5Toubun no Hanayome

Imagine marrying this beauty.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stop pretending to be us you fucking shitposter.

Fuck off Nignonigger, stop making thereads.

Cope, stay mad mikek

Itsuki has the most natural interactions with Fuutarou.
Itsuki and Fuutarou both understand each other easily.
Itsuki and Fuutarou have the best chemistry.
Itsuki and Fuutarou has slept on the same room.
Itsuki has had more development with Fuutarou by simply talking and supporting him instead of being a cock hungry whore.
Itsuki's the reason why Fuutarou has moved on from lolikano.
Itsuki grew from Fuutarou's teaching and Fuutarou grew from Itsuki's wisdom.
Itsuki is the one Fuutaoru trusts the most.
Itsuki and Fuutarou are really close friends, which can easily evolve into love.
Itsuki doesn't even need to confess to Fuutarou to win because Fuutarou will confess to her.
I can keep on going with this, but I guess nothing will ever convince your headcanon. Simply put, Itsuki has done more by doing nothing compared to Nino and Miku who were going all out with their aggressive advances that only lead to failure.

I suggest you idiots stop speedreading and take off the waifu goggles.

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I imagine marrying all of those five beauties.

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Yotsuba is the best

Miku is Fuut's bride

>based mikuchad
a true man of culture

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>someone I know actually thinks the MOON scene is actually Itsuki's serious confession
Is he right Yea Forums?

Eatsuki is too powerful.

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They arr rook the same anyways

Find someone better to know.

He's probably an Itsukifag too.

>Is he right Yea Forums?

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How can Ichika be so perfect...They may all have the same body, but only her is exploiting it to its full potential

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>f:"oh" "
>Fuutarou saves Nino from her fanboy but..
Fuutarou deception face when he realized that it's was Ichika

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Anybody would be disappointment it's Ichika.

I love 24!

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>no closure
This confirms that Negi is planning...
miku × old man
nino x father
fatsuki x hamburger
yotsuba x rope
ichika x JAV videos


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I see, so you're saying that he can't distinguish between Ichika and Nino, because he lacks LOVE?

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I haven't read the manga in a while, who was the bell kisser?


either miku or yotsuba at this point. lardski had no interest at the time, it couldn't have been ichika because if it was she would have said it was her when she was at her worst when lying/trying to steal fuuts and nino didn't have it in her. by process of elimination its one of those two both with fairly equal chances.

>fire in Miku pancakes group. Impossible !!
The one burning is takoyaki stall,because they have no supervisor(supposedly Nino)+Maruo.Nino will help pancakes stall because Miku will go help Yotsuba with the drama club.
Miku +Yotsuba will get the drama club. (Fuutarou told her about it in her date chapter. It's was prefiguration). Miku noticed something about Yotsuba.
Ichika will not comeback the other day after Fuutarou answer and she is busy.
Itsuki +her new sensei

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Learn English


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>yotsuba and nino encouraging her
how devilish, the sisters are trying to make itsuki fatter so Fuutarou will be digusted by her and drop out of the bowl (literally).

It actually means he didn't plan anything ahead and is making up shit as he goes along

All the others are downgrades of the first born.


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nice reading comprehension. one of them gets together with the guy, the other 4 don't. in fuutarous case, it'd be ichika.

Another confession of Miku?

based and mikupilled
hello fellow mikuchad

what Negi is telling you there is that he won't even bother thinking about what happens to the other 4 losers, like the hack he is. Sorry Takechads

How can you guys be so naive to not realize that Futarou lied to Ichika?

Lied to ichika about what? Choosing no one? That wouldn't make sense.

>grandpa looks like he's having the time of his life
>ahahaha they look nervous
Both Yotsuba. The others wouldn't be this genki.

>ah its about time for the kiss

>you know I heard/overheard...
Definitely Ichika. The way she broached the kiss this chapter shows that she had knowledge it happened but hadn't witnessed it firsthand(which also rules her out as the kisser)

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It could be anyone, stop projecting user.

like the proverb : " Have a taste of your own medecine "

He's not. Fuutarou is moving far away to a college with full scholarship so he doesn't want them to get in the way (because they are too dumb to get into the same college as him) and he want the girls to be independent without him.

Screencap this.

or he is planning to marry picture related

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Itsuki. She's kisser and bride.

First girl wins.

classic cope. time to get a rope.

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>first girl wins
>only argument against the mountains of yotsuba v miku
you lardski niggers are pathetic


And the shadow in front of the window looks like Miku!

>Yotsuba's image is of her doing something
>Miku's image is of Takeda
>Ichika's image is of herself
>Nino's image is of her family

>Yotsuba encouraging Itsuki to pig out
>Miku also encouraging Itsuki
>Ichika making fun of Itsuki is a roundabout way
>Nino genuinely concerned and trying to stop her

Nino is an absolute angel

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He is lying. He has been thinking about that answer since the date with Miku. Even after his ''confession'', Itsuki congratulates him and he is blushing. Connect the dots. It's like you guys forget what happened in the previous chapters.

I want more Yotsuba x Nino interactions

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Why is it that when they decide they all need to look the same for gramps they choose to look like Itsuki specifically?

428 is the bride. You'll see.

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We don't know why her. Anyway, Ichika and Yotsuba would have been impractical with the hair length.

It's easier for the quints with short air to put on wigs than to for Itsuki to cut her hair. Also, you can make a thin person looks fatter but the opposite is hard.

because they know she's the main girl

Why would he lie to Ichika then? To continuously string her along? We have yet to seen Fuutarou lie once the entire manga and now you're saying this he's doing this for shits and giggles?

Ichika is the kisser though.

>i-it could be anyone
Negi had the winner planned out from the beginning. He would have wrote the dialogue with specific quints in mind just as was proved with Ichika this chapter.

Getting real fed up with always seeing this cunt in the middle

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>We have yet to seen Fuutarou lie once the entire manga
Holy shit. Are you a speed reader or do you have the memory of a bird? Futarou lied plenty of times. There is even a chapter titled about this.

The bell kisser is Yotsuba.
Fuutarou never realizes it was her. Said kiss does make him first realize his feelings for Itsuki though.
He confesses first to Itsuki who is initially too busy stuffing her face to care, but she eventually accepts dating Fuutarou. He never actually bothered telling anyone else about the accidental kiss.
Cue the festivities.
Yotsuba never spits it out about lolinakano, or the bell kisser actually being herself. She overhears Ichika talking about how the bell kiss is related to their current wedding.

