. All that happened was character development and an expanded cast of characters. It does have one confirmed lesbian character and though her interest in Tomoko is treated like a gag she's still a pretty interesting character who doesn't deserve to suffer

Attached: NotInterested.png (868x1236, 189K)

Based and bropilled.

>Carpet munching IS oral sex.

Of course, it's more better and engaging than having a blowjob.

>more better
Dumb ESL yurifag.
Explain your reasoning or shut the fuck up.

I fucking hate any parasite from /v. Would you losers go back to your containment board for autistic manchildren? Imagine still playing video games.

>Explain your reasoning or shut the fuck up.

Quite ironic.

You are a GENIUS

Yuri is fine but certain overzealous /u/ fags are some of the most obnoxious posters around. They're especially bad when they bring up /pol/ and Yea Forums as their go-to-boogeyman or try to say that any shitposting that puts yuri in a bad light is just falseflagging as if either invalidates any genuine criticism of their disruptive and rude behaviour. And these faggots are usually the most rampant shipperfags often seen in series with no substantial yuri but have a strong yuri shipping presence and these fags will constantly try to push threads into discussion of their retarded headcanons as well as belittle posters that disagree with them, even the ones that aren't interested in shipping generally, by referring to them as "hetshitters". Of course I'm generalising and the majority of people that like yuri are normal, it's just a few autistic apples spoiling the bunch. But that's enough for Yea Forums to have lowered its opinion of /u/ in recent years.

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>certain overzealous /u/ fags are some of the most obnoxious posters around.

Delusional at it's finest

It's not boogeymen when they're using lingo and images straight from those other boards. Of course there are always retards on all sides but the influx of cross-boarders in recent years has made shit worse.

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More like people need to stop listening to retarded like you

If yurifags cause so much shitposting, why are Granbelm and Symphogear threads free of most shitposting this season?

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Did you read? They explicitly said it's "a few autistic apples spoiling the bunch". Those threads are inhabited by the yurifags who don't do these things, whereas you get the obnoxious ones in threads were they can go to specifically be obnoxious. You can't call people hetshitters if they aren't shipping something straight, so they go places where straight ships are common explicitly to be an ass.

Funny you know the buzzwords. No need to pretend now

you have to go back

>you can't call people hetshitters if they aren't shipping something straight
Wouldn't "I want to shove my penis in Hibiki's asshole" count as a straight ship of user x Waifu? If someone is so far gone that they're going to shitpost against non-yuri pairings, why wouldn't they also go after waifufags?

Sorry, I don't spend time in symphogear threads so I don't fully understand the climate. All I do know is that getting called a hetshitter in threads I do visit despite actually being a pretty big yuri fan is getting a little old. Sometimes a guy and a girl love each other - it's like /u/fags need to be told that just as much as the other assholes need to be told the opposite.

Did yurifags ruined you that much?

I got ruined by life user. The /u/fags - all the assholes on Yea Forums - are just shit icing on the shit cake.

Yuri is shit

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Yea Forumseddit is still falling for it every time without fail.

>50% of them are probably falseflaggers
>making every thread "Why is yuri so hated?" or "Why does Yea Forums hate yuri?" all the time. If it's not that then it's "Yuri is the purest form of love! Yuri is the most supreme form of love!"
See, you can make basic observations, but unfortunately not take them to their logical conclusion.
>They all mostly type like fucking infants too

Thanks for proving my point, idiot. But don't take my word for it as a long time fan of the manga who enjoys the change in direction (Nemo alone makes it better than first year Watamote). I'm sure there are also normal readers of Watamote who aren't brain-dead faggots like yourself that would dispute your bullshit.

I sympathise with you user. I enjoy reading yuri manga (most yuri anime is adapted from the trashy yuri manga so I avoid it) but some /u/ fags are genuinely mentally ill misandrist faggots. They think it's illogical for anyone to be able to separate enjoyment of yuri with enjoyment of het because they're arrogant tribalist cunts. Honestly it's not even a yuri problem it's a shipperfag problem since there's this mentality of blind loyalty in some series between different pairings simply because of the genders of the characters and it leads to a lot of animosity. Is it so wrong to like two characters becoming romantically involved simply because it is well written instead of because some faggots have an obsessive preference for only one kind of love story? And yes before I get shat on, both extremes are equally bad in this case.

