Episode 11 Celebrate the New Year
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Other urls found in this thread:
How tiny does someone have to be look like that and only weight 55kg?
gonna have to imagine indeed with those broken links
He posted fat hibiikis
Why is Hibiki's smile so crooked when compared to the others.
That's her normal smile
Do we know the characters' birthdays yet?
Hibiki a cute!!
So how do you rank them?
Appearance: Akemi > Ayaka > Zina > Satomi > Hibiki
Personality: Ayaka > Satomi > Hibiki > Zina > Akemi
Overall: Ayaka > Satomi > Zina > Hibiki > Akemi
Non-subbed version in case anyone gives a shit.
About to go to the gym lads. Akemi best girl
>Akemi best girl
May the swole god take away your gains.
when the episode.
Now. Subs out.
Made for date rape (consensual).
He is back
Knees weak.
>deeply concerned.jpg
>lighter than ruski and sensei
>35% body fat
He's so cute.
How big is Machio's penis?
next episode
I too love my heavy metals in seafood.Not these deep water squid I guess.
>japan called it ghetto/street workout
Thought this is called bodyweight fitness, rude.
Damn shame.
>did the manga show him squaring off against Setsuna too? That's fucking hilarious
Truly the softest.
Ayaka > Zina > Hibiki > Satomi > Sensei
I like cakes but sensei is a fucking attention seeking slut, her coworkers are a million times better than her.
14 inches. Akemi can barely fit it alll
I don't know, I think desperation is one of the things that makes cakes appealing.
How big is Machio overall?
Hibiki > Tachibana > Gina > Ayaka > Akemi
Gina > Hibiki > Ayaka > Akemi > Tachibana
>entry no. 69
Is that dead lifting maked idol sensation F*CK THE BUDOU?
Sweaty Hibiki
Old days of Japan
>neck and traps
Sensei is trained in giving woodpecker blowjob.
When does Ayaka loses the bun, it makes her look ugly.
>explanation of the wrestler's bridge
>doesn't show Seki doing it
I feel robbed
Some stitches.
Karla > Zina > Hibiki > Satomi > Akemi > Ayaka
Karla > Hibiki > Satomi > Zina > Akemi > Ayaka
Karla > Hibiki > Zina > Satomi > Akemi > Ayaka
you just know hibiki would be into some wild sex, and look at those curves... thicc
I wonder why.
Why are they exercising on an active runway?
Why not?
Jason > Machio
don't @ me
Its a 737max, so its cool to abort its flight.
russians really are the niggers of europe
Zina > Satomi > Hibiki > Ayaka > Akemi
Zina > Akemi > Satomi > Ayaka > Hibiki
Zina > Satomi > Akemi > Hibiki > Ayaka
Appearance: hibiki > sensei > whatever
Personality: sensei > hibiki > whatever
Overall: I'd say close finish for sensei and hibiki.
Seems awfully safe. Shouldn't they add some spikes?
Osaka is very confused right now.
A god for muscles AND romance?
That sounds too convenient to be true.
I know that seems like a bitch to fix, but still.
Last one.
Literally me.
delicious machio pits
Why nobody wants to fuck these two?
I know they aren't as lawsuit happy as burgerland, but equipment might be seen as 'unsafe' and the state or whoever owns the park doesn't want to be responsible for injuries. Same thing is happening in America I know. Some place I worked at a decade ago had a kid (unsupervised by the parents of course) fall off the jungle gym and became paralyzed so the whole place was torn down.
Just a guess. Maybe they don't want to spend money maintaining them or bringing old equipment up to newer safety standards either.
I didn't notice it.
Is getting shot by the minority also part of the workout?
Is it deadlift time yet?
Appearance: Hibiki.
Personality: Hibiki.
Overall: Hibiki.
Sensei is also cute though
The Sensei stride
is that the fabled Gains Goblin I've heard so much about?
Yeah, a nigger could outrun shots.Level up those leg muscles before venturing into the hood.
How would he forget?
