Black Clover

Manga = 219ch 4 year
Anime = 100ep 2 year

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Other urls found in this thread:黑色五叶草&ie=utf-8

Tatsuya Yoshihara and his team deserve a fucking raise after this episode. Goddamn.

>new thread
last ine didnt even hi arhcuve hsyr

What chapter are they on? Stopped watching it a month ago or so.

Not only the animators did a goreat job this episode, but the VAs. Yuno's VA this was did his best this episode. You can really feel Yuno's emotions through his voice especially when he was slowly regaining his body back. This episode is 100/10 for me.

Bell also didn't sound grating liek she susually does

Yes. And she seemed to have grown too. She looks like in her late teens now. I wonder how powerful she is currently.

Yeah some people I saw observed that her body matured

Episode 100, it was amazingly done.


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This spread right here is what made me love this manga, it's just full of emotion.

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I'm asking what chapters it adapted

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The Mereo fight should have been given at least some of this love

Yeah yeah I know all about time, schedules, budgets, etc. Still I would have tolerated an entire filler episode of Yami taking a dump and trying to find toilet paper

>but she still has the vetto fight
see the thing is that fight is happening at the same time as like 5 others, plus it's a 1v1. It's a less unique scenario and there's less focus on it. And yeah Mereo herself will probably have more badass moments, but can we say the same for Fragil, Ruben, and Puli? It would have been a godsend to see them all fighting together sakuga mode - and would have really sold the powerboost that getting Elf'd does

Is it true the anime is ending at 103?

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Half of 154, up to page 5 of chapter 157.

No there hasn't been a formal announcement yet but episode titles of the next 3 episode after 103 have already been leaked.

Care to share them user?

The Asta part is nice callback and combination of both ep 63 and 84.
Asta in a trance like state and his desire to fight with Yuno coming through.

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The whole part with Asta's last offensive was a callback to Asta vs Revchi

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Asta getting his grimoire and defeating Revchi from chapter 1. Fucking great moment.

>the black bull pushes through

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Too many to name. Tabata doesn't render as nicely as Horikoshi but more than makes up for it with such a powerful sense of gesture, flow, and generally fantastic composition. It makes every action scene a joy to read and follow, and creates some pretty lofty expectations for an anime to live up to. Spirit Dive Yuno + Black Asta teamup panel in the manga had me hype as fuck.

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Magna hugging Luck

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Seeing Yuno's desperation is really cool. He actually looks like he's struggling instead of being unflappable like he usually is.

>tis but a basic attack

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Why did Licht attack them again? We learn later that he's actually a chill guy.

Can only find yonkos post. Ep 104 is someone vs someone.

To give them a chance to regroup

He got vientam flashbacks when Klaus and Hamon were attacked, so he fought to protect his fellew elves. It was pure instinct.

So Asta could go free everyone

His VA did a great job this episode. You can really feel his panic and concern for Asta since Licht seemed to target Asta specifically during the whole fight.

What kind of smell does the female characters here possessed?

Then he fought them to show them how to really fight.

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I love Black Clover!

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I don't know, but without question it's from the Ocean Temple Arc, easily the best Black Clover has ever and probably will ever be.

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>Ningen, in the trees!

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I loved that addition, are tidbits like that supervised by Tabata?

I still can't figure out why nero popped in during that scene, i thought he was in noel's jacket.

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I hate that I might be called a nollfag bit god damn the energy the threads even had from the leaks were amazing.

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She was trying to tell Asta about Lich5

I remember when we got the spoilers for that Noll chapter. Almost everyone was hyped in that thread, except from that one fag who kept arguing that Noll's power-up was an aspull and the Kivn fight should've been Nozel's.

>that part when Nozel goes full "m-mommy"
That battle had so many highlights.

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why doesn't Magna just learn and master Mana Zone? If he makes use of the mana in the environment he wont have to lower his fireball size and quantity because he's no longer limited to just his small mana pool. he could constantly barrage an opponent from all sides and beat them easily if he just learned it.