>thinking any quint besides Itsuki is the bride
Is anyone this naive/stupid?
First girl never loses in jap romcoms.
Chitoge, Usagi, Naru, Chichi, Mai, etc

She's the series pet, it can't be helped.

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She was being purposely inquisitive because she didn't know which one it was and wanted to see if Fuutarou had an idea. You can see the bloodlust on her face when she's waiting for Fuutarou to answer. She wouldn't have to fear the answer so much if she was the kisser.

Yes, you are wrong.

She is the mascot.

I only see two romcoms there and they are romcoms with obvious winners.

Is Negi a Mashima fan? Why retweet that tweet about his spinoff? Same magazine?

Here is how it is:
Ichika is the kisser so she knows he has been kissed. He admitted it, she faked surprise and asked who was it between the four sisters? To make him think that it couldn't possibly be her.

They were obvious because they were first and main girls like Itsuki!

If Itsuki wins, Negi Haruba will go down as the biggest hack in the manga industry ever.

If Itsuki wins it means Negi 100% a feeder or fat fetishist.

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the fear is strong in this one

Ichika kisses other men for money.

Not fear, but more like im tired of first girls always winning these shitty fucking "love stories". Even shounen like fucking Naruto tell better love stories than these hacks who only write manga for money and nothing else.

Bullying Nino is prohibited below this post!

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I understand where you're coming from, I once detested Itsuki as my least favorite quint because she was first girl and all her interactions seemed so forced. She was a terrible characters -- but she's really come into her own since Scrambled Eggs. She and Fuutarou are friends, and their comfy interactions amid the perpetual drama that the other girls are engaged in is great to see. Her being first girl isn't the basis for her interactions with Fuutarou anymore, in fact that part of her history really doesn't do the character credit and I wish editor-san had kept his goddamn mouth shut about first girls when Negi started this entire thing because that will now be hanging over Itsuki's head forever.

You sound like a whiny entitled ledditor mikek. Go back.

Fuuts originally wanted to message only one of the quints to give her his answer, after he fucked up he decided to just have a get together to celebrate the festival, since it wasn't something important anymore he told Ichika she didn't had to come if she didn't wanted
After their time together Fuuts started to have doubts about his answer and decided to make his announcement on their reunion so he told Ichika he lied when he said she didn't had to come, also while he told Ichika he wouldn't choose anybody, he still has doubts as he said he still hasn't made up his mind about it during their reunion

I know right? If only they would all look like Itsuki then the series would be good like when it was SE.

Keep feeding itsuki that salt fillerfag

NOTHING will happen to Negi if first girl wins. First girl wins pretty much every the time in Japan.

You'll be going to jail now, you criminal SCUM!

>4 >bride

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1154x1620, 1.31M)

Evens > Odds

Yes, we need more Miku arcs

Is there any male:NTR doujin of Yotsuba where she marries Fuutarou, but her four sisters cucks her after her wedding by also getting pregnant? Then yotsuba use her overwhelming physical strength and beat them up and telling them to stay away from her man?

Anyone know a similar doujin with this premise?

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>Even shounen like fucking Naruto tell better love stories than these hacks who only write manga for money and nothing else.
So Naruto is not a hack?
Ok let's see then:
>no bowl for him
>Hinata retconned as his first girl
>Hinata is the only contestant and winner of Narutobowl
>Naruto's first girl wins.

>there was a bowl for him. Sakura, Ino, Naruto, Oro, Karin, other fags/thots, etcetc
>Sakura is first girl
>Sakura wins the Sasukebowl
>First girl wins.

Feel free to delude yourself more. That aged salt will be extra delicious when FIRSTsuki wins the Fuutarobowl.

>go to prison
>on my stay there I hand over everything I know about Nino owning sleep and possibly other kinds of drugs, also her usage of them on her former tutor
>Nino arrested
All according to plan

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Imagine buttfucking this fatso!!!
her anus would be very elastic!!

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You cant, im friends with the bride miku! I am UNTOUCHABLE she will acquit me of everything!

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Nino would never get arrested because she's a girl and comes from a good family. If they find no drugs in her or on the area, you'll be shit out of luck. Sorry, but that's just how things work.

Daily reminder that the editor spilled the beans that Yotsuba is the winner and all of you are wasting your time arguing for no reason

Thank you

Not even a chance.

Ichika fucks old bald fat men for money
Miku does it because she likes it

No and no

>They may all have the same body, but only her is exploiting it to its full potential
Not only her, but JAV actors and producers

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Takebayashi is for pic related.

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Yes and yes

No and yes.

Nino a bitch

Lolikano was the first girl in the protoype. Story was of a boy who had to find her after meeting her and her sisters later in life.

Nothing about Yotsuba. The fact that Itsuki is main/first girl proves that the idea was merely a draft that didn't make the final cut. Because if it did then they wouldn't need Itsuki to be the face of the franchise.

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Those were obviously telegraphed. Nisekoi was literally called False Love and the author seemingly hated Onodera. Anyone who thought otherwise was baiting. The others there was not really much romantic competition...

DAMN! Miku's HUSBAND looks like DAT?

>If you think the bell kisser isn't the bride
You're retarded.
>If you still think there's a chance of harem end
You're retarded.
>If you think Itsuki and Fuu have "muh natural interactions"
You're retarded.
>If you think Yotsuba's career will involve her athleticism
You're retarded.

>If you think anybody but Nino is the bride
You're retarded
>If you think Miku is the bride
You're extra retarded

This desu.

>If you think Yotsuba will win you are retarded.

Nah, he didn't slipped, by that date they already had the results of the chapter poll and knew people weren't buying Yots as a possible rival to Miku, the editor had to give her a boost to make the finale more interesting

Yeah well that's because Yotsuba is going to be a housewife and pregnant with 5 children.

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it's better making a profit out of your dignity than giving it for free
right Miku?

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How come ichika has the hottest rape face? Makes her look like she is going to push Fuutarou over and mount him.

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>despairfags coping this hard
kek. keep lying to yourself

Yots will inherited the inn from grandpa

Even after she traumatized him?

He can probably see right through her fake attitude. He’s not giving her shit.

Ichika is simply the sexiest quint, there's no competition. It's hard to believe that she's related to the likes of Fatsuki and Setsuba.

He's already dying a few years in the future and knows she has no hope of landing a job

Yotsuba's chance of going to college is worthless.

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just like her chance at winning c:

Is her fault for breaking her promise

just like Yotsuba

Thats a hopefag tough...

Yotsuba will turn the Inn into a brothel with MIku and Ichika as the main girls, Itsuki as the exotic one...
Nino, being ashamed of her slutty sisters, would go with Fuutarou to live far away in a happily marriage.