>not even a foot off the ground
Is that even legal?
The Gains Goblin does not make use of the gains he steals.
>next week is last episode
>sweaty sensei
is there anything better
mating pressing sensei
Can't animate their other teacher friend who never appears I guess
Or the cute 4koma
So, the anime ends its season with a "summer" episode by jumping waaaaaaaaaay ahead to chapter 52, huh?
Why else are they explaining everything this episode in Russian Adidas tracksuits, if not for the ghetto effect?
I mean, Sandrovich is a russiaboo, so it makes sense.
nice :ok:
That's her, yup. She got tired of F*CKing the Budo. Now, she's moved on to the SUPER STRONG MACHINE Junji Hirata.
That's her hairstyle, you uncouth pedestrian.
She has appeared at least once without it, though.
Nothing explains a Russian ghetto workout like Adidas tracksuits.
What color did they see?
Shop a dick shadow on her
This entire scenario in the anime completely loses the entire embarrassment factor for Hibiki, struggling to come to terms with her increasing love for Machio.
she's a cosplay slut so she definitely wears shimapan or nopan
>Gains Goblin
What the fuck is that supposed to be?
Why is this so fucking neutered? It's liek watching Myth Busters, where they put blank labels on all "dangerous" chemicals.
Crurmbling infrastructure in a 1st world country. It's like boiling a frog slowly, one day it will realize it's too late. Except the frog thing is a myth.
Zina was made for the ghetto BBC.
I'm looking forward to the end of the year.
I can't see his face, user. How could he tell?
That's gotta be Japanese Scooby.
"Should the shrine owner be a funny one-shot character?"
"No just make it Machio he does everything lol"
Nice Game of Death tracksuit on the martial artist.
It's funny that the Macho Man Machio is a shrine priest, user. Asceticism in Shinto priests works really well for the Machio joke. Never mind all the references to how godly Machio seems to be.
Who is he fighting? Is it a Kengan character?
Ohma's yandere ex.
Is this garbage going anywhere or is it merely underage shonen fapbait?
>Jason Ssgay
Aren't there enough yellow fever expats there for the anime staff to get someone to correct them on pronunciation.
It's not about plot, user. We're eleven episodes in (with 3 years' worth of manga to pull from) and you're still posting in a Danberu thread thinking there's a plot?
The only other explanation for your thread interaction is that you are purposefully trolling. Which is a bannable offense outside Yea Forums.
No you stupid fuck. Ive read 10 chapters and entered for the first time. Now what will you do?
>don't stand in a public "park" or you'll be a bother to people passing by
The absolute state of Japan.
he's probably the only macho guy in japan
This is bait
Ignore you. Enjoy catching up or leave.
Strangers to a neighborhood or routine is profoundly bothersome, POLICE!!!!
I already got my answer that its plotless shit though? Christ, you are one dumb fuck.
Yep, this fag is NEVER gonna make it
Those are some sexy sundresses.
Sensei, behave yourself.
Where can I buy one of those?
Who could this possibly be?
faceless nameless gym macho #653
russian and brown(slim) a best
The god of muscles has favored Machio throughout his life, which is why Machio's macho power is so high. deepest lore
sensei squatting on your dick
Why is Ayaka the best danberu?
ok chads, tell me
this means that she's deep or shallow?
Muscle is heavier than fat. So is desperation.
How did I not realize until now that she was Yui Horie?
I can relate to this.
So idiots like you don't break their necks.
Don't they ever talk about injury prevention during workouts?
It's deep how she can be so shallow.
Because otaku are retarded and need hand-holding
Stupid sexy hag.
no I mean it's about the p***y, they make something like pic rel for doggy style, depending of their deep/shallow interior
that what I heard
imagine partying with two lonely cakes haha
>others are cute but sensei went full sex
It is unrealistic for sensei (and Hibiki) to be single, desu. They're actively looking for boyfriends, it's stupid that they can't find one. It truly shatters my suspension of disbelief.
