Index/Railgun/Accelerator/Dark matter/Astral Buddy

Will based Sogiita "Rising Sun" Gunha trigger cucks in Railgun 3?
Or will he be censored?

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wow, i just can't even. just have mikasa turn a bunch of jews into ash while at it, wow.

Censored most likely, but he shouldn't. Since this is such a popular series in chinkland, perhaps they might allow it considering I havem't seen chinkbitching on it anywhere

or whatever that electro girls name is.

It was revealed that Mikoto was a fake guise. "His" True name is Thor
js06 the madlad already translated the entire 70 pages prologue

This crystal katana loli is already a step up from Index and it's only just the prologue.

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Kimi and Raifu are blue

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>Kimi has sky blue hair.
oh shit.

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I wanted to post the wind and lightning god combo image with the star of david in the corner but could not find so I'll have to settle for this instead.

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Who is he supposed to trigger?

you underestimate just how much asshurt fake china can generate

>“A dino…saur?”

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Acqua absolutely destroyed

Gunha has probably raped a lot of girls on accident


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Koreans mostly.

On the other hand, China and Korea have censored Raildex on occasion.
China cropped the scene where Kuroko gropes Mikoto's boobs, and Korea had a tendency to censor Kuroko's armband. Though I hear that was because her armband had blood on it at the time, I'm not sure.

Well it is the same as Confederate flags, totally against American values, they lost the civil war. Yet still flown proudly in flyover states. It kind of is frowned upon to support the rebels.

>flown proudly in flyover states.
I don't think it's ever flown in the coastal states.

Can't rape the willing.

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As long as they don't censor things like those for everyone then it doesn't matter. Starting with more nudity than the original groping would be a good way to indicate there probably isn't any extra censoring done.

Oh you'd be surprised. There are people from the South who do relocate to other states and form their own enclave. Or some stragglers here and there who fly it on their property. It is statistically improbable to say that in a state with millions of people not even 1000 people are currently flying it.

exactly, so many countries have censorships before things even make it to the air. There are literal agencies in each country to make sure it fits a guideline before it can be shown to the general public. E.g ratings on a movie, cut scenes etc. Even games like Wolfenstein is censored in GERMANY because of the nazis.

Its rated R-17 in contrast to Index's 13, so maybe we have hope.

It's not the same as the confederate flag, it's literally still the flag of the Japanese navy.

What did Kamachi mean by this?

I think it's pretty different seeing as the symbol has historic and symbolic significance dating much farther back than WW2 Imperialist Japan. In contrast the confederate flag is purely a symbol of the Confederacy - the insurrection and its core ideologies. One has a number of potential meanings whereas the other can't be reasonably associated with anything else.

>spinoffs have less censorship than the main series
The absolute state

I'm from the future. Gunha's shirt is going to be a plain white T with a big red dot in the middle similar to the current Japanese flag.

itt: mongrels

I don't have much hope, but it's a start. It's also possible they just decided what was acceptable before isn't now, or it's not because of nudity.

It would be a good way to try to improve from the last S3.

Gunha is going to calm the fuck down a lot once he hooks up with Junko

Well same thing could be said for the Swastika that it was originally a Buddhist symbol. But it depends on the context as well, a white guy with a swastika tattoo? Red flags go off. An Buddhist monk with swastika symbol accessories? Ok.
Thing is Japanese actually are associated with the rising sun flags. I enjoy their form of entertainment (anime) sure. But they have continually denied their war crimes and I can see why they could be insulting to the families of those affected. e.g Pearl harbour, rape of comfort women etc.

The rising sun symbol exist way before Imperial Japan was a thing and a symbol that not only Japan use, a lot of other culture also use it since sun motif cause guess what, everyone civilization on earth worship the sun in one-way- or-another. It like when the Nazi use swastika, doesn't mean anyone else who have used it before the Nazi should be banned from using it.

Dunno about Kimi's hair but I really like her cape
Also Mikoto a cute

>continually denied their war crimes
They admitted they lost, so I don't see how they failed to admit their crime

Japan did indeed apologize to China and Korea many times for invading and colonizing them.

>shocking pink title

The thing is, both side will never reach an agreement. China and Korea govt will keep using Japan war crime as a political excuse while Japan hardcore nationalist will keep create pressure for the their own Govt to denied some of the more terrible crime as they saw they did no wrong in those

U.S. army Japan happily adopted the rising-sun motif for its emblems.

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Sky blue hair, huh.

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>Also Mikoto a cute
Isn't she always? And you're definitely right, that cape rocks.

Is it censored on the MMO?

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Not really, just poorly drawn.

That's a fair argument, but nonetheless I feel the rising sun motif never has and never will experience the massive re-contextualization that the swastika had. Even though the practical knowledge of the swastika's original use is fairly well known, there is basically no conversation around that topic and it is universally recognized as a symbol of the Nazi ideology. The rising sun, on the other hand, is overwhelmingly acknowledged for a variety of symbolic and cultural meanings beyond that wartime use. Of course, I acknowledge that I can't speak specifically for the peoples affected by Japanese Imperialism.

Gunha isnt on the MMO, they are too busy making characters no one asked for like Cowboy Mikoto or Idol Index

>Cowboy Mikoto
Is that an actual thing? I don't want to undermine your point because Gunha is important but that sounds like exactly my brand of bizarre.

That's because it's fucking sweet, same as the swastika.

it's been done before

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Color me surprised - and impressed. Give whoever came up with that a raise.

There're two Gunha cards but it looks like an asterisk.
Fuck that, meme characters and the fruit machine are total cancer.

Imagine having sex with her in the cowgirl position

I wish I was Touma.

I think the fact remains many Japanese aren't taught about this stuff in school and some even denies atrocities like Nanking which is pretty much like denying the Holocaust. Not to mention enshrining war criminals.

The rising sun design is one of my favorite symbols, I hope they'll include it in Railgun III.

user, Asians hate each other. Given half a chance the Chinese would have done the same thing to them but they never had a navy that could get them there. Also constantly beating your people over the head with past crimes they didn't personally commit isn't healthy for society.

Uh, don't you mean he's going to go even crazier? Did you read their fight? Having someone else who thinks the same way as him will just reinforce his behavior.

