Still the only good place to talk about anime honestly

Still the only good place to talk about anime honestly.

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Literally this.

Its full of shonenshitter now and mods purge board culture. Its been dead since moot left. I'll just here for the remnant of old Yea Forums.

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>Its been dead since moot left

Sad but true.

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No, its Yea Forums for anime now

I fucking love /f/

Full Yea Forums was better

Depends on which autistic group is on.

Discord is way better though.

remember when Yea Forums used to have some obscure manga threads from time to time

Yea Forums is not a good place to talk about anime, but it is the least shit place.

Yea Forums has been shit since around 2010

No. It might be the best simply because of anonymity, but it's still hot fucking garbage.

The best place to talk about anime is with your friends

>can't say anything because they're uninformed
>they will insist on being right despite being totally wrong

yeah no

What's that? Something you can eat?

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>the best simply because of anonymity

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>talking with friends about anime
>yo, have you ever watched evangelion?? It's like so fucking deep man you should really watch it like right now!
Every fucking time, also they only watch whats on season and it's always the generic one.

Fucking casual anime fans are literalpy the worst. They are way more autistic than those with high power levels, and their taste is garbage, which brings down the general community

This, unfortunately. Yea Forums has broader tastes than most anime communities, and the best balance between discussion and funposting, but there's less of both than there used to be. Every other place that has less shitposting also has less of the good stuff.

As much as we love to complain about board culture being dead, we still have plenty of community events like Yea Forums sings, Yea Forums draws, and live reactions to scanlation releases. Every other site just feels joyless compared to that.

same about Yea Forums as a whole honestly, chatrooms are dead, forums are overrun with normalfags and social media reigns over the majority of the population, leeching off IQ points like a milking machine

Yeah thats primarily because reddit fags just keep spamming their shit board with "look what i just drew" shit nobody wants to see anymore

If by anime you mean evangelion, hunter x hunter, dragon ball, titanshit and fateshit, sure. This piece of shit board is the most entry level place you could find. Then you go to the threads about less popular shows and find out it's 90% retarded cumbrains.

the only good time to discuss shit on this board is at night when all the underages have to sleep

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fuck shonenshitter

But they poop from there!

But user, underages come from all over the planet. Shitposting is eternal and unrelenting.

anime gets shitposting
manga gets actual discussion

Yea Forums should implement a captcha with questions about unpopular anime that aired 5 years ago. Old enough that underage posters wouldn't remember them from the seasonal threads, but not old enough that 18+ posters have forgotten them. Make the timeout short enough that you can't just look up the answer.

Sounds like a pain in the ass
The problem is not even being casual, there's nothing wrong with that, the problem is to pretend you know enough to call yourself a critic, and go telling people what to watch, but again, everyone was new at some point but man it's annoying.

Why are the license plate and her shirt colored?

Its only decent if whatever you want to discuss isn't targeted by shitposters for whatever reason and the threads become unbearable
and yes I'm still salty about the shitfest the wotakoi threads were

>Sounds like a pain in the ass
not really, I like this idea but with manga question. animeonlies need no apply.

No, it'll keep the newfags and crossboarders out, because they can't behave like adults.

You won't have any problem with that, right? You're not a newfag or a crossboader, right user?

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>filter out everyone that doesn't watch and memorize every show that airs every season
well, it would definitely end shitposting

>implying it wouldn't make shitposts funnier because everyone knows what they're talking about and it's not just retards slapping memes together

Yeah, it *would* make this place less like Reddit, good point Reading Comprehension user!

Where do we go if Yea Forums dies? Twitter?



Reddit is just as bad as twitter if not worse for discussing anything, ever.
The upvote system just turns it into a constant circlejerk and it's just a hot mess of shitposting and "not too contrarian" posts. Because if you make a thread about some slightly bad show actually being really good all the fans will give you a gajillion upvotes while nobody will bother downvoting if your opinion is semi-reasonable. If you want to go truly against the circlejerk, not just slightly outside it, you get downvoted to oblivion.

Die in a fire.

no one gives a shit

Also, a lot of Yea Forums already use twitter to track jp artists, so there's already somewhat of a disjointed community there.

