
Why are anime retards always so breedable?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 11v2 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_10.12_[2019.09.11_06.38.23]. (1280x1588, 263K)

Other urls found in this thread:


their bodies compensate for small brain

The missing INT points had to be assigned elsewhere

If a 200IQ genius breeds a retard, does the baby end up a genius, a retard or average?

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The air for their brains instead inflates their tits

Wasn't she good at everything but the magic type tricks?

Nigga what the FUCK do you think you're doin?

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Just doing my part to fix imperfections

>He doesn't convert his jpgs to pngs for better quality


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I tried

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That edit reminds me of the old swf animations

p-put it back

average most likely. Retards might have really high EQ but really low IQ or they may have Low on both

Delete this

>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.



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Senpai is for impregnating!

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Don't believe that guy

Will there be more of docking than just that one?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 06 [720p]_1.webm_snapshot_00.01_[2019.08.16_04.20.28].jpg (1280x720, 149K)


This is a rule, the bigger the boobs the lower the intelligence

hes right you know

Pic one girl, the others will try to seduce you and if you fall for it your main girl with kill you when you fall asleep

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middle, sides are just too retarded to convey their attraction to others. piece of cake.

Fangs are shit and trips confirm.

IMAGINE their pink nipples touching haha

I will resist the vulgar temptations of the flesh, and remain pure.

Middle, but only if she treats me like a little brother

Sadly it seems like the mothers iq has more influence than the fathers, I remember reading correlation was at 0.6

shhh, senpai is slep

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Because lacking intelligence or wit to attract a mate with an attractive personality they are forced to develop an exaggerated sexy body to try and attract a man with nothing but base sex appeal.

Because all of their development went to their bodies and not their brains

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Sexy bakas are a proof of intelligent design in the universe: god closes the door of intellect, but opens the window of pure sex appeal/looks/charisma so they can pass on their genetic material regardless

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Cursed image and cursed trips

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NO! Now everyone will just think she's really into superheroes!

I love my Marvel westaboo baka senpai

Senpai! Wake up! user took your cool hat!

That's not how teeth works

Attached: teeth.jpg (460x559, 57K)

Because how else would they have survived to this point?

Nice digits

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>white bunnygirl


Int or wis as their dump stat

Max charisma

Int as primary dump stat, Wis as secondary dump stat. Then you max Cha and put remaining points into Str.

Tejina seems wisdom as primary dump stat. She is competent at some things

What kind of spawn of Satan is Saki and why do I want to sin with her so much

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We need more girls with demon eyes

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A clown

She's a succubus.

Is it ever explained why science goblin has shark teeth? Is Tejina-senpai an urban fantasy magic school?


>British edit

What do?

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Grab shoulders and kiss

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Let me show you a magic trick that makes my cock disappear

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I don't wanna get mogged by Ma-kun. He's a big guy

>You enter the classroom
>See this
What do?

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Take her hairclips

if a girl is too smart, she will know she can do better than me.


You monster

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It would be extremely painful

>ywn saki chan Will never console you

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That's what would happen if I snatched his sister away?

For you

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Is he in the process of getting isekai'd?

Evolving into the Chad fat bald man who appears in every doujin


His hair is turning yellow though. I guess he's going supah sayin then.

i feel like we should be able to see her nipples here

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you know what is not nice?

I pick senpai, her attempts to kill me would be hilariously bad so I could cuck her without fear

Senpai has a big _______

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The things I'd do to Saki chan

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>afraid of balloons
I thought that I was the only one

had to watch this twice to figure out what was wrong.

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get her some proper clothes

Cuddle and milk her bazoongas

touch her penis

try again


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The incest demon

Those could kill anybody

Storage space

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Best dockings are always doing that. Anyway can we expect anything more here in that regard?

Being afraid of loud noises such as balloons popping is a sign of assburgers.

Why not put em inside the tejina vagina?

In the manga she has more stuff in there

I still don't get what's wrong.


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>stll no senpai with a book
You guys suck, but, don't ask me because I forgot the number of the episode.

Can imagine her as an adult?

The name of the chapter is in the last episode.
Too bad it was cut off

She's 17, so there won't be much difference

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I hope senpai becomes a world famous magician some day

So they're like dinosaurs?

Am I the only one upset by the literal hank hill ass? Why is all the ecchi stuff obsessed with tits and nothing else.


Boobs are easier to draw, ass takes effort

did she clog the toilet?