Hopefully after that Solid and Nebra would have full character developments.

dang i had no idea nero was a grill, either i didn't pay attention or they skipped it in the anime.

Nobody bothered to teach mana zone because (I assume) requires intense traning, see Mereoleona. Now that the bulls are going abroad, Heart Kingdom seems like a good place to hone their skill in mana use.

Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't realize you were an animeonly. No offense, but I suggest you leave these threads.

but i like spoilers

Imagine being Asta and seeing this smile everyday since you were a child
The very same smile of a wicked slut of a nun that could never be satisfied by smol penis.
Just imagine. She used to wash Asta's peepee when he was small and had the pleasure to watch it grow slowly into a big man penis.

Rude. Do not lewd the pure virgin nun.

Here's Nero bro

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absolutely phenomenal

user, you really shouldn't show him the 517-year-old oba-san. He needed to wait just like us manga readers to see her true form.


Also, who is the new cute mascot now that Nero is yknow? Maybe Shota Julius?

What does Licht's feet smells like? Asking for my friend, Patri

Come on don't tell be you unironically believe in purity propagated by the Clover Church? I know Vanessa and the witches looks like a sluts in comparison but they she strikes me as more of "pure" compared to this harlot that her very presence can steal the essence of men.

He's fluffy enough so he is good. Though I could see Nero keeping her bird form most of the time.

>have less interesting characters than MHA
>still accomplish more in 3 years than their hack fraud writer did
It's amazing

>have less ibteresting characters tham MHA
I stopped reading right here.

Stop baiting

Is Black Clover better than HeroAca right now?

Right here. So much love.
Highest paid director in Japan

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user he deserves more since he really dedicated his everything to Black Clover and it showed.

She's with Bell in the hot springs arc.

ChadClover greatness > VirginAcademia boring shit and garbage

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Who deserves to win the Astabowl and why it is Klaus?

Yeah it killing boring shit academia

Yuno saving his waifu.

Did Licht take the Demon-Dweller Sword(?) from Asta so he could use it against Wevil later?

>Yuno saving his mommy's look-alike

Let be happy that one of the most talented animators and renouncd directors in all of japan loves BC and will mada mada

Stop posting and die

Stop replying

Maybe he just wanted to connect more with his elf brethren.

This. Let him samefag as much as he wants. Let's just celebrate this episode's greatness and Tabata and Yoshihara. Anyone cares to post this episode's highlights?

Honestly that was a very surprising but also cool moment.

I imagine between the three swords present its the most useful maybe he likes that one better than the other besides he had to drop what he was holding to give it to Asta and start so he can start unelfing them.

I'm fucking sold on the auras now

Fuck off it fact

>sudden heartburn
alright lads good night but I'm probably not waking up this time

Same, I was asking myself "why" when it was first shown in the anime, but with scenes like that it's just pure kino.

this right here
there should be a picture of this whenever the definition of soul is brought up


I love Black Clover! But seriously, this weeks episode is so beautiful and phenomenal I had tears in my eyes while watching it. Pure unadulterated kino.

I remember when we thought that those fights would continue, but it turned out that Kaiser and Vetto got btfo right there.


>100 episodes of irrelevant shit

>IP didnt move

Top 10 this year just wait

>tried to be naruto but failed
>tried to be bleach but failed
>now it's trying to be dragon ball only worse
Will it try to be One Piece next arc? kek

holy shit he actually forgot how to change IPs

Nope it already popular jimbo

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It was really fun, wish I didn't have work to do so I can watch it again.

I'm sorry but none of these webms are better than Demon Slayer

>Demon Slayer

Kino Clover.

I love you, Yoshihara.

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>Demon Slayer
You've to go back.

>Demon Slayer
Go back

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Great story > pretty picture

Episode 100 was so great that his brain melted.

I love him more.

His favorite manga become shit garbage after asspull 7

Don't worry, user. He deserves all the love we could give for this episode and for the next.

