Boku no Hero Academia

>Sometimes the greatest triumphs are born from the greatest tragedies.

We are one month away from season 4 and a few months from a new film. How great is it knowing that such a great action series is doing so perfectly? Are you excited?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Memes aside I think the Yakuza Arc is actually pretty great - and while it has its flaws a lot of them could feasibly be fixed by an anime adaptation. If Bones keeps up the quality work for this season I have no doubt this'll be something great for both manga readers and anime-only fans.

i found it enjoyable
i think it's disliked because it was quite long

>Superman reference
What's the point?

Make or break for BONES, if they get good cash out of this season season 5 will start off crazy

Allmight is superman.

i'll be amazed if they can make the de-powered mirio vs overhaul fight legit

This garbage anime is so boring.

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>disliked because it was quite long
I often get this impression too, and this is part of why I think the anime could bring people around. Hyping up fights and distributing pacing to fit the anime style would probably keep people's interest better. I enjoyed it as it was but I think it could definitely be improved upon.

I haven't been excited since the OFA vs AFO arc. The lack of character development is painful

Too bad season 5 will start with a bang (Endeavor vs High End) but followed shortly by a training arc.

I think this will be one of the better episodes and people will be surprised at what Bones does with it. There's a lot of room for interpretation and expansion.

Cope hunter faggot. MHA never needed a reboot or hiatus.

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Not a hunter fag, just someone who finds "quirks" to be the laziest power system ever invented for a shounen.

Is this supposed to be sad? AM is dead and only toshinori yagi is here, even if he died the impact for basically most people besides his close ones is gone

Because it's inspired by Mutants and most comic book universes

That's because it's not a system, it's an occurrence - a justification for powers to exist. The powers applied are all systems unto themselves rather than facets of a universal system. This method has flaws and strengths, but it's not lazy.

Is he the cutest MC?

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No, but he's the blandest and most boring out there

dear god no

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the ~8 episodes of JT we get between High End and MVA is going to suck

But Pro Hero is the ending of season 4

no it isn't

Says who?

Who would be the bnha equivalent of Doomsday?

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logic and math. Every episode of the anime covers approximately 2 chapters, there are 58 chapters from where the anime stopped to the end of the culture festival, 58/2=29, meaning just yakuza, remedial exams and Gentle is enough to fill up the 4th season

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uhh, Gon isn't the MC anymore sweetie

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You asked if Deku is the cutest MC, Gon is cuter than him.

Hey, i'm that one drawfag
Yesterday i said i was going to do some geten stuff, so i did
This is the first one, it's just a simple thing i did just 'cause
i'll post two low effort shitposts after

Attached: No country for Cold men.jpg (5000x5000, 2.73M)

You are ignoring the fact that the Yakuza had multiple chapters being mostly fights and low page numbers, you can easily make space for Pro Hero if they want to

>You asked if Deku is the cutest MC, Gon is cuter than him.
>the MC anymore

This is just a polished turd


Second thing for that one user that wanted Geten and Cirno to freeze frogs togheter
sorry if it's too low quality
btw call me a newfag but i didn't know who cirno was, so i had to look it up

i wish i did more Geten stuff to make more ice puns

Attached: ICE to meet you.jpg (1312x721, 355K)

Attached: fuck_off_back.png (683x577, 69K)

Still doesn't discount that he's cuter than Deku. Keep trying to weasel away

even then, the chapters I mentioned work out to MORE than the length of a season if you adapted them at a pure 2:1 rate, even if you assume that they'll pare down in production, it'll still end up being about 24 episodes, not 20

finally i did this
this is for you, pissfag
i'm not too into nsfw, sorry if i disappointed you

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DC and Marvel do the same shit retard. Other action anime too.

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I like them!

>Still doesn't discount that he's cuter than Deku
Except we're discussing MCs here, user. What you presented was a character that has lost that position some time ago.

