Ooooooh, there she is

Ooooooh, there she is

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - 00 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.32_[2 (1280x720, 119K)


>Implying I play

My wife Leonardo da Vinci-chan is so cute

one piece has a gacha too lol

I want to fuck that dude.

that motherfucker

If you close your eyes Shiki's talking to Mikiya

you werent supposed to point this out

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Based married seiyuu

god I hate knk

So does Da Vinci.

who let her in my husband's room?

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I prefer the improved version.


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That’s a beautiful Johnny


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fuck off takeuchi, in what fucking world is that a nose

This fucking bitch almost lost me a summon ticket.

>guest artists that these servants are designed by do a better job than Takeuchi
>takes revenge by bribing the anime studio to turn all of them into rhinos
fucking kek, nu-TM is shit


They look OK to me.

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Deen and Carnival Phantasm adapted the Takeuchi style the best

Also Da Vinci in Takeuchi style is a downgrade, but I'd like to see everyone in that style for consistency

It would be fucking stupid if they didn't have the same art style.

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Damn she looks like shit here
What the legit fuck

Takeuchi is the character artist for Babylonia, like the main one. Wouldn't HE know how to adapt his own design?

the problem isn't the fact that they use the same artstyle, the problem is that it's ufo/takeuchi's artstyle

Doesn't sound like a problem, you sound like the problem.

I mean the game

See takeuchi is the main character designer for this. credited too.

You either love or hate him. I like him, so I don't mind it.

Takeuchi is too lazy for that.

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Fate is like junk food. I know it's bad for me but it tastes so fucking good I can't help it.

I thought this was Simosi but wasn't, but they are good. Why didn't they make more CE?

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I want to marry loli da vinci.

>You either have shit taste and accepted the fact that Takeuchi is lazy and regressing in talent or you're a sensible person that can see how much of a downgrade the character designs are.

I think you could do much much worse than Fate. Now the mobage itself, that you should probably cut out of your life entirely

I love Maaya sakamoto

I love myths, waifus, and power wanking. Fate has everything bundled up in one nice little package. I don't play mobage though.

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More merch.

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Too bad the token loli is forgotten.

So is Quetz. As long as they don't drop her from the anime for retarded reasons like "she didn't fit" I can deal with it.

She has a nesoberi announced at least?

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Quetz' not yet revealed user. Once she's revealed she might get something. Unlike Ushi, Siduri, Benkei and Leonidas who got ignored so far and were announced/added to the website.

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Babylonia was more aimed at fujos than lolicons. There are other chapters that are more loli focused, but those probably won't get animated.