You wouldn't a living coral reef, would you?

You wouldn't a living coral reef, would you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'd try making more with that one.

Fuck you. I would if I could.

It'll rock your world


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yeah, pal?

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t. Dominic

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Dare to elaborate?

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Here, I upgraded your ayy for you

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gross, unironically had to drop when she began looking like this

You wouldn't a living coral reef (), would you?

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stop this

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>You know dad, it really hurts to breathe

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Fleur is great god damn what a wasted sequel

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Wait why did it delete the Mars symbol?

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You tried and that's what matters


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The show was garbage, the girls were amazing.


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Who's the 02 ripoff?

weak bait

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no (You) for that weak bait

Someone's gotta have a "I'm you, but better." with Anemone and Zero Two.

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better off not giving the retard any more attention

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What purpose do the nipple circles serve on Anemone's plugsuit?


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None, really

>we live in a timeline where we got MILFreka but her sequel series was a total fucking disaster

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May as well do one with Dominic and Hiro too. Did Eureka 7 get as much hype as Franxx while it was running? Cause it always annoys me a bit that Hiro/02 are just watered down, less developed versions of Anemone/Dominic, yet I've almost never seen that brought up in Franxx threads. Can hardly attribute it to E7 having 50+ episodes vs Franxx' 24, either, since they're side characters.

It was brought up quite a bit in the early few episodes of DitF and then it just died out when everyone got bored of the shit show that it was.

Before DitF E7 always had to suffer being compared to Evangelion.

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> yet I've almost never seen that brought up in Franxx threads

because none of them watched this

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Dropped this when they JUSTed her

weird reason to drop it when she comes back better than ever

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Best episode

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How bad were the new movies?

good pick, but for me, it's gotta be Morning Glory

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made AO seem good

this cut looks great. why couldn't the whole show look this good?

I remember I got kinda lost in the plot and dropped it. Maybe at S2? I remember she got ugly and I couldn't follow the storyline. How many years ago was this thing?

Subs fucking never for the Anemone movie.

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Pocketful of Rainbows is a subpar timewaster, although Renton goes full chad immediately (none of this "will i/won't i" shit, if you really didn't like how indecisive he was early on in the series), but it's ultimately an AU movie with a good amount of upscaled recycled footage (notable when the scene's colors are washed out). Hi-Evo 1 is more or less the same in terms of quality, again it's still watchable although the beginning of the movie is some of the best content the series has to offer, which is focused on the Summer of Love. No opinion on Hi-Evo 2 because fansubs are a dead art and therefore, we're all stuck waiting for the BD to drop unless you: know Russian, which there is a fansub in that language, or Japanese. The Hi-Evo movies retcon PFOR and AO, so those officially never happened, but who cared to begin with?

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Dewey Did Nothing Wrong.

checked, also that shit happens with 50 episode series, the quality tends to fluctuate a bit. One week, you'd get something like Morning Glory (26), which is one of the best looking episodes of the series, then you'd get Keep On Movin' (29), which wasn't all too bad looking, but a lot more rougher in comparison.

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Nothing except lose

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She has murdered dozens.


"She should've finished the job"
>t. Renton Thurston

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I think this unironically, word for word.

Those damn kids were annoying bastards.

I didn't like them when I first saw the series all those years ago, but in retrospect, they're a bit more tolerable and even a bit, I understand where they're coming from. Still annoying, but they serve a purpose in illustrating Renton's immediate isolation from everyone on the Gekko and through earning their trust, he also gets closer to Eureka. And even then, without them, it's easy to say Eureka would've never snapped out of the "mindless military drone" mindset if she didn't witness what she had done and didn't discover the kids.

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Breast Feeding

With what milk?

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She could have discovered a desire for some of her own sooner.

As a puppet of the military? It would've never come to pass. If she doesn't change because of the events of Del Cielo, Holland doesn't garner the courage to escape with her in tow. A lot of stuff that happens in the series all depends on that event.

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I was thinking when Renton was around.

Well, I get that, but I was thinking more of in general, Satan

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I thought they were annoying because, you know, they were kids, but they adapted pretty quick to their parents killer

Fairly quick, although it had to have been a number of years since Del Cielo since the youngest of them was still an infant when it occurred, which is very telling regarding Eureka and how insanely slow she ages.