I wish /u/fags would stop liking the Yamato Nadeshiko archetype, stop liking what I like. It's annoying.

I don't hate yuri, I really enjoy it Yuri hentai for fapping. That said I don't read or watch Yuri series since I don't find it entertaining. I do hate Yurifags, fuck them

>I like yuri but fuck yurifags am I right?

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This is sarcasm, right?

>things with abhorrent fanbases don't exist

You're part of the problem if you think /u/ hasn't done damage to the perception of yuri on this board. Hibike and Gridman threads alone speak volumes.

>that one fag (or more) who keeps saying yuri is bigger than BL

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I don't hate yuri, I just hate yuri fags, and a quarter of yuri artists

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your standards for wholesome is warped

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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What's everyone's favorite yuri anime/manga?

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In the west maybe. In Japan BL is a whole fucking industry fueled by sexually repressed fujos

Not even in the west.

Best manga is poor poor lips, best anime is candy boy

>I don't hate x, I just hate the fans

I don't get it. Why do you care? I hate idolfags, mechafags, and isekaifags too, but I don't go into their threads to tell them that, because getting deliberately involved with something you don't like is nothing but masochism.

I still keep up with jojo and that has one of the most reddit fanbases you will ever see but thats not the point.
Individuals can abuse their anonymity to the point where their autistic and obsessive posts glow in the dark. These posts might just be about two girls having a relationship in a non-yuri manga or anime.

>their threads
And therein lies the problem. I doubt Yea Forums gives a shit when people enjoy proper yuri but when yuri shitposters come into threads and talk nonstop about yuri subtext that doesn't exist (like in just about every cgdct) then you start to form negative opinions about those people.

You saw yuri in a cgdct thread? That must have been so hard for you.

>like X
>can't discuss X since the fanbase is utter cancer
Yeah I wonder why that's an issue

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No I didn't but there are certain folk for whom the idea of girls just being friends is strange and alien. Add to that 404: no men found in a lot of those series and things start to become a bit clearer

like what series? yuru camp is probably the most recent and most of it died halfway contrary to what yagakimi and wataten threads

I dislike Yuri. It gives me the lipstick lesbian feeling. I want to see women rammed with penises.

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you mean like shipperfags in SnK threads?

>the idea of girls just being friends is strange and alien
Personally, when I usually post a yuri image or fantasy in a show with no confrimed yuri, I am not trying to make an explicit statement regarding the exact nature of their sexuality. Rather, I am attempting to share an experience that I hope other yurifags like myself find enjoyable; similar to how waifu posters share their romantic/sexual fantasies.

From my experience, problems occur when posters try to insist/argue that the girls the 100% gay. And I understand it can be difficult to distinguish between a light-hearted yuri comment and full-on delusion sometimes. And those yurifags can cause issues within threads, so I rightfully encourage calling them out. But ultimately, I view my posts as no different than an user expressing their desire to have a character as their wife (a completely harmless post).

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Mai Hime

It's unnatural. All homosexuality is unnatural and should be banned.

it's boring.
also i don't hate yuri, i just hate those mentally ill /u/fags

Find another place to discuss it then. Either there is another community of more like-minded people out there, or else you are utter cancer yourself and just don't realize it

It's pure fun

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So it seems the general consensus is
>yuri good
>yurifags bad

Nah, this thread made it clear the yuri haters are only several anons who shitpost the narrative hard.
Notice how no one was being obnoxious until they started flipping their shit and yelling yurifags/yuriniggers.

More Yuri is fine and yurifags are obnoxious

Blatant falseflagging shouneniggers tricking other retarded shouneniggers are bad.

the general consensus is:
>threads with yuri in the OP are nothing but a shitposting and falseflagging magnet

/u/ is a board that's been mindbroken by excessive yuri teasing and subtext and not enough delivery. Like a guy in one of those demonic lolibaba femdom doujins.
Not everything has to be yuri, but if you added confirmed yuri to maybe 5% of the stuff /u/ thinks is yuri, I feel like things would have turned out differently. E.g. there's really no reason Manaria Friends couldn't have had a kiss, nobody but yurifags was watching it anyways.