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Yotsuba is the tightest because of her musculature

Itsuki is the loosest because she's out of shape

Ranked by tightness

Leave the quints to me.

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This is what will happen after the wedding chapter:
Nino: After marrying Fuutarou, they'll have romantic sex all night everynight. After some time, she'll bare 3 offspring and make a happy family. (although she will grow suspicious to Ichika's kids because they will resemble very much her own children).
Ichika: Although she became very depressed because Fuutarou chose her sister rather than her. She designed a final plan; she would disguise herself as Nino every time she went to work at her restaurant to have passionate sex with Fuu, with time she gets pregnant and has 3 sons who would raise them as a single mother (No one, not even Fuutarou knows that they are his). Occasionally Nino would argue with her about the great resemblance between her children and hers.
Miku: After being rejected by Fuutarou, she looked at boys in her school and first had sex with Takeda then all F's friends. From there everything went to perdition as she became a nymphomaniac, she sought sex with random guys finding greater satisfaction with old and bald men. She started to enjoy tag teams, DP's and gang bangs more often. The last straw was that at Nino's wedding she had sex with most of the guests. Now her sisters are ashamed of their dirty sister's lifestyle.
Yotsuba: Although she never dared to confess her romantic feelings to Fuutarou, she fell in depression after knowing that he chose Nino, several weeks of despair and sorrow she took a rope and on the swings she hang herself so her body would sway while dying asphyxiated. A passerby homeless when saw the body decides to lower it and have necrosex while it was still warm. Thats when Itsuki passesby and in horror watches her sister's corpse being abused.
Itsuki: The emotional burden of her mother's death, her school failure, Miku's problems with STDs and Yotsuba's death made Itsuki lose her mind and take fully Rena's role. She seduces his stepfather Maruo and has her first time, eventually marrying him and has quintuplets.

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I think Ichika might be the jealous type after reading this chapter.

Nurse working under Maruo
Runs the Uesugi family cafe married to Fuutarou
Runs grandpas inn, maybe some athletic shit on the side
Becomes a teacher


Bring it on!

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Kek. Atleast some of you 2fags have a good (and wicked) sense of humor.

The end game is Fuutakedabayashi, prove me wrong.

It's easier to pretend to be fat than the opposite.

what promise? she is rich via father so she never actually broke her promise

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Neen is so fashionable

>Runs the Uesugi family cafe married to Fuutarou
Nice Fanfiction

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>Quints who have gotten development
Ichika, Nino, Yotsuba

>Quints with zero development
Miku, Itsuki

Are 35 going to get development later on by cutting their hair?

Post Fuu-gun

It's called divination, actually. Negi after having planned out the entire Miku end game is now brainstorming the epilogue as we speak

How can the ninochinks even compete? Based.

>ninoniggers cant accept the fact they're out
omegalul seethe harder faggot

>He doesn't know

>be Yotsuba
>be genki girl who cares her sisters and Fuutarou the most
>finally manage to reunited with the guy who you love
>Your meek sister want to be more than friends with him
>your hot older sister who is an up and coming movie star tries to get in your way
>manage to find the energy to continue on despite being outgunned
>your crush turn you down without notice it but you decide to give up and give a helping hand to the useless sister
>then the sister that hates him decides she likes him and goes after him without any restraint, she tries to cockblock all the sisters from the front while the other one starts backstabbing you
>get depressed because you're getting screwed from the front and the back
>finally during the war everyone makes up and helps the meek sister to confess
But...she is also a self destructionfag
>manage to avoid the hammer narrowly by winning the kyoto' war archiving your target, cockblock yourself
>others stop fucking with you self destruction plan and you finally start making some progress
>You are the childhood lover and the game was script from the start
>everybody else knew about it besides doormat'fags
>the fat one has been conspiring against you in your favor
5toubun no Hanayome is a story of Yotsuba overcoming obstacles which get progressively harder. Her own shit being the main storyline make sense with the way her past was revealed and everything else is likely a red herring as Negi wanted a ending everyone likes (she is "the girl everybody likes")
When you take into account the Yotsuba reveal being right after Miku makes peace with Ichika and Nino the timing begins to make sense, only she and fat still struggling.
The editor is so forthcoming with information about you (Yotsuba) because you are the bride since he'd be concerned about manga progression.
Meanwhile he kept completely silent about Miku because she is irrelevant just a waifubait to gain cherry fan boys.
>Yotsuba is the fated girl

He's brainstorming her rejection right now actually. Itsuki's path to victory is only begining.

Nice pasta

>Yotsuba is the fated girl
Fated to lose

Maybe they could, if only they learned English first

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Why is it that Fuutarou and Nino always share expressions/scenes/lines? What in the world did Negicchi mean by this?

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You the last ninocuck still trying or something? It's already over for her, the author dropped her from the story nearly 50 chapters ago. She's done.

haha can you imagine if not only does she get absolutely nothing at the end but she also gets cucked by her sister haha just saying

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Last time I checked, you weren't Negi

I can't wait for the brutal rejection Fuutarou will give Yotsuba. Those tears of despair and denial will be beautiful.


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That is when Yotsuba can no longer hold everything back.

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He won't need to reject her, by that time Yotsuba will already know that Fuu loves her sister

choo choo~

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Poor Retards, they must be in complete denial of reality. When all but Nino gets rejected they will seethe to death and I'll just laught 'till tears get dropped... Oh boy, it's gonna be epic!!

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Did you at least read that pasta before posting? >speedreaders
He already considered everything you might say

Nino is so fucking cute.

>I bet Fuutarou will hurt Nino feelings because Fuutarou is too retard about "love"
When fuutarou will lose her affection maybe he will realize his feelings.
I hope it's not too late.
I smell it Fuutarou will lose all his loves interest before the next arc.

He will run after the quint he loves

I'm so mad Ichika is used goods.

>be back to toubun threads for a short, find them miraculously freed of the usual schlock of filler worst girl being spammed 5x as often as any of the other quints probably due to her BTFOing herself over Takebayashi
Guess nice things are not meant to last huh. I will be back when Shitno has been rejected.

>5toubun no Hanayome is a story of Yotsuba
>overcoming obstacles
>Negi wanted a ending everyone likes
>>Yotsuba is the fated girl
Come back once you win one hopebro.

Despairchads have won just about every chapter so far.

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>Thinking we will get real face to face rejections
Why do people have such high expectations of this hack?

Why doesn't Fuutarou just hold sex tryouts?

Who ever can make him cum the fastest wins and gets to be the bride.