Stop typing like a retard.
but I'm a retard, joke's on you
Yes she is something, but... you do know what it takes to be man enough to turn her on? You need serious buffness to get noticed by her...
Then kill yourself.
oh come on, you know what happens when the typical 100+ kg obese Yea Forums manlette attempts this stuff. Aside from sprains and break just exertion causes cardiac arrest in a significant percentage.
Appearance: Hibiki>Akemi=Zina>Tachibana>Ayaka
Personality: Zina>Hibiki>Tachibana>Akemi>Ayaka
Overall: Zina=Hibiki>Akemi>Tachibana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ayaka
that'd be a sin
End your life.
this is probably the same poster, just saying
Any gym will get up your ass for dangerous form or kick your ass out for fucking around, safety is actually important for excercise
When they said last episode, did they mean for good? Is there no hope for a second season?
neck exercises especially*
Snap city fucking sucks but you can fuck yourself up for life super easily if you mess around with your neck
Newfags are so funny.
t. dyel
How would I know if I'm only applying 70% of my strength?
Man, I want to fill Tachibana sensei's womb with my baby batter
By regularly exercising, you fucking autist.
What the fuck.
haha imagine being in your late 20s, still be single and drowning your sorrows in alcohol
It really does look like a Halo
Imagine sensei and her friend having drunken lesbo sex to ease the pain hahaha
If they had sex they wouldn't be single anymore, user.
imagine what would happen if you were somehow transported into a room with those two horny, desperate cakes
1. Experience (so get to regular exercise)
2. Are you trying REALLY hard, but not AS HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN? That's probably 70%.
Is there ANY chance of a season 2?
Did someone ask for the Bolice?
fuck you
They try to emphasize correct form like not extending your arms all the way with weights.
>They try to emphasize correct form
I don't get it, why did 20-34 years old girls like it?
because they didn't want to watch the historical drama or a swimsuit competition
..but why?
What is she showing us?
>complaining about only having a pull-up bar in the park
I wish I even had that much. I had to do chin-ups on the roof of a bus stop when that episode came out
What book is she showing us?
Starting Strength
I want to dick sensei with my 70% alcoholic semen with 100% of my strength.
What is she showing us?
I have seen other images with her hair down. Her powerlevel is too fucking high the other girls don't stand a chance so she limits her power.
Zina has a pretty high-level collection of her favorite cosplayer's photos
At least he didn't hit his head on the barbell.
He's a balding crossshitter cuck, he probably should have.
Species would've advanced.
What the fuck was his problem?
did he died
Kipping pullups. You see crossfitters doing them all the time. Because crossfit gyms think they're cool.
Crossfit, not even once.
he did died but were borned again
ok good
time to get big, boys
Now that it's almost over, was it a good adaptation?
Crossfit, not even once.
>don't lock out bro it's bad for your joints!
literal broscience
you're supposed to lock out and shrug at the top of overhead presses
one of the only lifts where you're not supposed to lock out is the leg press, since webm related can happen
>Goliath online
Yea Forumsnon with girly hands here, how do I stop getting blisters? Fingerless gloves? Pretty much clueless but got an acquaintance who's got my back in some cases.
Abs > Sensei > Gyaru > Cyka > Japanese girl
you mean callouses?
stop being a bitch, also grip the bar with the bases of your fingers when doing pull-ups so you don't rip them off
Zina x Muteba
Hibiki x Cosmo
Akemi x Julius
Ayaka x Gaolang
Sensei x ???
>Sensei x ???
It's 2d user. Pretty sure sensei is into macho in the manga.
thx will try, stay strong, user
Why does Yukikaze make my dick hard?
Blisters will stop over time. When I started running I had them on my feet and when I started the heavy bag, I had them on my knuckles. It's like learning the guitar (you could try power maybe)
How's your grip? I noticed that my grip strength was ass, so now I'm pinching a hand gripper whenever I'm on break or on the subway.
