
>Mikado will be a bastard chad they said
>he looks like a good boy, actually

Attached: 01.jpg (824x1300, 544K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But he's Kaguya's cousin so if they have kids it'll be retarded

Even if Mikado is a rival for Prez, it's not going to be for Kaguya.
This isn't a 5toubun NTR manga.

>speedreading this hard
Maki's and Kaguya's family are so far removed they're practically strangers

Imagine the smell

>it's not going to be for Kaguya.
yes, now I'm afraid that Kaguya loses prez against Mikado
I'm unironically scared

user wtf?

Attached: 1567418471063.png (361x389, 163K)

What absolutely killed the hype?

The manga fulfilled its premise.

>still no typed chapter

Attached: the cute.png (468x298, 81K)

Remember when this manga was good?

Threadly reminder that Aka is better at shitposting than all tryhards in this thread.

No intercourse yet

yes, this recent Maki chapter was greatly enjoyable

Maki is always enjoyable!

Copy pasting is not tryharding. I wish they were more creative.

yes, yesterday, the India chapter was good

i want to enjoy se... with maki!

Attached: se.png (722x379, 239K)

based Aka
we don't deserve him

cute fang

Attached: 1564432594566.jpg (1200x1600, 723K)

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Attached: 00437.jpg (850x1200, 214K)

Attached: 00438.jpg (850x1200, 204K)

thanks user
waiting tl

Digital raws here:

Time to live scanlate because boredom.

You should know what to expect if you remember those few chapters that were live scanlated for Grand Blue.

Attached: 01.png (850x1200, 284K)

Attached: 02.png (850x1200, 284K)

Isn't gook user kill ?

So Karen is used to dying ? There's hope she's still alive ?

Attached: 03.png (850x1200, 236K)

Those are digital raws. It's not Korean. But yeah, Gook user vanished.

The fansub yakuza broke his legs

Attached: 04.png (850x1200, 241K)

Attached: 05.png (850x1200, 240K)

Doing god's work.
Imma read it when you're done since I need to sleep soon

you should sample the color of the bubble you're cleaning instead of just filling it with black

A dash of ntr would really spice up this manga


Attached: 1566066656537.jpg (480x556, 92K)

>A dash of wincest would really spice up this manga

Attached: 1567961737464.jpg (768x768, 190K)

>Subject F
You mean beastiality, right?
I'm still not sure what she loves so much about her dog's wiener.
Poor translation?

Does that really enlighten you? I know about the other two and their values but not Islam.

Islam just makes you fuck goats and little boys

mikado being a fag.

honestly, he was the last hope for this manga

Kaguya already had her heart set on Prez from page 1, despite knowing Mikado literally her entire life
So the idea that Mikado would be any competition for Prez is just stupid

she uses chinchin in jap which, aside from "penis", also means "begging stance"

Attached: 06.png (850x1200, 276K)

What a lazy ass page.

That's the whole point of the entire chapter. He just applied a filter to the pictures he took after his "material gathering" in India, and then talking about the highest expenses for a chapter yet.

this chapter is a huge shitpost and i love it

Mikado a cute, a cute

Attached: MIKADO.png (95x231, 26K)

Mikado x Maki when?

>A dash of twincest would really spice up this manga

Attached: 648576856783467.png (486x457, 245K)

Attached: 07.png (850x1200, 253K)

That's the reaction I see on nip twitter too.



Something something the way of souma
How can you fags ever recover?

Attached: 08.png (850x1200, 262K)

Mikado is cute. And surprisingly ignorant when he's supposed to be the smartest student of his country.

Is the takeaway that he made a fool of himself on his trip to India and made it into a chapter?

My takeaway is that he enjoyed his paid trip to india and then shitposted about every single thing.

Never ending shitposting, why post in the threads if the only thing we have is everyone baiting everyone else?


What a bitch.

