This nigger has the strongest stand in all of JJBA, debate me

this nigger has the strongest stand in all of JJBA, debate me.
he can literally predict the future and knows the best path ahead of time

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He gets cucked by KINGU KURIMSON and GER?

His stand has no ability.

Definitely the most useful one

so just put him in a situation where there is no best path ahead. fuck with his faggy prediction 4d shit with 5d bigger bullshit.

Hey Ya just has high IQ to make use of Pococolo's dumb luck

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he doesn't event need to know how GER works, his stand just tells him what to do, and GER can't hit him.
KC can clearly see the future but he doesn't know which path is the best for himself. KC has to rely on his powers to overcome obstacle. pocoloco knows how to get the win every time.

>GER just sets him in an infinite loop with no future
>KC deletes his favourable future, walks behind him, donuts

wow, i think i missed that. guess the stand is not invincible after all.

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Hey Ya! at that moment showed that other people can also "make their own luck" and defy it's predictions. It's still a good stand to have but I wouldn't bring it to a fight because any number of things could happen that are beyond it's visions.

I think the point is that Pocoloco is just really good

There's implied precognition

Hey Ya! USED to be the strongest stand
Araki has said it's ability is actually nothing. He just cheers Pocoloco on; canonically Pocoloco was just genuinely lucky during the race and everything Hey Ya! told him to do would've happened anyway, but with Hey Ya! Pocoloco felt better about it

Hey Ya! as displayed would probably be almost worthless in a fight, it's strength is that it could almost certainly avoid any direct flight.
Which is silly, having a powerful supernatural ability, to do nothing but make you feel a bit better about another supernatural ability you have, is really silly.

Its advice was also outsmarted by Gyro in the first stage race, Stephen being suspicious of Gyro and disqualify him is pretty much just Pocoloco's luck
And character having supernatural luck unrelated to stand isn't exactly new

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Different guy, I don't mind Araki saying pocoloco was just crazy lucky, that was basically his introduction talking about how he's hit his lowest point and Enya told him he'd hit the luck motherload shortly after that.

Hey Ya however does demonstrate in the series the ability to know stuff that isn't just lucky, including approaching weather patterns and stuff outside of Poco Loco's own knowledge. Not saying Araki is a liar but his own story shows it at least can know stuff it's user couldn't know while still cheering him on. Now Poco getting first place by default is definitely pure luck and I'd argue even fate if you take a macro look at things.

>debate me.
how can I debate you when you're right?

He doesn't actually have precognition. He's just incredibly lucky on his own. His stand is just a glorified cheerleader.

>Araki mentions that a character is ''lucky'' in some sense
>They are now hyaku% guaranteed to be completely invincible for the duration of the story
How does he keep getting away with it?

He'd get lucky. The arrow would fall off of GER and it'd revert to GE and King Crimson would just miss.

its basically the same thing. him having the stand is luck as well.
it's absurdly improbable that he'd win, but he did it.
Truly the winner of JoJo Part Seven: Steel Ball Run

It is silly, and I mean you almost have to question if it's really a stand or if it was kinda just Pocoloco's inner monologue

Stands in part 7 are a bit of a departure from how they're portrayed in the rest of the series, and personally I think it keeps things fresh.

Wrong, short term it might look like a loss. But the long term he won? Everything fell with in the simulations.

Well stands are extension of souls, Hey Ya being a manifestation of Pocoloco's monologues is still in line

There are situations that you can't avoid with luck, like being in the middle of a nuclear bombing, or being in King Crimson's range and have him foresee your death. Of course, if he's lucky he would never be in a place that will be bombed, and Diavolo would not even meet him. Probably he wouldn't even pick a fight with Diavolo if he can't win, because his luck would prevent him to make a decision with a bad result.

yeah, i think luck would make him miss a flight headed towards danger, or, like, be one of the guys that couldn't get a ticket to the titanic and so on.
If his luck truly can't run out, getting killed like that just goes out the window

Knowing Araki, if he's really cornered maybe his stand would evolve into a proper punch ghost.

More than once, Hey Ya told him to do things that made no sense but ended helping him. He wouldn't have done them without Hey Ya, so the stand at least has meta knowledge of how his luck can play out.