Virgin Empire

How big is Nana's cock

If all yuri was like this I'd be a yurifag too

>No I didn't but there are certain folk for whom the idea of girls just being friends is strange and alien

Literally the majority of those shows purposely put gay yuri shit in them because they appeal to their main demographic. Your complaints are pretty much related to how the show is handling the characters rather than "durr yurifags are ruining my threads". How the fuck you don't already expect this when the showrunners and even the mangaka purposely shower their fucking manga/show with it?

Chio's school road and Asobi Asobase are probably the only shows in recent memory that show a somewhat realistic female friendship rather than making it ambiguously gay shit like the majority of cgdct shows. What you're doing is the equivalent of watching battle shounen shit and wondering why people are constantly talking about power levels.

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Onee-imouto yuri!

>Asobi Asobase
>Realistic female friendships
Sounds about right.

Attached: 1539995144039.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

I don't like homosexuals

I assumed most people should go into these sorts of series not expecting full yuri, although I don't visit /u/ so don't know how they take it.
It makes it a nice surprise when one actually commits to it but not particularly disappointing if they don't.

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Yea Forums doesn't hate yuri but anons tend to react strongly to obnoxious /u/fags that try to be more annoying than bronies or furries ever were.

Good one

>all these fags saying Yea Forums don't hate yuri
>i-it's just /u/fags, I promise
Fucking pathetic. Listen you fuckers. There's a reason /u/ exist. So, you fags can discuss this shit there. There are literally no reason for a yurishit thread on Yea Forums. No fucking reason. I hate you cucks. Hate how you can be okay with your waifu getting loved by someone not of your gender. It's pathetic to see how much you hate your gender. Not only getting cucked but also thinking it's hot somehow. Disgusting.

kill yourself yurifag

Imagine watching girls with males other than you

It's easy as I am a male and the MC is obviously a self-insert.

because it isn't ffm_threesome sole_male -yaoi -futanari -scat -shemale -guro -vore -furry -ryona -eggs -insect -gender_bender -rimming -enema -dickgirl -newhalf -fft_threesome -ftt_threesome -ftm_threesome -nipple_fucking -(male)_pegging -ntr

Yuri is a genre of anime and manga. This is an anime and manga board. /u/ is a porn board and isn't restricted to anime and manga. I know this may be difficult for your Ritalin-addled zoomer brain to comprehend, but please try. Else fuck off and don't come back.

t. low testosterone
the male insecurity is showing

You sound autistic.

The yuri board is for yuri. Let that sink in, then realize that no yuri threads had ever started with a series name.

Your fat is showing.


>how no one was being obnoxious until
So /u/nigger trying to blame the fault on those that righteously call out on them?

I wonder where this poster is originally from

Same goes to you newfag

Most likely a location with niggers. People who don't come into contact with typically believe the propaganda and ignore the statistics which affirm the sentiments are not unfounded.

>they think nigger in racial terms only
You're both newfag brainlets

You're a newfag brainlet

I didn't read the chain user...

>NO U!

no u

I specifically wrote /u/niggers, but the newfag yuri tumblrina it out of context and didn't fully quoted it.

I don't hate Yuri, I don't care about Yuri, but I do hate people who like Yuri. They are the worst.

you already said that

>no fun allowed: the tags

no /u/ the board is LITERALLY tumblr and has been for many years.

> imagine

What if I literally am the exception and all the lesbians want mine?

jesus are all waifufags this retarded

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Anyone mind recommending good H yuri doujinshi artists? 95% of the shit I see has sub par art.

I saw there was a Yuriyuri 2 happening
is it new content or just a rerelease of the original

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Considering some series and why Kase-san is there it should add Futaribeya too, even if the MC haven't fucked (on screen) yet.

Wow, this... this takes it to another level.

And I still had to watch it until the end.

Reminder that the only people who hate yuri are post 2011 reddit newfags.

