So... Sub or Dub?

this is the stupidest and most asked question, but Sub or Dub?
I've had people tell me it's on par with Dragonball (for some fucking reason) but with Dragonball (and Z) it's one of the few series that's better dubbed, and MANY believe this.

so again: subbed or dubbed? I hear it's a great show.

Attached: Kuwabara.jpg (1728x2394, 2.04M)

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I never got hear the dub so i can't tell you user. And sadly, Yea Forums gets trigerred when someone talk of dubs so this thread will probably be deleted. Wish you luck anyway.

>torrent is dual audio
>can't be fucked to try them both, needs to be spoonfed for something that would take him a matter of seconds to find out on his own

latin american dub

See? Silly Yea Forumsnons.

Don't and watch HxH instead

Based latinoCHAD.

Remember to not give (you)s to shitposters (huntercucks)

Flip dubs is the best dub for yuyu hakusho

English Dub is really good and has a lot of personality I found. So my vote is dub.

dubbed so you can pretend to be an oldfag that watched it on toonami and adult swim.

fuck off

No u

Either honestly. The dub has some brilliant performances but also a few duds. The sub is consistent but the main 4 definitely sound better dubbed, Hiei and Kurama are both great in either language though.

I really like both. The dub has a few mistranslations though. (One that is for something really important) Also the official subs are really awful. Especially for dialogue.

What are you referring to being mistranslated?

What was that important thing?

Toguro's punishment

Yea Forums thinks dubs are wrongthink but the writing is unironically better in the dub.

Oh yeah, that's definitely a fuck up.

Dub imo.

Also YYH remakes of the OP and ENDs are surprisingly Top Tier

The ED and OPs are godtier. Shame that most of them weren't recorded in full.

>dubchads won again

Attached: large.jpg (500x400, 78K)

The dub is perfectly acceptable.

Sub. When I was a kid I enjoyed the dub, but now it's cringy and it changes the script way too fucking much, ruining moments because Funimation is trying to be funny

Read the manga

Manga has more detail and better jokes but the anime has much better fights.

The anime actually adds a lot of good stuff, like most of the Yomi fight.
I actually just finished a marathon of the entire series, so dub, definitely. There are some really distracting voices in the sub, like sub goku tier bad. It's also one of the very few dubs in which the localization is actually done properly and isn't utter dogshit. There are a lot of great performances, especially yusuke and kuwabara's imo. It is worth mentioning that the manga is still worth reading and both versions have their own strengths.

>like sub goku tier bad.
Opinion discarded, we now know you're a fag

both at the same time
japanese voices in 1 ear and english voices the other

Why the fuck would you ever consider watching anything dubbed? Are you reterded?

Dual audio releases are almost always completely fucked up. Idiots that are including the dub are always picking up the worst possible subs (commie-like or retail subs).
Don't ever download any dual audio shit.

How something edited, highly rewritten with fake voices could be better? It's not fucking possible. You're literally watching loose adaptation.

>sub or dub
You have to turn the audio off if you have subtitles on?

I first watch sub then I watch dub


I mean, yeah I like sucking dick, what does that have to do with anime?

Have you ever actually sucked dick? It's pretty fun.

Based subfag

Always sub

>watching dubs

I'd recommend the dub but you should know it's only good because of Yusuke and Kuwabara.