Eren Yeager did nothing wrong
Shingeki no Kyojin
what happened to last thread
>Grisha was talking about seeing Eren trappped in the Paths forever
Everything it's a circle:
>Eren replaces Ymir and became the devil existing in past-present-future who will give Ymir the titan power
>Once Eren replaces Ymir, she will be born as the baby
Beru beru to to to
Reminder that Erwin died for this
>LHpolfag threads get nice discussions
>gets deleted
every time
Eren has always acted heroically.
Whenever something threatens his friends he puts his life on the line to defend them.
In the cave when he really believed he had made a mistake he was willing to die to help fix it.
He never complained that he wasn't being treated like a big shot despite being humanity's greatest weapon.
When he had the option of going into any branch of the military he chose the survey corps which was notoriously difficult and high risk.
The only instances people ever bring up when trying to paint Eren in a bad light are the times when he was left with NO GOOD OPTIONS. Eren is resolute. He will not back down and if he has to make a difficult decision to continue the fight for freedom then he will. He didn't start this war. He didn't want any of this. Circumstances forced him into the position he's in and he will not lie down and die. To his dying breath he will protect the things he cares about even if the whole world stands against him.
He deserves happiness more than anyone else in this series.
I would literally kill EVERYONE to see Hisu smile
Hajime Isayama going to return to Annie's story. Therefore, he created the basis for Annie's return.
sayama did everything right
killing porco was a mistake.
Falco will inherit Ymir's memories and save Historia
Spoilers when ?
In 24 days
so, erehisu canon ?
You said the same with Porco
>eren's original titan had no lips
>armin's titan had no nose
Who's going to be the titan with no eyelids?
>Shitrenfags are redditors
I never understood why people hated so much s1 in 2013. The were so many similar series between those years that had a similar plot (God eater,black bullet, Carabinieri of the shitty fortress etc...) but none of them got hated like SnK. It was so hated because too popular?
>Eren's haters are redditors
>stAAlker came back
>Yea Forums is reddit
Eat me
I miss Yumiru
>posting a reddit screencap while accusing others of using reddit
Here's your (You).
Porco was on his way to the queen's farm but died. Falco will be the one to fulfill the mission.
why did it have to be fucking time shennanigans? there's nothing I hate more.
If the "assault" titan's power is to be able to know the memories of it's future possessors, shouldn't every single assault titan in history have known what was going to happen in the future? No way the world turns out the way it did if that really is the case.
this story is beyond fucked.
Arminstalker is not too smart
We know Yumiru
Yumiru literally chose BR over Historia though
She did it to save Historia dumbass. If she didn't sacrifice herself, BR would have taken Historia to Marley by now
BR would have died without her help.
Yeah no
We know Eren
I stopped reading the manga in the middle of the arc where there's a civil war and something about the king and Historia trying to take the throne, shit was way too slow for me so I lost interest. I was spoiled about a lot of things happening after that and the story seems a lot more interesting, should I read the manga again or watch the anime, or is the pacing still slow as fuck?
Bert was literally about to be eaten. A few more seconds and he would have died.
Reiner couldn't fight off all those titans alone. so he would have died too.
In fact if Ymir really wanted to save Historia she could have instead hastened their deaths by fighting them while they were being swarmed by titans.
Ymir might have thought she was doing what was best for Historia but in truth she was fucking stupid and gave her life to put Historia into MUCH more danger.
Nobody fucking cares lmao. Nice blogpost. Fuck off back to rddit where someone might actually even pretend to care about your shitty opinion. Pleb filtered.
The anime cuts some scenes but is generally really damn great. After finishing, start reading on chapter 91.
>gets in to a secret relationship with and impregnates the queen
>belly flops on to a crowd of dignitaries from around the world
>dabs on Reiner again in his own hometown
>starts a civil war literally under his name
>manipulates his friends and cuck half-brother in order to literally genocide the world outside his island
>doesn't care if he dies, as long as his lover and child are free from the global Eldian ethnic conflict
Most of you faggots wish you were as based as Chadren YeaGAR
Just watch the anime.
Thanks, I'll just do that. iirc there's 3 seasons and the fourth will be the last? Does that mean that the manga will be completed soon?
He was a worthless character, who cares
Yeah, there's not much left for the manga, a year maybe.
Shitmir was an ungrateful piece of shit who was okay with SL people dying. If she stayed SL would have had more info and shifters, enough to either destroy Marley or to propose to stop attacking Paradis and reach some agreement.
Uprising's slow when you read it month by month, but it's not that bad when you binge it.
The anime condenses the entire arc, so some parts of it doesn't make as much sense because they cut some scenes, so it's a trade off
Two points:
1. Grisha might be wrong about the Assault Titan's "ability" being the source of his future memories. It could also be the result of Zeke and Eren fucking around in the paths. If so, the "foreknowledge" sent back could be limited to Eren's own memories. Those would be more or less useless to an AT living 500 years ago.
2. If the AT can naturally transmit memories backward, then that ability is probably limited in some way. Like regular titan memories from predecessors, the inherited memories might be random and less likely to be transmitted to non blood relatives. If so, their understanding of future events would be fragmented at best.
Godke, a man denied his cuck waifu
She did it for Historia retard
Yeah, helping their enemies helped them a lot, Shitmirfag
>Shitmir was an ungrateful piece of shit who was okay with SL people dying.
So if Eren did this, it's "romantic" because he'll destroy the world for his waifu. But when Ymir does it, it's "retarded"? What the fuck is with this shit logic
In the end, it doesn't matter what the source or limitations of the timetravelling memories are. This shit is gonna cause a causal loop/time paradox, and the entire plot will become a cheap mess because of it. fuck this.
Who the fuck was talking about Eren? Yes Eren is a son of a bitch but at least if EH happened he protected Historia more than Shitmir. Eren being a traitorous waifufag doesn't justify Shitmir being an ungrateful traitor who is also retarded.
