Would you a primitive homo sapien?

Would you a primitive homo sapien?

Attached: e8.png (1441x2048, 790K)

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No because I'm a raging faggot

She's cute

Is this a form of Isekai?


Attached: e7.png (1441x2048, 855K)

>"I was Kangz and shit in Another World"

She doesn't seem very primitive, her hair is done really well considering.

Yeah, why not? But I'd make sure she has a shower before I bone her

Anyway, new chapter when?

>washing off all the pheromones

This has nothing to do with your /pol/shit

Because I don't want to make love to a pile of stinky filth

>tfw no cavewoman gf

Attached: q19.png (1441x2048, 792K)


I could endure his art for kino fights but this doesn't look great.

Translators kindly fuck off

what if I am the primitive homo sapien?

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This brown goddess grabs your arm and says "kwenda!"
What do?

Attached: q18.png (1441x2048, 785K)

feels bad man

Attached: ENDA.png (1441x2048, 751K)

I do exactly what the guy in the manga did

why is she so ugly

Tiara is cute

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Pass the ketchup!

how did she not die from disease?

Nigga, you gay?

>Is this a form of Isekai?

Time travel.

Wouldn't it be funny if the MC tried to fuck her but she laughed at his asian micropenis hahahaha

The protag has a point.
Why the fuck is she blushing? Does mimi mean marriage proposal or something?

Worse art than SnK.

Probably similar to how Japs only use first names with close people

I don't like black girls but Tiari a cute

Thankfully she looks more brown than black.

Wait is that swahili?

She's a manga character, its normal for them to have ridiculous fancy hair/costumes

If you plug her words into Google translate it does appear that way. Guess she's tanzanian

The fearsome Nippon bow

Attached: g13.png (1441x2048, 719K)

This art looks like from those early 2000s "How to Draw Anime" books

That's a bit of an exaggeration

as someone who actually owned those books they aren't that fucking bad, the art is basic yes but not that fucking awful.

It's the faces and the exaggerated lines under the eyes to show expressions.


That's just his style

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That sounds really irresponsible. What if she got pregnant and you became an ancestor of all modern humans?

Ive just never liked brown people hair like that, it looks gross.

It looks cute you homogay.

In terms of time travel you've fucked up the timestream just by being there, you might as well assume whatever you do doesn't matter and act as you will.

extremely unprobable.

I like the way you think.

Attached: Time Travel.gif (480x360, 3.09M)

Those aren't dreads, those are braids.

Divergent time line, breeding with primitive humans could, potentially, lead to a faster development of their cognitive functions, meaning making them smarter in less generations, however given the that the number of time travellers is too low the possibility is still negligible.

Is it a weekly or monthly release?

>ywn colonize the homo sapiens

How bland is the Japanese self-insert MC in this one?

Does he use his special power of modern knowledge to dominate despite being milquetoast?

It's not isekai, just time travel, he doesn't have any special power only his knowledge of camping, he isn't bland per se, it's just a survival story set in the stone age.

this episode blew my mind as a youngster.

>lead to a faster development of their cognitive functions
At the price of the generations of genetic drift you'd bring in.

Now I'm interested, do they fuck tho, is the Mc a beta faggot? I got confirm this before reading.

He doesn't fear engaging predators 3 times his size by his 3rd day there desu

The OP is from the last chapter, nothing much has happened so far. He lost his group of friends, saved this girl from neanderthals and he found a baby wolf he's raising

Japan thinks it invented everything, including domestication of dogs.

Holy fuck now I remember this artist, he did that suicide island manga too. He's actually very knowledgeable when it comes to hunting/survival stuff. It was pretty enjoyable to read.

Well his other manga has comfort women, which Japan did invent

I can assure you Japan did not invent whores

Comfort women aren't whores Zhang

They did invent the lie of comfort women in Nanking because Japanese are masters of Warcrime Denial, bullshit folded over 1000 times.

Based homo

>Koreans and Chinks are still mad

>what is fight or flight

Fucking a cavewoman is one of my deepest held desires.

Explain further

I saw one of those venus figurines at a young age and it gave me a lifelong desire to fuck a fat woman wearing untreated animal skins who doesn't understand any technology more complicated than a spear thrower.

i understand this

I don't. I will never understand fat fetishists.

>i don't like black girls
Your loss.

Soft = nice

You don't like afros.

Tight = nicer

Actually that raises something interesting. Who invented warcrime denial, as far as we know? I imagine you can only go so far back with this one because the idea of a "war crime" probably isn't that old, and it's not the same as just breaking proper, agreed wartime conduct which would go back at least to medieval times.

Now, itadakimasuuuuu!!! You like this raw fish? I figured. Here's some sticky white rice. So good? You're making me blush.

>tfw adopted blacky raised by the whitest people on earth
>Don't get jungle fever often but when i do it hits me like a truck
Genes are fucked up.

