ITT: rapists

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Literal worst girl

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Never trust "cool friend" character.
This made me paranoid of characters like Taniguchi from Haruhi too.

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holy based
FUCK meganes

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Rapist like every bisexual.

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Still cute.

>rapes your girlfriend
pfft, nothing personnel bro
This shit really made me convinced for a while that all otaku were mentally ill, as they lapped this shitty series up

its dangalang time!

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You've certainly raped my eyes.

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Read Shamo

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Commits bad touch regularly.
Attempted to roofie once. Roofied herself by accident.

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No, she is best girl.


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He properly asked Gambino and paid lotsa gold for it.

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God I wish kanbaru would rape me

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Name a more iconic rival character in anime

Good thing Rider out-raped her to set her straight.

There is none.
Guts is the black swordsman that kill monsters and shit. One of the badassest characters ever created. But in the end of the day, no matter what kind of hellspawn Guts will kill. No matter what kind of legendary armor he wear. It will always remain the fact that Donovan emptied his balls inside Guts butthole all night long.
The more Guts do, the more it add to his glory.

Anyone remember her?

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There were better girls, but she was the only one to get what she needed. She just should have left him alive to deal with the consequences.

Ridiculous. girls cant be rapists.

I read Battle Royale when I was 12 and the rape scene traumatized me.

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He must be the reason why all the cool friend characters in new VNs are either gay or have a weird fetish.

Who is he?

She was pretty good in the vn, top tier

He should have settled for building a harem with willing participants instead.

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the softest though.
the softest.

Very cute Kuroko.

Seiba was into it, doesnt that make her a fithy bislut as well?

Speaking of rapist kokoros...

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this made me diamonds

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Tables have human rights now?

Poor table-kun.

I want her to rape me.

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I'm still mad. Diva is hot but fuck her, he didnt dersever that shit. Especially since it looked like his character was going somewhere. Shit sucks.

It's legitimately a masterpiece

but how the sociopaths incels are going to relate?

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Nice anime
I miss 2010


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Not a rapist. Being gay isn't a crime

>shit quality
>that file size
don't ever post on this board again

It was consensual.

>the blacked swordsman

Its a shame, I only found the first chapter translated.

If you're out there user please do the rest...

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Is not rape if he enjoy it too.

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Stop it Abe.
Its not going to work

>crazy bitch tries to murder you for revenge
>rape her and make her your woman and also impregnate her with your son
>not evil just edgy
they don't make anime like this anymore.

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Been waiting for someone to post Haruto.

>banning all sex education and just letting the kids know that it is super ultra forbidden so don't even try.

It's pretty much guaranteed to work though.

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i want to be a rapist

she can't keep getting away with it

honestly that's how it worked for the last thousand years. and once kids started being taught sex ed, sex and pregnancy rates plummeted

the books i have been reading tell me otherwise

Right wing propaganda books rarely say the truth.
Meanwhile teenage pregnancy on my third world country has been diminishing year by year since sex ed became more and more widespread.

That sounds really based.

Cute is justice

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It wasn't his fault
He was a victim

>ITT: Rapists

Ara~Ara, what going on in this thread

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None of the girls are actual rapists.
The guys all wanted it

Makoto raped a couple girls in Shiny Days too. Birds of a feather flock together.

As I said in a previous thread, there was no way in hell that boy was getting a happy ending but he certainly deserved better than what he got.

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Being raped and living to be around for the unwanted children would have been enough.

>posts the deaf girl
>not the MC

Who did he rape?

kek what a beta just use a condom if you don't want a kid

>Being gay isn't a crime

fuck this manga so much, i can 100% see this happening if an incel went back in time to "fix" his problems

We got MnR where the MC tried getting out of anything sexual that happened and then that one with the other extreme. Why not something between the two?

Cant rape the willing

bunny queen

and the Japanese girl, and probably a lot more


Pick not related, she was asking for it

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I guess?

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Is Kokoro Abe's daughter? Calm down, girl!

He's really not the type to ask for permission.

>104 posts
You KISAMAS not posted THE greatest rape master yet.

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>Yea Forums still believes his impotence was a "retcon"
>no proof of the "non-retcon" version's existence was ever found

Why is Yea Forums so retardedly wrong about this series?

Anna was awesome, but the show, having created her, seemed almost embarrassed by the force of nature it had unleashed, and clearly didn't know what to do with her.

>rapeman abridged stopped because of SJWs
we just can't have fun things anymore can't we?

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I'm only mad that the actual rapemurder scene wasn't animated.

More sex scenes than just her would have been nice too.

He's just some sad wanker.

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sounds like the first time I had sex

The contrast between the shallow unfulfilling relationship with Kotonoha and the passionate relationship with Sekai is to this day one of my favorite things in anime romance ever. It's only Makoto being retarded and not officially dumping Kotonoha that branched into things going full retard.

The comic relief friend being a rapist was weird as fuck though. I could never look at Ryouhei in Yosuga no Sora the same way because of him.

>The comic relief friend being a rapist was weird as fuck though
He's criminally stupid and believed Otome telling him Kotonoha's just shy/embarrassed and actually wants it

It's weird how much this manga really rustles the idiot reactionaries' jimmies. It's precisely the fact that a broken person getting sent back to their childhood resulted in such horrible consequences that makes the series so noteworthy. Reminder that Kazuya was miserable even though he was a rapist and died at the end, it was the exact opposite of wish fulfillment power fantasy isekai garbage.

youre misusing the word 'reactionary'

>Rapeman is a rapist

What absolute fucking slander!

I'm too lazy to write "kneejerking moralfag with no critical thinking skills" and those very same attributes makes the term likely to be incidentally accurate anyway. tl;dr it's good enough for a Yea Forums post.

thanks for bringing this up.
I've been ages for Rapeman to translate his namesake

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oh god, the first title page

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Name please?

I remember hearing about this years ago.
It seems to have meme status, at least the anime.
It surprises me that it wasn't translated until very recently and just one chapter

Pretty much. I don't remember when I first heard of it, but I think i downloaded the ovas off of the /rs/ or whatever it was called board.
It had a slightly meme-ish fansubs by Yea Forumsnons(nothing too obnoxious).
I thought the OVA was so-so. It had some good, funny moments like the abseiling rape scene, but it wasn't as funny as I expected, given the ridiculous premise.

What I think gave Rapeman a lot of its popularity was WeeklyTubeSHows parodies of it.

I'm also a little surprised it took this long to get any kind of a translation. I recall Rapeman(the translator) saying he wasn't sure where he'd host it - most manga aggragators probably wouldn't take it, and neither would ehentai because it's considered prohibited content there.

Having read the first chapter, it's a little underwhelming. I've looked through all the RAWs before though, and at least some of the stories look interesting

creep girl

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Networking at its finest.

nobody is going to spoonfeed you newfag

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That doesn't look like a girl. Did you just trick me into seeing fag shit?

Don't bully the tomboy please, she's really beat up over it.

I wish reverse rape was a more popular tag

It's the best solution for dense MCs or those just not willing to have sex when it's the most logical action.

it's Umareru Kachi no Nakatta Jibun ga Anna no Tame ni Dekiru Ikutsuka no Koto

Thank you user

female rapists are unrealistic, unless it's yuri

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it's always ends the same way

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