He isn't wrong, a relatively small discord server with people you like generally makes for better discussion and environment than a big place like Yea Forums

lmao he's not wrong
IBs are a thing of the past, the only ones who still use them are people with ossified browsing habits and retards who need 100% anonymity b/c their opinions are omega-shit and/or politics
don't believe me? look at how Yea Forums is actually being USED. This is nothing more than an anonymous chat server where every thread is a chatroom.
that's just the default communication people want from anywhere it's not Twitter or Facebook or Reddit. Discord delivers it better, therefore discord is superior.

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Been here almost my entire life, is just that i even fail regular captcha, sometimes i think i may actually be a robot.

Public servers are awful though, it's just a bunch of attention seeking normalfags that value importance based on the color of their name

>sometimes i feel i may actually be a robot

I can relate to this actually, user, I'm sorry you feel this way. We'll all make it, eventually. That's my hope anyway, gotta keep hope.

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Only because everywhere else is somehow even shittier.

At that point you could use IRC or AOL and have the same effect.

>say something even slightly controversial that annoys any important member
>get banned
Yeah great place. Any place with a circlejerk in place is garbage. That's pretty much anywhere without anonymity.

>actually watching anime

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>I may actually be a robot
I get that feeling

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why you're here faggot?

Anyone who still uses IRC is an old man or a pretentious contrarian faggot.

>ossified browsing habits

yeah, but nobody uses IRC anymore, not when discord is a thing

Diabetes can't kill you oldfags fast enough.


There's a couple of other imageboards I use. They're much slower but I imagine if Yea Forums died overnight they'd become active enough that I wouldn't be too sad.

Moot was an attention whore and most Yea Forums """"culture""" that got removed was the same crappy memeposters. Yea Forums is unironically better with Hiro.

Are there non-shit imageboards anymore?

care to name them?



Go back.

I tried to make a few, but they all got saged to oblivion.

NewGrounds forum

nah that would be gaiaonline

Yeah I remember stealth /wsr/ threads. I'm glad they're mostly gone except the occasional OPT thread.

true but in retrospect i think most oldfags would even take 2012 Yea Forums, or Yea Forums as a whole over 2019 Yea Forums
nothings changing, its only gone more downhill

I like that place but is full of legit schizos, magicchan was better but now is ded

I would rather have a million shounenshit threads than moeshit threads. Reminder that Yea Forums is probably cyclical and one day old Yea Forums will return.

Samachan and, uh, fufufu?
and some others (esp. /jp/ affiliates)
but all are semi-dead, beside the live ones like doshio

you cant even say nigger on Yea Forums nowadays though because some retarded janny would delete them

That place barely gets one post per day
Sama is ok but too many tripfags make it look like a circlejerk at times
Tohno is the alternative IB I like the most but is also slower than Berserk updates

fufufu is srsbusiness shit for 2013-era tryhards

>too many tripfags make it look like a circlejerk at times
It doesn't "look" like a circlejerk, it IS a massive circlejerk. 90% of the posts there are people whining about their lives.

>Tohno is the alternative IB I like
I mean even ignoring the fact it's literally at a standstill and NOBODY posts there, just... why? It's standard alt-Yea Forums bullshit.

>and some others (esp. /jp/ affiliates)
I know about those and I like them, but I meant more Yea Forums affiliates

>live ones like doshio
Those are even worse circlejerks than Sama

>It's standard alt-Yea Forums bullshit
I find it comfy

Unfortunately true, Yea Forums has almost always had its problems but I still find myself coming back compared to other boards on here.

I miss iichan

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Eh, more like one of the shittiest places desu, here everyone hates literally everything.

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People said the same thing about internet anime communities in the 90's.

You're as much a newfag as that guy

That's because a significant lot of Pixiv artists have made the exodus to Twitter due to purges and bans from the former.

certainly the best, but it's still a place full of pseuds and contrarians, most of the time is just plain unpleasant to be here

It's cyclical like water flushing down a toilet, and one day this shithole is finally going to go down the drain.

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I've found if an anime thread pops up on another board it's slightly better for discussion than Yea Forums.

More like, there's not really a good place to talk about anime, all anime, at all other than Yea Forums. I specify all anime because it is possible to get a conversation going about stuff that isn't seasonal that you can't anywhere else.

Maybe half the time that's the case, the other half it's just shitting on all anime except the one they're talking about. I also guarantee the thread that pops up on another board is just the usual mainstream stuff everybody knows in which case of course, it'd be better because that's what most regular people have seen

>they only watch whats on season
Isn't watching what's on season the best way to have a common conversation point?

That and /pol/.