The last characters they released though was Shutaura, Kiyama and Vento tho. I really wouldn't count glorified costumes as actual characters either. But Gunha actually is in the MMO as cards, he's been there since the start

Can someone explain the purpose of resetting the points in the IF event? Do you lose what you got before if you reset it? Or is it a way to get the same items a second time (like getting Huotou's crystals twice)?

It's a box system. Each box only has a few crystals in it and the first 4 I think have gekotas. Essentially you don't wanna reset until you get both, and once out of gekotas you can't until it's empty. You don't lose anything

Who actually is taught in school the atrocities their grandparents did during ww2? Germany is probably the closest to this and even there they won't go into too much details about each and any war-crime. What would be the point anyway, just filling check-boxes in a super-long list?

Taught as in raw history or with an apologetic kind of approach?

But west colonialize asia why we not banned their flag?

More than the Hakenkreuz or Confederate flag it's more like the German iron cross or heraldic eagle. It can be taken as a military symbol but it's also one of national identity that can be dated to even depictions of Amaterasu the Sun Goddess and depictions in ukiyo-e paintings. That being said it doesn't stop anyone from labeling it a certain way due to colonization and war, but that's sort of disingenuous and ignores context. In that case might as well ban the Stars and Stripes or Union Jack.

Similarly though direct nuclear bomb imagery tends to be censored a lot in Japan but it can't be taken as anything BUT a bomb.

Mikoto a ugly.
Kimi looks great there though

West not evil like japan empire

No one is taught raw history.

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I'm genuinely curious then, to what degree does the German textbooks teach what the Nazis did during the Holocaust? Because believe me Nanking was not just any war crime.
As in largely glossed over or non existent in text books, the controversy it has caused is an actual thing.
You realize this is on the level of saying "no one is taught the Holocaust". Why do you think there are no German textbook controversies on the same level?

You realize this is on the level of delusional that thinks that every single country talks about its negative and black history in history books, right? Which doesn't happen. They'll talk about others yes like the Holocaust, but not their own.

> They'll talk about others yes like the Holocaust, but not their own
Stop dodging the question. I'm asking about German textbooks on the topic of Holocaust, unless you are implying they (the Germans) don't talk about it or that it's not part of German history.

And since when does others not doing it give anyone else a free pass? It just means that's just as fucked up.

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I don't have anything to dodge as my initial response to the post has no relation to german textbooks. Get off your high horse.

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The main focus in history classes is on how the nazis got into power, not really ww2 itself (and with that, any specific war-crimes)
Holocaust is handled and given some special attention, however it's probably given even more attention in other classes (like German classes where you read literature about it)

You don't know shit about Germany

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Pretty good cover.

Gunha off the wall behavior indicates he never been laid. He'll chill out once he does


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The post has nothing to do with Germany so no point in bringing it up.

Misaki a pile of shit

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It has to do with Germany in the sense that Germans didn't hide what they did in WW2 from the next generations, at least not as blatant as Japan has, which is why there is still a shitstorm regarding Japanese textbooks, why other Asian countries are still bitter with them on this topic, which basically answers the OP, yes there will be people triggered over Gunha's shirt. I wouldn't say this warrants censorship, but expect a shitstorm even if it's not entirely justified.

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>but not their own.
Germany talks so much about it own dark past others tell it to stop already.

>As in largely glossed over or non existent in text books, the controversy it has caused is an actual thing
They should not teach anything about it. Every government paints history their own way; some paint it red, others green, some even shocking pink or sky blue, there's just no point. At most, they should just spark curiosity once they're teenagers and if interested, they'll eventually pick up a history book, read and come up with their own conclusions.

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Should this have been the first Index iii OP instead of grav?

The more important question will be, how big will the explosion of MisaMisa fanart be with this new Railgun anime?

>“If you insist, I could always eat a gold bar directly.”

>“The gold is the problem! And why do you even need to eat if you’re Crystal Magic!?”

>“You have already asked that 72 times, but I will faithfully answer it yet again. My body is made of crystal – that is, a silicon semiconductor – so by taking in pure gold, I can expand my internal circuitry and obey more complex and higher-level requests. So you could say this is all meant for your benefit, Sacri-sama.”

>“More complex? Like what?”

This series is going to give me the weirdest, geological boners.
Also I'm disappointed there was no illustration of anyone with the crystal blossom activated, it looks really cool.

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As you guys can see, this is now a Kakine/SCHOOL thread

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Germany does yes, Germany is the best example of it. But what about others? AFAIK no one like Germany continues to talk of their black history or covered it in books and classrooms.


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No, the fact that he acts like a child indicates that he has never been laid and has no desire to get laid.

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>They should not teach anything about it.
This is literally the dumbest thing I've read all day. Imagine the event of killing/raping an entire city can be thought of as subjective, when it's documented by multiple objective sources, even Japanese media at that time. If you try to say that it's too gruesome to be shown in its entirety then I would be inclined to agree, but "coming up with their own conclusions"? That's just pure bullshit.

>Hamazura still isn't playable in IF

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Pretty much this. His pure nature surpasses even Shirou's, who could at least exhibit sexual desire. Any girl who tries to court Gunha will only confuse him.

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Did you watch or read F/Sn.

what part of this is the U.S. Army?

If MH's name isn't revealed in the DM spin-off, I'll fly to Japan and hang the mangaka myself

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Now that Kakine is a Kamachi MC, how big is his harem going to be?

There's a point where it gets annoying, but the alternative is not to sweep it under the rug like Japan.

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Yeah it's weird. Japan is kind of at fault on its own for breeding the kind of people that have similar think.

That is why I separated the two, Shirou may blush at the thought of holding hands with a girl, but his has desires, Gunha, it doesn't even register.

But come on man, Shirou was attracted to his cute busty kouhai and didn't do a thing when they practically lived together for over a year. He gets pure points.

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For Kakine: only MH and maybe Ringo, and whoever it is he failed to save.

For Beetle: Fraulein, Fremea and occasionally LO, maybe Ringo if she's actually still alive, maybe half the loli population of AC if his lolicon superhero shtick is actually a thing in canon

So, not very big

Please reread, what is the purpose of teaching about X event if if said event is X=X+Y, they should just teach that they invaded their land and their purpose once they're teenagers, they are not stupid and they will draw the most logical conclusions to this event, it's not like they're from the old generation anyway.