>Who ever can make him cum the fastest wins and gets to be the bride.
>Who ever can make him cum the fastest wins
>cum the fastest
Check out this guy.
You can tell he gets all the pussy.
Absolutely anti-cringe and anti-virgin right there.

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Learn English

Rent free

Just a reminder that just because your quint lost not because she's shit.

She just isn't main/best/first girl Itsuki.

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>Mikufags even steal from Ninofags
No dignity

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When was it confirmed that they had a cafe?

Imagine another fatshitty waifufagging OP

Every fucking time. Are Nino walls of text copypasta or carefully constructed articles enumerating the qualities of Nino which are typed on the spot? Nino is the best though tqbh

They don't make rings in Eatsuki's size, sorry!

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How would each quintuple be as a wife:
Ichika: She would probably spend little time at home due to her acting career, sometimes be gone for days if she had to film outside town. With Fuutarou she would try to spend quality time in private and disguise herself in public places to avoid papparazzi.
Nino: Always would have the house very clean, cook excellent food and pay attention to Fuutarou's needs and listen to his problems. In addition, as a restaurant owner, she would contribute to household income so not to become a burden to her husband.
Miku: She would be a very dependent woman, to lazy at home, would last a long time without cleaning the house and a very bad cook. They would always have to eat outside. She would spend most of the time with Fuu playing video games or while he is at work she would let random men get inside the house to be fucked by them.
Yotsuba: She would constantly dedicate herself to sports competitions and may spend a lot of days away from home, and spend little time with Fuu since she would be training. She would have a rigorous diet and tight time with her husband. With her depressive moods, Fuutarou may require being attached to her almost all the time while she is at home.
Itsuki: As a teacher, she would spend a lot of time at school, as well as preparing classes for the week. She would spend little time with Fuutarou, she would also be tought with him and he would almost always have to eat fastfood.

>40+ chapters
Meanwhile Itsuki winning every chapter and she's not even in the bowl yet.

How would every quintuple behave during sex:
Ichika: She would do anything Fuutarou asked for, that includes any sexual position he ask, including some of his dirty fetishes (Bondage, reverse S&M, scat). She would enjoy knowing that F is enjoying it more rather than she having orgasms.
Nino: She would be very passionate and very loving, expect kisses and fondle during sex. Although shy at first she would try new things from time to time.
MIku: She would just lie down and open her legs, she would not put any effort on almost anything. Fuutarou would find masturbation more satisfying than having sex with her.
Yotsuba: Too energetic for him, Fuutarou would have to make her come with oral sex or fingering first, and then some toys so that after many orgasms he can finally penetrate her and come together.
Itsuki: Because she is somewhat reserved, you would have to beg her to have sex, most of the time she would ask you to just hurry up and cum quickly. She would hardly try anything other than the missionary position.

Attached: FatMiku.png (1600x1200, 1.69M)

Serious answer, she might be, because she has shown knowledgeable about Japanese idioms & smart enough to modify them. "The moon is beautiful" is really common.
Some of her lines have unclear meaning & you can always interpret it as her having a feeling with Fuutarou. There's a reason she still the favorite for the victor.

Attached: 0306.jpg (1131x1618, 409K)

mfw mikuj blew his cover

Attached: 1568175349120.jpg (1024x1024, 521K)


Why is Itsuki the default? Why can't it be Nino?

>1 would be cuckolding. If you're lucky you'll get some actor spit or director cum.
>2 literally AIDs and black semen
>3 the smell of smoke, alcohol, and old man.
>4 literally having sex with a retard with the metal age of 9
>5 Perfect. Like heaven itself. First time saved for her husbando. Pure & fresh. Sex for hours. Knowledgeable in all positions. Will think about sandwiches before you do after sex.

I don't remember Niku?

In the mother's bread chapter. The mother ran a small cafe and the handmade bread was pretty popular. Nino used "mise" (any kind of shop) and Fuutarou used "kissa" (cafe) though.

Her busy schedule makes it a rarity, but that only makes each time more intense.
Multiple times a week and creating a romantic mood really gets her going.
A total pervert who masturbates every day. She becomes a cumslut for sure.
Will do anything to please.
"W-Well, if it's for you... Ahaha..."
Simply put, a prude. The lights have to be off (she's on a diet). Not too often. Nothing weird. For the sake of procreation.

Itsuki is main girl
Nino is filler

Why can't you understand?

Everyone's hair is most easily concealable under a 5 wig and she has the most easily imitable personality/speech pattern.

>3 the smell of smoke, alcohol, and old man.

Attached: Pervert Boss.jpg (960x720, 49K)

>Miku. A total pervert who masturbates every day. She becomes a cumslut for sure.

Because grandpa is an Itsukifag.

My wife is cute!

>grandpa is an Itsukifag
Holy shit based grandpa

Attached: chubby itsuki.jpg (809x1024, 138K)

Quints decided on Itsuki. Maybe because she's easier to imitate.

>short hairs get to wig over
>long hair just need to adjust a bit
>star clips work on wigs better than headbands and easier to put on than side ribbons
>headphones are heavier and get in the way
>5 is pretty quiet and easier to imitate for long periods than an energetic Yotsuba or hot/cold nino
Or maybe it's just because she's main/first girl, editor forced Negi, or Negi himself just likes 5.

>grandpa an itsukifag
>maruo an itsukifag
>isanari an itsukifag
>editor admitted he's an itsukifag
>negi says he loves all the quints but 5 is first girl, on first cover, is main girl, got SE arc, and is his twitter icon. Sounds like itsukifag to me
>fuutaro ???????? probably an itsukifag too.
How do fillers even COMPETE?

Fuck this gay earth

Attached: 1479177955519.jpg (567x437, 35K)

>all sisters had to duisguise themselves as 4 and 5 at some time

I hate Nino!

Nino can't win, there's no way Negi won't keep her to himself.

No you don't

so basically you are saying itsuki is used goods and got abused by Maruo since she is a "mother" now...

Attached: Screenshot_20190605-183347_Tachiyomi.jpg (857x997, 502K)

(You)r quint is SHIT.

I still don't understand how everyone hasn't accepted that Itsuki is the main girl.

Oh, I just realised this.


Itsuki doesn't like him and never will.

There are STILL lingering Mikujeets and Nintards? Man this is funny

月が綺麗ですね | tsuki ga kirei desu ne (The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?)
The phrase above doesn’t literally mean “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” in Japanese. It actually means “I love you”.

Attached: itsukimoon.jpg (558x773, 162K)

Imagine unironically liking 2, 3, or 4. I figured people moved to one of them because they're innately bandwagonners and at one point each of them seemed like they could win. But then they btfo once they realized their sister (2, 3, and/or 4) was eliminated. All that's left are shit posters just shit throwing for fun, right? There's not anyone delusional enough to think either of those three will still win?