I'll meet you in the dream world user.

Hope no filler in next year

Reminder that the anniversary is near.

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Me on the left

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What about a the second volume of the LN? The one where Marx threw a party for the captains? Don't you want that to be animated, too?

Sekke should've kept the beard.

Cute pussy.

>Anime reaches a milestone with episode 100
>Jimbo's sperging is almost reaching a milestone
It's almost poetic.

Next target for manga 800ch

>Hey that looks like a huge pee pee
>Mind if I touch it a bit?

Whos this jimbo faggot and how did you guys catch him? Does he still sperg on other platforms or just here?


That's gay. Licht is for Tetia only.

Ask somewhere else it's not BC related.


Fuck don't have my Patri crying pictures on this device.

Why do you even have those, user?

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Jimbo rage

It's not just here, but the only thing that you need to know is that his posts are pretty basic and obvious, generally comparing x series with y series. Ideally everyone should ignore him.

Me on left again
Oh ok
Got it

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I love Rogue!

In case a conversation about Licht shows up that would've made Patri sad.

Oh, okey. Cool.

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my pants are wet

You're not alone, user.

1ch = 1ep after elves arc?

The arc that followed the elves arc was just a mini arc with 4 chapters at most. They could adapt all of it in two episodes.

>That little bit about demon destroyer sword turning into anti-magic sword while returning inside the grimoire.
Fuck it made me cum.

this aggressive erection might last longer than 4 hours, i'll be posting from a hospital gurney, fellas.

Is this suppose to look good?

Nero is a girl that used the magic stones 500 year ago to seal away the demon responsible for all of this and the side-effect is what you see.

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Spoiler when?

Black Clover highs are not as good as HeroAca highs, but the lows are far better. It's a safer experience which takes less risks in its themes and narratives, but is very consistently fun with few boring moments. My only big complaint about this series is that the Black Bulls are very disjointed and poorly-handled development-wise. Some of them got solid focus arcs which involved their growth or them learning new abilities, some legit have maybe a page's worth of exposition and that's the extent of their character depth - in addition if you're reading the manga you won't see them together too often. Organic character writing is something Tabata does not do super well.

I want to see the next episode now!

Wait the minute, the elves that were inside Klaus' and Hanson's bodies put Mimosa in a cross instead of killing her quickly. They were planning on torturing her because she's a royal and they hate the royals the most of all humans. And the I remember that the cross was used as a torture method in the Roman era before and during Jesus Christ's period. How did a history need like me missed that?! Poor Mimosa, thank God Asta arrived before they could torture her more!

*History nerd
I swear autocorrect had a grudge on me.

fuck off phoneposter

You fuck off, too, retard.

Here's hoping for the Latry fight to have Sasuga.
and the Finral punching Latry to another dimension be kino

Clean your toilet jimbo

kill yourself

>still sperging I see

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Fuckoff jimbo

Well, the wait is too long. Might post now

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Spoilers when? I need to see who will join the BBs during their exile/mission.

Patri Redemption Arc when?

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This and the Secre reveal were I think when these threads had the most Yous.

I do wonder what made them decide to get the fight outside the cave. But I'm not really complaining. But damn, Licht is a monster.


You don't want the cute gay elf to be redeemed and formally joined Asta's harem?

Damn. I love this shit

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More epicness.
I also don't support what the other user complained about in the previous thread concerning the canon fight, but I see where he's coming from.
With the fight vs the Devil, are they going to go out of the rock as well?
Because right outside is the city. It's a plot point that nobody outside saw the actual final fight, only William tree-ing it up.

I think that they will stay in the Shadow Palace. Beside, can Wevil even go outside of it? He's still looking a body, right? For the fight to continue outside the SP he would need to have a body, don't he?

Pure hype.

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You're right. I worried for nothing

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Isn't it cause BClover was originally supposed to be separated by seasons and not just one continuous anime. I'd like some filler arc ngl

I don't care if other shows have more consistent animation, nothing gets me as hype as black clover.

