He killed trillions.......................
He killed trillions
What an edgelord.
In order to acquire his own freedom, so it's justified.
According to who? You and your clearly fucked moral compass?
So if I kill you now and claim "it was for my freedom", am I justified?
Remember the 6 trillion goyim
>claims self defense is justified
> muh if i rape a baby and claim self defense is that justifies???????
Absolute brainlet. Theres a difference between claiming something and it actually being true. Self defensw is justified but simply claiming self defense doesnt make it truly self defense you absolute speed reader.
Reminder that Edgerenfags will excuse whatever he does because they can self insert as the badass avenger with legions of followers. It's a power fantasy at long last
I bet he lives in a society.
>attempt to genocide an entire ethnic group
>wtf why are they fighting back, that's evil
>Genociding innocent people is self defence now
Now I get why /pol/niggers love this series so much. Disgusting.
>entire world declares war on nation
>nation fights back using superweapon
>wtf why are they so evil
Reminder that he didn't want to do any of it. He's a victim of circumstance.
>noooo white people have to sit back and die if they fight back they are being evil
Stfu hypocrite. Eren didnt start this war. He is going to finish it though
t. Cuck
Very original post, but boy do I have a site for you, it starts with r and ends with t.
Neither did the people of the rest of the world when fucking Eldians massacred and subjugated them with the power of titans. Eldians were a mistake, spawned from the devil when everyone else was lovingly moulded by the hand of god. They were the original sin. This shall free the world. This is god's will. The false light of Eldians must be extinguished from existence forevermore.
...To save his best friends, his sister, and his wife and unborn kid
>you deserve to be sterilized and your race made extinct because your ancestors did bad things
How can anyone believe this and still consider themselves a "good" person?
>Muh holocaust
Irrelevant. No one involved in that is alive today. Its not self defense to punish the descendants of people who supposedly hurt your ancestors. Thats called ethnic resentment and its extemely gay.
Eren will rumble the faggots amd theres literally nothing you can do about it.
t. teenager
t. Tranny
I think your confused cuck thats a redditor who watches cuck porn. Hes not edgy at all
Yeah, okay edgewipe.
Im edgy and proud
The logic of a mass murderer.
How is it awful to not make children?
How is it awful to strerilize people who carries genes of proven bad ancestors? (not talking about eldians specifically)
How is it supremely good to put his ethnic group above everything while it has no more intrinsic value that any other forms of life?
I don't know exactly what you are referring to, but it is not about goodness, it is something else.
its about protecting yourself from strangers who wants to abuse your fate for their own gain.
Edgerenfags are manchildren after all.
The moment someone values his survival in itself, self defense and spontaneous agression becomes one and the same, selfish agression becomes genuine defense.
So Eren from the future, told Eren of the present, to tell his own father to create him in the past so that in the future he can exist to then start this whole chain of events. This shit went down hill faster than Bleach after Aizen. The only correct way to end this is with a JoJo reference and Aizen sitting bound to his chair inside the beam of light.
his plan is stupid. he wants to kill 99% of all innocent people so 1% can survive
there's no reason why the lives of those on paradis are worth more than those on the mainland, his issue is with the leaders who perpetuate the hatred rather than the masses of random people he will kill
time's a flat circle
So like, I could justify it when he was fighting the entire world who was oppressing the people on the walls, but after the new revelation, doesn't that mean he has a hand on all the bad shit that led to their race being led to the walls in the first place?
>Neither did the people of the rest of the world when fucking Eldians massacred and subjugated them with the power of titans.
There's no proof this actually happened, though. Like Kruger said, if the Eldians had been systematically exterminating other ethnic groups for hundreds of years, there wouldn't be a non-Eldian left.
Silly user, historia isnt erens sister
We don't know what he wants yet
No? we've only seem him talking to Grisha and probably Kruger
because he was born into this world
At most he can influence (not control) the other Attack Titans. He's not omnipotent.
t. America
Way to simply it buddy.
They didn’t though, Eren went against everyone’s wishes.
>He can manipulate all past SnK shifters by sharing his memories
>He can peak through the future of all SnK shifters from their memories
How can anyone compete against CHADren?
Freedom tho
To save one womanlet.
There aren't even a trillion people dumbass.
But at least he made Historia happy
nothing says happiness like being unwillingly creampied by some farmer boy so that the royal bloodline is not lost.
But Eren is the father and she’s depressed because Eren told her he will die
>getting THIS made of Eren’s JIYUU
>gets in to a secret relationship with and impregnates the queen
>belly flops on to a crowd of dignitaries from around the world
>dabs on Reiner again in his own hometown
>starts a civil war literally under his name
>manipulates his friends and cuck half-brother in order to literally genocide the world outside his island
>doesn't care if he dies, as long as his lover and child are free from the global Eldian ethnic conflict
Most of you faggots wish you were as based as Chadren YeaGAR
Imagine prefering Suicide over having to kill to live.