Is this that fascist manga?
>if EH happened he protected Historia more than Shitmir
Yeah no. Ymir gave her life for Historia. Eren's "plan" is for her to fuck a farmer and get pregnant.
me when I ask my dad for permission but he tells me to ask mom
t. YHtrash.
Based and correct
Ymir killer herself for Historia. Eren will kill billions.
t. delusional YHbenji
>Eren caused his own birth
See, this shit is just stupid
>Ymir gave her life for Historia
>Gave a weapon to the enemy
Did this chapter have the Kruger scene make more sense?
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa slay my yumicurrie yaaas yas yaaaaaaaas
What a boomer thing to say
>This butthurt
he would need to if he influenced Krueger in a way that might lead to Grisha not marrying Carla. So he'd need to make sure everything that needs to happen still happens.
>other user posted the file right before I could
Based, cute and canon.
Don't question pathmagic.
Gabi says be happy.
>so this is the path
Wtf don't tell the this is official tl
What did they mean by this?
fuck off
It was necessary so Reiner and Marley don't come after Historia. And at least it doesn't result in Historia being sad and miserable with an unwanted baby.
(9/11 checked)
what do you mean? Ymir had to get her body repaired there as well to be able to return to her human form
>still desperately clinging a 10 month old cope
Do you sincerely believe this is why happened? Or do you just spend every waking hour praying this is what happened?
Eren says be dead
Lol she didn’t sacrifice herself for Historia but to save Reiner and Bertolt they were about to be killed and she desired to pay her debt.
>unwanted child / sad and miserable
That is what we will see once we will get her pov
Why would Ymir blindly follow orders of the royal family? She's their fucking ancestor, not their servant.
Kek, they would've came for them earlier if not for the kebabs.
just ask Grisha
It pretty much explained it, yeah.
She can be both if she was a servant girl to a pedo ass lord.
Ymir more likely programmed herself Lolymir to obey her descendants, the same way she programmed the AT to fight against the first king will (thanks to Eren more likely)
I'm dumb and tired, please explain.
Armin too yet he ended up here.
>That is what we will see once we will get her pov
After you wake up EMfat
I was just joking about Grisha also following the orders of his offspring. Ymir probably follows a different vow than the one we know about so she always has to do what royals tell her.
Erentards are mega cringe. Manga went to shit the more he became muh freedom.
I think that was just a vision or something
Why didn't some shifters see paths while others don't?
>Manga went to shit the more he became muh freedom.
Historia could have agreed to the pacifist plan, Hange and else were ready to protect her. She can only blame herself for choosing this path and for deciding to side with Eren and betray her own government (and friends who were ready to protect her.)
>so Reiner and Marley don't come after Historia.
Yeah... about that
>her face is actually determined!
maybe some just don't remember
What kind of delusion is this.
Their intentions were good but their plans weren't too realistic. If SL made more allies Historia would have to live hidden even more
Why did Armin's family have that book?
smuggled it in when the Eldians went to Paradis and kept it hidden
The plan wasn’t that bad. They could have tried to find other allies by talking to the other nations. Hizuru mustn’t be the only nation interested by Eldia’s natural ressources, still Historia decided to follow Eren. Yes, she didn’t know a thing about the situation but she perfectly knew it would become way more complicated if they attacked Liberio, she knew they were going to risk JSCAM lives too. Still fujos feel forced to pity her even though she decided to betray her own friends by herself and she was perfectly aware of what would create the Liberio attack (even before Willy speech happened)
>"Mnnghhh harder daddy"
>Still fujos feel forced to pity her
How? Manlet is almost dead thanks to her betraying everyone, in fact Historia's haters appeared in masse when Historia punched Eren in the cave
Sex without the purpose of recreation with frieda
That user is desperately trying to link Historia with fujos even though the great majority likes Mikasa over Historia and nobody votes for her
That's not why she did it, man. She left Historia behind because she knew the island had a future with Eren's power, but she still felt indebted and genuinely couldn't leave Bert and Reiner alone when they were just begging for someone to find them, so she helped them at the cost of her own life.
Unironically some fujos have better taste for liking Marley characters than those liking the boring AMJC
Zeke loves baseball. Don't you think he deserves his own baseball team?
The only way we will see that if Isayama got a gun pointed at his head. She is waiting for Chadren come back home
>her face us actually muh depressed!
Lol obviously you don’t lurk enough in these threads.
See “She’s so sad/desperate/dead inside/raped”
As i said they feel forced to pity her even though Jean Hange and else were ready to negotiate with Marley and the other nations to avoid Historia’s sacrifice.
That's the YHfag newfag
AMJC are still better than the Marley jobbers.
Because it's more believable. And the child doesn't have to be the reason. What is this coping?
>better any anyone
Kek they are garbage
>Muh scarf
>Muh sometimes Armin says smart things, sometimes Jean does
>"give Eldian bodies that cannot reproduce"
tfw Zeke invented titan form
How? Fucking Porco and Gabi are better characters, amjc can't never be in the wrong are are too protected by Isayama they became One Piece public tier characters
>before Zeke retconned their appearances, all male titans had big floppy dicks
>they got hard everytime they get close to a human
Yeah more believable in your delusions YHfat. In what world are you more depressed by choosing the decision yourself.
Wouldn't that mean characters losing their dicks and vaginas instead of making them giants human eaters?
>they became One Piece public tier characters
They're not that popular though
giant human eaters without dicks and vaginas
>Hans gender finally revealed
>Just when got confirmed to be a woman, we will see next panel a naked Hans with no boobs and no sexual organs
>that will be the first leak and shitposters will use that pic to call her a man
>Before the retcon the Female Titan had big honkers and a sloppy wet pussy
If the timeloop theory turns into this I'll forgive Isyama for everything. Including making Gabi
Don't worry Eren will come back to her and their child and she will be happy again
>No vagina
>B-but we used two condoms and ...I even pulled out
What is Eren planning ?