Here's your future Wizard King

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Was this shown in the manga?

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So fucking cool

No, it's anime-original.

>asta - a black bull member- has black aura
>yuno - a golden dawn member- has a gold aura

>Black good guys
>Gold the bad guys

this is actually an elaborate anti-christian pro-pagan propaganda manga

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Even though the anime staff are doing their best recently, I still think they should take a break after the elf arc, and maybe return even stronger with episodes that aren't handled by the series director himself are still animated decently
funny enough, his toxic behaviour extends even outside of Yea Forums
people caught him because his shitposts were basically identical both here and everywhere else

Tomorrow, usually.

Not exactly, but telling why would be spoilers and I already know there are some animeonlies ITT.

I like how it looks like hands carefully putting the sword there.

Even if they didn't extend the anime for the second time, do you really that they will be given a break? Pierrot eould just make them work on more Boruto fillers.
Huh, I remember yesterdey that an user here called me dumb and a newfag because I also said that the spoilers would come in Thursday. Then this user and others claimed that the spoilers shall come in Wednesday. Huh.

Nigga if BC goes "on break" its not coming back

It really depends, honestly. Early leaks can come out on Wednesdays.
You shouldn't expect much today, at least come back later today.

no, its actualy BLM propaganda manga
>black good guys
> bad guys

Being on Yea Forums I don't know why this isn't consensus


t. Yoshihara and co

This was fucking great in both the anime and manga.

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Is this the first time we get spoilers last?

No, a couple of weeks ago or so we got spoilers last too

I just realized how Nero also wants Asta to gather the swords for himself.
What's her end goal for Asta? Because I'm sure Amvil wants the swords to bide his time before he takes over Asta's body.


The swords belong to the sword magic grimoire.

If I was Charlotte I would've not been able to resist that Chad.

Too bad Char only likes small dick nipponjins.

I don't think she'll care about Yami's dick size.

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That's how you know a woman is in love
Too bad she'll shittalk Yami's dick size when she goes for a girls night out with Sol and Dorothy

I don't see a problem as long as he manages to put like 10 babies in her.

Remember that hole Licht blew through the palace. They'll find a way.

>not seeing Yami's huge balls bulging during his fight against Marx and Owen

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Do you think Charlotte can handle that monstrous bbc?

She'll probably pass out afterwards

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That scene where the Queen of Witches takes control of Asta, it looked like Dark Souls boss cutscene

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Cute. But i think once she gets a hang of it she'll probably demand more


>Everything got spoiler pics
>Even the obscure stuff like Act-age and Jujutsu

Wtf Cloverbros

Kek, Yami will have to surpass his limits to satisfy her.

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That user must be drunk.

Imagine all the BDSM and kinky shit they could do after marriage.

Hot. Good thing they both got binding spells.

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BlackCow, who usually uploads pictures, isn't doing them yet.

Maybe he plans on doing it tomorrow like he usually do.

>implying she'll let Yami dominate her after suppressing her lust for almost 10 years

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He's probably just sleeping

next big anime fights
>Langris vs Finral & Yami & Jack.
>Compass girl Vs Noll & Nozz & Zora.
>Elf Luck vs Asta & Magna & Vannesa.

which ep will get the best animation
>average animation
>above average

>implying that he wouldn't let her tie him up and take control even though he could easily get out of her briars

Yeah, everyone needs sleep.

C`mon now
>Langris vs Finral & Yami & Jack.
>Elf Luck vs Asta & Magna & Vannesa.
>Compass girl Vs Noll & Nozel

She's gonna hug him with her thorns.

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>langris vs finral
based idiot

>below average

Above average
That's simply my preference because I want to see valkarie dress animated well at least once

A fan favorite chapter got sacrificed let alone langris vs finral having sakuga. C`mon, user

Wasn't a fan favorite in nipland

The anime crew has always focused on Finral and Langris a lot, having them in endings and even putting new scenes about their conflict. You really think it won't have awesome parts?