But he did do it, and now he's going to keep doing it.
Someone has to.
Anons, he's obviously going to have a childhood flashback and his personality will do a complete 180. It's so predictable at this point...
Now I really want him to be the father of Historia's child but at the same time impregnate Mikasa before he dies
...to save his true love, Queen Historia Reiss, and his unborn child
Personally if humanity would be against me, dead for dead, so much carried humanity with me if I could
You take away his happiness, his hope of life, his freedom, you oppress are people, his native land for resources ... to bring down the world if he must fall too, I understand ... humanity has wanted the war and well humanity got it, they had not to look for that
And welcome to the real world where when in a very critical situation there is no more things as moral and laws
Personally if humanity would be against me, dead for dead, so much carried humanity with me if I could
You take away his happiness, his hope of life, his freedom, you oppress hid peoples, his native land for resources ... to bring down the world if he must fall too, I understand ... humanity has wanted the war and well humanity got it, they had not to look for that
And welcome to the real world where when in a very critical situation there is no more things as moral and laws
>Group A is trying to kill group B
>Group B kills Group A in order to prevent that
Why is this so hard to understand?
Mikasa lost the bowl a long time ago and still in denial. She's queen cuck.
What about all the innocent people who are not even aware of this conflict? How is some random kid in the middle of nowhere who doesn't even know what an "eldian" is deserving of being stomped by a titan? Its okay to kill literally everyone just because some of those people hate your kind? This is some unironic schoolshootier-tiershit.
Accurate pic since the SnK fanbase is now as cancerous as Dragon Ball.
To save quadrillions.
The reductive reasoning of tribalist faggots in a single post
What a bad written Uchiha Clan?
I would personally kill every one who posts in /snk/ if it meant I could free Yea Forums from you, so I kind of relate to Eren
Meant to end with a full stop.
>literally declare war on a country
>they fight back with superweapons
>wtf man that's unfair, wtf did we ever do to you
Let me guess, you think the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima weren't 100% justified.
>tribalism is bad you should just let your entire race be sterilized because of some utilitarian calculus
>He will kill trillions
Don't judge him for a crime he hasn't committed, yet.
This is probably the dumbest post I've ever read. Do you know how fucking huge ancient empires like Principate Rome or Han China were? Do you really think all the people who died in the horrible civil wars that wracked both empires during the 3rd century knew exactly which warlord was doing what at what time and why, or why so many fucking barbarians were pouring over the borders?
Being ignorant isn't an excuse for anything because the kid in the middle of nowhere becomes an adult and then he has the choice to join team A or team B because sometimes "being left alone" isn't a fucking option and all you're doing is being a baby and crying about how unfair it is while Warlord Mgumbo has his shotgun leveled at your head demanding you suck his dick.
Sometimes you don't have a choice, sometimes it isn't fair, sometimes the bombs will drop out of the sky and fuck up your peaceful neighborhood merely because your leaders in some distant city declared war on other leaders in a more distant city and you pay the price.
The world isn't fair and no amount of hypotheticals or philosophical moralizing will get around it, that's the essence of it.
Cool it with the anti semitism
>or why so many fucking barbarians were pouring over the borders
Because Roman fucked them over one to many times and they wanted to show Rome (western) who's boss now.
>complains about /pol/
>posts about how certain people with certain genes are known from history to be better off sterilized for the greater good
Haha holy fuck
Brennus shot first, Roman aggression against tribal nations of Northern Europe was merely in self-defense much like the Han Chinese conquest of the Xiongnu was to prevent them from invading China.
All jews are racial supremacists. They hate /pol/ because it represents their victims fighting back.
>fighting back
Yes we all know how all Roman expansion was because of self-defense. After all they can't attack you if you conquer them first, truly a thinking of self defense. That's how you conquer the entire Mediterranean, by acting in self defense.
Also Rome started that conflict, when one of your ambassadors who is supposed to be neutral kills a chieftain and you refuse to had the ambassador over you have nobody to blame but yourself when a war starts.
He will never touch your self-insert landwhale.
Just because things were this way does not mean we should not change them.
Faggots like you take the easy way out and rationalize their ideology with "it's always been like this", "muh human nature means feudal warlords", and instead of trying to change things to the better you're content with fetishizing war and bombs, even though you've never experienced it and would probably die first if it came down to it.
I'm glad this series will probably end on a "war and tribalism is bad" kind of moralfaggotry just to make people like you seethe since you seem to take it for an endorsement of your backwards ideology
Literally did nothing wrong. I'd also kill gorillions if people turned my girlfriend into a baby making machine just to have royal offspring. Fuck Eldia and Marley
kill yourself, save the earth
make room for more africans
What should the Eldians have done then? Should they have waited for the whole world to attack and just die like Karl Fritz intended?
