Name a more unintentionally disgusting character design.
Name a more unintentionally disgusting character design
OP wasn't designed it was randomly thrown together.
>first user says OP as a reply to any thread and everyone else replies "based"
wow so this is the "le funny new meme XD" huh.
You okay? Are you sad that you couldn't be the first post?
OP spotted
ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.
OP here, I'm not Not autistic enough to get mad preemptively at things. I'm just taking the lack of actual answers as admission of me being right.
Are you mad that you got exposed? That your shitty "le OP" posts in first posts aren't funny at all?
Imagine finding it funny
>posts on Yea Forums(nel)
>not autistic enough
>Fairly average body with a pretty solid but as the only highlight
>Relatively normal hair compared to the rest of the characters in her show (Looking at you Maria)
>A solid combination of cool and cute
You've got to be some kind of fag to think this is disgusting
I thought this was Haikyuu!
Bikki is adorable fuck you mean
Imagine how much more bearable her design would be if her hair didn't randomly fan out to the sides like she's Arthur Schopenhauer
What is the best release of this show? Everyone says that Commie's release is complete shit.
I came here to post this.
unironically have sex
this character is ugly stupid and annoying
Hibiki is pretty much a dude when you think about it. Prelati and Calgiostro are the straightest Symphogears to waifu.
It's okay you'll be first next time.
I hate every design in this show. Every single one. It is one of the ugliest anime I've ever seen, and that's including stuff that had a budget of like $4.
Who's the girl on the top right?
fitting desu
Look at her manly sideburns, they reek of hotblood.
this site is becoming reddit so fast it's insane.
you can barely have bad discussions anymore it's just autistic one liners and shit flinging
>new meme
How new can (you) get?
Maria's dead sister.
Behead those that insult Hibiki.
So fucking angry lol.
And the OP's post isn't that?
>He doesn't like pointlessly sexy skintight sci-fi bodysuits
Why do you even watch anime?
I watch intellectually stimulating anime like Fate and Kimetsu to expand my mind.
How is the OP a one liner?
>and shit flinging
>you're not allowed to dislike what I like
I'm sure that posting a picture of the protagonist of a semi-popular and currently airing series while implying she was the most "unintentionally disgusting" character design in anime history was a statement made in good faith.
>you're not allowed to comment negatively on currently airing shows
I've always thought the characters is fucking ugly and the fact that I'm currently watching her show reminds me of it. That's all. But I especially like the part about "good faith". Just confirming that disliking what you like is considered "bad".
Feel free to post uglier designs as counterexamples, by the way. Which was supposed to be the point of the thread.
Sure, here's one
OP here, thanks for agreeing with me I guess.
god I wish that were me
I know that it's not fair because of how cheap the show was, but this boy alien thing has to be the epitome of ugly.
Fuck you, Chris is cute.
>watching Fate
I want hibiki as my boyfriend(female)
OP is a giant faggot.
Hibiki is a hibiki.
Opinion disregarded.