You ever notice how the Miku shitposting dies when the Itsuki shitposting crops up?

Do you genuinely believe that at that point in the story
>Itsuki knew about the literary reference
>realized that she's in love with him
>brave enough to confess


Is it Sunday yet?

Yes, then she discovered that Yotsuba was the lolikano and decided to hide her feelings.

Spicku is gutter trash.

Nino a shit

Ichika pleases producers for roles.

Yotsuba pleases the gods of misfortune for ropes.

Attached: ninotenyearsolds.jpg (1260x647, 395K)

Canon Facts
>Ichika kisses men for money
>Miku likes bald old men

Uesugi Nino

Also canon:
Nino likes big blonde daddy cocks.

Uesugi Nino, wife of Uesugi Isanari.

>Miku likes bald old men
what a slut


I'm gay.

Mutsumi for president!

Fatsuki dies of morbid obesity as a 26yo.

She has generic first girl trope written all over her.
>Starts off hating mc because of bad interaction between her and him
>Slowly starts to get close to him out of respect/friendship/whatever
>Becomes his friend
>Eventually falls in love with him
It's literally the same basic route that every other harem has followed with main girl.

Was Negi just trying to hide his sameface drawings?

Itsuki will probably be the safest end as there will be lesser seething. When that happens, 5toubun will probably be the same old forgettable harem, unlike kaminomi where I actually thought that the childhood friend would win being the "first".

Attached: 13973559854721.jpg (200x211, 16K)

Yeah, I agree. I still need to read kaminomi.

Lads I don't dislike any quint, I favor 4 but I don't want to see the others sad. Are you all fine with seeing 4/5 sad just for 1/5 be happy? Aren't they 1/5 of a whole each? They all deserve to be happy ;_;

Harem ending is the way to go, but there's no way that happen.

They seem happy 4 years later at the wedding.

Fuck them, I want to see suffering.

You signed up for this and the others will move on.

Yes. Miku, Nino, Ichika, and Itsuki will move on. Hell Ichika is in the process of moving on.

Miku is best girl and Fuutarous bride to be!

We know, Negi

>yfw 5 cuts her hair short ala Erina Nakiri but she keeps the ahoge the same way Erina kept her mandibles

Attached: 1566970389227.jpg (480x344, 30K)

Miku I've come for you!

Attached: 1544237617975.jpg (855x955, 138K)

I thought you would never come!

Attached: 00.png (281x236, 99K)

Who will have the most peaceful end if she marries Fuu?
Will get killed by yandere miku for snekery and yandere Yotsuba for snekery since childhood
Will go to war against Miku
Will go to war against Nino
Ichika will find a way to snek her
Seeing as Yotsuba confides her lolikano secrets to her, she will fight Yandere Yotsuba

Oh Miku, let me kiss you!

Attached: 1567903051288.png (808x553, 511K)

As always, just mentioning Miku is enough to trigger these obsessed cucks. Oh well, mental illness cant be easily cured.

No, let ME "kiss" you...

Attached: file.png (540x306, 174K)

Miku you're the best!

Attached: 1567656015417.png (475x363, 175K)

I'm going to take you to a ride...
to ride my dick

Attached: Wanna get cucked_.png (500x281, 208K)

That bread she's eating must be really delicious

Too late, she's tired.

Attached: file.png (556x532, 299K)

Then go back to plebbit if you can't handle it.

Nope, she's ready for round 2

Attached: 12231.png (373x188, 100K)

Miku sure is something, making anons cope so hard just from a mention of her name. Impressive indeed.

Attached: 1564380686950.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Round 3 you dirty whore

If you think I'm not enjoying this, then youre misunderstanding me here, user. Theres nothing like a sweet helping of desperation to go along with my coffee. Imma just lurk now.

I'm going to blow inside of you my lard-cum

Attached: FATSO.jpg (304x156, 21K)

You're losing it.

Attached: 3.png (427x430, 190K)

>Imma just lurk now.
Shit. Old men itt managed to cuck an user into lurking.

Harder daddy! HARDER!!!

Attached: 1567655554573.png (433x415, 201K)

Old man and miku is cute and canon!

Nino WILL win the Fuutarou bowl!
Search your feelings, you Know this is true!

Attached: 1561517685773.png (478x283, 84K)

She's gonna win you know

Attached: 1562844873253.png (329x457, 186K)

Whats there to discuss?

It's my turn

Attached: Old MAN.jpg (290x225, 18K)

My man!

Attached: 1568072121388.jpg (1194x926, 157K)


Attached: 1539548118386.png (635x853, 470K)

Hey Mikuslut!!
Do you like pigs like me?

Attached: PigMan.jpg (1399x614, 113K)

Newfags truly are the worst.

Rent free?

I think Miku would enjoy Double Teams with two fat old geezers

Attached: DoubleTeam.jpg (1478x549, 110K)

Chadkus assemble!

Attached: funny version.png (1200x628, 196K)

Nino can take BBCs like nothing. miku cant ever hope to beat her in that regards.

Attached: 1568020985579.jpg (356x426, 77K)

>ironically Miku is still a virgin, but a passive-aggressive one
I come to laugh at you, Mincel

Miku! I'm here to save you from these bald old men!

Attached: 1568049872513.png (356x426, 112K)

How can people fear this cutie so much? Are they just hoping that Miku would fuck sad old men like themselves if she was real? I'm sad to inform you, unless you are Fuutarou or a sengoku war general, you have no hope.

Attached: 1566759202863.png (600x600, 204K)

Fucking this, he rushed only because he thought she was Nino. Once again it showed how strong Nino's presence is.

Attached: 1548012887832.png (1115x1600, 472K)

Cute and soon to be canon

Attached: 1559875532056.png (1254x1370, 1.42M)

I think we broke him

Smells like semen in this thread.

Attached: 8005ea7149ec1d3d4dd18891142a14eb.jpg (736x972, 180K)


I want to lick MIku's bottom with my small tongue

Attached: Big Tongue.jpg (867x720, 77K)

What the actual fuck is wrong with this thread
Jesus Christ

Attached: 1539654947763.png (495x428, 168K)


Attached: 1535803515686.jpg (708x1000, 183K)

>first girl MC meets when story starts
Well, that settles it. Itsuki is the bride. This is anime we're talking about. This is how it works. Sorry, but you can like any of the 5, but that's how these harem series work.

Just having some fun user.