>the Odalet
Please bossu let me have a break from time to time, I have earned you millions
>the based Akasaka
Bossu you need to pay me a "vacation" ""for"" """work"""

So this is the power of the smartest kid in japan. Its like nips prefer memorization instead of actual critical thinking.

How is university on nipland? Is it like the us where they just basically hang you the degree for money or is it an actual university.

Twitter Mikofag wants to fap to him.

Sorry for being slow, kind of working at the same time.

Attached: 09.png (850x1200, 247K)

Thay river is a shithole.

Prez would know that, he's studied a lot for his kanji qualifications.

>that a love of the past will bring ruin to your being
d-does that mean that Maki has an e-ex?

Isn't she talking about Shah Jahan

I wonder what that River looked like before people started dumping corpses into it...

>Is it like the us where they just basically hang you the degree for money
Yeah, no, that's not what the US is like. I mean unless you're rich enough to bribe your way through, I guess that it would probably be true then.

What I've heard about Japanese university is that the hard part is actually getting in to university. The rest is easy. That's why so much pressure is put on kids to succeed in high school. But that's just my impression I get from Japanese Media and reading about it, so I might be wrong.

That post was obviously a bait, user.

Attached: 10.png (850x1200, 239K)

Aren't they kinda dressed a little too warm? Even for December, New Delhi doesn't get cold enough for winter jackets like that.

It's not half a round trip. You can clearly see that it's 1.5 of a round trip.

Oops. I'm uploading the PSDs here, so someone can fix the mistakes afterwards if anyone cares.

I was gonna say, if its 7 hours to the Ganges, and that's half of Tokyo-Nagoya, that'd be 14 hours, which doesn't sound right at all.

Attached: Tokyo-Nagoya.png (1028x643, 301K)

He even has the fang.

Why kaguya does not the fange if she is a shinomiya ? Or is the fang a trait of the lower class of that family ?

Kaguya is a perfect japanese beauty, she doesn't have physical deformities.

Maki would be the worst girldriend ever.

>7 hours by plane

So basically it should be 3.5 hours, and that would be one round trip + 0.75 of a round trip. How do you even word that?



>Why kaguya does not the fang

Attached: grindstone.jpg (640x427, 61K)

I see her completely losing her personality and just doing whatever you want to, because she'll get dropped otherwise.

Man, I'm tripping here.

Like Kaguya!

We just haven't seen it anywhere else besides pic related

Attached: 017.png (830x1250, 305K)

Is it okay with you if I upload it to Mangadex?

Wouldn't it be 3/4 of a round trip? Unless I'm mistaken, a round trip is both ways; half a round trip is one way, a full round trip is two ways, so the 1.5 trips he showed would be 3/4

holy mackerel

The problem is, that map behind him with the arrows kinda reinforces what he's saying, so you can't really "correct" him. I think it's best to just translate what the guide is saying as well as you can, and if its factually wrong, its the character's fault (or the author's), not yours.

Yeah, but that's why I said "one round trip + 0.75 of a round trip". Because if it's 7h, and half of that is 3.5h, you need to get a total of 3.5 trips which is one round trip + 3/4 round trip. And then you double that which is another "half" in the text.
So, again, how the fuck do you even word that.
I'm just gonna go look at the raws...

>foreigners spend 28x more the fees than residents

The juxtaposition of the photo guide and Maki is getting to me. I can't tell if I'm annoyed or if I find it hilarious.

Yeah, go ahead. Should probably fix the errors first, though.

Attached: 11.png (850x1200, 237K)

I really think Aka asked his guide to put the headdress on someone, took a picture of it, and drew Maki in place of that person.

I hate rich people.

Huh. He really does say "a half-way round trip" in the raws. I'm very confused rn.
> 往復半

Ice had a bit of fang sometimes

Attached: 15b.png (812x1200, 344K)

Attached: 12.png (850x1200, 269K)

Haha I remember those funny times in the manga, good times..