There are plenty of countries that don't embrace their atrocities, where nationalism overcomes the truth. You're acting like this is a new thing or something. Altruism and treating your fellow man with respect has been a tenet of most doctrines and religions, but slavery, racism, and bigotry was a thing that easily warped those tenets to be twisted every which way. Over and over and over and over throughout history.

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How do think Kakine will come back in Part 3?
Make it plausible in a Kamachi-sque way

>Sees Kakine spam
finally I can find a reason to post this

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As a cute little girl who joins Accelerator's harem.

He is found by the Rosicrucian order who take an interest in his unique esper ability. He doesn't refuse their offer (having learnt from Othinus) and offers them a deal. Should he be allowed the secret behind Othinus's godlike power, he would produce as much Dark Matter as requested, he then bolsters his power with magic after learning its existence

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>Make fite Accel
>have him win for once
>give them a bonding moment like in NT9
>Accel breaks someones illusion and fridge is redeemed
>one rules over AC from the top and the other covers the underground darkness like Kiharas since Kamachi loves parallels

What I'm not sure of is what will happen to Beetle

>2ch saying Apocalypse Witch is like a mix of A Simole Monitoring and Heavt Object but with broken heroines
Did Miki forget to put the edge limiter back on Kamachi again?

What was the context of this page again?

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>エンディングX-02 やっぱりのゲームオーバー
I'm sure you can figure out what chapter it's from without getting spoonfed, retard.

Different ways that Kakine (OG) can return:
>Shoggoth evolves and develops into a new Kakine persona (though my headcanon is that Shoggoth would become an even worse/more evil version of Kakine than OT15/NT6 Kakine, like all of the bad parts of Kakine magnified and concentrated into one persona with no redeeming qualities whatsoever; that or Shoggoth is another good boi persona)
>A reverse NT6 scenario: fuckery with the DM Network causes the OG persona to resurface and take over
>Some group stumbles across Kakine-ball at the bottom of the ocean and pulls him out, shenanigans ensue
>He's already been back since NT9/NT10 (when Othinus restored the world) but has been biding his time, coming up with a new plan or further developing his DM/gaining knowledge on magic

What he will do:
>Drops the grudge with Accel and negotiates with him to achieve his goal (since it apparently wasn't that personal until the end of OT15, and the NT6 persona seemingly was just an exaggeration of Kakine's grudge against Accel); reunion with MH and/or Ringo (if she's still alive) optional.
>Either merge with or erase Beetle once and for all, proceed to resume his goal or get a new one
>Remain a villain and ultimately be finished off for good by Platinum Wing Accel or Touma (if he chooses revenge against Othinus

Kyousuke breaking down over finding out Queen already took over the Summon realm.

>shocking pink kanji
>sky blue kana
What did Fuyukawa mean by this?

This almost turned into a /pol/ thread.

Everything is politics these days unfortunately.

They have the navy to vastly overpower Japan today it would be over in less than a day. But they haven't done anything.
This was about censorship done by countries which in my books is ok. Like censoring the KKK's hood or Nazi swastikas in certain countries is accepted. But censoring an imperial flag isn't?

Germany says hello. They own their mistakes and are harsh in punishments towards Nazi sympathizers. That is worthy of being respected and should be the norm. Give credit where it is due, not just think it is ok because "everyone else does it".

I'm talking about countries besides Germany.

Which is why modern society should call out and shun supporters of slavery, racism, and bigotry no? If you fail to remember the past, you are bound to repeat it. If the young don't learn from the mistakes of their ancestors they might do it again given the chance.

The problem is they don't. The notion of slavery returning is still a common point in America for example.

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And here we fucking go.

That's just shifting the goalposts.
"They'll talk about others yes like the Holocaust, but not their own."
Why aim to be bad like everyone else? When you have a good example right there? We are not "delusional" we know they hide their past. What we want is for them NOT to.

>The notion of slavery returning is still a common point in America for example.
Only retarded racebaiters wanting to screw over minorities in the guise of helping them say of this.

My Holocaust mention was in regards to how other Countries talk of famous events like that of WW2, but they generally avoid the topic of their own negatives in the classroom.

Agreed. But can we agree that it is a bad practice? Like how some schools in the south gloss over the Native Americans and the Civil War. It is wrong and should change is what I'm saying.

When is Railgun 3 airing? What will it be about?

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It's been cancelled because of the rising sun flag on Gunha.

My big dick giving a facial to an imas girl

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Who, China? No, they don't, especially since they have to expect an attack on Japan would trigger an US intervention. But even without that, Japan's navy is probably still ahead of them.

Gunha's damn shirt isn't even the imperial flag.

I thought Fremea was giving head to Kakine in the thumbnail.

Japan has 4 aircraft carriers (but for helicopters so not sure if I'd count it), 19 submarines, and 42 surface vessels capable of combat.
China has 1 true aircraft carrier (more in production), 75 submarines, and over 300 surface ships capable of combat.

Japan's prognosis looks bleak without US intervention, which would risk nuclear war which is why China vs Japan is an unrealistic scenario.

This is why AC needs to step in and protect Japan.

It is the navy ensign. Which is actually why it is so hated by the rest of East Asia and Southeast Asia, because that is the flag that was plopped all over the Co-prosperity sphere, because it was usually the navy that capture a shitload of these territories.

Is Kimi a throwback to 90's era female villains? She's literally wearing a fucking cape and looks like she's into bondage.

False korea is gonna bitch about it

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I always thought it would have been a cool detail if Kamachi had made AC's military burn down Russia's Academic City while they were there. Gotta get rid of the competition.

>East Asia and Southeast Asia
You mean communist china and south korea

Numbers aren't everything. Japan doesn't increase its numbers, but keeps replacing ships with new ones. China still uses some old, soviet ships. But sure, they are working on it

Misaka hype

how true is this and where do you fit in, user?

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Dear Kakinefags

no you are not a true number 1
no you are not cute
no you are not having gf
no you are not real villain
no you are not main character in the main series
no dont EVEN try it
yes you are a faggot
yes you are true number 2
yes you are cocky
yes you are lolicon
yes you are cringe
yes your place is taken by beetle 05
yes you will never be true number 1
yes you will be bullied again like what happened to you in Sargasso when you come back

Holyshit BASED

Accelspammer where? Mayonegg?