I uh, I think you responded to the wrong thread, user.
do not corrupt this pure thread with your smut
Are those lilies? W-why are there lilies in there?
Those don't look like lilies.
Dumbbell lottery
Is there any benefit of exericisng with stairs?
Wouldn't walking up a slow hill be better or more safer, since using my imagination, tripping on a small hill, means you can try to roll down to safety, while tripping down stairs doesn't allow for easy rolling.
Speaking of hills, isn't there some crazy event every year where people try to run down hills on cut tree logs?
Forgot if it was a Japanese tradition or an European tradition. I just remember people running down hills on purpose.
>that sharp corner on Ayaka's boob
Are they all not wearing anything underneath? And god damn that desperate sensei.
Tell me it's fake. For the sake of my soul.
Is it just broscience because when I want Olympic weightlifters on youtube when they weightlift, I notice certain youtube posters talk about stuff like the size and length of the weightlifter's femur, body shape, height, etc
Is it true that some people are just more genetically suited for weightlifting than others?
And speaking of genetics, it is making me wonder how come our ancient cavemen ancestors like Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were so muscular despite no gym equipment around them?
I don't think hunting would be good enough to make them so muscular?
Is it because we were more animal-like back then and just like Gorillas who don't need to weight lift to become super strong, our Neanderthal muscles were just given to our cavemen ancestors, without the need for weightlifting?
What happened? I don't want to watch the webm because I'm a huge pussy.
Pure hubris.
Yukikaze auditioning for Director!
I don't recommend watching /fit/ webms on Yea Forums. People seem to post weightlifting accidents rather than successful weightlifting so just avoid watching webms that look like they were inside a gym.
Which chapters are getting adapted next week?
People are overreacting, dude is going to be fine. He'll walk it off. Just watch it, no worry.
idk bro I find snapcity videos hilarious in a "got what they deserved" kind of way
Okay, I got it. I'll keep jogging.
>all playground equipment steadily removed
thats actually kind of depressing
uh, Hibiki and Sensei have the same bust size
>that bust with that body fat %
my fucking dick
1. Apply 0% of your strength for Reference Mark A
2. Apply 100% of your strength for Reference Mark B
3. Apply your brain to find the 70% mark
Why is Kure sensei the best girl?
I really hope that Kure-sensei's husband shows up eventually. I want to see exactly how badass you need to be to plow a Kure
I feel the worst when Olympic weightlifters get hurt during the Olympics/
Imagine training for 4 years and then suffering an injury on the big deal and what's worst is the closing ceremony isn't even close yet so like you get hospitalized instead of enjoying the Olympic Orgies that happen every Olympics according to the media who every Olympics, claims tons of condoms get used up at the Olympic Village.
yeah I guess technically we already know. Nevertheless I still want to see him
>Occupation: assassin and teacher
Being a teacher alone isn't enough to pay the bills.
>Japan's playgrounds don't have stuff anymore
Is this actually legit?
Why do you always have your trip on, MKL?
>1 episode left
this is retarded, what the fuck
Chill. There's the manga after that.
Is it really that comfortable sitting on the floor?
I want to feed that smile.
Looks like it's carpeting.
Do they off people in the manga? Or are they just you typical our-clan-use-to-be-ninja-assassins-in-the-distant-past-but-we-only-kept-the-training-and-we're-not-murdering-people-for-money-anymore traditionalist ninja family? Do they celebrate Katanaka?
Yashuka and Karla are never shown assassinating anyone, but a few of their cousins almost kill Yamashitakazuo's son
Who's son? What?
they also kill a corrupt cop if I remember correctly.
read Kengan Asura
It's in the same universe? What?
yes, they're written by the same author and take place in the same universe. Dumbbell frequently features cameos from characters in Kengan
Holy crap. I need to read it then.
god I wish that were me
you should, it's great, easily one of the best martial arts manga ever written
Fat Doga Kobo girls need to stick together.
Accordian duet
May the macho god smite down Doga Kobo for never doing a 2nd season of anything.