Fucking kek, so we might get eldians castrated at least temporarily, enough time to cut Historia's stomach to save the baby.
Isayama what have you done
>Muh sometimes Armin says smart things, sometimes Jean does
What the fuck was Isayama thinking making two reduntant characters sticking around each other so much? Even more so when Hanji was directly leading them.
So it depends of how advanced the pregnancy is? For example, women with one month of pregnancy would have that thing there, but advanced pregnancy like Historia could give birth any moment so the baby needs to get out so yeah they might need to get the baby out of Historia
Why would anyone want the self hating cuck to win? What's good about no future Eldians?
>muh YHfat
Zeke wish will turn everyone into Titans
Assert Eldian dominance
Fuck this weird bespectacled niggerfaggot.
Apparently, Onyankopon last name is Mfoudi.
>Muh I'm very smart but will trust the people who are planning to genocide my race because muh nakama
>Is about to job to AM
I thought it was Hoover. That would explain all the background sweating.
>sterile people are litteral monsters
Better than AMshit muh everyone won't hurt you if you prove you are good
That there wouldn't be more (((eldians)))
Worked gor Gabi.
they killed Magath and your waifu is next, cope
>Hey. Clean up my mess, will ya?
>Hey, Arlert, who told you to stop?
I know, Isayama knows AMfags are too sensitive and need to do something
Life found a way.
I'm disappointed that there is yet the be a character who's final words before getting eaten is "choke on us"
>and need to do something
They are deutaragonists. Of course they nee to do something. Cope.
Wait what did thr anime cut out? The only thing I can recall them cutting short was the dialogue between Erens dad and the owl
one chapter per month is too slow.
say this to Berserk fans
So essentially, without the need to reproduce, you're just a mindless creature? Damn Isayama. I thought you were a yurifaggot.
berserk stopped being good after the golden age so it's their fault to not let it die
trannies are going to riot
>They are deutaragonists
Not anymore
I'm pretty sure that's not what he's saying
so does any of the spin off works have any bearing on the main series?
Even animal has the instinct to reproduce so faggot literally is more retarded than animal. More retarded than animal = mindless
Damn, i guess Historia isn't important at all then(using your retarded argument)
What's being measured here? panels?
They have been referenced in the main series (like Jean being mean to his mom, Erwin and manlet's first meeting, Annie's dad being a cripple) but they don't really matter much for the overall story.
reee Historia would have totally been fighting with everyone in the final arc if she wasn't pregnant but now she's useless reeee
So not behaving like animals is something bad?
Number of pages they appear in
She honestly isn't, though she may be part of Eren's motivations.
>Can't tell that i was using intentional sarcasm even when i specified it in my post
yep, you are retarded
Has EH finally surpassed RK in popularity to become the second most popular Historia ship?
bros... Udo is more important than Grisha...
Are you a fucking time traveler from 2012?
Standing behind Gabi doing nothing does wonders
wait, they're related... right?
By a few generations.
Kek, he was baiting them all along. Every single degenerate out there. The trannies and dykes will literally seethe.
They're royalty, they can marry even if they're related.
>says i can't tell that it's sarcasm while missing obvious sarcasm
According to your chart, this last arc Mikasa is the third most important character and Armin is the fourth most important character, only behind Zeke and Eren.
They seem like deutaragonists to me
Reminder that EHchads are also PLOTCHADS, and that's why we are not included into your shipping faggotry.
EMcucks and YHdykes are just autistic self-inserters who can't give up the fact their ship ADDS NOTHING TO THE CURRENT PLOT.
Eren sees Dogkasa as a sister, Grisha saw her as a daughter. Eren will die and Mankasa character development includes letting go of Eren, as Isayama stated. She will go to Hizuru and become part of their royal family. That's her duty.
I won't even take time to comment on YH bullshit cause you all know that's just some dumblrina lesbian fantasy where every lesbo whale self-insert as Dykemir, in the same way as the "wow that's literally me" meme.
>Eren will die
no he will get away with everything
At worst, they share a great-great-great-grandfather
If this gets a good ending(EH + full rumbling) and Araki gives it the adaptation it deserves will it go down as the greatest anime ever made?
>good ending is the most boring and predictable one
>Porko: "rainah you made my brother die" Galliard
>Gabong: "I commit war crimes but then I go 404 when my enemies attack me" Braun
>Reiner "please god just let me die already" Braun
>Pieck "as expected of"
>Zeke "I'm full of race guilt and I wanna kill my people because of daddy issues" Yeager
>Annie "Isayama don't know how to put me back on the story" Leonhart
Warriors are the worst piece of shit ever. Literal jobbers.
Casual readers don't expect a full rumbling. They expect a peaceful solution.
To get away with something, it implies you did something wrong to begin with.
If Eren is the Devil, who is Zeke?
Why does their imagined kid always look like Eren? Did Levi get cucked and doesn't know it?
>le unpredictable shock value 180 twist out of nowhere ending is good compared to what Isayama has been consistently building towards to
Based retard. I bet you liked the game of thrones finale.
I know it's a (shit) bait but making people sterile=/=making them stop feeling sexual attraction.
Eren is the baby.
>Writes L*vi
>Never saw the full pic
Oh no no no and Eren IS their son
What are the current theories about the legend of Ymir?
Right now I think it implies that Eren is going to be given Ymir's power next chapter.
The Mad Queen was predictable as fuck but had a very shitty realization.
>EH and rumbling
yeah no
>cucked by a dead girl
Poor Yelena
Unpredictable is better dumbfuck or do you want everything spoonfed to you?