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I want to poke her puffy cheek

h-he's fast!

>saki will never pity fuck you

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 11 [720p]9.webm (960x540, 2.89M)

For some reason I got an impression that she would not mind fucking Assistant-kun while I was watching this episode

fang? magic meter? wand?

well the choice is so obvious like her white panties.
Oh and white bunny HHHGGGGNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!

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Girls are cutest when they're almost retarded

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Well, that's my only symptom, but god I hate the sound of a balloon popping

imagine getting into your room and finding someone smelling your cumrags

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 11 [720p]2.webm (960x540, 1.17M)

>Someone finds your cumrags
>It's a family member
>She did sniff them in front of you
That fat bastard has it rough.

How much fucking tissue does he use. He must be a semen fountain. Was this guy a sex stallion this whole time?

He must be a master to dispose of the evidence. They must have some Kira-L mindgames about the fattie hiding his fapping tissues and Saki trying to catch his semen's smell.

>tfw no slutty gyaru senpai to softly stroke your hair and say "there, there" while you cry into and grope her tits after being rejected by your crush

She clogged my throat with her massive creamy log

one day she will rape him while he's sleeping

Why do you think saki chan loves him? Also
>Imagine Saki putting all the cumrags inside her vaggo to rehydrate the dried semen and getting pregnant

sex with feet.

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>Why do you think saki chan loves him?
The taboo kink

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Impregnating Senpai's senpais!

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>like usual


sexy magician

No, it's set in Japan

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Looks like it's a big storage space

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1. EQ is bull shit made up to make women and pussies feel better about themselves.

2. Super High IQ is randomized, but generally unless one of the parents come from a long line of low IQ tards, most likely the child will be average. You are correct in that statement

Don't worry, I'm looking for it

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She has a nice ass, but anime studios usually sucks at doing them

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She hinted several times that she's ok to fuck him

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Chapter 50
Goddamn, she's freaking moron

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that looks like shit too though

none? ok retard

series for horny 12 year olds, im glad i outgrew these kind of trash

>says while posting on Yea Forums
so what kind of mature anime for mature people like you watch?

elfen lied

Sorry the feelings are one what between the MC to the magical senpai? Nice to so no one after the MC's dick.

what the fuck am I reading?

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Edit some thick nipples on her

>"makes the brain work much better"
thats not even worth a proper meme reply

Seething flattie

>t. chestlet unable to cope

>having any brains at all
hey rosties

While no real data suggests that estrogen makes women stupid. It does seem like feminine women are more air headed.

me on the right when a thot approaches

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>jester saki
yes please


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Wtf this show isnt about magic its about SEX

no, it's about sex magic

You can't have sex with magic.

big boob girl hi, are you fucked tonight?

S2 never

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 09 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]5.webm (800x450, 2.7M)

Wouldn't it still have been really tight on her?

I like that Yoshi-kun and fat bastard seem to get along.

Do they get some bro moments in the mango?

How does that woman function?

she doesn't

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]11.webm (800x450, 898K)

magic autism can't be cured

Tejina-senpai doesn't look breedable at all

objectivelly wrong

Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 08 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]1.webm (800x450, 2.36M)

> missing out Best Retard

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Vote for Tejina to join the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Autumn Cup by voting for Senpai of the Pool in the poll linked below. Come up with ideas of your own as well in the write-in section, write-ins hold a bit more weight and could be implemented with enough support.

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 07 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]4.webm (800x450, 651K)


Pochi doujins when?

senpai is not for lewd

but she likes to do lewd hand holding with assistant


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.10_[2019.09.10_11.12.53].jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

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thanks kevin

In order to have a redeem quality, becaude if she were just retarde then she would be utter shit

Is this show censored until the blu-rays?

How could you

Only if they are genki, which anime tends to portray them as because slow dull retards are not interesting. Genki girls have good quality mitochondria that produce a lot of energy. When children are conceived they inherit their mitochondria only from their mothers so when you see a genki girl your brain assumes that she's good for breeding because your children will be lively and energetic.

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there's nothing to censor

Give me Chemistry-senpai
I'm autistic enough to resist any woman coming onto me.

I'm so glad we have intelllectual anons to solve these mysteries for us.

>slow dull retards are not interesting

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She was a good cast member and had endearing moments but inherently isn't notably breedable.

I'd do her

Osaka is wife material.

