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aww, little brainlet lost its way around the Inernet again? here, let me shoe you the way to your playground, little faggot reddit.com
Someone failed science class and is pissed someone can make it seem this simple. Seethe more.
I love to think that that smug smile is engraved on the haters' minds
>unironically stanning reddit-tier "le epic science!: the anime"
Well, to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to realize how pretentious Dr. Stone is. The humour is extremely bad, and without a solid grasp of actual science most of the jokes appeal to the typical pretentious pseudo intellectual. There's also Senku's cringe pseudo intellectual outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory(a cringe show), for instance. The fans gobble up this pretentious bullshit; they lack the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of real anime, to realise that they're just not funny- they say nothing deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who like Dr. Stone truly ARE pseudo intellectual idiots who only watch this boring lame anime because they want to look le smart XD- of course they would appreciate, for instance, the shitty """humour""" in Senku's shitty catchphrase "10 billion years" or "millimeter," which itself is a cringey attempt at appearing smart by using le scientific measurements and le numbers. I'm smirking right now just imagining those mouth breathing pretentious pseudo intellectuals thinking they're smart when in reality, I'm smarter than them since I'm smart enough to point out how stupid and lame this anime is despite it trying to be intellectual.
i also like neil smoke'degrasse tyson. epic! you win the internet for today, good sir
>>Unironically saying stanning
Board tourist leave.
le epic clapback!
Retard, that's what the anime is
i know
i was responding to the copypasta that seems to be, ironically, rickandmorty-ifying people who don't like Epic Science Man: The Anime
This but unironically
How many layers of [missing] irony is this? Does the guy who wrote it even knows what he wanted to say?
Rick and Morty copypasta was originally a self-deprecating joke by an R&M fan, then retards who can't into irony thought it was said seriously, then even dumber mongoloids started using as le epic comeback against any statement that some show has depth, and now this...
It could've genuinely be written be either a fan or a hater of Dr. Stone.
Why the fuck are they even doing that? We're the opposite of rickandmorty fags, unlike those pseudo intellectuals, we're actually intelligent
Holy Shit he just absolutely fucking demolished Jimmy in a strangly concerned yet understanding way
It's making fun of virtue signaling or meme spouting teenagers that are jumping at the opportunity to show off their "insight" or just regurgitate their cancerous memes
These are valid criticisms, but it's not like the story is fundamentally different if there were nitre beds and potash kettles and sulfate. It would be better, but not different. At least they got the sea shell thing right.
That being said the flashback story is pretty fucking cringe, even for an anime backstory.
>Dr. Bazinga