I despise rich people.

What happened to this manga... Is it getting axed soon?

Tokyo~Nagoya: 258km
New Delhi~Ganges: 1098km

So round trip would be 516km, and then double that is the actual distance. He wasn't talking flight time.

So "A round-trip from Tokyo to Nagoya is half the distance from New Delhi to Ganges".

Even if you post the same bad bait every thread, it won't change the fact than the manga is more popular than ever, is the second or third best selling manga of its magazine and has zero chances to be axed in the next three years.

Begone commie, Maki is a good girl she's just a little a little distraught is all

It’s what’s shown on the picture. 往復半 = going, coming back, and a half.

This gotra be one of the pettiest waste of money I have seen in a while.


You didn't see nothing desu

Attached: 13.png (850x1200, 260K)

Stop reading this manga.

The Ganges distance thing can be easily fixed if you change the text from "about half a round trip" to "about half that of a round trip", making it "The distance to Ganges River is about half that of a round trip from Tokyo to Nagoya". It would be at least factually accurate (but not what he actually said, though). If you want to TL to what he said, that would be "round trip and a half".

stop reading gotoubun

Attached: 14.png (850x1200, 263K)

Stop reading these threads.

How much will she suffer?

I miss this. I really hope some of it comes back even if they're together.

I'm not gonna miss Kaguya getting mad cause he groped her tits

>bottom panel was censored all along

Attached: 15.png (850x1200, 230K)

>shotgun wedding arc will probably happen
Rip Maki

Attached: 1565008863413.png (355x565, 214K)

This is hotter than any fanservice shot I’ve ever seen.

That really shows how low quality the raws used by the Koreans and Chinese actually are.


>End of the earth
India is pretty fucking close to Japan

So was this more pixelated version the original or an edited version? The one I saw the other day was still censored, but not quite as pixelated as this

how will maki react to kashiwagi's pregnancy?
I mean, that can really happen and it would destroy her relationship with them if she doesn't get over him

This is the digital raw. It's as high quality as it can get.

Attached: 16.png (850x1200, 254K)

Attached: 15.jpg (1350x1911, 403K)

I don't get that last line at all.

Nips are tweeting about the mosaic, so yeah.

Maybe it's Mikado delivering a jab at how she keeps pointing out shit instead of just letting it be, and they're in a Japanese restaurant, which is "home".

t. brainlet

Holy fuck, what a spoiled bitch. Poor guide-san.

tags: x-ray

Attached: 17.png (850x1200, 251K)

Baby don't hurt me

First page has a typo. "Indulging"

This isn't the JP -> CH ->EN translation, so are you actually translating the raws?

Have they slept in the same bed?
also, they looks like a couple in the middle panel

And done.

Attached: 18.png (850x1200, 199K)

Wasn't there a "India arc" in the last box?

>it’s a gag chapter but it’s not that funny
>it’s a Maki chapter but it doesn’t offer some particularly new insight about her
>we get Mikado but he’s a boring tsukkomi
Mediocre chapter honestly, looking forward to next week. Thanks for the TL.

Next week or so: Back to the Student Council! And new Series Title!

Thanks user! Please put this on Imgur now!

Think the tank'll have it uncensored?

The joke works BECAUSE it's censored.

Attached: RIP.jpg (649x650, 136K)

I imagine Aka has the uncensored version.

This is Young Jump, if Aka had wanted to show it uncensored he would have. But it would not be very OL-friendly.

Maki is not a good sister at all. Home life must be hell for Mikado.

It's step C so no

Attached: c.jpg (782x796, 165K)

He could do sfwporn just for shits and giggles

PSDS here: www104.zippyshare.com/v/Sgz2CMZ6/file.html

I hate viz 'cause their shitty translation prevents me from enjoying volume scans

Someone upload it to mangadex

I don't understand if Aka enjoyed his trip to India or not.