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Can you imagine the awkward tension post coitus when shes just looking at you with that blank expression of her?

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Nice edit


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Impregnation when?

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Both have the best hands

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thanks for pointing out that particular part of the image


Senpai's slimy hands.

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How do I find my own retard with the tenderness of a mother?

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Sempai a cute dork

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How did they get away with the manko joke? You literally can't say manko on tv, it's illegal.

Just how dumb she really is? I mean, we haven't seen her take classes in the entire season, what are her mean scores?

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She's kinda bad at school. She had to tale remedial tests to approve (and she barely did it)

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What the hell is this bullshit meme? Get outta here.

after a google search, it looks like it's a leddit meme
>reddit humor

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Will there be nipples in the BD or are the manga ones all we will get?

there's nipples in the manga?


yeah, thought so

Heh. Flesh fangs and moles are cancer.

A blurred Obelix?

... blue background with clouds.

>moles are cancer
Talk about shit taste

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Look at this dork

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>Fat intensifies

Saw a trailer of this anime through youtube that recommended to me.

ust admit that the scene sold me: the one where she cuts a packet with a bill inside just to see she fucked up the trick but without braking character, she "magically" transported the 100 bill to her wallet.

If the show is funny like that, I will watch it.

wow didnt expect that

>Talk about shit taste
I'd rather not.

If you fuck her brains out, does she actually become smart or just more retarded?

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Because people can reasonably see themselves tricking them into sex

>Assistant-kun Cumdumpster

Why hasn't Assistant-kun given sempai a nakadashi yet?

Because he's a pussy who won't do any move onto Senpai, even if he's rock hard all the time.
He's waiting for Senpai to ask him to fuck

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Natural selection in action; this holds true in the real world too. It's the classic K-selected vs. r-selected survival strategy dilemma. If you are a low-spec retard who by all means is not fit to pass on genes to the next generation and have only made it this far by some cosmic fuckup, the only way your line can continue is by spamming so many babies that at least one or two will survive by dumb luck. Furthermore, if you make yourself attractive enough, then you don't have to be capable of stringing together a single coherent thought, as you can get a more competent mate to pick up the slack and do the work for you. Thus, it's a NECESSITY for survival that these moeblobs are designed for optimum breeding potential.

There should be aureolas at least

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Why doesn't this series show nipples?

This is shop, my nipple radar can detect them.

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Why is the anime skimping on the aureolas?

Because most probably the BD will have them

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cumbrain thread

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Reminder that if they started dating, Senpai would be fucking an underage guy

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A cute
Why is she so obsessed with magic?

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I wonder if the author actually knows how to do any magic trick

most likely

Hey senpai

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is this yuri


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Fucking dick head, put it back

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I'm okay with this to be honest.

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I recognize that bulge

Suck on her fingers

Boob slap!

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Reminder that Assistant made Sempai cum with his leg

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>those hands

>Only Areolas
>No nipples
This REALLY butters my muffin


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>Yea Forumsermin gets his shitpost word filtered and now comes to Yea Forums to vent

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Can't show nipples on a Christian manga

But Magic is witch craft and anti christian

/pol/ppets are just forcing another wojack cancer now.
Imagine if we had decent moderation.

Does someone know Japanese? It would be really helpful if someone could translate those moon runes


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Has senpai actually had her sexual awakening? Most of the time she remains oblivious of how lewd her body is

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tejina vejina

why use low res screenshots of your phone? the worst part is you keep reposting them

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Attached: [Erai-raws] Tejina-senpai - 10 [720p][Multiple Subtitle]19.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Saki chan is so damn sexy

why did they make her so cute in this part?

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To show how cutely dangerous she is

Probably it is easier to draw shadows on her face when she is in her chibi form

Fuck you..

>final episode preview
That's a smug shark

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Knowing sempai she still believies that children are delivered by a stork or something like that

Is that how big you need to be to satisfy them?

Dumm fickt halt gut.

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I see at least two chapters that anons wanted to see animated

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sasuga user

i want smol pp futa tejina art, and i want it now

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Ah, I see we are finally getting the futanari episode

can someone give me a quick rundown?

I want Saki-san

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dumb magic girl doesn't know how to do magic but knows how to have sex appeal

>knows how to have sex appeal
She doesn't. She's too dumb for that

she knows magic too but drops her spaghetti when performing in front of people

That smug shark isn't from the air cannon chapter?

is the anime lewder than the manga?

hmm i wonder

Looks really tame

yeah and the anime is soo much more lewd right?