>inb4 it's shit and you should draw for different thread because then it won't be shit

If I wasn't so sure that you made an ironic post, I'd recommend you to buy a thesaurus.

It is objectively shit though

Are you really gonna pretend that Gon doesn't exist just because you don't want any cute competition against Deku?

>13 OH
>2 Remedial course
>6 CF
>4 Pro hero


Attached: objectivity.jpg (480x748, 60K)

Go to and ask

this is why you faggots can never have nice things

but Deku is cuter than Kurapika, the MC of Hunter x Hunter

>nice thing

>shitty paintfag will never stop coping and seething that other people are better than him

don't blame others for your terrible drawings, they're pretty bad


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All I can think is Sans Undertale

>Post random drawings because people seem to like them
>immediatly degenerates

Just to address it, i'm not pretending like i'm good or anything, this is for fun, and some people seem to like them, which is why i post them
Also, by the way, these
aren't me
i still refuse to trip myself though

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Wait All Might died?

i swear to god it wasn't intentional

>insecure dekufujos act like this when a cuter character just so happens to be cuter than deku

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Would you like to see Deku fight the USJ Nomu?

user I know the series has been on hiatus for a long time but you do remember that Gon hasn't even appeared since the end of the last arc, right?

holy shit
are you actually fucking posting a drawing you didn't do on another board just to validate your opinion
dude, you are allowed to dislike the thing, i myself know it's not anything special, hell it might even be objectively bad, why the hell do you care so much?

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>bringing in western products when never mentioned
Also DC and Marvel invented and popularized the hero genre dumbass unilateral entertainment consumer

I think Gon acts much cuter than Deku but Deku has the cuter design.

pretty cool

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Regardless of your wrong opinion thanks for still posting a cute deku, gonfag

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You realize MHA is inspired by the west right dipshit?

Don't worry yourself, it's obvious when it's the usual few.

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>when talking about the quality of product.
>product = inspiration
The English language is not a strong suit of yours, huh Paco?

Fuck off hunterfag.

And it's been 50 chapters since that arc? It's Kurapika's time to shine if the hunter guy decides to carry on with the manga.
Because I'm a dekufujo you dingdong but I can't deny that Gon is a cute

Based and Miriopilled

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It's not technically a delivery, but it IS funny and enjoyable, good job user.
I'll try not to get any more trips

Thank you.

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>hunter fag
cucked & SAD pilled. The only men big enough to blow out spics like you are CHADS.

Attached: come chadren.jpg (735x987, 65K)

>Not a hunterfag
>Not a Snkfag
>A rare superfag drops by instead

>Mirio gets to fuck THIS

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I think JT and MVA should be mixed together, to break each other up. A cour is too long to have an anime with no appearances from the protags, and JT is just a slog that needs re-pacing.

Please study anatomy and foreshortening some more
otherwise not too bad

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Shiggy handsome

Attached: shiggy handsome.png (189x281, 31K)

thank you for the advice
I just draw as a hobby, but i appreciate the feedback anyways
i'm sure i'll continue to improve

>I draw as a hobby
It shows

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Hey user, I was looking at the /ic/ thread the shitposter made and I actually saw one decent post in the mix that might be helpful if you want the advice without looking through the various /ic/ spam

She needs fingernails. Otherwise nice.

I really like the background ice dragon, i think you did a good job, but it doesnt really reflect lighting like ice, but otherwise it look really good
The face is is too simply shaped, looks like a shitty modern western cartoon style but otherwise it doesnt look bad for what it is. Though the Sans thing is just cheesy, really depends of preference and intent when it come to that though.
The hand on the ice doesnt look like its going forward, it looks like its getting literally fatter, a man could pass with that fat of a hand but not a woman. If you intended the ice gauntlet hand to be facing backwards than it doesnt look like it. Generally that pose is fucking everywhere so you have to be more clear with it.
Also what the fucking is with the leg? Is it going over a shard of ice and part of the thigh is blocked? Its hard to tell and it first glance it looks like it just thins out weirdly.
The whole thing is pretty clean colour and line wise though, which is good but you lack some more basic elements of drawing.
I wholeheartedly encourage you.