Eren being the father is so obvious that this point that it will make the ending anti-climactic. Imagine if something like Jean being the father that no one predicts.
We are going to see Ymir's past
>EHfags can't comprehend a happy end without confirming their ship
Eren is their adopted son
Eren being the father is unpredictable for readers who barely spend time in forums though
no user, a good author can make the twist be unpredictable and still be able to make it make perfect sense and let you satisfied
fug this one blonde devil from the anime ending looks like Zeke
>Eren being the father is so obvious
explain these threads then
>EM is the plot
O no no no no
What about killing Mikasa?
Does anyone seriously think Eren did something wrong?
Nevermind, the EMcuck just arrived
Holy shit you're retarded. The points are the titans are mindless and they don't have reproductive organs. A message doesn't need to be 100% apparent for it to be delivered. Take sarcasm for example or something that is alluded.
that would be pure kino. zeke wins and so does eren, but zekes win is actually his greatest defeat. zeke creates the titans and eren uses that creation to rumble and destroy marley. i hope isayama is lurking.
>The titans are mindless and also big
>That means that Isayama hates tall people
Am Isayama
Can confirm am lurking
He was an Arminfag for way too long
Ok I guess the Ameritards are starting to wake up now.
>Tortures Grisha's mind
>abandons his mentors
Based Eren
I just want to see her again, bros.
I can really see this happening especially that Armong, Mikasa and Levi are immune to the Founder so them and the other Shifters would still be there for the final
Its almost like he made Armin into the Collosal so he would survive this wish
>no user, a good author can make the twist be unpredictable and still be able to make it make perfect sense and let you satisfied
Explain how this is wrong
We know, Eren.
But that would be unpredictable
No, keeping her alive at this point would be unpredictable.
me on the right
Yeah, time to move to other threads or trying to deal with their burger greasy brains
>most titans are also dudes
I can't believe Isayama is a misandrist
t. Dogkasacuck
He is a misoginist though.
He believes women can't also be revolutionary and rebels.
No, this is cannon
What happened?
They don't have reproductive organs because they aren't born naturally and don't need to reproduce as they are immortal if they don't get killed you fucking mong. Reproduction exist because people don't live forever. Besides that snk is published in a shonen magazine.
How about you post your shitty examples of stories of the same caliber as snk getting le unpredictable twist endings!!!!
I bet you're both a redditor and a kojimadrone. On top of being a mutt as well
Not really, Mikasa surviving or going to Hizuru is too predictable, no one would expect her death
Eren has mindfucked every Attack-on Titan, that's how Grisha killed the kings and how Kruger knew about Mikasa and Armin.
Morphogenetic Field Time Travel will never NOT be Metal as fuck.
>he can't
>refused to kill Armin only to watch Hitch of all people pop his adamantium cherry
So let me get this straight, Eren saw the future by seeing into the past through his fathers memories who in turn saw the future by looking at Erens memories?
>of stories of the same caliber as snk
so slightly above average stories?
Why not Grisha sending the "save Mikasa and Armin" message after getting in contact with royal blood?
No retard, I was following the discussion where Zeke's order is the cause of titan not having reproductive system because of this timeloop bullshit. Why the fuck are you even triggered anyway? There's literally nothing wrong with the allegation of no need to reproduce = mindless creature. It's not like the main protagonist is pro-born and the antagonist is anti-born right?
Code geass or gurren lagann
SnK for me personally, though I do like FMA, original version and Brotherhood.
What for?
Grisha was going to pass the Onslaught Eoten to Eren anyway and he'd do it himself. Kruger needed to know the message to survive Marley and get Grisha to fuck Paradis pussy
EH is the most ugliest, BLANDEST, ship i’ve ever seen. That ship is the most forced shit. And their shippers. They are the most arrogant, whiny, and annoying people on this hell site . They constantly complain about how they’re the “little victims” and yet i see them constantly bashing EM and YK, just because they’re delusional asses actually think erens the father. Imagine hating and degrading the characters you supposedly love.
Fuck time travel
Titans don't have digestive system either, why don't we look into what the author means with that. Is he saying that everything that doesn't shit is an abomination?
>There's literally nothing wrong with the allegation of no need to reproduce = mindless creature.
Yes, that both things have absolutely nothing in common and is a relation that you are making just based on your ideologies
Get your hand off his titan
this is actually true
>Onslaught Eoten
kek every time
Unironically? Or do you mean its your favourite?
Stop bullying Zeke
Also, Grisha only saw Zeke because Eren was standing behind Grisha, giving him a 3rd person view of Zeke, allowing the Attack Titan powers to give him the view.
If that's the message that Isayama is TRYING to convey, there would be nothing wrong with that. He's the author, he is free to have his own opinion. And are you saying nips aren't mindless robots now? The message doesn't need to be true or false.
What an embarrassing orb on legs.
The only case she is going to crack is if manlet's penis still works.
Right? I'll keep that sub forever in my medias, it's pure gold
>If that's the message that Isayama is TRYING to convey
it isn't
this is how easy it is to spot the real redditors
t. Roastie too old to have kids
Then it's your opinion. I never said mine is the fact. I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with that message.
>coping HxHfag
Haven't watched either, because I don't watch utter trash trash by Trigger.
They weren't kidding, these threads truly go to shit when the burgers wake up.
SNK is a good anime because it takes all the elements from previous good anime and repackages them in the SNK style.
>season one is basically Evangellion in its premise.
weird creatures are invading and one boy has the power to fight them by getting in a big mecha.
>season 2 is a shonen style, lots of horses and acrobatics like ninja scrolls or something
>isayama clearly referencing one punch man with reiners plot armour.
>zeke and eren duelling minds is similar to deathnotes L and light yagami.
>as we speak eren jeager is the leader of the future gadget paths labratory sending dmails to his titan progenitors in order to get outside the 1% divergence barrier to create the rumbling.
neon steins titan note punch man
Kek. What does the rice say?