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I've never seen a series so malciously hated by its own creators, what the fuck happened?

I say, since the black one looked the youngest, Id say its about 5-6 years.unless she didnt find the kids all at the same time at del cielo. another question that popped up in my head was it important for renton to catch doggy fucking with one of the female crewmembers?

They wanted a mindfuck bad end but were forced to create a happy end.

It's less of "the creators hate the series" and more "they have no fucking clue what to do with it." I'm convinced they have no idea as to how to please fans after Bones laid a massive, massive egg with AO. You know the term "Lightning in a bottle"? This series oughta be the definition of such a term.

They were all at Del Cielo, although the pic I posted is from the LN, which changes things up a bit and takes two of the kids out of the equation; as for what Renton saw, thematically it was because it only emphasized his own frustrations, both hormonal and emotionally, but in the long run, it's relatively not too important.

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Eureka on Page Seven!

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that makes sense considering the implications of ao's ending and possible end. I didnt watch the show but wanted to see the cool flights. one of the best parts of E7 was the acrobatic manuevering of the robots

To make me horny.

based and Anemonepilled

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Good memories of this show. Never saw any of the subsequent materiel which seems to have been a good decision because everyone says it's shit.

What does it feel like to date a Coral Reef(female)?

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like milk and salty coins

Who got the better deal - Renton or Dominic?

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Maeter grew up to be hot.

Good show, too bad it's like 80 episodes long and 50% filler

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honest question, what is the filler here?


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I'm not going to say there was no filler at all, but just because an episode didn't advance the main plot doesn't make it filler. I liked a bunch of the more character focused episodes.

Aired in 2005/06 in Japan, 06/07 in the States

We had to watch Moondoggie dogging Gidget.
It was of utmost importance.

We're reaching impossible smug levels. Military grade.
Summer of Smug event immnent

I dont think its filler but the episode where renton gets "spirited away" to a windmill farm with a lady looking like she breathes only once every 10 mins. seriously the episode was wierd like did the show just turned into a twilight zone?

... Fair point, user.

I know the episode you're referring to, the one just before he returns to the Gekko. The episode is where he meets Baxter and his wife, who has Desperation Disease, which Renton encountered while with the Beams a few episodes earlier. A lot of the episode had to do with Renton coming to terms with his responsibilities.

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And this - is to go beyond

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flew right over my head, I thought itwas more like when you love someone, truly love them, you cherish them even if they're slowly dying. I didn't even know there was a desparation disease, the only bad thing I know of is when the seven swells happened, a girl couldnt get pregnant anymore

In Baxter's case, it could be interpreted as that although it has to do more with seeing things through. As for the Seven Swells thing, that is, as far we know, based on the experience of Ray Beams being infertile and projecting that onto Eureka.

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Why is every OP and ED such a 10/10?

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I think storywriter is goat, or would be, if it didnt have that long, close to silent intro

Fuck if I know, but I don't think it'd be a stretch to say the original series has one of the greatest soundtracks of all time. It's wild how it focused so much on house/trance/techno and alt rock/shoegaze, although it goes hand in hand with the cultural references littered throughout the show.

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>although it goes hand in hand with the cultural references littered throughout the show.
japan only?

as in the references? No, Eureka Seven has quite a few references to Western culture, although it's not heavy handed and is really only a small part of the charm.

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I didnt catch any of them, is there a collage?

so bones made robots on surf/hoverboards and sunrise made robots one wheelies.
what should be next?

I feel like all the side plot episodes like the soccer one are poorly animated and only exist as padding.

Not that I know of, but some of the more evident references are character names (the most notable example, Renton Thurston - he is named after Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore, and Renton from Trainspotters; or his father, Adroc, who is named after Ad-Rock from The Beastie Boys) Another one is the Summer of Love, which is a bit of a gimme.

the soccer episode is definitely the closest thing the series had to a filler episode but I didn't mind because you had several episodes before and after it where shit was actually happening so it didn't hurt to have one last episode where there was nothing at stake.

From what I remember, the episode where Renton goes shopping with Talho is also pretty poorly animated, except for the robot fight near the end.

more or less, that is true. As mentioned earlier, that's something that you just gotta deal with when it comes to longer series.