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That's actually a pretty good idea. Of course we'll have to wait a year at minimum to see if they go for it.

>drawing isn't objectively shit
>turns out to be objectively shit

Drawfags unintentionally derail threads and encourage shitposting

No, its shitposter trying to derail everything.
Nothing wrong with talking about OC.

yeah, if the drawfag didn't post then the shitposters wouldn't shit up the thread seething about something else, right? Retard

Fuck off highschoolers

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thank you for the useful advices
i am aware that my main problem is anatomy and perspective, but honestly looking at older works of mine i think i am slowly starting to get it
In terms of intent, i was disappointed with the frontal hand while i was drawing it, i know it's not good, i still have problems with hands
The ice gauntlet is supposed to look like it's being lifted, not backwards, but yeah, not great either
the leg... honestly i don't know
i wanted to make her rest the right knee and have the other leg bent, but it didn't look quite right. I don't know where i was going with it, but the direction i finally took was to make it seem like she was climbing the ice
The face i'm not sure what to say... i mean, most of it's covered. maybe it came out wrong as i was lining it
and the eye is just some corny shit i put in last second because the 12 yo in me tought it looked good
i swear to god i didn't realize it looked like fucking sans

Nice job, user.
Not pissfag, but your work is appreciated.

I know this is meant to be a joke but could future drawfags please take note of the first panel and use that or similar expressions in more waifu drawings?

i think it's really good user! if you keep practicing you will only get better

>if your enemies kill you, you win

Is it okay if I draw a kirishima making that face while he's getting pounded by bakugo? Would you guys appreciate it?

Please do, we appreciate OC here


I wouldn't appreciate it, but if you're going to draw fag and fujoshit you could at least try to uplift the medium with some genuine subtle eroticism instead of a billion ahegao samefaces.

But that's just my opinion, maybe I'm just a cryptopissfag and didn't know it until now, because that expression stirs me.

only if at least one of them is dressed as a girl

though i find hilarious he would go through the trouble to make an entire thread to ahve people prove the drawing is shit, i actually appreciate the fact that it had people give me actual useful advice
I'm sorry if the thread derailed because of my post, i'll make sure not to post try-hardy shit in the future and focus on shitpost instead, so threads don't become art critique threads instead
last thing i want to do is clog up threads

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No, you appreciate every single piece of OC or nothing.

The two of them dressed as a girls. Or pissing each other while dressed as a girls and flying thanks to Bakugou's quirk.

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i would like it either way but i just like it when boys dress like girls
yes. that sounds hot

Drawfag here again but this time I drew shoto

Rate pls

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Speaking of giga edits, is it true that gigafag got banner or some shit?

way better than this fag

i like it user, your shouto is cute

No, please post more, it's a break from the usual shitposting.
Besides, where but Yea Forums can I find new ways to get depressed about things I never would have thought of on my own such as the indisputable fact that
>I will never have an ambitious, principled unschooled illiterate zealot waifu with magic genetic cryokinesis powers unnecessarily float ice cubes from the freezer into a highball glass to then pee on them for my amusement while making a shy and insecure face
Like where else would you read that sentence, let alone feel a little unique pain in your chest from the context surrounding it?

They're the same dumby.

Come on man, if you want us to play along with today's autism you have to be a little subtle at least, keep up the charade.

No way, the first one got nothing on the second one

I hope we can see a little of Hawks in the new season before he dies in the manga.

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It's fucking garbage GTFO attention whore

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Cringe and you'll never have a gf anyways

It's the same artist..


yeah I can see it...


This is the opposite of being more subtle.

more like fatto haha

i laughed desu
by the way, i know this is supposed to take the piss, but the artist of this actually does draw hands better than i do, so your point isn't actually moot

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Yeah, and pretty much everything better than you

At least drawfag didn't masturbate a thread personality like this fuckhead

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i wouldn't say everything, but it's solid
i could certainly learn something from the composition
though some features are wonky, but who am i to critique others

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both of you are really good artists!