Anyway thanks OP.

No, I don't fuck niggers

I only like Holyland, but this author really can make manga about widely different subjects, which is cool imo. He doesn't limit himself

Attached: holyland1.png (805x1200, 227K)

What's that

New manga from Holyland guy? Will give it a chance.

When are you going to do something about it

99% of the time black girls are gross

>No, I don't fuck

A curse.

Im fapping right now my guy.

Do you even know niggerspeech? You cant get any black girls without speaking their tounge


Impregnation and lots of it

It literally means "it's safe"


shut the fuck up imbecile

Projecting much?

How is the MC? SI MC had me rolling in anger since he was such a fucking pussy faggot.

God I hate niggers

Ok, but seriously: when's the next chapter? I wanna see the MC fucking this troglodite hottie

God I love negresses

Translations are ~25 chapters behind so soonish I guess?

if the mangaka is not a troll, that should happen in the next chapter. We are talking about a primitive female here,and it's already been shown in previous chapters that she's developing feelings for him, so there should be no major problems.

>99% females are gross

Maybe if you are looking for them in ghetto.

Can I get the raws somewhere? I don't particularly care about the plot so it doesn't matter to me if I can't understand what they're saying: I just want confirmation this scrawny nip manages to finally woo the negress

feed her some chicken

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Well if you do find them I'd appreciate you tell us if he manages to do it

Bruh noooooo it's gay

Wrong but at least it has good writing unlike SnK

SnK is shounenshit for literal teens no one claims it has good writing

I did manage to find some raws, but I was largely disappointed.
It seems the MC and the tribal hottie haven't fucked yet. What a goddamn hack this author is

>thinks they invented curry

frankly, the fact the time-travelers have a MUCH stronger Immunity System should be more important.

Pathogens of such a far past have no chance whatsoever

Got bored of it since author ditched the other isekai people

the only one getting some is the african warlord
the jap cuck will have to settle for watching

Small Jap dicks can't compete with the bbc

Will you gooks ever give it a rest?

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>time travel
>no isekai
Your mere presence creates an alternative timeline, so yeah it is isekai.
You must be one of those retards that don't realize Kyle Reese was not John Conner's original father.

Fuck off no fun allowed faggot.

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Fuck off crossboarder.


Why does she have a cheetah hyde scarf

Dicks out

If you write down everything that you know, you can kick start human development by millennia. Think about it, we'd already be dead by now so it'd be great.

Japan didn't invent sex slaves either.


It's an /int/ meme but i guess faggot like you wouldn't know.

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Go back

Not for Harambe.

You have to go back.

>Have I ever told you about crop rotation?

To where? 4chinz is only site i use.

They're hunter gatherers

to the afterlife asap

After you.

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>Have I ever told you about nomadic migration?

Fuck me, how do I search for tribal and pre-historic women on the panda? Is amazon the closest thing? I crave for the origin of mankind's FAT ASS.

>Is amazon the closest thing
Probably but most of the content is shit

That's barbaric and inefficient.
Now, back to crop rotation.

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What manga?

Took me 3 seconds, try not being a retard

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It's not pre-historic setting, but try "Takahashi Note, The Forest Of Ordiy". It's really good.

Tent niggers in paradise

That's not how boobs work


Hey, this dude at least recognizes the correct title for people like himself, a "faggot" not homosexual or gay. Good, good.

You can't say you find billions of people you've never seen not "likable.". That's like saying " I don't like white people because they are all pale skinned freckled people."

Found the low T faggot.

>You can't say you find billions of people you've never seen not "likable.".
Yes I can

part and parcel, not a crime

Humans smell like disease ridden slaughterhouses unless bathing on the daily, or at least rinsing the dirt off.

who invited reddit onto our germanic kike-killing image-board

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Wrong board faggot

next thing you know, he's gonna perform a dogeza and beg her to show him her loincloth


Attached: Da6yvtKVwAAx4tG.jpg (Grashros).jpg (483x533, 108K)

That series was fantastic

This manga really is the equivalent of a syfy original movie

This guy is terrible at drawing boobs. He's probably an unironic incel who never saw any.

Only if she's uninhibited enough to pee in front of me

>going for a human shitskin instead of a neanderthal QT
What a shit taste.

Attached: neanderthal.jpg (233x322, 16K)

whoa why all the racism against neanderthals?

>tfw born white, raised by whites
>get yellow fever, snow fever, jungle fever, sand fever, potato fever, curry fever, bean fever, and various half-caste fevers with decent regularity and incredible strength
If it's genes, is this some sort of genetic predisposition to colonize then, or am I just an organic chad, and either way have I done well by overcoming my nature and being a shut-in virgin?
People on Yea Forums complain about not knowing what to say around girls and so on, but what about when you want something that's not out there, but every other skirt you meet you easily talk to and start to finesse without meaning to, so you lock yourself away?