Look at old versions of the wikipedia page. There's a ton references, but they're mostly anything that's named, the name is a reference to someone or something.
Check out

I would. Renton is one of the few MCs with the correct taste for best girls.

>so shittty that even her paid handler ditched her

absolutely perfect


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I'll be impressed if an Eureka Seven thread can even stay up overnight

It might be my favorite opening, though
contends with it pretty heavily. I just like the way Nirgilis mashes up with Amazing Grace, which is the kind of weird musical blending I'm into. It helps that Amazing Grace is a very good hymn to begin with.

I got tears in my eyes when I first saw the fourth OP.

shounen heart is simply the best and I always get mad 2000s vibes and nostalgia from it

I prefer Taiyo myself but Nirgilis is certainly an interesting song to listen to.

A child should work to eclipse her parent

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If taken by itself the "second season" is an above average mecha series but it does get bogged down and marred quite a bit by just copying Eva and then toward the end its like they suddenly remembered it was a sequel so they rushed into those aspects which also caused the ending to be rushed as all hell. I know about the ONAs that got released in theaters. I would watch them if I could find them some where, but I doubt they ever made it to bluray.

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The OPs and EDs are great, but I honestly think that the BGM used to set the mood eclipses the OPs/EDs in many ways. I've seen anons call the dramatic music they put on in grave situations cheap, but I honestly think it does a tonne for the atmosphere and I can't really bring any other anime to mind that I think uses music quite as effectively to set the mood.

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Atleast E7 didn't blatantly ripped of EVA unlike Franxx.
Also I'm sure Nishigori loved E7 too since he included "The Golden Bought" to his story and that they are way too many similarities to be a coincidence.

>Atleast E7 didn't blatantly ripped of EVA unlike Franxx.
I dropped Franxx after a couple of episodes because the mech design was offensive to my taste. Did it really rip off EVA or is this just another case of calling everything with mechs and some kind of unique setting an EVA clone? I mean, a lot of Yea Forumsnons have called E7 an EVA clone throughout the years as well.

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>living coral reef
All coral reefs are living coral reefs.

It's an ecosystem, not an organism

The best thing about AO was seeing Renton and Eureka grown up

I’ve rewatched E7 almost five times by now but always avoid these threads because they remind me the shitty movies and AO exist.

Eureka didn't change at all and Renton aged 40 years in 12.

Nevermind AO, the movies are the biggest fuck you I have ever seen for anything.

I will never, ever fucking forgive all the Anemone bait in the promos for the last movie that ultimately delivered nothing, as a coral reef fucker it was beyond dishonest.

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what was the point of anemone again?

to make my pp hard

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To make me stroke my member.

To make me pet my one eyed trouser snake.

To make you utterly disgusted with Dewey.
At first she seems like just some batshit sycophant, but then you learn she was a war orphan so traumatized that her consciousness surpassed the zone and began to commune with the dreaming coral who was forcibly brought back to reality by a drug regime that amounts to torture so extreme that Anemone is the only known survivor. Based on what is seen with the Ageha Squad, it's probable that she was brainwashed after being awakened thus explaining her initial attitude toward Dewey. At some point, her conditioning breaks down and she starts to loathe Dewey and her situation, but she is entirely dependent on the drug to not return to being a vegetable. By the finale, she is essentially suicidal in her resignation to following Dewey's orders because she sees no other option and the only person that seemed to care about her disappeared. She regrets her circumstances and just wants the opportunity for something else.

It's much harder to put a point on her character arc in comparison to characters at the forefront like Renton or Holland. The conclusion the show itself presents is a quite saccharine type of "no matter what you've done or how terrible your circumstances, it's never too late to turn over a new leaf" message that really seems at odds with how much darker her backstory is.

It was still the best thing in AO. Really makes you think.

I wish reality worked like that.

wait they don’t make fansubs anymore?

Rock you!

Fansubbers from the prominant groups of the 2010's all got hired by CR.

worst timeline

Who is this beautiful girl??

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It had been at least 20 at the very most, since they already had a kid(who then turned into a fucking rock)

>Implying ecosystems aren't living

I prefer this version personally

As long as she looks like this? Sure.

What was Holland's problem anyways?

I remember the episode where he was telling his back story. Dewey is fucking crazy but I agree with him on the whole killing alien space rocks taking over our planet. Also the sequel justifies him which is just awful.