>i'll make sure not to post try-hardy
No fuck those guy.
There is absolutely no reason why you should not challenge yourself.
You'll only never improve if you don't actually try hard.
People who talk shit about being a try hard are fucking retarded and will almost never amount to anything with that mentality.
Just know that if you post something online that people will talk shit about it.
You just need to learn to ignore the fags that just want to shitpost and take actual substantiated critique in mind for your next drawing.

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as the guy who invented the "togaschizo fucks dogs" meme, I really resent being compared to a hunterfag

My biggest surprise about the meme energy drink was that it actually used a none poison sweetener.

Why is Hisoka a snake?

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oh, don't worry, it's not like i care about people just shittalking, i just don't want to cause the blight on humanity that is this thread ever again
I will keep challenging myself and improving, but i realize maybe it will make things worse for these threads if i post things that aren't meant to be just humorous
Though the actual encouragements and advices are greatly appreciated
and also i had a good laugh at that /ic/ thread

You're cool user. Keep posting your drawings.

not gonna lie, monster may be shortening my lifespan, but it's really fucking good to keep you awake if you need to work on something
monster gf saving me from dropping out and becoming a neet

don't give up user, i believe in you

>MHA thread
>No one is talking about it

Fuck, I really want to shitpost while the thread is dead, but I said I wouldn't shitpost contingent on something happening which ended up actually happening, and I want to be a man of honor.
What do you think the first real villain Endeavor, his sidekicks, and his new intern team face will be?

Threads can't get any worse honestly.
I'd rather have shit thread with 1 or 2 quality posts with effort put into it than just a thread that is all shitposting.

If we're lucky, Giga

G-gomen nasai

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First some shitty villain to warm up, then another shitty villain and then Mr. Compress!

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It's either redestro/shiggy alliance or harima oji, but my guess is the liberation front, because Hori was setting up redestro during the pro hero arc and we haven't heard shit about harima oji yet.

>What do you think the first real villain Endeavor, his sidekicks, and his new intern team face will be?

Attached: destro dubs.png (535x600, 309K)

deku, shouto, and endeavor being friends with mr. compress instead of hurting him

>What do you think the first real villain Endeavor, his sidekicks, and his new intern team face will be?
Their personalities

Attached: Team Enji.jpg (891x1024, 160K)

I love Mr. Compress because he's classy and a gentleman, but I don't want him to be friends with them or to be hurted. It's so hard.

I have been gone for a while, but is this togafag like an ochakofag copycat?

being friends is good, i bet mr compress would like to have friends
i was sad when mr compress got hurt by overhaul

no, she's far worse. Ochacofag doesn't have a retarded beta orbiter, and has the courtesy to trip so people can filter him

Me too, user. Would you like an original fight scene for Hawks, like Endeavor got in season 2?

>haha I don't usually get my hands dirty directly, and I LARP as a magician and pretend to be above it all, so that makes me somehow fit in with the rest of the LoV yet not be to blame for anything we do together!
Frankly, he needs to be treated in the same manner he treated Overhaul.

Bros what are the chances he'll be back?
I really like his design.

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I'm not sure what's worse.
Them leaving now Summer has ended, or the fact all of them are still here despite Summer ending. Both aren't nice to think about the practicalities of.

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i miss ochacofriend, i wish they'd come back

He has friends. Villains can be friends too.
I don't like original content, but it doesn't sound bad if it's done right. I would like to see more of Hawks's feathers in action.

more friends are always good

AFO is just going to take his quirk on the way out of Tartarus. That's his truest destiny.

Why would you ever want an avatarfag back?

ochacofriend was nice, and i'd like to talk to them more

It's the schizobitch.

Arm for arm, it would be great to see Mr. Compress in a hurry. I need more dramatic scenes with him. Maybe Bakugou, Shoto and Deku could get his revenge against him.