I can only get into it when the girls are raping eachother.


Sunami Yuuko to Yuri na Hitobito


It definitely looks like a new one.

Attached: EEP22DIUcAAcE30.jpg (1915x1915, 830K)

Are you looking forward to it? Same staff as Kase-san OVA.

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As the loli? Am I the only one who self inserts as the loli??

The trailer they released a couple of days ago was pretty good

for some reason I thought this was a comedy

this looks comfy, what's is?


Isn't this the one about time shenanigans? I remember I read it but completely forgot about the plot. I guess I need to reread again. The PV looks comfy tho.

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>I don't like heterosexuals

New Mai Hime series when?

why does Yea Forums hate anything? because it exists.

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Shizuma's chad energy is strong.

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Delete this shit right now.

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You cannot kill me.

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Goddamit STOP AT ONCE.

What is the difference between (you) and a fujoshi?

good thing she won in the end

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Wholesome ending.

Now you've done it.

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Hating yuri is a meme. All Yea Forumsnons fap to it like there is no tomorrow.


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Am I the only one who never faps to yuri? It does wonders for my heart, but nothing for my dick.

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Yaya deserved better.

Attached: yaya.jpg (640x960, 89K)

The thinking's man side, shame she suffered TWICE THE HARD.

>strawberry panic mentioned
>get angry

Attached: le lesbian face.png (450x449, 171K)

Read Flowers

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Truly, there is nothing better than a girl getting cucked.

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I'm of the opposite, I fap to it alot but it doesn't move my heart. I find it pretty boring

Ouch, the memories.

Fap to it, melt to it, never hating it.
Haters are all trolls.

Depends of the story. If it has just some sex here and there isn't worth and the main focus is the story, and each kiss just feels like a fluffy hug to your heart. If it's something brainless like Tae-chan then yeah, you're free to do it.

Got any more images of Tamao suffering?

Attached: 1553779157276.jpg (369x570, 47K)

Fujoshi is a big girl, and I am a little girl.

Hating on based yurichads
Not on
>fatfuckers who derails threads with his fugly old men fetish
>pedophiles with
_ what would be like sex with with x underage girl
_why I don't get a loli to fuck
_what would they feel like inside
_lolis are prime breading material
_would x survive childbirth?

>delusional virgin waifufaggots
>dicklovers with their never-ending dick fixation
_you can't beat the cock.exe
>delusional cuckold who gets off someone railing his waife
_why don't male lead fuck my waifu LMAO
_wishing Men to appear in male free shows
_where are the dudes ?

I hate all of those and yurifags. This thread is about Yuri so I only mentioned yurifags. Go back to your safe space /u/ so they can comfort you

me too friend

god damnit

/u/ is far from a safe space for a normal guy who likes gay girls doing gay things to each other. I once called a nigga there "dude". The reception of this act was unnerving, to say it nicely.

Yaya molesting Hikari was pretty hot.


>Actually calling someone "Dude/man/bro" on /u/
It's like you don't know how to do things on /u/.

I know better now but I REFUSE to call an ugly dude an imouto or neesan. That's not board culture but pure retardation. But no, fags always have to fucking swarm me like angry bees for using male pronouns when I can no longer avoid addressing someone directly instead of discussing shit. /u/ is fucking shit board and I wonder where it all went wrong. Probably all that western stuff that's allowed there, for some fucking reason.

I'm not gonna defend /u/ retardation, but like here they have their own set of rules. If you want to have a normal conversation there you have to assume everyone's a girl, even if that's true or not. Also it depends of where you are looking. The general discussion thread is filled with shitposters because it's the fatest thread of the board, the recent releases thread is full of people calling every serie yuribait because that's what gathers more seethe and (you)s and the translation thread is filled with "lol you can't translate for shit". You have to purposelly avoid them if you don't want to , like you said, be swarmed by people telling you to fucking off and whatnot.

Strawberry Panic sequel when?

It doesn't. The anime and manga industry will put out promotional images of the girls of their series holding/hugging/stripping/fondling each other even with a male MC.

Even doujin covers slap 2 women on the cover then switch it out for straight sex constantly.