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>actually talking about economics and military
There's nothing /pol/ about that. That's like saying Yea Forums is a video games board.

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>shounen generals with the lowest possible quality of ""discussion"" that you can expect
>threads need to have bait or cute/sexy girls in order to be seen
>crossboarders non ironically using tranny/incel/cuck etc
>if you want do discuss a completed manga you're fucked

this is the worst board on 4channel
i'd agree with you if you had said manga instead of anime though, but then again those threads turn into fucking garbage if that series gets an anime

ecoli can't kill you shiteaters soon enough

Yeah. Everywhere else is full of normalfags that would exclaim FBI at the mere sight of a sexy loli.

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truly the place to express your love for cunny

Anyone remember that tripfag Gendo?
I want to think he died in a Drug Fueled Orgy.

>sad panda threads are fine
Oh how the times change.

How often do you refresh the catalog, Yea Forums?

For me its every 5 minutes or so.

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Reddit is the best place because all the good posters on Yea Forums moved to reddit years ago and this place filled with fags who heard of Yea Forums as some mysterious, terrorist, hacker, network and thought it would be edgy to tag along. Except they’re tagging along with other fags who would once upon a time be hitting up a 7 year old “girl” on habbo hotel and further spreading the culture that turned this place into a shithole.

See the real ones back on Reddit. Enjoy my Reddit spacing

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this but unironically.
even discord is better than nu-Yea Forums

>Talk about anything that is not big 3 or current crunchy roll flavor of the week

>whats that user, I'll check it out later, no I haven't seen it

End of discussion. No thanks.

I think the majority of old Yea Forums still post in /m/ and /jp/

IRC ( rizon) is a great place to find old anime, just search the bots, copy and download.


>all the good posters moved to reddit
>this placed is filled with fags who think Yea Forums is mysterious and full of hackers and terrorists
>redditors think Yea Forums is mysterious and full of hackers and terrorists
Yea Forums is reddit and reddit is Yea Forums

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Most cancerous place in imageboard history.
A place were you can't talk about anime because "it's for normalfags".

You posted there? The place died and we spent some time in eightchan in a board called tower, and well, obviously we didn't choose the right place to stay for long.
Now I don't think there's anything to replace it so it seems to be definitively kill.

Sad but true. First time I got banned for saying nigger in Yea Forums was a shock.

To be fair it's a general rule that a certain topic gets much better discussion the second it's posted outside of its designated board. Like discussing video games outside of Yea Forums.

Not even good. Shit, in fact.
Just better.

Once or twice a day. I just found doing it more times is a waste of time.

Find better friends

>Everyone has to watch and discuss actual garbage from now on
Not remotely worth it

Because the shitposters of that board aren’t trained to ruin that discussion. This is universal but obviously unsustainable . The more discussion happens, the more they’ll adapt.

To be fair, modcat was only mod who were fine with those threads. Every other mod hated them and wanted those threads gone.

Yeah. But the community there is dead. Overmoderation. The last lasting meme created by Yea Forums was in 2013, 2014? Five years without meme, or any impact into anime culture.

From times to times you get an old-style thread started by an old guard type, I guess, but they get banned fast enough. This is still the best place to talk about anime, sure. It's just an irrelevant place now. Community dead.

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Spotted the newfag who thinks everyone who posts even remotely political is from /pol/. Yea Forums always hated black by the way.

I fucking hate anime

I fucking hate Yea Forums

this board sucks all anime sucks

>The last lasting meme
God, what a fucking joke of a way to judge a community by

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ok newfag

Where else would I get Watamote, Nagatoro and Monster Musume translations on release day?

Nah, not only do they always force fucking jojo in every fucking conversation, they refuse to even try anything else. Only thing that i menaged to get them into was dungeon meshi and they loved it but they refuse to even try anything else.

the funtion of a community is to generate culture.
if it isnt producing culture anymore, it isnt even a community. its just another deracinated panopticon, just like the real world we fled.

At least learn to use capital letters.

I really miss panda threads on Yea Forums I can't be bothered to go to /h/, It was just people posting links and helping others with certain fetishes/preferences.

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The BO talked about opening new imageboard and posted his email before the shut down.

I know, he sent me and email but said he will open the board later since he was drunk, but he has been drunk for weeks already.

Yea Forums will never be a quality board as long as that SnK general stays around.

small anime subreddit are far better r/anime is shit tho