Oh it'll happen.
But, Maki'll get depressed after being horrified, but then she'll retreat into the delusion that he'll clearly drop her like a sack of bricks since she's teen pregnant and therefore she's just about to win.

>ignoring that his father and grandpa both did the same thing and stuck with their wives.

Shit chapter but Maki cute

>But it would not be very OL-friendly
I think they're cool with that stuff, though

She's rich, I'm sure she has a nice boat

I love Maki so much.

Chapter out on Guya and Mangadex:


Attached: calming_music.jpg (640x480, 73K)

Baby don't hurt me.

How mad are you guys going to be if it turns out there's NOT going to be a pregnancy arc?

Thanks for the scanlation.

I didn't know how much I needed Maki and Mikado chapters until now.

Great chapter, honestly. Aka is a magnificent bastard.
I'd be pretty disappointed.

Attached: cute maki.png (875x574, 375K)

Will Maki ever be happy?

Please, let's be realistic.

Attached: 1514506605068.jpg (931x656, 133K)

>this chapter
I'm getting Oku flashbacks

Attached: 1461456564229.gif (500x532, 904K)

Probably not.

my takeaway is that he came back from India really disappointed and made a low-key chapter about how shitty India is

I'd waifu a Maki

Poor Maki!

Attached: Maki cuckeada.jpg (938x1031, 105K)

Attached: Gantz vampires.png (818x1200, 402K)

Apparently JB's version is out. Do I make a separate thread to dump it like usual, or do I do it here? It's not even at 200 posts.

Actually, i'll do a separate one anyway, for catalogue type stuff, and I usually like making a chapter numbered thread anyway.

maki's cute in that last panel

I mean, maybe many anons don't expect to find a translation here yet, so making another thread would help.
On the other hand, this would almost look like a waste of a thread.

>Goes to India
Better next time Maki go to Brazil and will find a based Pedro!

Attached: PEdro following Abe agenda.jpg (1920x1036, 274K)

It's been axed, otters won

This is just the start of Miko-chan wants to be confessed to.

Attached: 1563072594903.jpg (619x438, 76K)

if it changes to 'Maki-chan wants to be confessed to' i am personally going to Aka and gifting him some good booze

He was clearly negative about this trip.

> food is meh
> shit's expensive for foreigners
> I don't even feel like visiting the Ganges
> there are lots of dogs - and cows
> My stomach is fucked

Does this sound like an enjoyable trip? Hell no.

>Now I'm starting to get an idea of what the Indians are like
Man, Raimi really has been getting less subtle lately.

I just want to watch her slow mental breakdown.

Attached: 1552960909648.png (304x244, 76K)

Man, Singh knows his shit. Also, there's nothing wrong with speculating and being corrected.

He probably just got disappointed since he said it expecting to have pointed out something clever, so he feels stupid.

Aka himself probably asked that and got schooled.

I don't think that "gag" has ever been funny in any manga or anime in history.

Could Aka be any more based?

It's already started off pretty well. I wasn't expecting her to be so aggressively bitter and jealous so early on. If this is what she's like now, before realizing she doesn't hate him or getting to know more of his good side, then it can really only get worse from here.

Got ripped off by local Indians because they overcharged him

Was imagining Indian food in India to taste better than in Japan but it tastes the same.

Real life Indian Tour Guide turned out to be a Smartass which is the number one rule not to do as a Tour Guide.

You are not suppose to make your Tour Group feel stupid. You are suppose to insert new knowledge to them more slowly and casually instead so they don't feel like you are attacking them for lack of knowledge.

Also expecting Ishigami to continue to successfully seduce Miko entirely by accident.

I'm surprised that he didn't mention the street shitters.

The Ganges travel would have be another disappointment, given how it's full of shit, waste and corpses.

I don't know how you can make retards and dumb idiots who memorize garbage not feel stupid if you have to inform actual facts to other tourists in the group who aren't as stupid and actually want to learn than to brag.