He got cucked out of his alien pussy by a 12 year old.

pocketfull of rainbows feels like a fever dream now

He was raised "spoiled" because his mom died in childbirth thus making it so that he was expected to ritually execute his father as well, then his older brother killed their father and they became homeless orphans until joining the military and becoming spec ops murderers. Adroc was basically the first person to show him any genuine affection as mentor to the brothers, but he sacrificed himself and left Holland to babysit a cute, emotionless murder machine. He tried to date Adroc's daughter, but she stopped giving a fuck about him and disappeared. In the middle of murdering a bunch of poorly equipped rebels, some old man told him that the fate of the world depends on finding someone who can make the murder machine smile and when he finds her again, she's adopted a trio of crying orphans (and they're the ones that killed the parents). Because of Adroc's theory on the coral matching what the old fuck said, Holland decides that everything he's been doing is wrong and goes AWOL. He's labelled a terrorist, has to act like a mercenary to make ends meet, and still has no idea how the fuck he's supposed to deal with the cute murder machine. The entire situation with having the fate of the world put on his shoulders is an echo of the sacrificial king bullshit that already ruined his family, so he tries to run away from it all, except that he can't since he's still public enemy #1. Then some punk kid shows up, does what he never could by making Eureka smile, and inadvertently rubs salt in all of his wounds just by being Adroc's son and pushing forward along the path of destiny despite not even knowing about the truth.
Holland had it rough.

If I remember correctly, didnt they die at the very end?

Yeah they got coral'd

Best ending theme

For as much as we joke about him being right, he was certainly wrong about the coral. Taking over the planet, having the potential to destroy reality, and seeming to be a tyrant that has to be sated with the blood of nobles paints the coral in a bad light, but Dewey was aware of Adroc's theory that Eureka was an ambassador from the coral seeking coexistence and he had to at least understand a bit about the weird spiritual side of it all to fuse with a compac drive. He was in the best position of anyone besides Norb (or those already communing with the dream of the coral like Adroc and Diane) to understand that the coral could be reasoned with. The only threat from the coral would be an asteroid impact accidentally triggering the limit of questions, but they clearly had the level of technology necessary to set up an orbital defense grid which could have been further augmented with a precognitive psychic detection program if the teachings of the Vodarak had been embraced.
Trapar may be toxic in high concentrations, but the lower concentrations at the surface allowed for all sorts of crazy technology which they hadn't even begun to maximize the potential of because it was a classified secret that trapar waves were essentially psychic emanations from the coral.
Dewey was just a sociopath butthurt over being denied a special role. It even goes back to that saying about not begging for things and taking them yourself because Dewey was in the perfect position to make a significant role for himself just by overthrowing the sages, revealing the truth to the masses, facilitating coexistence with the coral, and turning the military-industrial complex toward peaceful aims.

AO only justifies him in the sense that the offspring of a coral-human pairing apparently can't tolerate trapar at all, which is not only pure bullshit, but also retarded because the inner Earth area under the coral crust was devoid of trapar. AO is better ignored due to how retarded it is.

you know, its hard to catch all this when the corals are colorful space squids with one eye, like there's a disconnect, for me, from the corals and eureka and anemone.

No; It plays as it's own thing till episode 15,THEN it just starts ripping off everything Gainax did OTHER than EVA.

That's kind the point: The Coral are actually seriously alien, and take centuries of development and essentially human kidnapping to create interfaces that are human enough to communicate with us.

Those were just one type of coralian. They can basically become anything because their true form is some psychic alien microbe. The LFOs are also coralians. The Kute-class coralians appear to be giant living maelstroms. Considering the coralian crust seems to extend so far from the Earth's surface that Renton and Eureka look like they are dropping in from orbit after breaking through the zone, it might be the case that every single bit of material seen above the crust is actually derived from the coral. All of the soil, plants, animals, stone, etc. had to come from the coral. It's either that or the coral was transporting material from the Earth's surface up to the coral crust.

Another purpose of this episode was to expand a bit more on the state of the world. If you remember, the guy was knocking down the pile bunkers suppressing the land. It's never given too much focus in the series, but human civilization was actually in a constant battle to suppress the growth of the coral which would result in an upsurge of the crust. Part of actually living in harmony with the coral would entail adopting a semi-nomadic lifestyle to adapt to the growth of the coral rather than building giant cities, unless we're supposed to extrapolate that the coral cuts that shit out after reaching an understanding with humanity at the end of the series.