Attached: 1566647610487.png (250x274, 69K)

Do you think Miku would accept me

Attached: LIcking.jpg (576x448, 35K)


Attached: 1535807467417.jpg (600x847, 94K)

Its thursday. Come back on spoiler day.

Attached: cd18a802941780566f89488d486e9ef4.jpg (736x1081, 146K)


Attached: cdovrvjmb0b31.jpg (1080x598, 85K)

just wait a little longer user, 'till the last old bald guy finish to screw me over and I'll make the cum smell disapear

Attached: MikuSLut.jpg (560x559, 63K)

Attached: 379d165abdfd9d52e84dacb2e5b04871.jpg (640x895, 90K)

Is posting normal fanart of Miku a way to help cope?

You sound mad

Shut up Miku!!!
I'm going to cum!!!

Attached: Fatty.jpg (386x313, 15K)

uhhh can some post ichika pictures

Prediction for future chapter title?

Chapter 102 : The last Festival - Ichika case part (2)
Chapter 103 : The last Festival - Nino case part (1)
Chapter 104 : The last Festival - Nino case part (2)[Final chapter volume 12]
Chapter 105 : The last Festival - Miku case part (1)[The first chapter volume 13]
Chapter 106 : The last Festival - Miku case part (2)
Chapter 107 : The last Festival - Yotsuba case part (1)
Chapter 108 : The last Festival - Yotsuba case part (2)
Chapter 109 : The last Festival - Itsuki case part (1)
Chapter 110 : The last Festival - Itsuki case part (2)
Chapter 111 : The last Festival - Fuutarou case part (1)
Chapter 112 : The last Festival - Fuutarou case part (2)
Chapter 113 : The last Festival - Answer[Final chapter volume 13]



Okay, this thread clearly has nothing of value going on. Time to do my civic duty.

Attached: thighposting.png (1070x1025, 659K)

Attached: 68924808_p0.png (759x1184, 597K)

Nips believe it will be
but honestly who really knows what order it is. Also it won't end on chapter 113. There's still some shit to resolve.

Attached: 73114351_p0.png (874x1240, 884K)

I'm gay!

Attached: 73126824_p0.jpg (1447x2047, 930K)

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Do i smell fear?

Attached: 73550004_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 628K)

Attached: 73561645_p0.png (1240x1754, 1.04M)

> ninofag preventing old men posting
I don't get you.

Attached: 73561673_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 3.49M)

You're not getting a (You) outta me faggot.

Attached: 1516056072057.png (569x615, 212K)

Fucking based

Nino protects her sisters.
Frankly I just wanted to post Nino thighs and this was an easy excuse.

Attached: 73562847_p0.jpg (1000x1280, 158K)


Attached: D17bwUqUkAA8bma-orig.jpg (800x1329, 106K)

Attached: D53veKVUUAAL11U-orig.jpg (782x1106, 151K)

Attached: D77Og3OUIAEowuG-orig.jpg (679x1000, 80K)

Oh, that's tsundere alright.
Here, I'll help a bit.

Attached: 1564753471302.jpg (768x768, 118K)

Attached: Dwjr_81UcAE0A1e-orig.png (600x832, 483K)

Attached: DyK4dZ2V4AAwfTH-orig.jpg (768x1080, 87K)

Attached: 1565722494607.jpg (1575x1550, 140K)

So in the end this flowery background just meant that he loves all the quints. As they're just buds on a tree that haven't blossomed yet. Based red herring.

Attached: 1562689163113.png (1115x546, 460K)

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Attached: 1563184833356.png (650x650, 244K)

Attached: D-s7TukUIAA5mYa-orig.jpg (1638x2048, 228K)

I don't really have a lot of thighs.

Attached: 1561556595026.jpg (1447x1792, 968K)

Attached: Dt1ZXNOVYAAac-p-orig.jpg (1654x1787, 193K)

Attached: EDGiCptUwAAfo8i-orig.jpg (770x1610, 95K)

That's okay, I've got plenty of every quint.

Attached: 1535211729557.jpg (850x1202, 120K)

I disagree. It can be any order like:
>Ichika (1)
>Miku (1)
>Yotsu (1)
>Miku (2)
>Fuutarou (2)
> Ichika (2) (if she wins) or answer
Also good guess about Fuutarou chapter

Attached: 1562188719572.jpg (739x1024, 87K)

What can you tell about their personalities from this?

Attached: 1567725100772.gif (480x509, 3.22M)

>when you love all the quints and don't want to see any of them sad

Attached: Why.jpg (400x436, 54K)

Attached: EDXZEN7UYAAQVWp-orig.jpg (1072x2048, 296K)

Attached: 73353085_p0.png (1000x1000, 446K)

It's ok, Itsuki won't be sad.

Attached: 73362986_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 1.36M)

Attached: 73366905_p0.png (2500x3827, 2.22M)

Anyone have the Itsuki volume cover fanart?

Attached: 73410845_p0.jpg (2894x4094, 2.47M)

Meekutard is so angry that he needs spam this thread

Attached: 1541564113151.png (346x412, 164K)

Attached: 73430481_p0.png (1350x1925, 813K)

>on Yea Forums
>doesn't like 4-chan
what's wrong with you anons

Attached: 01.jpg (717x571, 134K)

Attached: 73020605_p0.png (2039x1377, 1.94M)

Geh. For some reason I thought file limit was 150. Careful you don't get banned for posting too much.

Attached: EB6F0gPXsAAZKTv.jpg (983x1346, 99K)

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Attached: 73036349_p0.jpg (1878x2648, 1.23M)

That Ichika's used to riding cocks. But we already knew that, I guess.


Guys where do you monitor spoilers?

I can't even imagine it. I'm that pathetic. Sorry, even in my fantasies they reject me now.

Attached: 73041772_p0.jpg (2191x2256, 878K)

Fuutarou hands the quint this flower. What happens next?

Attached: 25119252237_6b072a11e3_b.jpg (1023x678, 150K)

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Attached: 73701956_p0.jpg (1240x1754, 1.04M)

Attached: 73886525_p0.png (960x960, 529K)

Okay I'm done.

Attached: Do it for Nino's Thighs.png (2756x1575, 3.37M)

Good. It was getting mildly annoying.

I can keep going if you really want.

Attached: 72716195_p0.jpg (1998x2018, 1024K)

>It's annoying
>I can keep going

that is a face of shame

I'm GAY!

so you like Miku huh?

Miku a best

Nino a worst

Miku and Nino a best

Last for Mutsumi

Attached: 1542867925335.jpg (2756x1575, 1.45M)

Who cares about the quints. RaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaihaRaiha

Attached: sample-496fb5fd9f1531d141e2d97a9de3e9a8.jpg (928x1000, 136K)

Newfags deserve to die

cute and funnypilled

How can dumb quints even compete with Raiha's wit and cunning?