Reagan was only recently brought out on tape with calling African Americans monkeys while talking to Nixon, so it's not ancient history. His argument was that African Americans weren't acclimating to America, because of their footwear. The same rhetoric that people like Lou Dobbs or Bill O'Reilly spin even currently. So it tells you how easily people can not learn from the past and cycle back into horrific past atrocities. It doesn't happen overnight, but as you make terrible things more normalized, it becomes easier and easier to do even more terrible things, people are prone to being desensitized. Even had someone a few weeks ago at work saying the Civil Rights Movement wasn't necessary and history would change eventually if people "calmed down" and let history change on its own. Not even joking, I see that mentality quite often.

All you /pol/fags can take your shit and GTFO from this thread.

Is the Index manga on break this month?


Japan did nothing wrong though, and they still think they didn't.

Well really, neither did Germany but they got their balls squeezed so hard they still pretend to be sorry.

Based and redpilled.

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>game has Esther activate the blade in the actual location where it was activated in the manga
>anime has Esther activate the blade in some anime-only restaurant far away from the building

I'm surprised they mention A Simple Monitoring. That doesn't get brought up often.
Although judging by the crazy wheelchair girl illustration I can see what they mean.

Cute Index

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Any used/damaged goods heroines?

10046 a cute! A CUTE!

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>even Accel was mad a clone was acting out of character

I don't think so

It is my general experience that anyone who claims that the other "side" would do the same is full of shit because they can't understand that not everyone is an inhuman monster.

This is true. Germany was very willing to just deport all the Jews. But none of the "good" nations at that time accepted refugees. Literal boatloads of them were turned back.

This is fucking bait

No shit

US classrooms don't talk about slavery or segregation at all? No wonder they're so fucking retarded when it comes to not offending black people.

Endingu X 02 Yapari no diamionpa wth I can't speak moon what the fuck are these? Not the same user by the way.

Game Over, user.

This shit ゲ is a ge ? Am I trying to learn a different language or what, I haven't seen this once in the mobile app I have.

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I was, at least.

>Not offending black people
Literally impossible, there's a bunch that make an actual career out of being offended. It's part of the reason the ones trying to fix their communities are having trouble doing so.

shota hoodie Touma!

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They definitely do, at least in the northeast. I've heard that there are southern schools that distort or teach extremely minimal units on those parts of history, but I don't think any modern schools skip it entirely. That'd be a pretty fucking enormous part of US history to just ignore.

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Freedom of expression is a thing in America. You can even display a Nazi flag if you fucking feel like it.

I'm starting to really hate IF thanks to my luck.

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Why is this a problem when only Koreans and Korean Americans are mad

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>American Education

You mean "Liberal" Education.

Imagine if Kamachi goes for this ship


I love how easily you can tell this was made by a squidfag

Tell me Kamachi doesn't lurk here anymore

I love Mikoto

We know Touma.

Serious question: how would Misaki and Mikoto take an eventual rejection from Touma?

I wish he would. They go so well together.

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Mikoto right now would probably not take it well since she's tied it to catching up with him and it might absolutely hurt her on a deeper level.
Misaki would probably be profound sadness and crying since she's the closest to a standard hatsukoi.

Fuck off to /pol/ retards

Poorly, especially for Mikoto. Misaki would probably be pretty sad, but Mikoto might completely break down given how deeply her fixation on him has tied into her goals and mentality. Thank god that's not going to happen, right kamikoto bros?

What did you think the prison industrial complex is?
I was being slightly sarcastic anons. I know we now live in a bizarro world where it's nigh impossible to tell the difference between a farce, satire, and reality so i'm just gonna let this train of thought slide slide since it occurs to me that we're even more off topic than usual.

Misaki falls into depression. Mikoto doesn't actually listen to the rejection (listening has never been her strong suit) and keeps on attempting to (sexually) assault him until Touma has to physically beat the yandere out of her on international TV. Misaki might help to vent her frustrations a little. Archetype Controller means the broadcast makes him look like an abusive spouse for the sake of fukou da.

That's a really low fucking bar, so I'm not surprised

So that's why Kimi has such weird fashion sense, she's related to Aogami.

She watched too much Slayers anime.

>Thank god that's not going to happen
Of course it won't. She won't confess.

All hail Birdway

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>She won't confess
Because Touma will confess first!

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She will but she's either getting rejected or he's going harem end.

The only thing Touma is confessing is his love for egg sales

I would enjoy this if it does happen but I can't see Kakine beating Accel because he'd probably kill him if he does.

>harem end

Hating genuine harem ends is absolutely homo.

>harem end

>hating genuine harem ends when few authors have the balls
You're gay.

Given other Kamachi series it isn't likely in any traditional sense

Sorcery Hacker might change that.

If you really have shit luck, then you wont have any units you particularly care about yet and can just restart and reroll for shit you want.

Kakine just have to give up on his gender and fully become a Misaka then kill Accel, this has the risks of Kakine becoming part of Accel's harem


Shocking Pink

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Astral Buddy anime soon

Mikoto will never marry Touma
She will make him her slave

It has 3 volumes out user, that's impossible.

>Implying she doesn't want to be his slave instead
Actually it's kind of funny - I can see her desperately wanting both.

Why would she do that when she's the desperate one? It's the opposite.

Only cucks censor symbols, that is all.

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Kakine doesn't care about womans,stop posting all this ship bullshit

She was hot I miss her


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Don't tell others what to do.

Suck my penis right now

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Kakine cares about attention, which women can give. He was also interested in whether or not MH was pure.

I don't mean any malice,obviously you can post whatever you want,but goddamn,it's ruining the wonderful image of Kakine being the biggest incel of Raildex,it's making me sad user

If kakine actually wanted to he could easily get laid. He's got the looks the money and the power, literally all he's got is a shitty personality holding him back.

That scenario user posted would require an external catalyst to happen. Maybe something like if Ringo was alive and Accelerator told him to stop being an irresponsible cuck

Kakine may look like some angry(cool) incel but he definitely isn't an incel by definition of this word user

>Kakine is not interested in women
>he is an incel

>all he's got is a shitty personality holding him back
So he's an incel.

misaki is best girl user,deal with it already

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Incel doesn't mean "people I dont like"

He's been at it for years. I admire his dedication at least even though he's my enemy.

