How does King Crimson delete time?

how does King Crimson delete time?

Attached: KingCrimson.png (384x483, 270K)

Through its STANDO NOURYOKU, a quality Stands have that allow them to interfere metaphysically with reality in some manner typically unique to that Stand or shared amongst similar Stand types.

it just works

how do spinning shards paralyze half your body?

Attached: Wekapipopic.jpg (166x174, 13K)

He sends a D-mail

Delete time is a turn of phrase. For the duration that it's active, time stops mattering for Diavolo because he can't interact with anything and nothing can interact with him either.

He uses King Crimson's smaller face to glimpse the future so that he knows how ad when to activate the main ability.

Everyone and everything else will keep moving as they would have. But Diavolo can move around during the duration of King Crimson's ability, and by positioning himself differently, achieve different results. No matter what anyone tells you, this is how the ability works as consistently described and any discrepancies are inconsistencies or misinterpretations.

doing it

>when araki makes diavolo move in skipped time to avoid things even though he doesnt need to dodge them

Attached: oford gabbins.jpg (600x599, 45K)

Yeah, it's fucking stupid.

Especially because the fact he skipped over Aerosmith's bullets proves he can just stay still if he wanted to.

lets be real, part 5 was stupid and the worst part about it was giorno and diavolo
the saving grace is the jobros and the hitman squad

Diavolo was intentionally underwhelming. King Crimson and Doppio were fucking great though.

meant to reply here.

>Diavolo was intentionally underwhelming
user, diavolo is one of araki's favorite characters. he just sucks and for whatever reason, araki's brain damage allowed diavolo and giorno and the entire last quarter of part 5 to remain in good standing in his brain

Attached: josh.jpg (587x474, 55K)

i do think KC and Doppio were entertaining, separating them in the final battle was big mistake desu. Really jarring when you have the boss' identity be a huge secret of part 5 and then he gets bodyswapped with bucci so diavolo's body is just happy funtime with giorno and friends for most of the fight

Diavolo becomes a good character when you ignore Araki’s intentions and view him in a sympathetic light.

I wouldn't be surprised if in all of the intervals he erased time, Star Platinum was in Italy, assraping him, so each use of his time deletion means he's erasing buttfucks.

Did they make any changes to the Metallica fight in the BDs? It looked goofy sometimes in the aired version

This shit

It's less that it "deletes time" and more that it locks people into doing whatever Epitaph predicts.

Star Platinum isn't that good.
>I glamhair grug, I fist things harder than other punch spirits

>Select a span of time
>Ctrl + X
Simple as that, OP.

where is the time clipboard?

Doesn't matter; Paste doesn't work.

King Crimson power doesn’t makes sense
>I can use Epitaph to see the future and then avoid the enemy attack while I also skip time
>You can see your own future self in which you die
>Ey Doppio I will only give you Epitaph and King Crimson arms even so you don’t need to hide your stand because you’re going to kill him anyways
>I can eliminate second so that means the bullets didn’t hit me
>I could eat Risotto’s meat/blood to gain O2 but instead I will search for frogs
Diavolo is a fucking retarded character, Doppio is good tho

>Superman isn’t that good, he can only punch harder than others superheroes


King Crimson stand is just Za warudo+Tohth

Im not saying this is true, but what I had an example of how i thought it worked until happened. Imaging a video of somone shotting a ballistic target. Event A is when the bullet is in the air comming at the target, event b consists of when the bullet is inside the target itself, and event c is when the bullet exits the wound and is in the air again in an unsteady tragectory due to it getting all turned around inside the target. So if you delete event b from the video you would still have event a occur, and the effect that event b place on the bullet that causes it to spin in event C. So the EFFECTS of event B still occur, but paradoxily B never happened in this tim line. Thats why the blood dripping thing worked, since the time got delleted, but the causality within that time remained, allowing a pool of blood to become larger.

In conclusion, the causality through event b (Time delition) occurs, but the exent itself no longer exists, like skipping in a video.

But then ruined it.