Check every hour for the spoilers I ain't doing it myself黑色五叶草&ie=utf-8

My internet is shitty right now. What does it says?

That's only in royal knights tournament, user. Don't get your hopes high cuz the staff will be on their limits after the Valkyrie dress moment. Another sakugafest probably be in shadow palace fights

I shouldn't be too sure about that. They already teased the Latry fight back in episode 98 with an anime-only dream sequence between Finral and Langris and later Finral swearing to save Langris. I think that they are planning something with these two.

>with an anime-only dream
Fuego also got an anime original scene of how he met salamander. Besides, the dream scene and Langris being revealed as an elf were both showed in the same ep

I don't except an episode like 100, but just a decent fight at least, not a sacrifice. Especially things like Finral's punch, that shit's going to have great animation

It's the tieba BC subforum
Emergency spoiler source if cow isn't here yet

Ok, bros. Anime-only here.
Should I wait for the anime to come out and have the experience to see everything animated OR should I just go to the manga?
I've watched the anime til episode 60 or something, then I've read the manga til 154 and went to the anime again yesterday and I can't contain the hype, WHAT DO

manga. always manga.

READ THE DAMN MANGA BRO!!! Ahem, I promise you , you won't regret it. Tabata's art is a masterpiece.

Naw, you want a single punch to have a great animation when Yami vs Charla's final clash and Mereo's purgatory alone got butchered off in the anime

>implying either of those were as hype as Finral's punch
shit taste retard detected

you're the only who got hype from Finral's punch, user

It's not that it is a hype moment, it is a very emotional moment and a big step in Finral's development

rewind yourself back to those threads

user, I am also hyped for that punch. I want some sasuga for my boy.

Every clash is hype in the manga but then the anime exist

sakuga, retard

Is he the chillest elf? Or just the nicest? Why didn't he try killing Mimosa and the others?

Attached: Elf_David.png (457x457, 193K)

Since this chapter is coming out early this week, we're likely getting everything today.

tha's wevil

>one wrong word
>instantly a retard
You sound like a loser, user.


Wait, wasn't he the one who kept chatting and chilling with the Vermillions?

It's not strange enough for you that's he was the chillest elf exist out there?

Wevil was inside Ronne

based speedreader

He was initially inside Baval and transferred to Lonne inside the Shadow Palacr


I really want the anime to expand on him, in the manga he kinda came out of nowhere, just give him some little sneak peaks


Lonne, for the Wevil reveal

nah the hint was subtle enough

Titles were updated
Episode 100 - We Won't Lose to You (Chapter 155)
Episode 101 - The Lives of the Village in the Sticks (Chapter 158)
Episode 102 - Miracle of 2
Episode 103 - Release from Misfortune (Chapter 159)
Episode 104 - Lightning of Rage vs. Friends (Chapter 162)

>Episode 102 - Miracle of 2


Supposely it's a recap episode

It's a recap

Wow then! It's my first time seeing a main director directing a filler episode

>Yoshihara directing a recap

ÏWell, I am an idiot. I didn't catch the whole Wevil being inside of Baval thing. I thought that he was always inside Ronne.

>boruto director quit because he wasent being paid as much as yoshihara

Is Yoshihara working on 104?

sadly no, i think it'll be an average episode

well maybe he shouldn't have directed garbage

It doesnt actually tell you.
We just find baval in the palace for some reason a room aside where yuno is.
And mimosa comments on some strange magic lingering In the air that didnt belong to elves or humans.
Along side bavals stange behaviour and out right telling the humans the "plan"
It's just makes sense.

I think that's luck vs magna and vanessa.

Here's to hoping some of those animators move to BC
Boruto should just be shelved at this point

dont post sauceless info


>still no spoilers

Just go to sleep and wait tomorrow, user.

>Jack, Yami, Fin vs Latry
Above avg

>Silvas vs Kivn

>Asta, Magna, Van vs Luck

Both? Both.