I get what you're getting at but the term means someone who can't get laid whilst trying, he's just a loser

Misaki delicious fat body

>calls misaki best girl
>real best girl is right next to her
Misaki is pretty great though.

So what you're saying is, an incel is someone who tries and fails to get laid, but Kakine doesn't even try (and thus doesn't fail or succeed), thus he is not an incel.

Yes, in fact sex is irrelevant to him so whether he's celibate or not doesn't matter

Therefore Kakine is simply a loser

Damn Mikoto doesn't even compare.

>preferring cowtits over dfc
>not loving Mikoto's slender curves

I’m a Saten fan...

Mikoto's pretty nice but I think there's better DFC out there is all.

Everybody in the pathetic god forsaken thread is you dumb fuck! Everybody is! You’re not special so get the fuck over yourself because we all love that girl. Good god.

I forgot.

Oh Mobilebitch is here.

And Index too!

I love Fiamma !!

You don’t.

Well.. I don’t love him but I like him a little bit.

I don’t think so.

Well.. alright. I don’t like him that much but he’s done a good thing at least once or twice though. You’ve at least got to admit that.

That’s true.

Fuck off

Without being biased towards the LN and “relevant” characters how would you rank these Yea Forums?

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Idiot hair
Frenda (mini)


Is Nagai directing Railgun s3?

I don’t like that.

Pretty much.

This seems about right.

You guys act mad but you’ll all be happy when Railgun s3 actually airs.

We all will.

I don’t know about Touma fans though.

Nobody cares about Touma fans. They don’t even care about themselves.

Remember when Saten offered Kamijou a blowjob just because he brought back her good luck charm?

I forgot

Thats true

That's true.

That's forgot.

Wow, I never thought about it like that.

If anything, Touma fans would be looking the most forward to Railgun 3.

>replying to a retard

Kakine canonically cared 2.4% about MH's sex life, that's more than enough to ship them

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Kakine is one of the few males described as literal chads and intended to look like one according to Haimura

But yah he has the personality of a child

How could Misaki change this much in just one year??

Something are better left unanswered. But if you really want to know, her name is Meza Hato

Kamachi, stop spoiling stuff already.

Extreme case of lovesickness/dicklust

How big is Mikoto's railgun?

Miniscule compared to Touma's DRAGONCOCK

Misaka has a feminine penis.

Well clearly it's smaller, but it's still pretty impressive I hear. Like comparing a standard longsword to a zweihander.

Yeah,pretty cute looking one

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8 inches. All the sisters are 5-6 inches except for Worst who measures in at 4 inches erect

Who's the best slut?

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Can anyone post that edit of Saten looking at her hands while cum is all over hands and face?

In the thumbnail, I was seeing Uiharu's tiny head on top of the big girl's body.

Shame we'll never see her animated.
Here's to the manga getting to her in 2025 though.

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>that mole
Is that Hirumi?


Would Estelle get PTSD when seeing Gunha's shirt?

>'Liberal' Arts City
>Everyone carries a gun
What did Kamachi mean by this?

The Jews fear the samurai.
Also is Estelle actually really old? Like Ladylee old?

That bottom right one is pretty cool looking

The Magazine said that Mikoto's railgun can reach 3000K Km

Raildex America is a place of true freedom

America in Raildex is set after the hispanic population went over 50%, just look at Katze

No. Every now and then Kamachi gets edgy but the edge usually doesn't go sexual to the point of actual rape.

What's her carry gun?

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But Himegami was raped by the Cult of Science before Aureolus took over Misawa Cram School, this is canon.

No that was a doujin

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Not until he finally releases the 0-X Office spinoff anyway

That's just a whore

Would Will mindrape Misaka Kakine?

No idea who is this that Haimura drew, but I want to believe it's Accelerator

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That's future Index.

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>Red eyes

>3000K Km
That's a big cock.

Is it from pawoo?

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Dark orsola

Guess it's just him drawing whatever pleases his dick, although it's surprising to see him draw girls with racks

Best object?

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Why doesnt Mikoto just makes a move called Particle Accelerator and takes Accel name from him?

Because Mikoto is fucking dumb and doesn't do her homework

She does Touma's homework

>open Yea Forums
>ctrl+f "rail"
>0 of 0 results
>close window

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I love ohoho she looks so squirmy and cuddly and fun

"rail" is in the title you dumb nigger

I dont

Can't wait for her to be happy in part 3!

Hime's cute Yo-hoo! I love it! Yo-hoo!

Good thing subhuman's opinions dont matter

I always end up rooting for the doomed childhood friend for some reason

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I'm saying I have no desire to be on here if there is no raildex thread

Where's the shitlord that said IF was dead

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You know they will move the goalpost. Why do you even bother?

He's always here. IF and SE live rent free in his head

Although it's sad low-effort mobile games make so much money these days. No wonder proper games are dying out.

There you are

Maryidi a shit

The beautiful noble Heivia

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>only one person can think it's a bad thing that gacha are making this much money
Not even him but the only gacha I really approve of is GBF

I be knowin' that comely wench last name really be Shokuhou but really, th' nickname I gave that comely wench REALLY suits that comely wench horrible character, by Davy Jones' locker. Aye, a lot o' fans really like this character. And I’m just gonna be blunt that comely wench, I don’t get it, and a bottle of rum! Walk the plank! I think she’s th' most overrated character in th' whole franchise. How much t' I hate this bitch, and a bucket o' chum? Well, let me compare that comely wench t' two other anime characters I hate with a burnin' passion. Louise th' Zero from Familiar o' Zero, and Tomoki from Heaven’s Lost Property. Splice the mainbrace! If Shokuwhore were t' be in a death battle with Louise, I would honestly root fer th' latter t' turn that comely wench into a frog, and stomp on that comely wench until she’s nothin' more than green mush, by Blackbeard's sword. As fer Tomoki, I would honestly want that scurvey dog t' treat Misaki like complete and utter shit if she were t' be an angeloid takin' Ikaros’ place. Yeah, I LOATHE that comely wench THIS much, pass the grog!
First off, be anyone else sick o' seein' this character archetype, and dinna spare the whip! th' snobby show off rival who tries t' take th' main heroine down? I swear, that comely wench only character trait t' t' look and act superior t' Misaka, troll that comely wench whenever she can, and just put that comely wench down and screw that comely wench o'er just fer shits and giggles, and a bucket o' chum! And at first, I thought “Okay, she’s meant t' be th' rival character, meanin' we’re not suppose t' like that comely wench. The winsome lass’s basically Misaka’s answer t' Sayoko from Ah! My Goddess.
The winsome lass’s only there t' flaunt and show off so that we can root fer Misaka t' come up on top and have th' last laugh.” That’s fine. But what’s makin' me startin' t' question that be all th' fuckin' attention this whore-bag’s been gettin' recently!