With great power comes great riceponsibility.
>Zeke's order is the cause of titan not having reproductive system
I just told you they don't need a reproductive system. And it wouldn't make sense anyway, because why would Ymir take away mindless titan's reproductive systems at the very start but do it for regular eldians at the present time? What are you trying to say here?
>There's literally nothing wrong with the allegation of no need to reproduce = mindless creature. It's not like the main protagonist is pro-born and the antagonist is anti-born right?
Is this bait? Of course stable reproduction is fucking important but people are not animals who live only to breed.
>Copied Eren's hair to understand him better
>Got fat to understand Historia better
As expected of best nose
Whatever happened to the fujos. They've been quiet recently
>Got fat to understand Historia better
Great contribution to the thread.
>muh freedom
>muh queen
>muh unborn child
>muh paths
Eren is Daenerys, Jon, Cersei and Bran in one charcter. Bravo Hacksayama.
they haven't woken up yet
enjoy the quiet while it lasts
Good morning fren!
Thank you
t. incel
>user thinks a buzzword is an insult
It is Isayama's social commentary on japanese's lifestyle. They are literally mindless creatures who don't reproduce and I told you faggot that that I was following that discussion where timelooping shit is involved. Plus, who the fuck said anything about people only live to breed like animals?
>He is everyone except the guy that fucks his sister
Your ovaries dried up. Sorry
Ive been redirecting them to where they came from
Mikasa is his Jorah.
shonen is always going to have a gary stu and deus ex machina. the whole premise is that the main always ups their powers to greater heights.
Armin is a low IQ retard. There is NO explanation as for why Levi would chose that fag over Erwin.
He is Isayama's favorite but is too shy to admit it. That wall in the anniversary event with characters sucking Armin's dick was embarrassing
All makes sense
erwin was a demon, armin is a pure soul. erwin would have chosen armin. erwin was meant to die a warrior, he has come to peace with death, despite not going to the basement to learn the truth. armin had not yet seen the ocean, and is not meant for battle. it is unfair to steal armins innocence for a man of war.
Armin was actually smarter and more capable than erwin. He was just raped by the brainlet mindnof berthold to become average. The same thing wouldve happened to erwin.
Why did (you) (you) me?
that's some 13yo ESL syntax right here.
Now that's a kek
wtf is esl?
>Muh Bort
How the fuck the other shifters are okay?
Any Karl x Nick chad here?
Is Reiner the most tragic character in the entire show?
Based and canon
Because manlet believed that Erwin was too depressed and chose to let him die
Why those two and not Zeke and Frieda
Bertholt was just the dumbest cuck on the planet. A unique retard if you will. None of the other shifters ate someone so fucking awful.
Yes the second best ship after Bertholdt x Ymir
They aren't, Zeke's cuckness only got multiplied when he inherited the beast titan from Xaver
Kek, I'm not an ehcel
>big noses genes wasted in manlets
lots of characters are actually more tragic than him. Grisha being one
He was already like that
You apparently dont know the definition of multiplied.
Anniebros, what did Isayama mean by this...
How has this multiplied? He did not change, just walked towards his goal.
>Dynamic IP
He became even more fervant. Before he ate xavier he just had a goal in mind. A little later after eating him he became a fanatic cuck
>EM dooms AA and LH
Sorry AALHfags
>what did Isayama mean by this...
It was an important shot in the manga so he wanted to show it off, obviously.
Is AA technically pedo?
>Pictures of Annie training with her dad
Pretty obvious it's just an area of Annie worship.
Who the fuck is the one with manlet? Is that with nick Karl or Zeke?
>user thinks roastie isn't a buzzword
Nah, she's canonically in a deep sleep, so she is aging just like everyone else.
Only roasties think roastie is a buzzword. Look between your legs. Do you see some beat brown beef? If so, you're a roastie.
Lmao rofl XD
>16 and 19
Annie abusing Armin's pure mind is disgusting and might as well be pedophilia!
Armin's pure mind thought it was a good idea to kill civvies, and that was before he had a titan in him.
t. burger
the people of paradis have a more tragic existence. they did nothing wrong and are just oblivious cattle waiting to die.
>Isayama planned a lot from the very beginning, or at least in the middle.
>That shit
So why do we argue about who the father is?
Because we are bored and Isayama is slow
>Prepare your anus, huntercuck
Because that's anime only shit
No need to reproduce = mindless creature does leave room for interpretation. If that's what Isayama is trying to say it's not a bad message, but doesn't Japan has lower birthrates because of stressful work culture which makes many people too stressed out and busy all the time to have kids even if they want to? I don't know much about it, so I might be wrong. I don't see a similar situation happening in snk universe (or at least it being focused on?).
what is this supposed to show ?
This is an addition from Isayama, as is Annie's laugh.
the most recent chapter btfo this img.
eren was going to these memories to speak to grisha not zeke.
Never saw him mention that
Shit Isayama asked to add in.
That's right, user. And all of them will soon receive even more BTFO
Post zeke's dab
Eren plays with dolls so he's not attracted to woman and hence can't be the father
So how did Eren plan to start the rumble if Zeke gaves the order?
erehis baby...... I am your father.
are they slow because they are lazy or because they have to figure out the plot each month?
Eren will have a baby
This destroys the EHcucks:
The top and bottom:
It goes without saying how Historia at her surface seems like an innocent girl but we can tell from her devilish eyes and they way she acts in season 3 that she's a pretty feisty gal. Not to mention that Farmer-kun seems like the bitch boy submissive type who'd bow down to his Queen. Thus Historia being the seme and Farmer-kun being the uke
its half fate half memory. he know what he has to do in the moment to create the current present but doesn't know exactly what creates the future. its similar to an instinct. the attack titan power is not omnicient.