Will Endeavor be shirtless in this arc?

Still on about that I see.

That would be pretty lovely. But frankly, I'd be satisfied even if he shows up briefly as long as he gets at least one line, I really want to know which VA they'll pick for him and I don't feel like waiting another entire year to find out.

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Amajiki vs Compress could be a cool fight.

Shoto is so lucky getting to intern with his Mommy

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Every fight with amajiki would be a cool fight, because he has the coolest quirk.

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If we wish it enough maybe!


i want to see shouto shirtless, and deku too

They're the same person

I can't wait to see Amajiki's fight in the anime and a new fight in the manga.

Wishing energy works, I will prove it

no they aren't

t. Hawksfujo

Isn't it a ripoff from that one piece character?

Which one?

>O MY SEVEN QUIRKS ended up subsuming ENERGY FROM WISHING so much that I never see it anymore
I miss the good old days...

It literally is, Ochakofag has the same grammar and did the same type of ship both Togafag does, it's literally one shitposter rotating through girls

forced shitposts dont last long if its not something widespread like wojack

how can you be this dumb

Energy from wishing will return in a few months when the anime returns so it will all be okay.

ochacofriend is a very nice person and they inspired me to be a kinder and nicer person

But we have already seen them shirtless

Attached: shotosbody.png (143x266, 44K)

you guys are fucking brainlets who can't into pattern recognition. Ochacofag typed normally while the Togaschizo has a complete aversion to correct grammar and refuses to capitalize or punctuate anything

>Ochacofag typed normally

hot af

If only this was Endeavor

>Ochacofag typed normally
You're not fooling anyone Ochako/Togafag

literally go look at his posts in the archive, they look nothing like the Togaschizo's

Right? Mina and Hagakure would be in ecstasy if they see him that way.

he has such a perfect body, i want him

Would you cuddle him on the cold side or the hot side though, that's the biggest question.

Actual newfag

And what do you think about Koda's tits? They are big.

Attached: koda tits.png (207x264, 66K)

I accept your concession, keep coping and seething though, it amuses me

Go look back when Ochakofag did the same stick with Ochako shitposting, it was the same shit down to making himself seem like a suicidal mental case, then suddenly Toga appeared took over the same stick, use your head dumbass

Imagine the texture of his weird rock skin.

I know you have more buzzwords than this. They're signs that you're a retard and don't want to admit you were wrong

Really disgusting

Attached: 169.3.png (148x412, 78K)

cold side pls, i get so hot when i sleep at night, i would like a cool ice boy to help cool me down

t. Kaminari

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Same but if Shoto was a girl.

Kaminari likes to play with Ojiro's tail.

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The uncomfortable reality of having to see Jiro wind up with sadrock would be the only reason I don't want Kaminari to be the traitor.

It will never not bother me that his head is flesh colored implying that his malformed mutie head is fleshy as well.
If he was just a rock dude with a rockhead it would be fine, but the fleshiness makes it gross
What even are thos dangly parts.

Attached: Kouji_Kouda_Full_Body_Uniform.png (237x563, 45K)

i would cuddle both girl shouto and boy shouto

That's why I think that Kaminari is a MLA's mole. Nothing wrong with having another ideology.

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He'd actually switch between who he would avatarfag daily. Now it's mainly just toga since everyone got sick of his ochako obsession

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>implying Jirou wouldn't follow her boyfriend to the right side of history

If you cut them they would bleed. If he got a cut on the top of his head, there would just be bone.

It makes you think, are the dangly bits his "hair"? Is the top of his head soft or hard? Is his skull cone shaped, or does he have a normal skull, and the rest it all carthilage or fat?