Did Eren know about the spinal fluid plan?

Now....I've made it known that I dern't like Misaki Shokuhou from A Certain Scientific Railgun, but if there's ONE thin' about that comely wench that I kinda one o' that comely wench "followers" that fer a long time, were bein' unnamed, Hokaze Junko.

Despite fan-girlin' o'er that comely wench, she manages t' be really friendly towards Mikoto Misaka, most likely because she too be a Gekota fan. And because o' that, I feel she could make moments with Shokuhou slightly more bearable from what I've seen in th' manga. Heck, she even manage t' get that comely wench own spin-off manga. Which be a spin off o' a spin off. If that e'er gets adapted, I would like t' see it. But hey, JC Staff already has A LOT t' adapt from this franchise, so I ain't holdin' me breath.

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Touma flat out stated that that dude can't find happiness with girls like Index, mostly Othinus and Birdway, like, wow who are always quick to drop exposition on why he's fucked in any given situation.

That dude doesn't wanna to understand magic and finds Biribiri's presence a safe haven of sorts, fer shure as that dude can more easily relate to that chick ignorance and probably envies it. Consider that his attempts to keep that chick out of his business are selfish acts to ensure that dude has a place to go home to when all thuh bullshit finally comes to an end. You could argue from that perspective that Mikoto already won 10 years ago and all of like, ya know, this arguin' and hand wringin' was ya know, like, for naught.

>Protagonist's best friend gets Fre/Nda'd by a giant metal dinosaur 50 pages in

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What? I've nothing against IF in particular. It's a symptom of the market, which is what I was complaining about. I can only assume people like gambling, but tell themselves it isn't really gambling. Grow up a little.

>Believing the bullshit touma was spouting to HP at face value
Lmao. Not even Mikoto is this stupid. The praise Touma gave Mikoto could apply to any girl from his school and Othinus literally does the opposite of what Touma said she does in the volume right before this one.

Even that's bad. Even the step up gachas here are bad, a 50% chance to get what you want after huge amounts of premium rolling currency is horrible, it's just that the usual stuff is much worse. Atvthe end of the day the main experience in any of these games will be failing to roll what you want, which is a negative experience, designed to get you to spend money to make the bad feeling go away. That's all any of these games are. Why they attract such autistic defenders I'll never know.

What was his power again?


Not really though. Not only does it throw free shit at you with abandon, 99% of the time, if you say "I want X character" you can just save up some pulls for a few months and guarantee you get them. Or use those surprise draw whatevers to spend a couple bucks and just get them outright, with none of this gaming shenanigans stopping you.

chuuni delusions

*gambling shenanigans

How many times does he job?

Who is going to sing the Railgun 3 OPs?

He's never lost to anyone equal to or beneath his strength level so he's not a jobber.

Let me guess Accel beats him

He is a jobber though. A jobber's job is to be defeated by someone to show how powerful the other guy is, which in this case is Ollerus.

The Index I OP feels like from a different era:
Do oldfags get nostalgic over this?

It's just a game user

So you have already made my point for me. Forst off, the average person isn't inclined to spend months saving up for one thing. These games rely on impulse, the feeling that you have to get this new shiny thing, and most people outside of dedicated fans will actually play consistently enough to make it worthwhile. Then, you mentioned "just spend a couple bucks" and well, there it is lol. You rationalise that it's only a small amount, but I'll bet that builds up over time. Before long you've sunk the price of a full-price game into it, despite the resource cost of the game being tiny in comparison to that.

I can just use the current IF gacha as an example. It on the surface appears friendly, letting you plunge 9000 or so gekota into it to give you a rare thing. But let's be real, everyone wants the Accelerator unit, not Esther. So you save up the 9000 or whatever, and if you win the coinflip you get Accel. Great. If not, you end up with sonething you don't want. So you try again, and when you get close you think "I just need 1000 more, I can buy that" and then there you go. People might be tricked into thinking going through each step a second time is worth it, but there is every chance they get a useless Esther dupe instead of what they want. By that point, one might be tempted to buy another 9000 out of frustration. That's like 100 bucks lol. And there isn't anything stopping them from manipulating drops and rolls to invoke that feeling in people. If there was a guarantee that you would roll the other rare thing the second run through you'd see this thing make less money. Best way to get people to spend money is to make them feel like they're just unlucky. Like slot machines, when from the start they never had a chance.

They never meet despite being close to each other in NT7, he does get shit on by the blonde guy from the end of s3 though, but that guy is a pseudo god so it's hardly a fair fight

It was a different time when Raildex was full of mystery and unexplored wonders.

Yes. Its still the best OP


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Eh, it isn't really. By itself I guess, but the whole industry has gone the route of sport sims these days. It gets by on manipulating people into spending money, which for me automatically puts a limit on how good of a game it really can be. The entire gaming industry suffers from this, with cutting it up to resell as dlc and promising features that don't get released until long after the game has ran out of its welcome. It's just that these practices are rarely quite so blatant and cynical as these games are. It's why I'm amazed people actually defend them - you have to reach far to find people defending EA etc because even the usual fanboys have grown upset with them by now.

>the average person has no patience so a game that rewards patience and doesnt need you to spend money is bad
>you rationalize that its a small amount
I rationalize that its a guarantee, and not a gamble. You either save up in game currency or spend money to get it, but once you get that currency, one way or another, you can just say "I want X" and get it. Easy as that. Most games will just make you roll and roll until you get it, which is why I said I don't really approve of them on an ethical level.
>let me use a game that doesnt do this as an example
How about no?

Thanks, Obama.