Anemone wasnt a coralian

>unless we're supposed to extrapolate that the coral cuts that shit out after reaching an understanding with humanity at the end of the series.
highly doubt it.
>it might be the case that every single bit of material seen above the crust is actually derived from the coral
well damn.

Like Renton I have good taste so I would most definitely plow that coral reef.

This image makes me want to rewatch the series.

I can almost hear Stoner crooning in my ear about the deeper importance of photography.

It's a strange detail, but Ray-Out really makes the Gekko crew feel real: The fact they're producing and distributing their own counter-culture publication grounds Gekko-State as a uniquely tangible organization that's not just doing the fantasy "Kill the bad guy and do the good thing so we live happily ever after" thing that usually shows up.

Greatest love story ever told.

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I tried recently. The first three episodes were better than I remembered, and there's a lot of interesting shit going on with the setting, Renton's character, and how he ends up getting involved in the main plot.

Then we get to the Gekko State and they're all such assholes. It's like hitting a brickwall of entertainment. I'll have to go back and try again, but it was annoying because it'd been awhile and the opening episodes were so delightfully surprising to rediscover being great that the annoying "everyone is a total dick" section of the show was aggravating.

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there are some strong contenders like fringe.

>Making your waifu look like fucking dogshit for more than half the show
The ballsiest move ever made in any anime.

you got unironically pleb filtered, sorry. the entire point is that renton thinks gekkostate are a bunch of cool dudes because he literally fell for their propoganda but actually they're a bunch of bitter flawed dickheads who are cool dudes sometimes maybe

its a deliberate shake up of things like nadia

Yep, they got fucking obliterated on screen

I've seen the show before, you know. I know what it's all about. Even the ending to episode 3 when he first shows up is enough to get the point. It's just not entertaining. People always have all the excuses for these things, there's always a reason for something annoying. But that doesn't change that it's annoying to actually watch. There's probably better ways to balance these things.

I still really like Eureka Seven overall and I know how things turn out and why they are the way they are. I'm not disagreeing with them being assholes, merely that it wasn't very engaging to watch the way it was implemented. It was just on a rewatch going from rediscovering how enjoyable the opening episodes were to rediscovering that shit again dampened my enthusiasm to keep going that time around.

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Okay, without bitching about the ending, what do you guys think about the manga?

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I'll have to get around to it, but I wonder if the Manga wasn't the precursor to later Eureka Seven bullshit from what I've heard. Isn't it a lot darker with a noticeably less happy ending? That feels in line with the kind of fuckery the other spinoff/sequel stuff has attempted.

the manga run coincided with the second half of the anime IIRC and it is an entirely different story. If you swear by the ending of the anime, then you won't be too thrilled by the ending where Eureka disappears with the Coral, although there's the vague chance of their return. It makes a whole lot more sense than any Quartz Gun bullshit or traversing the planet and leaving seven fragments of your memories in the Earth to save the planet. It, however, is probably the most you'll ever see of Dominic and Renton together.

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This is a robot

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and this is also a Robot (AI)

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absolutely based and scubpilled

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I wonder how long he took after the series ended before he finally started plowing her.

>implying he wasn't mating pressing her on the final scene where their lights flash in the forest

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It's possible, but without proof it's only a guess. Was just having other people around the only reason he wasn't mating pressing her earlier?

gotta save the world, first (plus no kids)

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Ending is extremely sad.

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Dominic getting blown the fuck out by the Scub Coral is even worse

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Anemone was a human who was given drugs and surgery to turn her into a copy of Eureka. Literally the E7 version of the tragic Cyber Newtype girl trope.

Would gladly bleach that coral white.

post more anemone

please post more anemone

There isnt that much art of her. Fanartists are all plebs.

How petrifying.

>Symmetrical Simultaneous Spaghetti

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I saw the Anemone movie subbed. All of the spoilers were correct.

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I dunno, I think they'd look a little stone-faced.

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I like that it told multiple love stories, not just Renton/Eureka and Anemone/Dominic. I think Bones over allocated their good ending quota and have been trying to repay it ever since.

