Why is NTR so prevalent in anime these days?
Why is NTR so prevalent in anime these days?
Because it's good.
It isn't. You're just more sensitive to it thanks to constant shitposting.
>Feel not good enough for waifu
>Get some chad to fuck her so she is happy
>if she is happy the you are happy too
>She decides to drop you and become the chads pitiful bitch; she is beaten and abused bu she still prefers him over you
>W-well if she is happy then you t-too ;/
Getting cucked in japan is a national tradition
Its a shit fetish
Literally this. NTR is top tier.
>inb4 vanillafag tears
It serves to add some cheap drama, like rape backstories.
Imagine being proud of letting other people fuck your loved ones
Yea Forumsnime is targeted at faggots and losers so have a guess
NTR is a CHAD fetish for CHADS self-confident enough to let other guys fuck their wives and for CHADS who SELF-INSERT as the BULL.
You wouldn't be posting on this board if you could get a girlfriend.
You mean
>(You) have a waifu
>Some chads comes to fuck her
>if she is happy
>She decides to drop you and become the anons pitiful bitch; she is beaten and abused bu she still prefers him over you
Vanillafags are the real cuckolds
did she sleep with this Teruaki guy?
People have gotten bored of standard drama and need something stronger.
Yup, also i think the guy was gay and had a boyfriend but she forced him anyway.
pick one
You mean
>(You) have a waifu
>meanwhile some permavirgin NTRfag jerks off imagining himself as a chad fucking her
NTRfags are the ultimate cuckolds.
More cucks means more of they shitty fetish wich is disturbing because ntr fags are on same level as vore fags and furry fags if not worst
This. If it isn't contained they'll get ever more retarded drama.
It's a conspiracy.
It's not. I see people complaining about NTR on Yea Forums way more often than I see actual NTR in Anime.