So only incels think incel is a buzzword. How does it not work both ways?
Eren played with knife though...
>Inb4 kitchen
get out, newfag
if you read my above post i mentioned that the erens power is similar to steins gate dmail messages.
He switched to Eren now.
>decides to take on the entire world by himself
>sees the future
>defeats Porco, Reiner and the War Hammer titan
>overthrows the government
>has the entire population of Paradis on his side
>gets his own army of loyal followers through pure big dick energy
>we get half a chapter entirely of drawings of baby Eren
>was behind Grisha's actions all along
>keikaku doris one of the smartest characters in the series
>might have impregnated the most attractive female character
Meanwhile Armin:
>faps to a rock
>cries about the peacefag option failing
>wonders what is going on with Eren
>befriends a black guy
>faps some more to a rock
>So only incels think incel is a buzzword.
But that's not true, roastie. Everyone knows incel is a buzzword. It has been used by retards to the extent that it has lost it's meaning. A roastie, however, is a roastie.
just tell me oldfag
you are being le epic trolled
No, kill yourself
That screaming Eren.
Going as far as destroying his own hand
Is he doing it to protect Historia? I mean she's the only one he knows will suffer immediately if Zeke's wish comes true
No no no you did not understand me. You said that he was going to talk only with Grisha. But he must somehow convince Zeke to start the rumble, or this will never happen.
this one.
Got it.
Something interesting: make a writer write about a character he hates and then about a character he loves, usually the one he hates is more interesting, this is because he makes that character entertaining by creating different situations of him. Isayama is closer to Eren but he hates it, he wishes to be like Armin.
>armin fapping to a crystal
Yes, yet no one finds disgusting that Erwin died so this guy faps to the enemy
Only retards and EHbrainlets think so. He wants to protect all eldians from Zeke's cuck plan.
>Implying it's bait just because you don't like the truth
How do you think THAT talk went?
>yet no one finds disgusting that Erwin died so this guy faps to the enemy
I guess you don't come here often, because there was literally a massive sperg about it in two threads in the last 24 hours
>he hates it
I do not think so
I dont think zeke can start anything, and i dont think he has the founder either.
He might believe he has it, but he hasn’t tried.
eren has now broken free of the chains and is running at ymir. eren is going to do something to change the story. zeke is underestimating erens control of the paths. even though zeke is royal, eren has the founding titan, the hammer titan and the attack titan. these shifters are pieces of ymirs soul, so eren technically is more ymiric than zeke. eren doesnt know the full extent of his powers in the paths yet, but its going to be made clear next episode where i predict a huge power level jump to the stratosphere in which eren gains ymirs memories. that or going back to the battlefield to create suspense.
Founder Ymir is literally his slave, did you miss the penultimate chapter?
Calm down guys it's not that funny. Smells like samefag.
she does as he asks, but eren hasnt asked her anything yet or interacted with her.
Yes he has. He asked her, by name, to lend her his power, and she completely ignored him.
Thats what he says, but has he tried doing anything substantial yet, and did it work? He claims he got the founder , but how do we know?
All he did was flex his Royal Blood, but the story set HIM up to be the key, and Eren the one who would turn it. I still believe this to be the case.
>yet no one finds disgusting that Erwin died so this guy faps to the enemy
Eren is disgusted by his fapping sessions.
t. Armongzzzzfag
Uhmmm, yeah. Basically I should support Eren or what? Seems like all factions equally shits because all of them want to fuck the people in the wall up no matter what.
>Have sex
>"But Eren, why do you think I'm making all of us infertile instead of celibate?"
He wouldn't be shocked at being told that, it's his goal.
She ignored him because is Eren, not because of royal blood
He’s on the money here, Armin lost his fire
You are completely correct. And the said work culture influences them economically as well as people that refuse to participate in it are rendered social outcasts and considered to be "rude cunts". So they put people into positions where starting families is unfeasible because you have to live at your workplace or be discarded or ostracized and then talk shit about the same people that are put into the same positions by the social order they practice and endorse with their epic social commentary. I'm not seeing any manga dealing with karoshi and companies refusing to pay out compensations for working people to death or putting a man through hell to force him to resign just because they don't want to pay him off when they fire him.
i also think the attack titan is somehow destined to find victory against every shifter. even now eren rips his thumbs off, taking the visage of a beast with no dexterity, overpowering zekes royal beast titan powers. eren is showing zeke his title and his shifter are name only, and that the attack titans will to power can become anything that it needs to manifest. to become more beastly than the beast, to break through the armour of the armoured, to dominate the female titan, to crush the hammer titan, all of it is part of the inherant nature of the attack titan protocols.
>yet no one finds disgusting that Erwin died so this guy faps to the enemy
Eren called him out on it moments before thrashing his face. He should have punched more than just Armin for gross dereliction of their duties. Letting the fucking pow's of the enemy nation handle their food and drink preceding an impending military invasion by said nation? What the fuck were they thinking?
but Eren wants to save the walldians
>Eren knows the future
>Says this
Big if true
holy shit you are right. erwin would never fall for that dumb shit. that can only have happened in an armin timeline.
>tfw they need to do an alternate arc with erwin being saved for epicness.
Eren is doing a big populist revolution. Some of these are on zeke’s side, wanting to castrate eldians while Eren wants a strong state for his people’s protection.
I’m on the side of Eren myself; the military was far too lax and comfortable, imagining the fighting was over was naive and mistaken.
There can be no peace as long as the rhetoric of eldians being devils exist.
But really, how? They will be all dead anyway in his plan.
The only real answer really is for the giants to conquer and rule the world.
>admitting to owning a reddit account by showing that you downvoted a comment
>There can be no peace as long as the rhetoric of eldians being devils exist.
Exactly the problem. This is why I have trouble siding with any one of the faction because not a single one of them can actually solve this.