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>I don't want Kaminari to be the traitor.
>Kaminari winds up being the traitor
>kouda goes full white knight and fights Kaminari
>Kaminari gets redeemed and still ends ups with Jiro.
Would Hori be that cruel?
Like if Kaminari is the traitor it would seem to me that Koda fighting Kaminari is how he would win her heart, but Kaminari and the kaminari/jiro pairing seems way to popular to just kill off like that.
Will he cave in or wil HE KEEP HIS IDEALS.

I don't even want to know.
Of all the muties grossest one.

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Shoto IS a mutant though

This is a bait right guys

I disagree, pic related is the grossest mutant.

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>>I don't want Kaminari to be the traitor.
>>Kaminari winds up being the traitor
>>kouda goes full white knight and fights Kaminari
>>Kaminari beats the fuck out of him and Jirou sides with him anyway because she still likes Kaminari even after he swapped sides
would unironically be kino

elephant man

I bet he's not even a full-timer though. It's likely just a transformation, no one can have lived a whole life like that.

It will happen eventually if you keep wishing

What if the spike on his head is actually made up of flesh-coloured hair, and he just shaves it one day and pops up in the class with a completely normal head?

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>No TOC yet
So no early spoilers tomorrow?

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Didn't his mother have normal hair?

I can deal with that it's just not a human anymore as far as I am concerned.
But koda is some fucking fleshy brundleFly-tier abomination.

She did, actually, so I guess that's one less theory on Kouda's odd mutated head.

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Is there any other Deku as happy as this one?

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All Might is already depowered, and he would show up as a Ghost to talk with Deku if he was killed, anyway.

I bet there will be a "The Wounding of Endeavor" instead of "The Death of All Might", if anything.

No Deku will ever be as happy as the little Deku rewatching All Might's debut over and over.

i love seeing deku happy!

Deku is often happy

Attached: 9d71.jpg (564x705, 64K)

>The Wounding of Endeavor
Shirtless confirmed

God I wish Femdeavor matting pressed baby Shoto.

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AFO: Voldy
OFA: Harry Potter


Wait, if Kouda's mom has the same mutation as him and has hair, then does that mean that Kouda's baldness is caused by something other than being a mutie.

He has cancer and is treating it

So Neville would be either Shouto or Bakugo I take it.

>comparing capeshit to actual literature

Attached: Voldemort laugh.gif (245x172, 459K)

Bakugou is Dudley.

I wish there was more femdevor art around

Attached: shit_anuyan on twitter (8).jpg (964x942, 96K)

Maybe he's just gone bald at a young age. Or maybe he just shaves his head completely because he doesn't want to deal with hair.

JT is going to be waaaay more fun animated. I didn't even like the first chapters of the manga and the anime made them surprisingly enjoyable.

>actual literature

I never thought I would say this about anything but Harry Potter is even less intelligent than MHA.

>Actual literature

If you're in 4th grade that is.

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I hope Hori never draws Endeavor shirtless

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Fuck you

Post Mirio

Fucking disgusting bfags

if Endeavour was female he would be more of a tiger mom mixed with those women who try to live out their dreams vicariously through their kids (Arrowettes mom is the best example I can think of)

Attached: ayj4.png (600x318, 417K)

Delete this

based bchads

4/10, nice coloring and has soul, but you need to work on fundies asap
tumblr/10, don't ever post something like that here again please

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poor shoto

Would ReDestro's revolutionary society still be capitalist?

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He's for freedom for all, not for only very few, so.

Reminder Mina outclasses all female characters in MHA.

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Yeah, probably.

>Just fapped to a story about deku fucking Kouta
Feeling real good about myself now.

but Eijiro-kun isn't my name?

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Marx was such a piece of shit that I'm stunned that anybody can take his work seriously. The guy was a jew that was terrible with money, what a disappointment.

Shota and loli sex is extra hot, it is a shame there aren't any lewd Eri fics yet.

Think 'Teen Endeavor'

He is surprisingly muscular. I wonder what his workout schedule is like.