How can I marry her?

Correct. Tejina's voice makes it really lewd

Become very fat and eat a lot food.

By beign her brother

Cursed quads

To be fair, if you pay attention you'll realise you can't actually pronounce n before b or p.

This question reminds me of that Hentai with the retarded blonde girl.
Did she get any smarter from drinking her brother's milk?

>Become very fat
What do you mean "become"

Have insulin shot

i don't know what sort of speech impediment you have but i definitely can say senpai/sempai, they just sound very similar

You can just tell an ESL spic made this

Would you hold hands with this dork?

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Saki-san. She's the only one who put points into her Seduction skill and, therefore, the only real threat. If I pick her, then between Tejina's autism and Science's aversion to anything lewd, I'll be safe and I'll get to fuck gyaru pussy for the foreseeable future.

Yes, but I have to remember to carry a roll of paper towels.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.25_[2019.07.09_11.50.14].jpg (1920x1080, 692K)

What if science senpai poisons you? What if tejina tries the stealoboyfriendu magic trick?

thats what i was expecting at first.

Of course.
Her cute pink fingertips are the best.

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ok i keked hard here

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i have to confess something.
i never knew how to spell tejina or the anime and always thought what a retarded name
now after the blond slut called her that way i had the oooooooooohh effect
at this fucking episode
maji gomen.

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explain this to me

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I didn't understand it either, but the manga is more clear about it


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Well, he's right

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 06 [720p]12.webm (800x450, 1.04M)

then post it


Not that user but here

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Reposting the Yea Forums roster poll so anyone who hasn't can vote for Senpai of the Pool to join the team for the Autumn Cup, she's doing pretty well at the moment, and the poll will be ending over the weekend, so if you're still yet to place a vote, you can do so here.

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now it makes sense
it's confusing in the anime because yoshi-kun is saying it

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What the fuck am I reading

user are you ok skdfslkdfjslkdfjfkdjf

Become Ma-kun.

cause imost animes came from the fantasies of a asian retards

Why is senpai so stupid?




>teleports behind you

Your mother

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Looks much better that way.

Would she anal?

If you'd tell her that it's a magic trick then yes, she would

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must be a tough life

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If only she could defeat her magic autism she would be an unstopable force

This is why flatties are superior


Women with big boobs have less need for intelligence and thus do not develop it.

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Because they don't have a crippling disability

but they do, they have no chest


I think you have a crippling disability, called faggotry.

same day as always

She looks disgusting. If you like this you are a pedo and should be put on a list

she's totally legal though

>that cute assistant sleeping moment
>bunny senpai
>smug madara
I don't want it to end but I wanna see this so much

Chestlets can actually doing things

What can they doing, user?

Your mum

I admit I watch this just for the tits.

I don't think they can doing.

>Latching onto a pointless typo instead of coming with an actual arguement

Why do you think I am doing an argument?


I am not doing.

>t. virgin

are you sure you aren't esl?

What doing esl?

Her brain shuts off when she's nervous.

I love the fact that she thinks that being followed by her friends is creepy but going with her sister's husband to buy lingerie is perfectly normal and by love I mean I absolutely hate it.

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>but going with her sister's husband to buy lingerie is perfectly normal
Is it not normal to buy female friends lingerie for their b-day?

I guess if your close to them, if you're just barely friends then it's weird


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>Bringing a girl to help you with a girl gift
how is that not normal?

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how does that even happen

AAAH Saki-chan is so damn sexy

She's okay with NTR

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You can see how she's wiggling into the opening. While doing so, it pushed her skirt down.

She's even cuter in the manga.


Check for DANGER. Whatever knocked her out could be a potential threat to me.

If all is good check her RESPONSE then request for HELP if anyone is nearby.

I will then open her AIRWAYS and check her BREATHING.

After that I will then proceed to do what the other anons said.

Harem ending confirmed

Attached: awesomesenpai.jpg (653x518, 76K)

Now put the fang on

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What can they do that big breasted women can't?


I'm a bit lost here, but what exactly makes Tejina-senpai breedable?

Flesh fang is a sign of overactive ovaries. She'll give you sextuplets your first go round.

Moar fangs

Senpai actually gains a second fang when she's horny

They are an easy fuck. Can't wait for the next manga volume btw.

>. Can't wait
yes you can

Check to see if she needs medical attention.