>Satomi > Sensei
They did a second season of Yuruyuri, but then they lost the third to TYO.
They also did second seasons of New Game and Umaru.
Would Kobeni fit in between them?
>what is new game
>what is umaru
>what is yuru yuri
>what is koihimu musou
They're not though. They just say they're looking, but all they do is spend time in the gym and with their female friends.
The only one that's unbelievable is Ayaka since she works in her dad's gym often enough.
I lived in a town that had a festival pretty similar to this.
Hibiki a big cutie
Check that pussy with the jean. Skipped too many legs day, huh?
if I become a muscle god will high school girls look at me like this?
Some, maybe.
Some girls like bald dudes, some short dudes. So probably.
maybe the ones that go to the gym
but as the show pointed out, almost no highschool girls go to the gym
>Is it true that some people are just more genetically suited for weightlifting than others?
Yes it's 100% percent true. But unless you are competing in powerlifting tournaments it's not relevant to you.
>And speaking of genetics, it is making me wonder how come our ancient cavemen ancestors like Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon were so muscular despite no gym equipment around them?
How do you think gorillas are super muscular despite no gym equipment around them?
There's a part where Karla "supposedly" kill a few people during the coup, but is never shown explicitly, it's weird because the author said he would like to show Karla fighting but at the end he purposely skipped that part.
>we'll never see Karla going 100% or having babies
Sensei = Hibiki > Aina = Gina > Akemi > Ayaka
Appearance: Satomi > Akemi > Hibiki > Gina > Ayaka
Personality: Satomi > Hibiki > Gina > Ayaka > Akemi
Overall: Satomi > Hibiki > Gina > Ayaka > Akemi
So Yea Forums you HAVE started working our right? You don't want to be a fat virgin your whole life do you?
It's not like working out will change your virginity status. Just ask /fit/.
Hibiki >= Sensei >= Gina > Ayaka > Akemi.
kure clan best clan
no gains draining plastic and s*y everywhere they go
well at least Machio got 2 more seasons in his other show
why not?
Virginity and fatness are coincidental in my case.
Appearance: Akemi > Satomi > Zina > Hibiki > Ayaka
Personality: Akemi > Satomi > Zina > Hibiki > Ayaka
Overall: Akemi > Satomi > Zina > Hibiki > Ayaka
Appearance: Zina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest
Personality: Zina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest
Overall: Zina>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest
Fucking based
she hasn't found her perfect man yet
because Ohma is taking a nap and his lookalike is going to get arrested for all those murders he keeps committing before she can seduce him
she needs to breed for the sake of the clan
Is her husband golgo?
yep shes just like her sister
How hard will Akemi fap to the folks at the Kengan Tournament?
>runs a school
>doesn't know what days classes are out
kek, based Shion
Will the girls met Setsuna once they enter college or he will be missing at that point?
I wonder how far Machio would get in the Kengan Association
>inb4 he shows up in Omega as a Purgatory fighter or Silverman's Gym's representative
I was hoping this weirdo would make another appearance.
>Toshio Ozu appears
>next segment has a warning about how bad neck injuries are
>he appears
>in the hospital
Wouldn't Machio be against "unnatural" muscles though? The Kengan matches don't require doping so Julius have a free pass there, but on official competitions he would be banned. What about a chapter about Machio putting Julius in the right track again?
Imagine how much of a cow Mya-nee will turn into once she has kids of her own.
>they changed Machio to his priest outfit in the ED
weird detail to go with
I'm pretty sure he's always been in the priest hat somewhere in the ED.
what in the flying fuck is this?
Fuck. I watched the whole thing.
>healer joins the party
Holy shit
She's deep
Who that faggot who put everything in STR and WIS?
What the hell is "cross fit"? I see that term thrown out whenever there's videos of spastic retards acting like chimps in a gym, but it seems like it's just short for "cross fitness" and that doesn't intuitively lead to the kind of behavior you see in these webms.
Why is ayaka so cute bros
Machio's second highest stat is probably CHA.