Redestro's dog eat dog ideal society is the endgame of capitalism


Attached: poorly edited young endeavor.png (1280x720, 962K)

Nah, it would be more of a NatSoc policy on the social side with libertarian policy on the financial side. His whole ideology is centered around the biological supremacy of quirk users over non quirk users and his whole movement gained power through ruthless corporate collusion across the production industry, politics, and the media.

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Because you're on the loser end for not having deku as a fav. Luckily some dekufujos are still old skool.

Neville is Mirio

I dont want teen, I want bara

I wonder when we'll see him/her again.

post it

>stupid Yea Forumsfaggot is a togaschizo dick sucker

What you said doesn't sound to very anti-capitalist in the basic sense. Just different from the liberal democracy standard.

Spoilers in 10 hours

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But his primary focus is on freedom of quirk use. All of that collusion shit was a means to an end.
Quirk users are inherently supreme, so it's only natural that they'd become the upper class without enforcement.

any sign of the team up spin off?

Remember the enabling motherfucker who made this
Is the same guy who makes OP dumping chapters and webms. Enjoy your shitty anons.

wasn't Redestro more like a mutant supremacist with ancap tendencies?

Attached: mHsjSlPIvtHed1SNxA-LLhEO5NRek9MZTIi0g6jMIm8.jpg (571x610, 63K)

Gladly Enjoy.

I'm pretty sure even as a teen Endy was not a twink.

Deku gets a glimpse at a new quirk (pic related).

Attached: 37BFD414-2D85-4387-B28F-8F090A72D031.jpg (252x310, 60K)

Should come out this month, turns out the damn thing is bimonthly, thats right, a chapter every 2 months.

That shit won't finish an arc before dying then.

what's his quirk?


lightning claws with a wicked sense of humor and a nihilist mindset

>has a scar over his eye
Deku about to cuck the entire Todoroki lineage.

Attached: 1523432356838.png (300x350, 49K)

>the spinoff is about interning
>current arc is about interning
Uhm, so will the spinoff focus on the students while Hori focuses on the main three?

Definitely a todoroki inspired quirk. Area of effect.

how I'm refreshing baidu every 10 minutes for those fabled early spoilers

Attached: AHHHHHHHHHHHH.gif (480x345, 3.29M)

Wednesday is the earliest that you'll get them

Spoilers will be coming Saturday this week due to unforseen circumstances, please understand

if one piece spoilers aren't even out yet then we wont get them anytime soon

the spin off sounds DoA if is right, so who knows or cares

Stop giving anons heartattacks, some of them are really looking forward to this chapter

Dumb as shit.
>Hori: Please look forward to it!
If it's not canon then no one is going to give a fuck

It's funny that it's both noncanon, so it figuratively does not exist, and on HxH schedule, so it also literally does not exist

Why? It isn't any more exciting than literally any of the villain chapters we just had.

What will Shinso's hero name be you think? Will he dress as plain as Aizawa?

I was confused for a second because I had literally forgotten he was brought back by fujo demand, wow

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>What will Shinso's hero name be you think?
I'm not too sure, but what I do know is that nobody will care who he is until he puts on the mask.

>MK Ultra
just some ideas, he would be better as a spy desu


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やたら「#1 ENDEAVOR」

>You. With the grapes on your head. That’s enough out of you for today. BOOOWEEEEEEOOOOO

Have you considered just waiting for the chapter, nigger?


Mostly they want to see if the boys will go to Endeavour or if the chapter will be a talking chapter
>Are you ready?

Pretty sure Redestro never said that.

It is going to be something awful like Walkie-Talkie or Speakeasy. Something like that

I like MK Ultra a lot lmao

>"I'm going to have to cut this class short, I have to entertain at my cousin's birthday party"
I was totally going to say something like Walkie Talkie


How we can improve Shinsou?

