I can stand the hiatuses, I can stand Miura's lolitrash, I can stan his new artstyle, but this cunt, this obnoxious bitch is fucking insufferable AAAAH!!!
I can stand the hiatuses, I can stand Miura's lolitrash, I can stan his new artstyle, but this cunt...
Fuck off boobshit, loli is the only redeeming factor of Berserk.
She's tolerable though, her interactions with Schierke were cute. All of the complaints preceding that make me want to deep throat Miura with a chainsaw though especially the hiatuses.
But can you deal with NEW MANGA?
The one I can't really tolerate is Isidro. Totally unnecesary and redundant character. We already have Puck to deliver the stupid humor and tone down the grim atmosphere of Berserk. Plus, I totally dislike how Miura dropped the interaction Puck had with Guts to make it Isidro-Puck.While the interaction of Guts with Puck was somewaht rich because of the total contrast between their personalities, the one between Isidro and Puck is clear that is only a way for Miura to deliver retarded, cheap humour.
Would receive it with great joy if in the future Mira decides to return the series to a somewhat grimdark setting by killing Isidro and/or other members of the party. Casca would be another prime candidate, I hated it when the main plot became >let's unretard Caska so that she can once again cuckolds Guts with Griffith
Isibro is chill, his only flaw is that he cant keep his mouth shut, is cute when interacting with Schierke and most of all he triggers Casca's PTSD now
Why does she turn into a blob? Does she have the same powers as Puck?
>Isibro is chill
His naruto-like character type belongs more to a shounen series, not a seinen which Berserks supposedly is.
we still have to know his backstory
God I hate this blobby shit. When was the last time Puck looked normal?
I wish i could go back in time and slap Miura and tell him if he implements Isidro or chestnut puck I'll snap all his idolmaster discs
She's supposed to be intolerable; her character represents the followers of Griffith, the arrogant, jaded and close minded people that never want to think for themselves nor deal with their own problems, and instead lazily rely on others to control their fate (These are the antichrist followers: pagans, false idol worshippers, and hedonists. Think like the pro-human instrumentalist People from Evangelion).
But Guts is building a team, and he needs the spunky go getter
cant wait to see her fucking sliced in half
sonyadeserves death
Berserk has no real plot, it’s just an excuse for Miura to draw effed up stuff.
>antichrist followers
>literally the entire papacy
How is Miura so based?
all female characters in berserk are all pieces of shit. Roderick is the only good character to come from this series besides guts and griffith. He's such a chad.
this hurts me physically
he'll then just go right back to Mario Kart
How long until Miura includes Jojo references in Berserk?
Is Chestnut Puck going to defeat Griffith?