What the fuck why is it so good

you fucks told me it was "overrated garbage", how is it so good ?

Attached: gyro.jpg (216x350, 57K)

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Being better than other trash doesn't mean it still isn't trash, it's just slightly better trash.

it's good AND overrated

>hating jojo

If you were told it was a masterpiece, you would've come back here to make the same thread calling it "overrated garbage" instead.

i was told both

>better than part 5

part 5 is the worst

Part 5 is 2nd to part 7.

If you remove Giorno and Diavolo, then yeah, part 5 is the best.

>listening to Yea Forums

that was your first mistake

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Because we tricked you into going in with low expectations.
You're welcome user!

SBR is definitely overrated. Jojo as a whole may also be overrated but it's also really good.

Part 5 isn't even as good as 6

Everything just works. The plot is easy and simple: Win the race, the big twist is engaging and drags you back in. Johnny is like a more complex and interesting version of Jonathan, Zeppelli works perfectly as the mysterious supporting character, the random stand users are precise and smart so there`s always tension and the main villains could alone carry their own story.

That jap hit golden

Attached: same.jpg (299x168, 8K)

its the first jojo part that wasnt rushed

But Gyro was the MC and Johnny the sidekick

No dude, you see, Gyro starts MCish but that's just because Johnny had to "hunger" more for the MC spot.

what the fuck are you guys talking about, the MC was diego brando

wrong again

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It's no better than the previous parts. It's boring compared to part 5 and 6.
It has dropped plot points/character arcs, boring villain and flashbacks every 3 chapters.
Only good thing about it is the art.

remove giorno and diavolo, remove requiems and polnareff's retarded speech about how stands are midichlorians from star wars, rewrite all the bosses elite guard fights except for secco, rewrite metallica vs doppio so it doesnt end in shitty narancia fucking it up, rewrite the way narancia wins fights so its not 'i shoot boolet lmao', give trish some moments with her stand etc

>everyone needs a spotlight
Face the facts user, some people are just incredibly useful and some people are one-shot-wonders like Trish.

>boring villain

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>>everyone needs a spotlight
>insist that several characters be removed
are you being retarded on purpose user

he talked about removing two spotlight hoggers and a plot device

Gyro is the co-protag, not quite the mentor when he has the weaker mentality and follow Johnny's corpse collection to improve it

First 2 parts were good, 3rd part decent, afterwards downhill into the garbage.

No straight man can blame Valentine for wanting to tap that

I haven't read part 8 since Damo. Is it still the best part?

A lot of people here like it a lot, maybe you will too
Personally I felt that after Damo it started to kind of decline, but these last arcs have been amazing, I look forward to the climax

>user fixed part 5

No user, you see, after 30 years Jojo is finally popular, so now we must hate it and complain about the asspull even so it existed in thoses 30 years and it was part of Yea Forums old culture

Actually the MC is Shigechi

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Nigga you don’t know about self-control

post yfw

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How will Araki surpass this in JJL finale?

SBR is the only JoJo part I'd call "Great". JJL is approaching that as well.

Name a climactic confrontation between protagonist and antagonist more tense and flooring than Johnny and Funny.

Attached: Odus8Vd.jpg (1520x1200, 1.33M)

Joshu undergoes equivalent exchange with Jesus Christ

Who told you that?

Even Togashi, the greatest mangaka of Japan, says that Steel Ball Run is a masterpiece.

Dio and Hot Pants vs Valentine was even more tense, it really seemed like they had a chance

Gyro has the strongest mentality by far, he fits perfectly on the supporting role, he guides Johnny and the audience through the story and only later Araki peels his character so both characters can play on each other`s weakness.

Attached: dfs.gif (540x543, 1.26M)

It was a good fight but I'm talking emotionally striking and characterizing, and final moments outside of the Jojo canon. I haven't consumed a massive amount of Shonen/seinen myself but even with great series like Hunter x Hunter I can't point to a confrontation and resolution as powerful and overwhelming moment-for-moment.

I personally find the very next scene with Johnny wanting to believe Valantine`s lie to be the apex of the whole plot, shit maybe even from all work Araki ever did, can`t wait for it to be animated. That and THE WORLD review.

Joshu and Tooru fuck Yasuho


>tfw have to wait 5 years to see this animated and hopefully animated WELL