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I actually like that they act like an asshole to Renton because it makes the characters feel a lot more solid. Renton's a dumbass fourteen-year-old who acts like a dumbass fourteen-year-old, of course a bunch of adult strangers aren't going to care about him. I find the appropriateness of the initial relationship between Renton and the crew compelling in its own right; it would have been a much blander show without those interactions. When you write Eureka 7 without the negative aspects of the characters you just get Mars Daybreak.

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Adult Renton was an abusive manchild, just like someone else we know.

Dewey wasn't right, but his propaganda was, and it was right for the wrong reasons.

Was Dewey's backstory real or was it all delusion? It clearly looks like it was implied to be delusion, but Holland didn't seem to deny it.

Don't forget gene replacement.

It was a different time.

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This pretty much describes it. I almost feel that most anons didn't really watch AO so they don't really know what they are saying Dewey was right about and I don't blame them.

Yoshida really likes drawing her.

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His propaganda was even less right. He claimed that the coralians were aggressive attackers when they only ever showed up if you provoked them. He even made up an entirely fictional battle for the capital so that he could go subjugate the sages.
The coral wanted to get along so much that it was showering humanity with mecha and waifus. All everyone had to do was stop being faggots and love the coral.

Seems real, or else it would detract from all the emphasis put on The Golden Bough (an actual work of comparative study of ancient myths especially those regarding sacrificial kings) over the course of the show. However, the aristocracy was probably wrong about the entire sacrifice king ritual in the first place. If Dewey's "failure" was rejected and signified by an activation of the coral, we can assume that a "successful" sacrifice results in no reaction from the coral and is thus taken as proof that the land has been pacified. The ritual was built on a null result leading to confirmation bias. If anything, the psychic trauma surrounding what Dewey did is what led to an outburst from the coral rather than the coral actually giving a fuck about the ritual itself in the first place.
However, the events can be assumed to have taken place almost exactly as Dewey describes because they fit the thematic content of the series.

Not only all that, but Nirvash and at least some of the scub coral leave the planet at the end avoiding the limit of question entirely. Dewey was just a jerk

Eureka isn't for lewding.

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I was under the impression that Dewey spun a mythical fiction based on the traditions of the nobility. I think this is indicated by Anemone's response because she's realizing that Dewey is just fucking insane in real time.

Holland doesn't bother debunking it because it's dumb superstition in the first place: Besides, He's seen who the Coral has chosen, and it wasn't a Novak.

Please don't.

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Actually, let me add one point. It's possible that Dewey misled the audience. As far as I can remember, no one ever confirms that the aristocracy were still doing the sacrifice king ritual in that era. It could be that the entire thing had become symbolic with no actual murder taking place, thus Dewey's delusion was in believing that the ritual needed to be carried out literally. Then, the aristocracy cast him out not because of the apparent failure of the ritual, but because he was a crazy murderer. The usage of pile bunkers to suppress the land had to have been going on by that point, so it isn't a stretch to imagine that the aristocrats would abandon the superstition that's supposed to serve that purpose while retaining a symbolic version of the ritual as part of the trappings of their social class.
There's no support for such an interpretation though. We only ever get Dewey's word on the matter and see the brothers both carrying around The Golden Bough.

We can't really factor that into the equation because it's unfair to expect anyone to know that the coral could just transcend its physical form entirely like that. The Vodarak teachings at least point to it, but it's still a solution that sort of just happens conveniently.

I've always interpreted her response as just not giving a fuck about the story because she's already broken the conditioning and hates Dewey. She's disgusted to find one of his hairs on her.

>tfw no anemone steppe waifu

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Eureka is definitely for lewding. If Eureka wasn't for lewding, the coral wouldn't have made her in the form of a cute girl. The coral even gave her functional reproductive organs; she was literally designed for lewding.

The coral was probably wondering what it got wrong that she wasn't using those organs for so long.

This one went cross-dimensional.

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So... Anemone is Eureka 6?

And thats one of the reasons there was no actual sequel to Eureka 7.

Well, its more like she was designed to be a sort of messenger or "Voyager".

...Cursed image.

I wonder what source of ancient knowledge the coral tapped to design their messenger

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Well, whatever it is, they successfully Reproduced it.