Nick will marry all those happy couples
are you a retard? eren did not see the future until after serumbowl and basement reveal
>mini rumbling
>release 100,000 colossal titans and have them sit by the coasts swatting ships and planes down with cannon and infantry support. fortress paradis for the next 100 years until missile technology takes precidence.
that has nothing to do with the attack titan seeing into the future
I side with Eldians because they can turn into fucking titans and the biological implications of instant regeneration and meat-mechs still haven't been fully explored. Anything that is capable of perfect regeneration is fucking amazing from the standpoint of biology, that alone makes Eldians superior beings in my opinion.
If the founder and the royal blood is together literally anything is possible.
Again, it is possible to permanently change the eldians, but not into something so banal as sterile humans, but into the ubermensch.
Why is Yelena so god damn shady? There's going to be some kind of twist with her character very soon.
She knows way more than she lets on, probably even more than Zeke. Maybe the zealot thing is an act, and she's actually some sort of contingency set up by Eren? A double agent for Hizuru? Kruger's daughter? Ymir's pawn? I don't know, but somethings up.
He saw the future when he kissed Historia's Hand. That happend after Armin became a Titanshifter.
>Annie only exists to be shipbait for Armin
Is there a worse fate?
We won't know in months
Isn't she one of the only characters we don't have a full name for?
Can't someone just motherfucking ask Ymir to release the full potential of Eldians and let them wipe out the non-Eldians on Earth? That is the only way to achieve peace.
She's probably "I want to watch the world burn" kind of character judging by her behavior. It's possible that she doesn't even give a shit whether it's Marleyans or Eldians that plunge the planet into total chaos, but that's what she seems to be drunk on.
The twist was that she was in lying to everyone about wanting to save the people of Paradis and take revenge on Marley all along.
>Is there a worse fate?
Being so much of a retard that you think Annie only exists to be shipbait for Armin sounds like an awful fate, and I pity you for it.
No, death and yuri would be better for her
Armin really has some shit taste
Need royal blood for that and unfortunately Zeke is a cuck and Historia needs to have a titan in order to make use of it. Levi had the right idea about who should be getting the beast titan when he was going off to lop the limbs off monkey trouble.
Pic related, Udo, Zofia, Pieck, Onyankopon, Sasha's dad.
>during the 100 year period
>dont invade marley.
its known that marley depends on the titan power for its millitary, creating an effective olive branch to create peace between paradis and marley. use the founding power to create pure titan shifters whom can volunteer in garrisons for the armies of marley for defensive purposes against the other nations, and act as a praetorian guard, in exchange for peace with paradis. making ties with the remaining tibur family to reinstate the eldian monarchy would be thought of as a long term diplomacy plan.
That begs the question, why is Zeke such a cuck? Was the brainwashing from the Je- I mean Malays so strong that he thinks that that was actually good for Eldians?
This is actually a good solution. Give them arms (titans), the macguffin fuel and act as their geopolitical ally in exchange for cessation of Eldian repression. That is something Magath would most likely even agree on.
krugers daughter would be cool
Number one: the eldians are the Jews and marleyans the Germans.
Number two: Zeke hates himself and his eldian heritage, and no longer believes in the future of his race. He had a hard life.
Eww no, I dislike EM a lot
Ksaver's (Xavier)'s influence and an absolutely shit childhood thanks to Grisha. I imagine a lot of it is not just his ideology and worldviews, but also the despair and loathing born of his life's path that is now coming to a close. It's very possible that he doesn't honestly believe that all Eldians should be euthanized and instead just projects his own self loathing.
>why is Zeke such a cuck?
A janitor was mean to him
Don't twist the truth to meet your ends Zeke. We all know you just got tired of hearing Grisha split your moms pussy in two every night with his chad Jeager Dick.
>the eldians are the Jews and marleyans the Germans.
The opposite. The marleyans are the jews that have subverted the aryan superhuman Eldians and constantly abuse them by bringing up past grievances "Remember the ten sextillion killed in titan wars, you owe us your lives you disgusting animals, now work hard for us, cattle and repent, repent"
I guess Eren could have grounds to have influenced her too. Basically "Hey Kruger, raise your daughter this way so when I'm in a pinch in the future she can help me out".
This. The op is in german and all of the characters have german last names and characteristics.
And the way eren did all this is actually coerent and credible instead of being mary sue:
>see the future
It was foreshadowed and he can just see a small fragment of it
>defeath 3 shifters
He can do this after having his ass beaten for lile 70% of the manga abd trained himself to became stronger
>have a group of followers that overthrow the governament
This happened mostly thanks yelena and zeke
>his beloved by his people
This because he is literally the hero who started eldian's victory againts titans
>tricked one of the smartest characters
He tricked zeke because he is a manchild who act irrationally with the flew people he actually care despite being 200 IQ.
Is beutifull how isayama managed all this is the most resonable and less forced way ever
>Number two: Zeke hates himself and his eldian heritage, and no longer believes in the future of his race. He had a hard life.
That sounds more like German to me. I think in this series Jews and the Germans switched place. Eldians are the ubermensch and the Marleyans pulling strings from behind.
-Self hating through upbringing and educations
Sounds even more like German. Zeke actually think bringing down his people could solve the world problem once and for all.
>The op is in german
I can't imagine the op in Hebrew.
indeed, really the world is in erens hands in this moment. if he unleashed the half a billion titans that exist in the walls of paradis he could essentially conquer the continent in one swoop. he could conquer more land than his numbers could administer. he could reinstate a dark age to keep the titan power as the dominant power for another 2000 years.
Well It’s not a perfect analogy or whatever, but the technology is early 1900s and the eldians are second rate citizens in most of the world. The parallels are pretty clear.