Miku as Nino was during sayonara
Nino as Miku was during sister's war

Attached: EDw3-6wU8AAH0IX-orig.jpg (721x1239, 115K)

I'm gay!!!

We know Takeda

Stop posting Fuutarou

Itsuki is selfinsert of Negi

Miku is self insert of Negis wife, she also likes sengoku history

Ichika is the self insert of Negis wife, she also likes acting.

Yotsuba is the self insert of Negis child. They both have roughly the same IQ

Nino is the self insert of Negis african american friends sidechick


Attached: 1460967223202.jpg (766x348, 106K)

No it doesn't make sense.

Get back to your thread kaguyashitter

>Itsuki will probably be the safest end as there will be lesser seething

Attached: yotsuba it's me.png (512x421, 55K)

5fags keep making shit threads fagging their waifu.

Final exams didn't follow any particular numerical order, why assume this will?

>Imagine marrying this beauty.
You better have a 7 figures salary if you want to be able to feed her.

He love Ichicute. He was trying to pull.

Not that user, but the second chapter is another Ichika chapter.

>ichika will never look at you like this
Why even live bros


In the eyes

I want to see Itsuki eat a mango

In the butt!

Attached: F947EF2B-0B20-4DBB-B59F-4E96B7D09559.jpg (1447x2047, 203K)

don't worry she will look at you like this instead

Attached: Pathetic.jpg (690x944, 411K)

Can I have yotsuba smile

Attached: 1542009320036.webm (284x418, 27K)


Attached: 75510339_p0.jpg (750x695, 249K)

Attached: 1564505556677.png (1055x858, 1.4M)

No. Shitposting in toubun threads have only gotten progressively worse.
Yotsuba's smile is gone for good.

Attached: yotsuba smile gone.jpg (1352x676, 340K)

I don't care about winning
I just want to see Ichika's date and kiss

Just watch one of her numerous movies.

Attached: itsuki yots.gif (281x301, 205K)

here you go

Attached: there's no way that'd happen.png (1120x1600, 1.3M)

So is Yostuba actually a positive person, or is it a facade?

She's depressed and she is hiding it by helping her sisters but not herself.

Its a facade.

Shes gonna hang herself on a swing one day

It's a facade
She belongs to rope-kun

I know she is depressed but a person could still be a hopeless optimist at the same time. I wonder if she actually thinks she has any hope for the future or is just faking it.

She has the brightest smile.

Attached: 1547355001523.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

She's complex. Saying she's depressed is naive. Fuutarou explained it best in her last exam chapter. She's shackled by guilt because of what her sisters did for her. They chose the dumbest way to solve her problem, and by doing so they shackled her and caused the pain she's in now.

My quint is losing, How to go through tihs.

Attached: oghJd.png (899x677, 614K)

Stop reading. It will make things easier.

This chapter was utter shit. Great way to destroy Ichika's chances in a single chapter.

I hate Negi. This chapter was so big hope bait .

Well it's been building up to it user. Granted I found it a bit disturbing that negi decided to reveal that Ichika kissed another guy. Talk about a low blow.

I wanted to rage when I read that. She's still in high school and hasn't been on a first date yet but she's throwing away her first kiss like its nothing. So fucked up.

Bet her actual first kiss was with Fuutarou
Negi is playing 3d chess with us

>I wanted to rage when I read that. She's still in high school and hasn't been on a first date yet but she's throwing away her first kiss like its nothing. So fucked up.

Attached: 1521585361913.jpg (531x698, 258K)

Spoilers tomorrow/saturday

Fuck off mikufag. Just wait till your quint gets shit on.

Ichika is the sluttiest character i've ever met in manga.

>hat negi decided to reveal that Ichika kissed another guy.
This should be good oportunity to show some shit like "fake kiss vs real kiss"

Attached: EELdHioVUAAdG34-orig.png (640x630, 133K)

>Losing faith in Ichicute
How can you do that.

Attached: 1559661887868.jpg (735x667, 65K)

So Fuutarou don't love Ichika but he is still bothered if she kissed someone else. What a egoistical bitch

>he's a Merlinlet

Attached: dablin.gif (902x718, 433K)

Attached: Breakdown.png (167x724, 61K)

How did the marika arc get resolved again?

Fuck off FGO shitter

Attached: 1512985016169.jpg (212x233, 46K)

Fuck off Nisekoi shitter

>winning the Fbowl
LOL nice try, but Takeda isn't first girl.

Attached: 5smug.jpg (200x309, 30K)

My wife.

Attached: 1567877520995.jpg (618x619, 307K)

Who is that?

Attached: ffce488165380cd7dbc1d7feae44ad3458828173.jpg (340x560, 128K)

Ichika is smarter than Miku. The only thing Miku has is S E N G O K U G A M E S while Ichika is biggest in pretty much all stem subjects. Ichika mainly sleeps during her exams, but still btfos Miku while working long hours.

Is it true that spoilers will be earlier this week?

>He can distinguish 13 confirmed
245 are still not confirmed by Fuutarou because the kisser is between them.
Nino will be the last!!

What an awful thread. Please stop posting pictures of me.

>He can distinguish 13 confirmed
Yeah, this is why he knows he kissed Ichika.



Good answers anons, thank's for sharing

You're welcome.

While you have your chart about how Ichika had more points in those subjects, ch. 90 told us that Miku is once again the best, and her university prospect result is also an A. And by this time she was also working. But I could say that she also told Ichika after getting btfo'd that she won't give up on studying in ch. 68, and the results are speaking for itself. Nonetheless, your tone tells me you are one of those haters that are shitting on Miku on every occassion possible.

>fuu saves nino
>oh, it's just ichika
>didn't plan to invite ichika to his confession
>might aswell tug along, the sisters will be happy to see her
>ichika isn't there for day 2 and 3, asks for an answer right away
>"there'll be no confession"
>goes on to confess on day 3
ichika irreparably btfo

>Nonetheless, your tone tells me you are one of those haters that are shitting on Miku on every occassion possible.
This tone tells me you're insecure.

The real first girl. Beat Yotsuba by at least a year.

Hes not wrong tho

Yes, the other user is also not wrong tho

I agree. Two opposing opinions can both be correct. But who gives a fuck about that?

I love my wife Yotsuba!

