A 19th century whore

>a 19th century whore
>a 21st century child actress (male)
>have completely pure mother/daughter relationship
god I wish that were me

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>completely pure mother/daughter relationship

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do not sully the purity

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its super cute

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I haven't watched the show yet but I'd fuck the cute small blue-haired girl.

>century child actress (male)
I think the best description, even if a little archaic, for Lily would be Wakashu.

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Haha, I’m in danger.jpg

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No, you perfectly knew what's up.

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I see two girls.

>not /ss/
god i wish i was Lily

i think you guys are missing one detail

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Wait, is that thing really her heart?


Well, the artstyle the anime uses is not exactly photorealistic for the most part. Certain things are deliberately depicted cuter than they actually are.

That artist is a treasure.

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Why is Kotaro yelling?

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Maybe his butt hurts?

From what?

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There is actually a doujin where he is fucked by every girl as futa.

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Not really, you must be blind.

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Lucky boy, he died so he could be surrounded by cute girls.

He really lucked out on his adoptive mom too.

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>he died so he could be surrounded by cute girls.
That's some high level chess move.

>he died so he could be surrounded by cute girls.
No, he died because he didn't want to grow up.
He still isn't mature enough to appreciate being surrounded by those girls, and his body probably never will be ready.

>He still isn't mature enough to appreciate being surrounded by those girls
Well, theoretically he does. Just not in a sexual point of view.

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