I can't follow the action in the manga, the values are all over the place

how does Raia fight when he's constantly tired

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Sorry to hear you are blind

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She's wake boys


Comafag finally btfo

Her hair, user. That's Charlotte.

She looks younger just like Fuego after waking up from his coma. Is this the effect of coma? Should I try it?

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>no sleeping beauty, dwarf, kiss

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How would one self induce a coma

I'm going to guess: that's a reaction to shota Julius, right?


Lots of sugar

Just become friends already damnit!!!

Comalotte no more kek

It's Charlotte chapter, bros

like for real?


I don't know, user. All I know is how to get food coma. I used to have that in my teen years.

Definitely. He says chisai which means small


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How would I induce a coma of a year or longer? Should I run in front of a speeding car and hope for the best?

Or this could be a chapter showing what happened to the elf'd Magic Knights after the reincarnation spell was broken?

Noelle definitely will have the sakuga.
Finral's design has been high quality lately so maybe above average.
Luck fight seems fucked but his lightning movement means they don't have to animate him moving so much.

Afterwards is the bull mecha rampage, gauche and dorothy fights.
Could go either way for gauche or dorothy getting the better quality.

She probably woke up because she heard Yami was gonna be away for a long while

Just drink a sleeping potion and sleeo away like Sleeping Beauty or Snow White for years.

>bull mech, gauche or dorothy
Those fights will get fucked in the ass. Bull is just CG with magic balls, Gauche can't move because of Marie and it's just mirror spam, and Dorothy will get the Asta vs Baro treatment

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What a cutie.

Based some good taste user.

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Okey, who gives Charlotte lots of sugar?

Is she literally REEEEEing at him?

I'm gonna need some colorings

Just kiss already.


>visiting char to tell he's leaving
Yami is a tsun himself

Shota Julius needs some siblings.

Translation ?

>Even when being serious he still looks depressed.
Get some therapy, dude.

Marx is just shocked at Julius. He's saying like "He's alive... but he's so small, but he's alive..." I have no idea what Damnatio is saying, probably just warning Asta

He better tell her about the lasting effects of her curse.

He's shouldering the fate of a kingdom on himself, he needs no fun.

Oh my, I hope that Marx wouldn't get cardiac arrest right there and then.

I hope the Asta answer him well.

A-user? Are you alright?

>implying that Asta has ever been good with words

He was with the elves

they gonna fuck before Black Bull leaves, then after nine months Yami will meet their first born.

Rhya managed to resist the ASTAfication, though.

Wait a second did Yami kiss her for her to wake up?

Is it wrong that I imagined the exact same thing?

It was just as they completed their plan so... But it worked really well with Patolli

9 month long road trip confirmed

That would actually be really nice

Julius Sukehiro?!

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Pics but no text spoilers, feels weird.

Whoever the user who wishes a Charlotte chapter, your wished has been granted.
Inb4 Tabata lurking here


I feel like waifu magic is even more powerful than meme magic


Give him to me now, Tabata! I know you're lurking here! I KNOW!!!

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Excuse me?

This seems like a short chapter.

When in doubt, use Google Translate, user.

Charlotte steals a baby what the fuck


I did what something about baby.

Here you go. Meet Yami and Charlotte's first baby

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You know about a phenomenon called baby fever, user?

was Tabata high when he made this chapter

What the fuck is happening??

What...the...fuck...Where did that baby come from?!

>its julius

He had a drink with Yoshihara and co. afterthey finished animating episode 100 and got really drunk. Then this chapter was born.


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Tabata throwing innuendos again. The endgame is definitely Yami x Charloote

Yami is about to go to another trial because of Charlotte.

I could smell a shotgun wedding coming.