>What the hell is "cross fit"?
>spastic retards acting like chimps in a gym
you just answered your own question
I wish blonde sensei had more lines, her VA is the best
Yeah but how is that a thing. Like who would join that kind of orgnization?
i hope the girls manage to find boyfriends before the show ends
But I suppose they can't do that because it would anger the waifufags
>the absolute state of Japanese parks
This reminds me of the Zombieland Saga park that some otakus destroyed
>if we get rid of the parks lolicons won't have any place to ogle our children and snatch them
Hibiki is just too cute. I can't stand it.
Smell: Sensei>Hibiki>Vlad>Boxer>Yamato Nadeshiko
Stinkiest to least
Pussy juice: Hibiki>Putina>Yamato>Boxer>Sensei
Juiciest to driest
Based slav fucker
That happened?
>If we exercise all of our bodies over there, will we finally be swole?
Ayaka definitely not dry and akemi cums buckets everytime she sees muscles
That guy should probably move Akemi to the driest slot. She gets so excited over muscles, but we've never seen a single indication of wetness. She is in fact the only character we can legitimately speculate in this matter due to how often she gets aroused and yet there being zero evidence of moistened clothes.
Ayaka's dad is a world class boxing trainer, i'd wager any guys that try to get close to her get scared off pretty quickly by either
>dad and boxers scaring them off with intimidation
>dad and boxers scaring them off by bringing them along for workouts
>Akemi scaring them off by bringing them along for workouts.
The boxers in her gym probably see her as off limits.
>work out and get fit to get laid
>reach your goal
>still to shy to approach anyone
>*Ayaka scaring them off by bringing them along for workouts
whoops not akemi, although she'd scare them off too.
I never made that connection. Ozu Toshio appears in a chapter, and the following chapter explains neck strain.
Thanks user.
Why not just replace it with a new merry go round that will hold up to fat otaku
Appearance: Zina>Sensei>Ayaka>Akemi>Hibiki
Personality: Zina>Sensei>Ayaka>Akemi>Hibiki
Overall: Zina>Sensei>Ayaka>Akemi>Hibiki
because as it was mentioned in the anime, Japan is removing that stuff from parks anyway
SAIDO CHESTO is up for roster nomination in the Autumn Babby cup. If you want to see him play you can vote for him, along with other favourites of yours on this poll which is ending very soon .
Saga is a derelict prefecture
they probably unironically couldn't justify the expense in replacing it
the funny thing is the anime is helping with tourism, so the zonbis really are saving Saga
I want to be Sensei's boyfriend.
This episode exercise segment was particularly lewd.
never finished it, how does it end?
It's only like 4 minuites long, just watch it
I really don't give half a shit about it.
post it
I don't want this to end. I need my dumbbell fun every wednesday
>that Zina
Where is Zina's bra?
only a half a load from machio
sweaty ayaka best ayaka
Wait, Saga is a place? I thought the saga in Zombieland Saga meant Zombieland story.
>Mother covering her son
Based mom
hr son dont need see thots!
Fit Oji-san!
Weel Louie is STR +INT!
Patrician taste
God I'm going to miss this show and it's Dumb Belles
Is it really finished after the next episode? No season 2?
no i want to be a skinny virgin my whole life
It was already in pretty bad state though
They'll probably make a second one, given how popular jaxblade has made it
Why is sensei smellier than Hibiki?
30 year old virgin, you tell me why
Hibiki > Tachibana > Akemi > Zina > Ayaka
>thinking your literally who youtube e-celeb has any impact on its popularity in Japan
fuck off retard
I think she should lose the bun
You should only drink tea.
t/ fitizen
He literally has
>ghetto BBC.
she is going to get crushed!
god i wish that were me
>drinking anything other than water and milk
I explained it in a previous thread: it's a post-rapture world. All the people who lived good, healthy livestyles have been raptured by the Muscle Gods and only the DYEL are left behind, which is why everything feels so abandoned and the only person we've seen in these scenes other than the main crew is an old lady. Machio, head priest of the Muscle Gods, has voluntarily abandoned his throne atop Mt. Swolympus in order to give the DYEL who were left behind one last chance at redemption.
