According to Yea Forums, the elevens need a bland mary sue with OP powers self insert or the series wont sell

According to Yea Forums, the elevens need a bland mary sue with OP powers self insert or the series wont sell.

Subaru isnt a mary sue with OP powers, yet re:zero sells extremely well anyway. Why?

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What are you talking about? Save points are one of the most overpowered things you can have.

Sanity is not unlimited, though.

He never had one to begin with so that's not a problem.

>i want to keep dying over and over while feeling the pain each time

I love Emilia

It's Subaru's fault for constantly putting himself in needless danger. He should have at least try to understand his situation a little before acting like a hero.

Nah, he was sane at the start. He was also a dumbfuck, but given the things he sees it's likely for anyone in his position to lose their marbles.

Subaru is a regular dude with no outstanding "Chosen One" bullshit outside his RbD and he remains somewhat relatable because of that. He has genuinely good friendships with guys and the girls have an actual reason to like him, not just because he's the protagonist. Also cute girls, I guess. And Felix.

your average user without the benefit of hindsight would die the same or more amount of times.

and that makes him a good self-insert.

Which girl actually likes him beyond the PTSD maid?

But that's not a mary sue and according to Yea Forums the MC must be a mary sue or it wont sell.

Emilia, though she pretty much only considers him a troublesome little brother in S1. She's dense when it comes to love and still can't reciprocate properly, but she's very fond of him. Petra, to an extent, but I feel like it's just a childhood crush. Beatrice, but it's a platonic, familial love.

I like to think that an average user is not a downie.

You're condensing Yea Forums into one person then strawmanning her

The novel sells only thanks of the waifubait.

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Is Emilia really waifubait? Even after 20 LNs she still can't confess to Subaru.

>It's Subaru's fault for constantly putting himself in needless danger.
not really, in fact even in novels it's mentioned how fucking weird it is for emilia's camp to encounter witch cult so often, since they work underground n shit. subaru becomes the most knowledgable person when it comes to witch cult.

Is it? Betelgeuse wanted to rezz his long dead waifu. Even if he failed, Emilia still plays the part in appearance so *unzips*. Same deal with Regulus wanting another silver-haired elf waifu.


it's the fact that subaru was in pristella when they attacked. he's basically destined to keep meeting them.

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>According to Yea Forums, the elevens need a bland mary sue with OP powers self insert or the series wont sell.
source: your lose asshole.

Don’t forget Shaula