I want to fuck inko i don't care if she has a weak quirk i want my kids to have her quirk

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This is a serious disorder.

Well, at least she can move your penis with her quirk

She used to be so hot when Deku was a kid. How did she let herself go so much?

Can she give you a handjob without using her hands?

People get older, user

>used to be
user she only got more hotter and thiccer

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yes she can just use her levitation quirk to pull your dick closer to her hand and then release and then keep doing that at a consistent fast speed.

now also thinking about it her quirk could even allow her to pull the sperm out of your ball sacks as it allows for small things to be levitated towards her

Stay away from my Mom! *sniffs*

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deku we are just making you a sibling so you don't have to be lonely anymore

W-would that feel good or painful?

i'm thinking it would feel good, like taking a really good pee kind of orgasmic good as your not necessarily orgasming so it won't feel like one but it will feel like taking a pee but with your sperm instead.

>not using hands

yes if you have a quirk that allows you to grab or manipulate stuff without directly grabbing it then it's possible


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I want her to use her quirk to pull my cock as close to her womb as possible to allow for maximum impregnation

>used to
She's still hot faggot. She's cuter and rounder now actually with lot of cushion for the pushin if you hear what i'm saying when i say that

haven't fapped to this doujin in about a month. time to fix that.

>She's still hot faggot. She's cuter and rounder now actually with lot of cushion for the pushin if you hear what i'm saying when i say that

based and thicc inko pilled

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do it user, it's a good one I always return to it as it's the best inko doujin that exists

my absolute nigga

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But she gets hotter the more dumpier she gets.

She has a quirk?

Detecting large amounts of testosterone in this thread

yes it's

Unnamed Object Attraction Quirk: Inko has the ability to manipulate small objects that are close enough to her. She has only demonstrated the ability to pull them towards her hand.

I love how inko wears a pencil skirt and it only makes her sexier

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Too many niggers ITT, inko is a disgusting fat pig.

> inko is a disgusting fat pig.

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This is literally the only accurate portrayal of telekinesis user, there is no way a person with an ability to move objects with their mind would be fit and shit, all of them would be fat slobs

You are all absolutely disgusting

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user this was proven to be the case in episode one do you not remember this?

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>You are all absolutely disgusting

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>he doesn't like cute, wholesome, thicc, lonely milfs who haven't had a good dicking in over half a decade that you can easily fuck right back into good shape with the obscene amounts of vigorous sex you could and SHOULD be having with her
What are you gay? Are you fucking gay? You sound really fucking gay, user.

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what the fuck happened to his face

inko sat on it

Stupid. You could just use your telekinesis on your muscles to work them constantly, and burn fat in the process.

He cucked All Might. Worth it though.

Why? If anything I expect telekinesis to be even more taxing than just moving shit with your hands.
You know, inversely proportional to the square of the distance or something.
Overeating due to stress.

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all mighty kek

You pig fuckers should all be ashamed of yourselves. Obesity should be discouraged as it’s a health problem.

I can fuck her back into prime health, user. It's a literal non-issue.

she is just storing neutrians for breast milk to feed all the children me and her will make with her object attraction quirk

>her quirk is to attract small things
op's dick

Wish there was a sequel


same, I want more thicc inko doujins.

I don't understand how it's difficult to understand EAT LESS EXERCISE MORE unless you're an absolute retard

>I can move shit with my mind

And yet morally you have an obligation to yourself to not being a fucking slob and a retard

This except if the girl is "plump" instead of "landwhale" in which case it's okay.

>this entire thread

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Why the fuck is she so cute bros? I don't even like chubby women but something about Inko just makes me diamonds

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there are only two times I have liked chubby girls inko being one and reading plus sized elf being the second.
chubby inko is literally my my hero waifu

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Im a simple man. I see jojomeme, I upvote.

even if he was around I would cuck him with inko still

I thought Yea Forums hates landwhales
what thw fuck happened

Yea Forums doesn't hate thicc or chubby Yea Forums just hates when it starts getting into devaint art levels of fat were the girls look more obbyss or like inflation fetish shit than just a little fat

Yea Forums can tolerate chubby women, not fatties who become their own island.

It's her personality.


>deku finds out he had a telekinesis quirk all along
I'm calling it. He's gonna have 8 quirks.

Nine when he starts breathing fire.

All Might's fist.

You could literally use telekinesis on cellular level to provide you the most chaddest and perfect workout possible

no. that is cheating.

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It's just like that Disney movie!

>And yet morally you have an obligation to yourself
I haven't done shit for myself, that fucker can die for all I care.

wow rude