>Defending yourself from people who hate you because of your race
>backwards ideology
This is either bait or your brain has rotted away
Around half a million purple hearts were created in anticipation of the Allied invasion of Japan, America expected a large portion of her male population to die, war is an evil thing but sometimes sacrifices must be made.
>people then
>"Sacrificing yourself to save others is a noble and heroic death."
>people today
>"It's justified letting millions die just so you alone can live."
What changed?
Reminder that the entire world wants to kill them.
Their people are kept in concentration camps where they are brutalized, this has been going on for a hundred years.
I get what the page is saying but a part of me wonders if Marley will really go through with killing all the eldian. Seeing how that would be a waste of manpower
>Just because things were this way does not mean we should not change them
What is the LoN after WWI?
What is the UN after WWII?
You forget, there are eldians being kept in concentration camps across the world. Actually the ones in Marley are some of the best treated (and they are still depicted being killed, and abused, and indoctrinated to hate themselves).
Eldians are used as cannon fodder, sometimes they are sent to clear out minefields by walking over them.
I'm aware, but again killing such a large population would just be a waste of manpower and could be more hurtful then helpful seeing how you're losing arms that can build the infrastructure or wield a gun.
This site certainly not for you, nupest
marley behind this post
what? are you a stupid jew? his post had nothing to do with fucking jews, schlomo
So poltards are jew-like, since they are racial supremacists who don't want their victims fighting back?
Your lack of logic makes me happy
it's more like, they want to start fighting back
Switching from muh titans to muh enemy humans is literally the reason why anons started liking him
He would be right to unleash the wall titans and kill everyone not on paradise
i'd do the same thing
then me and my people would have the entire fucking planet
>you like a character i don't like?
>must be a self inserter
He is just doing what has to be done
a true hero
>it would be a waste of manpower
Just like killing the Jews and Slavs was for the Third Reich?
But all those people still died, and were fated to die, because of the racial ideology that put them lower than the “herrenvolk”, the germans.
Eldians are already the lowest of the low, and all the rhetoric points to them being genocided in the near future.
It’s only a matter of time before they’re All dead
Not so fast faggot.
>people then
>"exterminating the enemy is the only way to protect our land, family, and heritage, kill and burn them all"
>shitload of warcrimes ensue
>people now
"uhh, maybe warcrimes are kinda bad and we should stop doing them"
I doubt you could even imagine the glory and the power of the Eldian empire. They had buildings beyond imagination and their health was perfect. There was no need for healthcare and there was no sadness or hunger. They were perfect, protected by the godlike power of the founding titan and they raised structures that even with today's technology would be nigh impossible to create. But Karl the cuck had to ruin paradise and let the subhuman take control of the earth and look what their reign has brought. They use oil in order to fuel their pathetic machinery and wage war in order to attain more fuel which in turn destroys the environment even more while the founder could create from nothing better minerals that don't pollute the environment. The non-eldians are creatures full of disease, weakness and ugliness that do nothing but destroy. Why? Because that is the only thing they can. They can't create like Eldians. The only way to save the world is to eradicate all non-eldians.
So have I.
And how do you know all this is true?
Eren can not send memories to the past speed readers.
Whether or not any of this is true is completely irrelevant retards. You dont judge people based on the actions of their ancestors. Period.
To save a blonde gnome
to save millions.
>That island
>Fucked up his own island anyways because muh kween
More like a few hundreds being generous
Self defense is not just a right but also a moral responsibility of the strong.
>How is it awful to not make children?
It's literally worse than death, the first and general purpose of life as it is, is to self replicate, if you can't do that, you are not living, you are just not dying
they could also defend themselves with the 50 year plan without having to destroy the world
Paradise has about 1 million people on it
this is quite possibly the most based post I've read this year
No they couldnt. Ignoring the complications that arise from the situation self defense includes defending your freedom. Becoming castrated walking corpses isnt defending anything its meekly accepting your demise.
Kiyomi's 50 years plan doesn't include castration, that's zeke's
Her plan would not secure anything. Its a hope tyat relies on the good will of ppl trying to kill you
Post your face when you realized he's the devil that Ymir made a pact with
The amount of reddits in this thread that don't understand nationhood or the nature of conflict is too damn high
Go back.
well the entire world shouldn't have just decided his race was evil and that they want them genocided
Grisha changed after he entered the walls. If anything this is Floch/Eren.
To protect a race of devils and a blonde THOT
>why yes, i do believe annihilating 80% of known population is the good way to go. how could you tell?
Fucking based. Hail Eldia
In order for my random child in the middle of nowhere to not be genocided, their random child in the middle of nowhere will be.
They brought it upon their own