If only Grashros weren't a shit manga.

>"other species"
Well perhaps, given they shared common ancestors and successfully bred fertile offspring on a massive scale, they were not in fact different species, but different races before the current ones?
Why do anthropologists still keep up this autism, are they really that analpained about taking every opportunity to make their Christfag parents mad that they can't make such an obvious concession? Neanderthals were another race of homo sapiens - homo sapiens was a term first used to describe fossils of people who had Neanderthal blood. The "true humans out of Africa" meme is an awful, cringeworthy attempt at overcompensating for Darwin being even more racist than his religious counterparts at the time. Why are "smart" people so dumb?

Ah yes, just like how lions, tigers and jaguars are all the same species. "Species" is a meme by both the literal and chan-lingo definition.

Brown women are okay but they tend to have the worst in-laws judging by online articles.

The brown women I might probably like don't exist anymore, anyway.

You know the ones described in One Thousand and One Nights, the Persian Empire, Sumer, Egypt...

I just prefer ancient women aesthetic.

If this manga doesn't end with all the ancient humans dying from the diseases the group brought from the future then I'm going to be pissed.

Attached: No way fag.jpg (1280x1280, 324K)

But those had to be bred together by humans and produced infertile offspring, brainlet noreader.
Even mules, literally the most successful and reliable known crossbreed, are entirely infertile apart from a few celebrated cases treated almost like medical miracles. Do you not realize what a huge distinction that is?

Neanderthal detected

DO NOT tell me to go back to Yea Forums, but, Far Cry: Primal was pretty cool, huh? Really further woke my yearning for a tribal waifu even though the game had no good waifus.

I would charge MC and his group with crimes against humanity if they got back to the present.

Every single human they killed in the past, caused millions of humans in the present to cease to exist.

I would not be surprised Japan doesn't even exist anymore when they get back.

Oh yeah, I heard about that like you are not supposed to hug people from restricted regions: indigenous natives who refuse contact with the outside world.

Yeah, Europeans killed millions of Native Americans due to this fact. Google the Columbian Exchange.

Judging by the cave painting in the beginning, specifically the guy holding a spear with a wolf behind him, this might end up being a stable time loop.

>can't fuck your tribal waifu without giving her smallpox

>Get sent back in time to do nothing different and die
I hate these kinds of stories

For college students who enjoy hiking, they are pretty dumb.

First thing I would do is look for famous mountains or famous mountain ranges to get an actual idea of what continent I am on.

True, most amateur Japanese hikers can recognize the prominent mountains of Tanzania from any angle even tens of millenia of erosion difference.

You could probably still recognize Kilimanjaro

nah, but they should at least know their constellations and basic sky stuff to use for orientation.

>"What do the stars look like in, say, Africa?"
>"Oh no problem bro, as a modern college student who likes to hike I took care not only to memorize my star chart positions but to remember how to orient it for different regions!"
Having gone to college myself I can confirm this is exactly the sort of things you learn.

how far back are we talking here? my sense of scale for the distant past sucks. were the continents more or less where they are now when the homo sapiens first evolved?

Ah yes, Tanzania provides quite a nice view of Kilimanjaro.

Nah man, homo sapiens first evolved on Atlantis which is now under the mid-Atlantic, all of what's now Asia and South America were underwater back then and Australia was the largest connected landmass.

Attached: naruhodo.png (227x193, 5K)

That's why I said ''''''basic''''''' sky stuff, you dolt. Things like judging the position of the sun to have a notion of the time of the day, or knowing the north star or the south cross to discern if you are going in the right direction, etc. There are books of hiking that teach you this among other useful stuff regarding the sky.

jeez, what an insufferable idiot you are.

How would that tell them what continent they were on, angry-kun?

why do you asume they are in africa? Did neanderthals at any point dwell there?

the face of the mc looks like the one from gorilla warfare and actually not trying to kill myself island

Female panthera hybrids are fertile, and if you want a wild example, grizzly/polar bear hybrids.

I never said they could use it to know which continent they were on, you dolt. I said that they should know this shit to orientate themselves properly. MC basically got with the tribal girl because he tried to save his comrades from neandethals and got lost after he fled because he knew fuck all about how to orientate himself.

coyotes, wolves, and golden jackals can all interbreed and produce fertile offspring

Romans had to have a reason to go to war (Casus belli) so maybe you could imagine it being a war crime if they went to war without one.

take that back, grashros was a beautiful trainwreck

Tiari is so beautiful bros, why can't i fucking get a cavewoman gf. Fuck you god.

In return Native Americans gave Syphilis to the whole world.

Just read this up to ch 25.

I hope his friends made it

Grashros was, basically, caveman Fire Punch.

Species is just as much of an arbitrary definition as race because unlike what people learn in grade school there's no one simple rule that seperates one species from another.