If it was present day and there was a feeling of suppression of the dominant culture I would agree but the so called oppressors are the dominant culture destroying a minority’s, hardly similar to today’s destruction of the majority by the minority.
zekekbros... we got outwitted by erenchads... how come this happened again? and we mocked porkekbros so much...
he could dictate a letter to kruger for her for after he is dead.
Many Jews had German names dude, it’s entirely possible.
Eren is a jew.
zekebros were born to get dabbed on. he is good in many ways, but bad in all the worst.
The parallels are shit because in the real world the jews couldn't turn into hundred and sixty feet tall flesh eating colossi, here the only flesh they consume are newborn foreskins. Just because you can pull in a comparison like that by the ears, doesn't mean it is actually correct or valuable for the sake of discussion.
t. porcofag
>m*arleyan tries to claim common ancestry with the hero and liberator of all Eldians to profit off his grandeur
You won't escape this time.
>That whole spiel Eren gave to Armin and Mikasa about how he is the only one acting out of free will
>Turns out his fate is pre-determined, and he holds the least free will out of anyone in the room, and by that time he also knew all of that
Real irony that Freedom Boy is forced to think he is free to think he is free, for all his life.
If that’s the case, then I’d argue the opposite view is equally worthless.
In fact Jews integrated very well in German society back in the days. Einstein was very secular and some of his relatives even leave the entire Jewish tradition behind and became a full blown German. But still the Eldians really look like Germans in this case.
titan power is an analogy for the power of the west. the beast which remains chained by international order, a cucked royalty whom defected to avoid conflicts, an overtaken people being condemned for the sins of the father. the ghetto and jew comparisons are a smokescreen and a reflection for jews to take in. this is how you chain europa.
All kmbtpsaver did was agree with his worldview which gave him the daddy validation he needed to go on with his plan.
Historia is free too.
Why didn't Eren accept her decision?
Just imagine how dead inside she must feel being stuck in a chair unable to fight as the fate of the world is being decided.
Yes, anyone trying to drag real world shit in a discussion about a fictional universe consisting of fictional countries populated by fictional characters using fictional powers is stupid and should be disregarded.
But Nick loves EM
Please don't watch much of that, it's cringe incarnate
She should go back to the kitchen.
eldia is japan desu. marley is korea. simple as.
user is an idiot, simple as
If that were the case, but some real allegories exist, like the ghettos and the armbands, as well as the general German names and so on.
Again I’m not saying this is entirely an allegory, there’s too much difference.
But it’s clear to me that a shorthand of showing how oppressed the eldians were involved using imagery that is closely related to jews
What if Eren was trying to drop a subtle hint here about influencing one's own will? (ie. him influencing Grisha to kill the Reiss family except Rod)
you’re only assuming that the future can’t be changed
>real allegories exist, like the ghettos and the armbands
If you think this was only done by Germans in the history of mankind you need to pick up a fucking history book. Conquerors oppressing the conquered and using the subjugated population as slaves and cheap workforce while marking their bodies to segregate them from the superior conquerors predates recorded history.
Gabi is for..
It is fucking obvious that they are using the Germans and Jews as template for the Marleyan country, just both people switched places this time. I don't understand why it is so sensitive to point that out. Hell WW2 was more than half a centuries ago how can people hold a grudge for so long?
THAT jutsu
this handsome boi
Removing degenerates and Falco.
Because titans do not exist in our world and a war to exterminate Eldians makes sense from the standpoint of non Eldians. They are different species. You can't handwave it off as them having a different skin colour or a different eye shape, or eyebrow shape or different intellectual medians, they are completely different humanoids despite being near identical biologically. Titanization is a huge fucking factor, I wouldn't want to live next to the people that could one day into twenty meter tall children with downs and eat me and my neighbours. Eldians also have a right to fight for their survival and retain it as long as they can defend it of course.
nah its true. japan is an impirial beast capable of slaughtering korean dogs in an instant. the emperor became a pussy and now japan is paradis island being assaulted by swarthy kor*ans from marley.
This isn't /pol/ or /int/, buddy.
falco is based dumb gabipedos
It’s pretty dishonest to ignore the implications of a literal star-armband the oppressed people of a pseudo-germanic country wear as not having anything to do with jews.
At least subconsciously, that idea was in isayamas mind
Falco is canonically very stupid, naive and gullible.
snk is a pol tier anime. youre bedfellows like it or not.
and that doesn’t change a thing. eren was based from chapter one but he still didn’t act intelligently all the time and let his rage control him other times.
>and that doesn’t change a thing
Of course it does. It means he's canonically very stupid, naive and gullible. Not at all a based character. Remove Falco.
>pseudo-germanic country
There's nothing pseudo-germanic about it, the names of the country have more in common with places like Hungary and the country itself looks more like any other post industrial revolution European country that had an acting military.
he’s based and you won’t change anything
Okay now deal with the rest i’ve posted
Your claim about knowing Isayama's subconscious is even more retarded than the first part of your post.
Thats pretty desperate. The main point has still not been adressed
There is no point to address, just the ramblings of a delusional mind. You should be glad that I've chosen to indulge this folly passing for a conversation this long.
And Gabi still loves him
Gabi has never reciprocated any of Falco's advances. Kill yourself, stop shipping characters with her, she's excellent as she is and doesn't need a boyfriend or love interest.
I still don't care about either of them. They serve no purpose in the story.
Gabi has proven to be a miscalculation on Zeke's part twice now. She's a cute little narrative device with a good character arc and personality. She has more character, character development and on-screen motivation than most other characters.
>when some creepy pedo shoops you into killing your boyfriend
Remove Falco.
It's all eldians but yes, his personal stake is about EH baby.
This is what Kruger intended
g*bpedo is the cringiest poster
Bertholdt still rekt him. Annie in the manga too. No need to give AT more powers he already has plenty.
If the baby would die after Zeke's command, he could've just told Zeke. What a brainlet.