Danmatio approaches Asta
Discuss the theme of the judgment on the children of the devil.
Marx leaves the magic board.
Get bad news from Julius
Elsewhere, Yami visits Charlotte, who has recovered from the last battle.
They talk about the state when they were owned by elves or other subjects.
Se escapes after knowing what happened
Along the way, she accidentally steals the baby, reveals it and runs away
Yami and Sol are a little confused

>Danmatio approaches Asta
>Discuss the theme of the judgment on the children of the devil.
>Marx leaves the magic board.
>Get bad news from Julius
>Elsewhere, Yami visits Charlotte, who has recovered from the last battle.
>They talk about the state when they were owned by elves or other subjects.
>She escapes after knowing what happened
>Along the way, she accidentally steals a baby, reveals it and runs away
>Yami and Sol are a little confused

She just stole a baby?

What does that baby have to do with anything? Is it Tabata's baby?

15 pages

Damnatio warns Asta to be careful and still wants him dead
Marx discovers Julius being a kid and can't believe it
Yami visits Charlotte and asks about forbidden curses
Charlotte doesn't remember clearly her memories as an elf but clearly remembers they were close to each other in the cocoon
She remembers what Charla told Yami
Yami says he's done trying to find a cure to Charlotte's curse in Clover
He'll try abroad

These arent the whole spoilers

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Charlotte's real magic,the curse is undone.


What kind of drugs did she take?

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>Yami says he's done trying to find a cure to Charlotte's curse
Uhhh how sweet of him

So my only guess for the random baby is Tabata enjoying the joys of being a new dad and wants everyone to have the experience as him. Free babies coming up!

Oh thank God I was gonna off myself if it really ended on Yami and Sol being confused


He's throwing hints that Yami and Charlotte going to have a baby after him

Charlotte calm down!

Attached: spoilersssss.jpg (540x592, 69K)

Love is a hurricane

What kind of medicine did they even give her in the hospital?

I guess Charlotte is out as a potential companion for the Bulls. Rades' and his gang are arrested so they're probably out too. The Third Eye could join. Mimosa could tag along as a healer since the Bulls don't have one but I don't know if Yuno would bother.

Her gown kinda reminds me of Acier's maternity clothes.


Where's Damnatio when you need him. He was right about the magic knights and now a captain is kidnapping babies.

I got Vietnam flashbacks from early episodes.

I bet sol wishes she could have been the one to impregnate char

He's going to cast out Charlotte too if that's the case

>he went for the hardcore version of Sleeping Beauty

user, he's still a human. I'm sure he needs to sleep after a tring day with a screeching horned-midget and his pack of weirdoes.

It's all according to Charlotte's keikaku.

Calm down, Charlotte

Justice doesn't sleep.

But when did Yami ever had the chance to join her in her hospital bed? Amd what kind of magic could make a pregnancy lasts for only a few days.

>the bulls dont have a healer

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Is she really though?

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Manga is going great and about to start a whole new ride.
Anime is getting a third season for the hypest arc so far that will inevitably being more viewers and easily an extra season or two plus a movie.
The series overall is being more respected and Tabata is (finally) being acknowledged for his hard work weekly.

Is this the best time to be a BC fan? I don't know much about sales or ratings but Black Clover must be successful in Japan right?

"I'm so glad... you're alive..."

>plus a movie
You're delusional. This series doesn't pull the numbers to warrant a movie

>Third season
Stopped reading right there

We've been on this for threads now
There won't be any movie

Aww, my heart...

>plus a movie.

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She must have a time limit right? She's not actually healing damage she's just postponing it.

Tsun posting time

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There's no indication of that

I'm too hyped for the movie!

He'll just killer her user.


Reminder that Noelle was bullied because she was a Patriots fan

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Yami won't allow it

I'm just taking a guess by what her powers are

One those anons literally answered why? Stop speed reading

It's now our time.

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Wew, it's jimjim time

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Wtf who came up with these questions?

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Charlotte bros rise up!

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In other translations it's called sealing healing magic.

What are BC's numbers and what numbers usually pull a movie?

Yami gets cursed instead.