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Fujoshite should die in piss, femslut

Yea Forums niggers only post Love Live to make shitty Yea Forums posts.

Hetshit is boring as hell.
>hurr durr penos in vagina

Attached: EHhxqje.jpg (440x700, 52K)

Not when is either cute or lewd pandering but yuri dramas, specially the ones that try to be serious about the subject, would make happy if they bursted into flames

Nah you don't stop lying

Faggot has dicks and aids go back to fujo thread buddy


Anime when

Attached: x24.png (850x1200, 401K)

Atleast it's sexy and not boring!

It isn't just starting? or are we behind the raws? If it's starting then it will be at least 2 years, even more.

There is literally no other board that insists on using certain way of addressing people and there never was. Partly because this is an anonymous image board. I don't mind board culture manifesting in various ways, like the late sakurafish threads. I can even stomach /u/'s NO MEN rule when it comes to image posting, even though I find it hilariously retarded, but sperging out literally everytime someone uses a male pronoun is some next level retardation. II do actually conform by avoiding using any pronouns or name calling at all as far as possible but when it can no longer be avoided, fags are willing to derail perfectly fine discussion only for the sake of telling me to fuck off.

That's just the way it is, you've been warned. They'll render useless any argument you've made if you adress them as male, or for the purpose of shitpost.

>There is literally no other board that insists on using certain way of addressing people and there never was.
I'm pretty sure that if you will post as a girl on most other boards, you will get quite a bit of shitposting.

I don't post much on /u/ but I literally just use dude/guy to refer to people regardless of gender and never got meme'd on.



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Don't really mind yuri. I enjoy some yuri hentai (no freaky shit except yuri pregnancy) but other than that the drama usually makes me bored.

That said I'll always shit on yuri simply becuase I don't want the cancer of /u/ to spread. I've never seen such a cesspit. If other boards knew that they shared a site with /u/ they'd probably raid the place and burn it to the ground. So yeah call yurifags faggots and fat otaku, just so they know their place.
The yuri fandom has this weird problem of also being horribly arrogant and abrasive while also loving to pain themselves as victims. It's extremely annoying.

>Comes out on my birthday

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Sounds like you just have the 'tism

You must be new here.

Were you not around for the "Yea Forums is little girls" thing for years? You're just screaming that you're an absolute newfag at this point

happy birthday in advance

I am here since 2008 or 2009 and yes, I don't remember people on Yea Forums addressing each other with "girl" or other equivalent terms. You sure you know what you are talking about?

>I am here since 2008 or 2009 and yes

Not on Yea Forums that's for damn sure. Return to Yea Forums

Just some desperate /u/fag trying to make the board not seem like the hellhole it is.

Degenerates hate yuri, but just laugh at and ignore them. They'll soon start falseflagging and making a fuss, but just report them. They are just ahistorical newfags trying to impose their outsider shit opinions onto Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general.

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He's completely right though? Saying 'go back to 'board I hate here'' won't make him wrong you know.

He's only right if you just started browsing Yea Forums. Yea Forums started the whole "we're a bunch of little girls" thing way back in 06/07 and had prevailed for a long ass time. It wasn't forced like the /u/ thing is but it was still there.

Return to Yea Forums

>I am here since 2008 or 2009
>I don't remember people on Yea Forums addressing each other with "girl" or other equivalent terms
You are either the single most oblivious person I've ever found in this site, you suffered an episode of memory loss just a couple years ago, or you are just full of shit. Take your pick.

>impose their outsider shit opinions
>be the 1.9%
>calls the opinion of the 98.1% an outsider opinion
Imagine being this delusional.

Do you understand the difference between saying "but we are all little girls here, Yea Forumsnon, teehee" and actually insisting on addressing other people with female pronouns? Perhaps this is too difficult for you to understand. Maybe you could ask your parents? They might be able to explain this to you.

A few mad posters are not 98.1%

>I-It's different!!

It isn't any different from what Yea Forums did with the little girls thing. We even made our board mascot a little girl several fucking times.

>I am here since 2008 or 2009
Openly outing yourself as a newfag is daring, but ill advised. Lurk a little longer before posting again.

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