Best character in the series

>best character in the series
>AU version of him is the worst character in the series

Attached: Diego_Brando.png (350x411, 328K)

The World Diego is not that bad, but he is not a motherfucking dinosaurman

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He was equally over the top as the original DIO, only his evilness was toned down from saturday morning villain to self interested jerk. He also had a conscience which is a minus in a lot of people`s book

the world diego didn't beat the shit out of valentine and only lose because of valentine's asspull

Attached: the man himself.png (640x436, 272K)

I fuckin loved this fight

>we will need to wait over 5 years to see this animated

unironically the opposite. DIO was absolute trash while Diego was a great character. Neck

i am talking about diego and the world diego

both were sick though. Why would you complain about AU diego, unless you just got your opinion from an e-celeb

World Diego is a faggot that was made for fanservice only

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joshu would agree with me, the world diego is just as bad as DIO

I'd rather not see it animated

why not ?


>best character
>doesn't have a picture of josuke or kira
pathetic 7niggers. when will you learn, nobody gives a shit about one of the worst parts in the series


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>Reads seven parts
Ok dude

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"dio evil because evil" bullshit was in 3 other parts already

>implying original diego wasn't evil

Imagine having such shit taste

>good characters

he wasn't pure evil, he was just an asshole

yeah killing an old lady for her fortune is just being an asshole

>only remotely interesting character is gyro fagpelli
>no real response
discarded into the trash where you and your contrarian nigger opinion belong

But I thought those were just rumors?

>implying he didn't frame Johnny

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ah yes, surely he married her for her personality

thats the price you have to pay for diego's monster cock
little bitchass johnny had it coming for not drowning the fucking rat

Not that idiot, the "he poisoned her" thing

>implying he didn't

>implying he did

Diego already shows himself to be perfectly willing to cheat and kill other racers when he's literally only there for prestige at the start.
He literally only ever does anything in service of himself.