I want to eat Anemone's ass!

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I'm so glad that AO happened. This thread is a reminder of just how bad those endless E7 threads were.

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but anemoneposting is good

Why don't they show the event of coitus that made her pregnant?

In a perfect world, I'd require animating at least one of those events for just about every anime.

>Watched the series years ago
>Don't remember a thing
It'd be like watching it for the first time (almost) all over again.

was it the Russian sub or was it English

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Indeed. Nothing greater than the cum puddle from a filled womb

Probably Russian. Let's not get our hopes up.

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I figured

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>pink for lewd
>turquoise for head pats

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I think you mean
>Both for lewd and headpats

I want a coral reef gf

Pic related isn't for lewd. Why can't you guys understand something so simple?

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Literally made for lewd

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Holy shit user, this is by far the most vanilla thing I've ever read. There was that doujin inside the doujin where he fucks the female version of himself, that came close, but this... THIS...

In character vanilla is almost always going to be the best kind of doujin. When it matches the art style it would be the best.

Cute lips

for you

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>something like this is the plot of the Anemone movie

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It was English. I went to Funi's screening of it at AX out of morbid curiosity.

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Ah, so it was more or less the official sub as opposed to a fansub then. At the very least, that has me optimistic we'll see it very soon then.

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Human-humanoid coralian hybrids were part of the corals' plan for peaceful coexistence with humans if the Vodarac are to be believed.

You probably will, but that depends on whether someone thinks it's worthy of uploading somewhere.

Considering Hi-Evo took ages to show up because there was no fansub, I'd wager it'll be a month tops after the BD comes out here.

Did they mention that specifically? I don't remember. That makes me think though, where the fuck did the Vodarac teachings come from in the first place? It seems like some ancient sage must have entered the coral dream and returned to pass on what he learned. It's either that or an even earlier humanoid coralian than Sakuya.

I thought Mischa said that Eureka was capable of reproducing with humans.

anybody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm quite she did

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*quite sure

I don't remember it directly, but I do remember a decent amount of teasing from Sakuya that would make little sense if Eureka wasn't compatible.

Wasn't that based on her examinations of Eureka's body rather than Vodarac teachings though? Mischa was just the military doctor assigned to Eureka rather than a follower of the Vodarac.

You're right, the Vodarac made no mention of it, it was just Mischa. My apologies.

It's possible that lewding the coral would be a secret doctrine of Norb's new sect, but the old Vodarac sect treats the humanoid coralians as untouchable deities. They had monks attempting to fuse with compac drives in order to force Sakuya's flower open and try to surpass the zone again because they only saw her as a vehicle to reach a higher plane. Faceless old men trying to NTR Norb.

why no ending with ray and charles alive

You're asking for changes that might make things happier.

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them surviving is impossible as long as Eureka lives. Part of me would think Charles would mostly hesitate to carry out killing her due to Renton's influence, but Ray's own infertility and grudge would eventually drive them to their own demise. They're simply not meant to have a happy ending although apparently, they're still alive as of the end of Hi-Evo 2, so I'm really interested to see what their role is in 3

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Ao was shit.
Are new movies even worse?

read the thread, it's been explained many times

And this image makes me want to rewatch AO. Which I actually can now that some pachinkobro released an OVA that retcons AO's shitty ending, fixes the causality/continuity issues, and makes it so Dewey wasn't right. Or at least makes him less right.
dub never

I want a prequel set sometime in the 10,000 years humanity was chilling in colony ships with broken navigation systems. Perhaps have an ending with a similar feeling to that Portal comic that explains how ratman hacked the systems in order to give Chell's life support the backup generator's power.

The first half of Hi Evo 1 is a well animated HD prequel describing the first summer of love. The rest is literally a recut letterboxed SD versions of the episodes surrounding renton going aboard the swan.

