I’m gonna do it! I swear to God, I’ll fucking shoot!

I’m gonna do it! I swear to God, I’ll fucking shoot!

Attached: 102933837495.jpg (1366x768, 194K)

No! If you strike them down, they'll become more powerful than you can possibly IMAGINE!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.32_[2018.01.28_14.53.22].jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Do it, you won't

Attached: 1567944416617.png (333x429, 97K)

Do it coward. You're only going to kill a man.

I can’t IMAGINE how much more FUCKING hard it would be to stop THE COLORS

That’s fine, fuck them

>fuck them
That’s the idea

Shoot your goo, my dude!


A real Japanese police officer would beat them senseless with his baton.

Just like i saw them do to drunks around yokohama.

But user, they’re lolice officers

Attached: ueno park lolice department.png (793x1200, 344K)

Fuck terrorists!

Attached: is_brutal_rpg_execution.jpg (1366x768, 292K)

We get it, you don’t have to ask about her in every thread like a faggot

But the Colors aren't drunk.

They’re drunk on lolicon semen

user, they’re fucking little girls

God, the Colors are fucking TINY

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Yeah no shit, how else could they get their semen in the Colors' mouths?

>the Colors are fucking


Way too tiny

Loitering drunks should be beaten to death to be honest.

loli are dangerous

Attached: Loli attack.gif (500x281, 2.67M)

Perfect size for manhandling

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God, I wish that were me

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I don’t get it

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imagine befriending the colors


Stop asking about her, sperg

You shouldn’t manhandle children

Do it user

Why is this thread so dead?

Its colorblindness

No Juju

Kill yourself

And why not?

I really want a Colors/WataTen crossover. It would be so cute to see Noa play with the Colors. I'm sure they would get along great. What do you guys think?


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Watatenfriends and Colorsfriends should get along. Calm down.

How could you shoot this face?

Attached: holding face.jpg (3508x2480, 1.28M)

That's an RPG. Those things have a minimum range before the fuze is armed, and you can't just fire into the ground either, so you'll only kill one of them at most, albeit in an exceptionally gruesome manner.

But user if we kill our enemies they win

With my semen

Not when you bring into our thread

Which color would model likely do C******ll?


Standing blowjob from the Colors!

Why imagine?

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I dont understand.

Which color is your favorite? Personally I like Laura B

You mean for a dub? Itll never happen but I like that lady who does Tsuchinoko.

That’s not a Color

Then what is she?

A slut

How do you know?

You know why, don’t get the thread deleted

You gonna need a bigger weapon for those 3.

Attached: railgun.jpg (1024x576, 118K)

In theory, could I get my brother arrested for having sex with my mother?

You can't just call my wife a slut for no reason

Your wife does adult things

Explain further

She lets people see her naked, little girls shouldn’t do that

Attached: 103749474.jpg (960x1080, 417K)

>She lets people see her naked
Things that never happened

I know you want me to post her, do it yourself