>Yea Forums hates shounen
>Yea Forums likes mizukami's
Duality of man.
Yea Forums hates shounen
Other urls found in this thread:
Biscuit Hammer is garbage
Biscuit Hammer is amazing
Biscuit Hammer is so-so
Biscuit Hammer is a song youtube.com
Just a reminder that "duality of man" is on of the latest normalfag memes right now.
Do with this info what you want.
This was a pretty shit series, the powers felt underwhelming, the artstyle/designs were pretty mediocre, and last of all the MC was shit
Biscuit hammer is average
Spirit Circle is the goa
I will adjust my posting habits accordingly. Thank you for keeping track of normalfag memes so we don't have to.
Spirit Circle> Sengoku Youko> Biscuit Hammer
he's one of the biggest memes and forced hype mangaka though
people have no taste in manga
>Duality of man.
There are no men here, we're all little girls on Yea Forums.
Literally serialized in a seinen magazine, you dumbfuck.
HxH is a seinen serialized in a shounen magazine, this means nothing
>Yea Forums is one person
The faggotry of OP.
Based retard
I dropped Biscuit Hammer before. Been thinking about picking it back up.
The MC getting kinda yandere weirded me out before.
Just completed my annual re-read. How can one manga be so completely perfect?
Yea Forums tricked me to read this shit
I love all three, but you've got the right of it user.
feel free to enlighten us to your superior taste.
It's seinen though
It means its not what OP says it is.
Action-adventures are great if they have an ending in mind and consider the development of a character along the plot's path. Biscuit Hammer is a happy medium between something egregiously long-winded like Naruto/Bleach/etc and something like an 80s Hollywood, explosion-riddled action blockbuster.
> Sengoku Youko
Is it that good?
I feel like the unusual settings are Mizukami's strength and i'm not sure if that's the case with that one.
Yeah, thats what I thought
>I'm gonna' destroy the world >:3
>I'll follow you, my queen. >:)
It's nice to know that someone else read that. I was going to start biscuit hammer just because it was from the same author.
In a lot of ways, it's like two Mizukami stories back-to-back, but with the same cast, so it's extra juicy toward the end.
Never ending harem battle shounen are shit, though. Mizukami has the brains to actually have a proper scope for his stories and ends them in a reasonable time. And it was also in a seinen publication
I love this board
It's more Mizukami but with probably the largest ammount of 'shounen' squeezed into it. It's kinda like Sanjin Sadou Shippuden (but actually better instead of worse).
Mizukami's MC's need to start weird and edgy so they can grow up. If that's your beef then read it, it gets better.
This right here is the right taste.
The average Yea Forums poster is the epitome of human trash
I just read Spirit Circle the other day and I was a little underwhelmed. For some reason it didn't hit as hard as I was hoping. Which other of this mangaka's work is worth reading?
If that is all you read from him, then Samidare is a must read. I might like it more because I read it before Spirit Circle, but I think all the side characters really help carry it.
biscuit hammer is way better and eh sengoku youko goes full retard after like chapter 30
Biscuit Hammer is literally the greatest manga of all time.
Biscuit Hammer > Sengoku Youko > Spirit Circle
Fight me
It starts slow and a bit long-winded, but the latter half is worth it. Has some great fights and spectacles
Hoshi no samidare if you want more edgyness and a diverse recurring cast than spirit circle
Sengoku Youko if you want more action, a longer story, japanese folkloric setting, over-the-top shit.
Sanjin Sadou if you want a feelgood love story with two awkward people that aren't mentally 12 (also yokais and action)
Sengoku Youko was extremely comfy.
i really loved pic related
such a simple thing, the weakes demond is the breavest one, it even sound childish
but it actually hit me hard, i really really liked it
posting some pages because why not?
>Yea Forums hates shounen
Says who? Yea Forums is a legit shonen board
I hate using the word kino but thats what this fight was
Also, when that dog barks and Senya gets all jittery because "a dog's bark ha the power to ward off evil".
also when they are in the spirit world and one of the demonds just go
"i got it"
"the clouds beats the sun"
banchou was pretty cool
last one
I know that its practically cliche at this point but I really love that Mizukami's main characters would be villains in any other series.
Spirit Circle's end was far worse than Biscuit Hammer's, though.
is he /ourguy/ Yea Forums?
Shinsuke being Uber-OP in the spirit world was gold
He gives a different depth to the manga. Are there any other good manga where they hand out obscenely powerful NG+ secret bosses like that, not really relevant to the main plot? Kekkaishi kinda comes to mind but not really.
Snake girl shouldn't have ended up with fatfuck.
Who do I have to commission to get a Anima daki made?
i loved how he appeards out of pretty much nowhere, clean all the demons in the area, bacmes this overpowered out of anyone league thing and just ignore the incredible strongh dragon because he is too busy watching the old rivals having their last fight
Fat man was based as fuck tho
Because Gainax has the rights to lots of 'the pillows' songs on TV anime, which means Hoshi no Samidare would have to be animated by it but it won't because the manga is already over so there's nothing more to market with a newer anime, and Gainax is only interested in milkable content.
classic CLAMP
>need to start weird and edgy so they can grow up
Have you ever met a child abuse victim? the depiction is pretty spot on. Except he maybe ends up a little too well balanced, especially for his age.
Met? nigga I lived it. 4 siblings and I'm probably the least fucked-up, and that means a lot considering I've been here for over 10 years.
Does gainax even do anything anymore?
They're doing some leiji matsumoto shit, which is higly milkable.
Because Yea Forums knows its actually seinen
last I heard they grow tomatoes or someshit
Biscuit Hammer is good but is not the shounest of Mizukami's works.
SY's shift with Jinka and Senya is pretty cool, especially with Shinsuke in the middle receiving development throughout
>he didn't post "I'm here to save you"
Sengoku Youko is his only shounen manga, retard.
Everything else was published in seinen magazines.