>tfw pcmasterrace and small companies still make good games
Granted most of the good single player ones also go console I think.

Rina Satou

Mobages aren't as bad as asking for 60 shekels along with a season pass, battle pass, and purchase only currency for a store. That being said your complaints are better off on Yea Forums

>when Raildex was full of mystery and unexplored wonders
Has it really lost so much of the mystery and wonder aspect? Or has it simply grown far beyond AC?

>Trying to talk about video games on Yea Forums
Don't ask for the impossible

There is a reason I originally said the sales discussion belonged on /vg/.

Its not really a console thing. Most anything thats not single player is prey to this. And even some of those dont escape it. Luckily I've generally preferred single player stiff anyways.

Why isn't there more porn of this cutie?

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It sort of is because of what I'm guessing is higher barriers to entry. Granted there's also the flood of halfassed early access shit, but all of the good shooters are on PC and have little to no DLC bullshit.

post the nipples one

>implying most shooters these days arent riddled with lootboxes and shit

Don't worry, she'll get more lewd scenes in Railgun S3.

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I don't know what your "?" is for. Most of these games "reward" patience in the sense that if you save up for long enough eventually you'll get enough free currency, but games like these aren't designed around players doing that. Free currency is dripped out, or rates are bad enough, to ensure that if one wants to consistently get what they want they have to pay. You use the guaranteed stuff as an argument against gambling, but it still has you spending money on the game. What if you want more than one thing? You're out of luck.

I used IF because it's a gacha that has been requested by fans for some reason, and mentioned here before as an example of "generosity". The fact is, these step up gachas can well be worse than normal ones, because it requires a high investment for a coinflip. No other way to get what you want. It's an example of people seeing "guaranteed" and getting ahead of themselves over it. The sad part is they can easily make it so Esther drops 99% of the time, and there would be no way to prove that it wasn't 50%. So even with laws in place, these games are basically just casinos, without offering anything tangible back as a result.

The shitty ones sure, granted I tend to prefer the more tactical/big team ones like Squad and RO/RS

No. Fuck the gooks.

Why is this retard still seething over IF

I'd argue they're just as bad. They make more money in comparison to the cost of developing and maintaining the game, can run for years quite easily and essentially drip feed content slowly over the course of years while manipulating players into spending money on well, stuff that will be gone once the game goes. I used to lose all respect for any franchise that had one, but these days every franchise seems to have one. So all I can hope for is IF remains a way for secondaries to experience the content and doesn't take the place of novels or anime. Luckily, Kamachi doesn't seem particularly interested in writing for IF.

>everyone complaining about mobage is one person
What a sad, sad creature you are.

Its to express confusion at how you're not getting it. If a game can be played entirely freely, and is generous, and doesn't rely on me being a lucky son of a bitch, its a decent game and I will approve. The fact that some people cant wait a month or two, or need the new shiny thing NOW and have no concept of impulse control is quite simply not my problem.
>It still has you spending money on the game
But it doesnt. The guarantee is there for both spending or not spending is my point. Which is why I specifically said "I dont really approve of other gacha", are you slow?
>What if you want more than one thing?
Save up again dingus. Or if you cant wait, buy that ticket. But guess what, if you want it, you get it. This is a far smaller evil than companies that refuse to give you a guarantee, and are perfectly happy with you potentially dropping thousands of dollars and still not getting what you want because thats how luck works.
>I mentioned IF to a guy who said he only approved of one gacha, who didnt mention IF as that gacha
I know, but I have no clue why you thought it would help your point in the slightest.
>even with the laws in place there's no way to guarantee the rates are correct
You're retarded.

Considering this is a raildex thread and not a video game industry thread, he or they can suck my dick on the way out

Artist? That was quick as hell

She looks cute and funny.

>Its still the best OP
From the new ones, Roar is not too awful as well.

>The sad part is they can easily make it so Esther drops 99% of the time, and there would be no way to prove that it wasn't 50%. So even with laws in place, these games are basically just casinos, without offering anything tangible back as a result.
Go ahead user, you've cracked the code, make a gacha that advertises 99% rates and has them as 50%, and berate all your angry customers as just having bad luck. See how that goes for you. I'll watch.

Mary's daughter is so cute! I wonder if Kyousuke's blood had some flat genes in them or if she just hasn't hit her growth spurt yet

Gravitation and shadow is the light are better desu

Might be an artist thing but she's supposed to be the same age appearance wise as Mikoto

Roar is held back by the vocalist to be honest

Not all 14 year olds have the same body type user.

gravitation is overrated as hell, it's just not that good

Gachapon is literally part of Japanese culture. Pachinko is what you're looking for if you want to gamble.

It's better than roar sounding straight out of a shounen manga adaptation

Mikoto a cute and sexy

roar isnt that good

Why is that a bad thing?

Index is a shounen series.

i hope index part 3 volume 1 will be peaceful because touma needs a break for atleast two days

Nice joke

That's way too much, the max is 4 hours or nothing.

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It's soft seinen like HxH.

I wish ROAR was half as good as that

Who should voice him?

Well since Blood Sigh is over so is Kyousuke suffering which means that either Touma alone will suffer kamachi sadism or atleast someone will share it

Naruto's VA.


No no, he should have more of a manly voice. Like that dude from Saiki which is obsessed with training, or the leader of the Body Improvement Club.
That voice seems more Gutsy.

Nakamura, although he might get a literal who due to how few and far his appearances are

I still dont see it, it sounds fine to me

He's saying it's not Mami Kawada so it's automatically bad.

Mikoto looks roughly 2 years older than she is anyway.

Not if they do AB

His Inosuke performance is pretty gutsy

>not Esther
ESports fags will want Esther (multiple copies) because she's currently the best support for blue Accel.

>100 bucks
How new? Gacha whales can spend thousands of dollars in the span of a few hours just to get what they want. If you're a normal person and don't want to punch holes in your wallet, you act like a normal person and save up your rolls.

>manipulating drops
Said gacha whales will always catch this in the first few hours and cause a twitter uproar. See Monkigate and the more recent Dokkan battle shitstorm.

Oh. Well thats dumb.

Monkey wasn't really chance manipulation so much as one extraordinarily unlucky dude.