It's not what is, it's what could be. Lift hard, squat deep, eat your oats, get your protein and ensure this never happens.
>Toned stomach on Hibiki
This picture is false
Sometimes they show up sometimes they don't
Do you think sensei could maintain a bridge while you're fucking her?
imagine fucking her while she was doing a wrestler's bridge and accidentally snapping her neck
Do you think sensei could maintain a bridge while you fuck Ayaka on top of her and loudly scream
>Wow Ayaka, your YOUNG and TIGHT pussy feels SO GOOOOOOOOD! Unlike the LOOSE OLD CUNT of a certain WRINKLY HAG that I'm not gonna name!
>cake bullying
Proof? I'm just curious.
The OP is a normie tier meme in japan right now
Well, that's a way to get me hard I guess.
>zina will never look at you like that
I like Sensei, because the mole is super sexy. Trips of truth.
Crossfit isn't an organization, it's just another school of fitness. A retarded one by faggots, but it's too decentralized to be an organization.
They don't even have a central dogma other than "use body motions instead of weights and try to look like an autistic spazz while doing it".
Work on your grip strength and make sure you’re holding the bar correctly when you start sets
Do wrist curls, buy some grippers and small resistance bands (e.g. ripper bands) and use them to train your hands for grip and opening strength
Forearms and calves need to be worked a lot to progress, so work them in every other day
food tastes good and all 3D women are PD
What do we think musclebros
Isn't running on the spot for prolonged periods pretty bad for your calves since you tend to bounce on your toes rather than landing on your heel.
I suppose they will probably adress that in game
Although come to think of it they didn't have any such warning in wii fit I think
That's not the best way to run. Heel-strike is not the "safe" means to run.
Go run outside, barefoot. Concrete, dirt, grass, forest path...you'll find out really quickly you won't run on your heels. I'm serious.
You can also dig your hand in a bucket of rice or sand, grab a handful, pull it out and squeeze it, before throwing it back in and repeating that 10 times for each hand.
It supports other kinds of grip training a little and helps against spraining and hurting your hands.
> Himuro manages to reach Julius but he won't join the fight because reasons. He says the Silverman representative, Machio should join the team instead.
>[Spoiler] He fights Kiryu Setsuna to avenge his Bro Osu Toshio death[/Spoiler]
Lose weight.
nah i'm alright
Toshio Ozu didn't actually die, someone twisted has neck back and he got better
Gonna add this to my wii fit and Zumba routine
They never confirmed he didn't die, but there was this bodyguard that got his neck twisted but was fine by the end of the manga....pretty lame if you ask me
I have said in the kengan Thread and i Will say this here: Does this looks like the face of a girl that will pass the opportinuty to bread with Ohma while he was Cohma?
>Not hanging yourself for gains
>Wow user, you're so strong! Do you workout?
>Nah, I just play Ring Adventures on my Switch twice a week.
Can't wait to use this line.
I love Hibiki
>Toshio Ozu
>Akaya's nee-chan and the boxer crew
>The myriad muscleman goons Machio can summon at will
>Vladimir Fucking Putin
I want to eat cake.
what does that have to do with your e-celeb?
still waiting for proof, faggot
Will Machio ever stop skipping head day?
I hope
don't let karla near machio
no one cared who she was before she put on the mask
look like the trainer woman desu.
I'm gonna kill you in your sleep.
She's named later.
unironically the second most /fit/ show of the season
if your back doesn't already bend like that then you'll never be able to do that, right?
my back can't bend at all in that way
i wanna do mdma with momo!
Hibiki is naturally stinky due to her gyaru hormones.
Sensei's expired.
I love Akemi
Seems like the worst combination of bro science and whatever dipshittery causes people to become dedicated bicyclists.
ost when?