Attached: Chubby Yotsuba.png (1002x1352, 791K)

I don't hate Miku. I hate how Miku does nothing and makes as much progress as Nino.
All the Miku dates where probably reader bait to keep mikufags reading and happy. If Negi had the freedom, we would have gotten at least 1 ichika date and he wouldn't have trashed her entire character like this just to get her out of the way.

You cant seriously be blaming Miku for Ichikas trearment by Negi. Thats not enough reason to trash a character, user. Negis not an autist

> You cant seriously be blaming Miku for Ichikas trearment by Negi.
If miku didn't exist the kyoto trip would've been a kino happy one. She ruined the trip for everyone.

if you root for
>ichika "casting couch" nakano
>ichika "choke her harder, like her father" nakano
>ichika "sucks dick deep without a peep" nakano
>ichika "can't walk straight, her anus is still red" nakano
>ichika "first the sake, then bukkake" nakano
that's what you gotta expect

Reread chapter 68 to see her successfully kissing Fuutarou.

What's with the "oh no, Ichika kissed her fellow film actor"?

She's an actress and it's only a kiss, and it could be kiss on a check, forehead or brow...

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I'm not insecure. Miku being the smartest was an accepted fact among the quints. Yotsuba said it, Itsuki also surprised she didn't get the best score in the final exam. Just because Ichika has better score in the other subjects, and she btfo'd Miku one time, doesn't make Ichika the smartest generally. Ichika is untapped potential, who only makes effort for the wrong reasons. Her sole purpose in the final exams was to not let Miku confess, so she studied like her life depended on it. It's admirable what she managed to do while working, but she can't keep that up consistently. She pretty much lost the motivation afterwards, and Miku took the title back. We saw two of Ichika's results in the mock exam. 60/200 in english, 75/200 in math, her best subject, which is weak. She doesn't give a fuck anymore. If she were constantly serious and not laze around, then it would be an amusing back and forth between her and Miku, but that's the thing, this is an IF scenario. She is irresponsible when it comes to studying most of the time.

> I'm not insecure.
> Proceeds to write a fucking 150+ essay

That's not how storytelling works.
> nothing happens
> nothing at stake
> no tension
> x
> kino
Solve for x please.

Miku and Nino are uninteresting characters to me. Why would I hate on characters I don't care about?
The only thing I corrected was that Ichika is indeed smarter than Miku. This is supported in pretty much every exam they've taken and more.
University prospects mean nothing because 1) they're just prospects 2) we don't know what Ichika's prospects are.
user... if you wanted a normal onee-san character that just cares for the MC then that's on you, I guess. Those types of characters never win any type of bowl. Ichika actually has a chance of winning the bowl, though it's more like 60% Itsuki 20% yotsuba 20% Ichika.

>Kaguya is there
>Mafuyu is there
>Fucking Chika is there

Attached: anitrend_2020_awards.png (1432x1272, 1.07M)

No. She didn't do it at all. It will be proven next chapter, just you wait.

The quints are unrivaled so they don't need to take part in this.

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Every girl is better than any toubun girl, except Nino

Obviously the votes were spread to the five quints. Do you really expect Ichikalets to vote the other four? Same for ninoniggers, micucks, ropesubas, and itsukifats?

> Ichika and Nino will compete for love
> Itsuki will go forward with her rena plan
> Yotsuba returns to the place where she met fuutarou
Much better than muh 3 sister is depressed because her confession wasn't as smooth as a baby's butt.

No one cares about animeonly-tards opinion

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> Nanako

Attached: brighten up.png (1009x641, 321K)

Are you just shoving your opinion onto others at this point?

>Chika dabbing on quintkeks again

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>caring about literal who facebook contest
seethe more kaguyakek. 5toubun sold more and got a S2, is this your way of coping?

Arent you*
Its almost midnight, give me a break, will you?

How can Kaguya be so much better than every quint?
How does she do it?

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He's right though. SW could've been much more. I don't agree that 3 is not needed, but negi clearly throw away the potential of what could have been. Like nino's, "I'll settle it in kyoto!"

Chika is just as fat maybe even fatter than the quints
>No 9some with the quints and Fujiwara trio

I gave you my reasoning. I knwo that's a luxury among the keks, copes, setehing, so don't waste it.

I didn't even ask for your reasoning, I just said you sounded insecure. You're the one who wrote all that.

Already disproven. When you write in caps, it just tells me you do everything to discredit her. So she is uninteresting to you, therefore she can't be the smartest.

And this is one the reason why I've stopped visiting kaguya general. Animeonly subject F-ags ruined everything.

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That's a long ass cope essay, kek

Give the quints a proper anime adaption and we'll talk again. And by proper I mean more than one decent episode.

Nino is the current rep for You're Waifu for the Autumn babby cup. Your vote may decide if she get replaced with someone else, like a certain other superior sister.

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>Ichika has the only good episode
What did Shaft mean by this?

>like a certain other superior sister

>The real first girl
There's only 1 real first girl and it's bestsuki.
Fillers fuck off.

Attached: it's 1st girl time.jpg (356x426, 73K)

>i'm mikufag
>therefore she is the smartest
user, even Fuu said that Ichika is the smartest

That's the point, she uses a lot of Japanese idioms correctly.
She uses the rarely used "I bite and spit/swallow" to mess around with Fuutarou. It is weird that she doesn't know about the famous "The moon is beautiful".

I really don't like how the writer makes the bride so obvious from the start, the whole story's appeal is supposed to be based on figuring out what happened years ago prior to Ichika and Fuutarou's wedding but it's just so blatantly obvious that it kills the whole point of the narrative. With all the hype that this series is getting, I thought I'd get more enjoyment out of it but alas.

No, he didn't. He said what I said but worded differently. Ichika is the most competent among them when it comes to learning new things, so she has the most potential to be the best, as we saw the evidence to this, but she doesn't keep up with studying contantly, lazes around, therefore wastes that potential on the long run.

The fucking state of Ichikek

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Does anyone find it funny no one bothered watching Ichika's TV role?

They're just jealous she gets to make love with handsome foreigners.

How come Fatso's cover was not tweeted by Negi? Is it some sort of grudge that he had to make that for the exhibition in a rush, and that's why it looks so shit?

Negi is busy, he doesn't have time for everything

Fair, but he made a tradition out of posting the covers 2 or more weeks before release. Now that tradition is gone. He also tweeted about the chapters when they got released, now he either doesn't that or somehow does 2-4 days later sometimes.

She handled the Takebayashi thing well and didn't almost go nuclear.


Nah, Nino is You're Waifu

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There is no way her sisters don't know about this.
What? No.


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Old man posters should kill themselves. You all are below trash.

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Miku please stop belittling yourself