Go do that research yourself.

user her magic is sealing magic.
Its pretty contrary to the idea of sealing if if has a time limit

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Yami wont be there for that.

Nero is too fucking OP
Her magic practically has no bounds.

Why does that baby looks a lot like Julius? Is our smol lord and savior not telling us something?

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>its a Charlotte chapter

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>Assuming he reads BC

Based. Anime needs more bro hugs.

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You say tsuns?

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Asta has Licht's grimoire and swords. He wanted his shit back.

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What about bro fugs?

And he later told Rhya that that grimoire no longer belongs to him.

I guess we're about to slowly get updates on everyone before the bulls leave.

She has no grimoire (currently)
She cant learn new spells


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>still no Yuno
Where the freak is that guy? Is he having some idyllic picnic with Bell in some remote graden, sipping tea and eating cakes while his bro is being judged by a corrupt Magic Congress?

user, she just grab her grimoire when she released the seal from her handcuffs

Just because he gave it up after the fact doesn't mean he didn't want it at the start. Grimoire ownership isn't subject to rape laws.

Packing for the trip, hopefully.

Don't tell me this entire chapter is just waifufag pandering.

>he didn't see the Julius/Marx and Asta/Damnatio moments

Like he said - waifufag pandering.

Damnatio is whose waifu?



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Between Julius and Marx, who is the waifu, user?

What was the point in hyping Damnatio? All he did was talk shit.

Asya is such a social climber. He isn't even content to have two princesses from the Vermillion and Silva Royal Families as members of his harem and now he is chasing after a Kira. Absolutely disgusting.

Hes a new character.
Let's just see what tabata has planned for the guy

He's one of the only characters who knows about devils while also being from the most mysterious royal house. Just wait a bit

>All he did was talk shit.
So did Wevil

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>implying BB won't return to clover only to find Damnatio turn it to a police state.

He's only been here like 4 chapters

It's not like he's not appearing ever again.

Freeing the elves.


Well, that was his magic

>the Bulls embark on their journey
>Damnatio is shown looking at the mech from a balcony until he turns to leave
>he spends a page or two walking through the palace until he arrives at a shady looking door deep underground
>he enters to find a bunch of men and women sitting ominously around a large table with their faces shaded in the cliche unrevealed character style
>chapter ends as Damnatio apologizes to them for letting Asta go and they respond that they're not in a hurry because they've already waited 500 years for this

Liked the joke, waiting for the real one, now.

Wait is this actual spoilers or?

Nah it's just a way to make Damnatio relevant since that user was complaining about him.

>ib4 it is revealed that stealing the elves mana did them more harm than good and now they're cursed to live immortal lives that brought them nothing but pain and suffering

Attached: 12.jpg (800x1180, 171K)

Ah okay cause it sounded pretty cool and that one user still said that their was more spoilers.

Don't remind me, I'm still pissed.

>they only obtained the power to live forever but their bodies still age
>they've all turned into spooky scary skeleton kings

Attached: Baraggan.png (2133x1600, 2.1M)

Who is that guy and what manga is that?

>an internal enemy
>a direct link with a Kira
>the debut of clover's justice system
>a reason to make our heroes go abroad
I don't think you really care

It's BC. Notice how Gueldre is there.

>and now after looking all over the workd for a magic that could remove their immortality and failing for five hundred of years, they decided to look for someone who has a connection to a devil, thinking that now only a devil could help them with their in removing their curse.

>get fucked senpai lmao

>secret shadow council
Kill yourself

Hungry Joker, Tabata did it.

He sounded like the same user who kept sperging about the Damnatio mini-arc from the very start and was retarded enoigh not to get why Asta was going to be used as a scapegoat for the whole elf war despite the other anons spoonfeeding the reasons and explanations to him.

Oh, okey. Thank you.

There's just anons who refuse to listen in this world

>Almost bump limit
Make a new bread, bros

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Charmy should eat that fairy.

I made a new bread where I dumped all the spoilers. Continue the discussions there.