15 days for the Railgun 3 trailer and inevitable disappointment when it shows a filler arc

Attached: 1561251894187.png (640x640, 590K)

Mikoto A BEST


No buts and see visions are still the best OPs, even over the Railgun OPs

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Reminder that 2 of the 3 main anime-original arcs in Railgun are considered canon.

That, but unironically.

Reminder that canon or not they're all considered shit

I thought it's just poltergeist and cloverfield

It has enough for a 12 episode season

>they're all considered shit
By people who hate fun, yes.

Well, the Apocalypse Witch guy just saw all his friends being eaten by a metal dinosaur so there's that.

I am actually pretty hyped about these ss

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Her voice is completely empty sounding for lack of a better term. It's hard for me to explain but it just lacks something.

The first chapter is still a month away, right?

Its still on its first arc

How would you prove it isn't 50%? Have you ever heard of how slot machines work? They could even have it be 50% only some of the time, they don't release mechanics on how the gacha works so they can easily get away with it. Only way to disprove it is to have someone roll the same thing so many times it's all but a mathematical impossibility to be a coin flip. Even then, it's not really proof. They can literally get away with anything lol. Many have tried before, and many have gotten away with it too.

It's illegal for the advertised rates to be wrong, if that flimsy law convinces you. But a look at Twitter shows a lot more people getting him than Esther

Vote for Accelerator to remain as the Yea Forums starting keeper for the upcoming cup.
He automatically gets a spot on the team due to previous polls asking for him to stay, however his spot as a starting keeper is up for debate as WIDEFACE could take his spot and make Accelerator a bench keeper.
You can vote for him and the others you'd like to see in the link below

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It's illegal for slot machines to have a win back of less than what, 97%? But they get away with it by manipulating statistics and averaging it out, meaning on many occassions the win back rate is way less than 97%. Same deal here. Especially when it's 50/50. If they wanted they could even fix it so after 5 runs of the step up Accel drops every time to prevent it from being too obvious.

>But a look at Twitter shows a lot more people getting him than Esther
PvP says otherwise. Plus, we already have evidence that Square pays shills on twitter, it isn't evidence.

What will become of Kimi by the end of the Arc, her arm already turn monstrous?

What about Saten?

She’s a girl.

Don't you have some frogs to rant about Alex Jones

Why do you defend this scam game so much?

>How would you prove it?
Law of large numbers bitch. Do you really think Japan has made a law that they are planning on never enforcing?

Well.. that’s true.

>they manipulate statistics so that it averages out to the number its supposed to average out to
So in other words it's exactly as advertised?

I'm not the one who went on a hundred post rampage about not getting a jpg I wanted on an anime board.

>on individual occasions the slots dont lose 3 times out of 100, so this proves its not 97% even though it loses 300 times out of 10000 games
You seem to have an extremely tenuous grasp on the concept of math.

I wonder if the people that fell off the cruiser and drowned to death are crystalized as well. It's technically not a "wound", and even if they did since there's not much damage done to the body they would be uncrystalized shortly after, so if they haven't died for real there's a chance they're stuck on a loop of drowning to death eternally unless someone fishes them out.

Well, I'd assume after the first couple times the better ones would be able to activate their magic and return to the surface maybe, either that or the pressure squishes them the first time.

Depends a bit on how far they can swim and how far they sink between deaths

Mikoto cuts her arm and saves her

Nope, or rather it's advertised in a way that is intentionally misleading. You should read up on it, it's almost criminal. At the top of the gacha, they even say that the "100%" isn't actually 100%.

That's not what win back means you retard. It's the amount of money that is won back from the machine. Slot machines are required to give up 97%, and most claim give up 99%. However, that percentage includes the jackpot, and is an average of all machines, not just that one specific machine. Same principle applies here. The 50% could be an average across all accounts, and is different for each individual account.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory more than anything based in actual fact
>its almost criminal
In other words, its not actually criminal. Just like "a man without any current warrants" is another way of saying "an innocent man".

>The 50% could be an average across all accounts, and is different for each individual account.
No shit retard. That doesnt mean square has personally cursed your account to have shit luck lmao.

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cute Cute CUTE

Oct 30th I think. I'm just glad it's going to be split into only 2 parts from what I remember.

3 I believe, October, November, and January IIRC

Well yeah, because it violates the spirit of the law while abiding by the letter of it. The point was that laws existing doesn't prevent people from doing any fuckery with these things, because they can get away with it.

Yeah, 3 sounds more believable.

Unless you're claiming that people have slot machines in the back that work on different odds, and add their stats to the main batch. Or that they choose to make the slots win at certain times for people they like, that's not violating the spirit or the letter of the law. It's just you not understanding math.

Nope, it doesn't have to be an individual thing. As per their rounding up, the actual rates could be 49.99995 for Accel and 50.44444 for Esther. Both round to 50%, but that's thousands of accounts affected off the bat. Now change some rates so dead/inactive accounts get highervrates for one or the other and they can manipulate it freely while having no conflict with any law. No way to catch this out either. It's almost certainly rampant across the industry.

Glad you like it. I like to post cute kamikotos (and railguns in general) when there's a lot of wall-of-text style conversations going on - especially ones that are kind of off-topic. It helps to break up the thread a bit.

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No, I'm saying the claim will be "our machines offer a 99% win back (whatever the exact term is)". The law says "machines must offer a 97% win back or higher". The law is clearly there to prevent machines becoming money sinks. What casinos do is include higher prizes like jackpot into the rate, so the actual rate outside of the jackpot is much, much lower. This clearly goes against the spirit of the law, but because of the wording doesn't violate it. Fuck, you dumb shit, laws are full of this stuff. It's not limited to gambling laws. This is why revisions often happen.

>change inactive accounts to have better rates
Lmao this guy really is spouting pure conspiracies and just assuming no one at all would notice rate fixing and all the active accounts being blatantly below the real rate
>its almost certainly happening
In other words you have nothing but your delusions to back you up. This is hilarious.

The problem is that Maon's voice is just subpar here. Actually pretty disappointing, usually she can do better.

That's just you misreading "win back" as "amount of times you will win" and not "the amount of money this machine loses".

No, that was you misreading it as that, as proven by your earlier example. I'm using it as an example of how statistics can be used to manipulate people into reaching false conclusions. Like gacha rates.

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