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you know, in retrospect, having the sequel series focus on their goober kid was a mistake even if the "I can still use this" bit with the fucked up mech arm was great

It had some great moments, especially the OST. And the world building wasn't too bad either, though still inferior to the original. While the characters were generally of a lower quality, I quite enjoyed some of them. Gazelle was pretty neat even though he was somewhat of a discount Holland. And Truth was a surprisingly decent enemy personality-wise, though he was a bit of a macguffin OP villain. The mechanical designs were a bit shit, and the plot itself kinda petered out into oblivion, which really hammered home the "lost potential" deal. They started off with too busy of a world, and ended up cramming it into half the time they should have had. The combat was also kinda unrealistically executed.

the OST is good, although it's hard to fuck that up when you got one of the members of Supercar (Storywriter) doing a majority of the music. I think the series could've been good if they shelved the monster of the week dynamic, expanded the episode count to 50 (what the fuck were they thinking in thinking they would get this all down in 26 episodes?), and most importantly, either reworking how the Quartz Gun works or removing it altogether. Truth, as an antagonist, is ultimately pointless as is AO's friend Naru, who does just about nothing but betray him throughout the entire series. They hinted at what Truth's deal is and what his motives are, but the payoff simply wasn't there. And don't get me started on the numerous teases of the shit from the first series, that stuff was just borderline disrespectful.

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>Which I actually can now that some pachinkobro released an OVA that retcons AO's shitty ending, fixes the causality/continuity issues, and makes it so Dewey wasn't right.
You got me interested. Time to check it out.

>if they shelved the monster of the week dynamic
It had its moments, but yeah it doesn't fit with the aesthetic that you'd want an E7 sequel to have. Having mindless monsters as your only antagonist is something I hate in just about any series, but they did good by actually giving them somewhat of a personality closer to the end so they were no longer just some manifestation of an obvious enemy. Not that making the main character second-guess who his real enemy was more than once was a good move.
>either reworking how the Quartz Gun works or removing it altogether
I didn't mind the idea of the Quartz Gun, as it tied in to the time travel and quartz aspects of the series, and the aftereffects of using it once were shocking and made for good character development. Not to mention how cool that episode with all the secrets chasing the quartz was. But its subsequent use just entirely fucked up the plot, ruining the pacing and what should have been concrete characters.
>Truth, as an antagonist, is ultimately pointless as is AO's friend Naru
Truth felt like a somewhat positive addition to the otherwise bland landscape of monsters of the week, and helped stir up the coralian debate. I'm not sure how his plot should have been resolved properly though. Not that Naru should have been blindly supporting some guy who teleports about the place slaughtering randos because he can't figure out why he exists. Naru should have been a figurehead for a more peaceful pro-scub movement. I can't think of a single reason for her to get a hold of the original nirvash.
>that stuff was just borderline disrespectful
the Gekko appearing was pretty cool, but Eureka getting lost in spacetime was a bit of a shitty subplot.
it needed more refboarding tho
for the next movie I'd just rather have 2 hours of chill 4k60fps refboarding with no plot at all

Forever mad she didnt pilot Nirvash together with Ao.

oh yeah that could have been good
even though she wasn't best girl

holy shit you could land a fucking LFO on that sevenhead

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it probably would've been a bit too on the nose with the "human and coralian (this time, a coralian/human hybrid) controls ascended alien mech"

how have i never seen this image before

Reminds me a bit of that one episode of the protoculture ruin in Macross 7 where Mylene (a zentradi/human hybrid) is the required symbol of peace to open the doors of the ruin. And then they never mentioned that again.
They could have done something similar with Ao, not that it would have necessarily been a good idea, the Nirvash had already served its purpose. Or at least it had in the original world line, some clarification of Renton's new world line (i.e. after the coralians arrived in the past but before the second summer of love) would have fleshed things out more.

I think not dedicating a part of the show to Renton timehopping in concurrence with AO fucking shit up with the Quartz Gun was a bit of an oversight, although Renton finally appearing near the end was a highlight, even if it really didn't amount to much. If they were going to bring about a weapon that causes something so catastrophic, maybe going even further with its effects to the point it could effect Renton's efforts would've made things more interesting.

I wouldn't, cause they're all dead

but of course, Bones, for some reason, really liked the idea of "where IS Renton and Eureka, and how could they leave their only child alone on some shitty island?"

who could be behind this post?

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>even if it really didn't amount to much
Fuck you man. Soccer alone amounted enough.

>dude what if we reference the soccer episode so people don't get pissed we wasted 20 weeks worth of their time?

this and beck were my two favorite series in high school

and again

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I want to play soccer with Eureka too

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> Stretching Eureka from a godly 4:3 to disgusting 16:9

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