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i hope that kacchan and deku become better friends during this arc

>ミリオが現れてエリちゃん を小さな膣でファック

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I don't know, he's he's got a good gimmick, and it's cool to see a hero with brainwashing powers over the usual villain shit. Not sure about the mini-Aizawa shit what with the scarf-fu. I say we kill someone in Class A and add him to it. Will make his transition into the hero course more dramatic and awkward for him

send him off to the CIA or whatever is Japan's equivalent


Kek, stop

I hope Kacchan keeps suffering!

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Seven quirks?

deku looks cute playing the flute! i play the flute too

>Jirou grooming Deku arc
Never ever.


by actually giving him a character arc and a personality. the fact he wants to be a hero when everyone said he couldn't with his quirk and he was better suited for evil and being told that his whole life was interesting. Then it turns out Mirio had a shit quirk too and became a god with effort and that Vlad shoots blood out so those aspects of his character are severely dulled now. Being more interesting than some of the other 1A characters like sadrock or sugarlips isn't hard, but Hori will need to actually put in a little effort.

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I hope we get some nice ryona on kacchan while deku watches helplessly!

You think Mr. Ectoplasm's barbershop quartet routine will win the talent show?

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So everyone agrees this ship is Cute and Low-key Canon right?

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Head Eraser

The ending of the class training arc was such a cop-out.

Fuck. Off.
Have you ever heard the concept of not fucking barging into a thread and derailing it with shipshit when we're having a perfectly fine conversation without you.

>not 'eras-ure mind'

Mind Blank

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Hori just wanted to be done with it

>Then it turns out Mirio had a shit quirk
You don't have to believe what the characters tell you if they are factually and demonstrably false, you know.

Color spread spoiler:

How is Momo with her hair down so perfect

I want to believe Mina and Hagakure tricked Momo into making everyone slutty santa suits

>gets kidnapped and everyone thinks he's evil
>his childhood heroe lost his powers partially because of him
>fails to obtain his hero license, still a nobody-evil
>his ex mentor gets kill/disappear
>his childhood bitch is more powerful chapter after chapter
>has a smaller dick than his childhood bitch
>nobody wants him so his autistic classmate must offer him an internship

God I'm glad I'm not him

I would NEVER be caught dead in this horrific nightmare of a shithole to discuss manga if I could already understand Japanese, fuck you

ah yes, i too can read moonrunes

If he was a girl, his name would be Controlly.

Those are slutty?

>jiro talking to uraraka all casual as if she isn't fucking her man behind her back

I'm sorry, I saw some crackships and thought I was invited.

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Boooo! Get off the stage!

Hawks a triple agent. He's still on the heroes' side, and I highly doubt he even actually killed Best Jeanist. In a world of superpowers, convincing body doubles must be something easy to come by.

Endeavor shirtless!

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Please never change, Hawksanon

For Mina and Hagakure they sure are

Why is he mad that he chose to strip? I demand a more happy shirtless Endevour god dammit.

Only if they sing

I can't believe Femdeku gets to have his babies.

>the fact he wants to be a hero when everyone said he couldn't with his quirk and he was better suited for evil and being told that his whole life was interesting
The fact that his quirk was evil wasn't the problem. His quirk just sucks. Mirio's has a stupidly high skill ceiling but it's god tier with training.
Shinsou's quirk is actual garbage. Just don't talk and he can't do anything. Look at the way Aizawa's fame has made him a jobber because villains see him as a top priority. And he actively tried to avoid notoriety, but he became famous anyway. Now imagine how much worse it'll be for Shinsou when the villains all know to just keep their mouths shut.


Only Rei should get to see Endeavor shirtless

Isn't the downstairs living space shared with 1B? Do they not get a christmas? And not a soul from 1A felt like inviting anyone from it? That's kinda cold.

But what if he becomes a duo with Camie? Disguise with voice change would be a solid combo

How we can improve Shinsou's quirk?

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user you managed to pick out the wrong thing about why Shinso's quirk sucks. Getting brainwashed isn't the problem, staying brainwashed is. It's relatively easy to trick people into his control but damn hard to keep them that way. They can only do basic commands, and the lightest tap will snap them out of it
Separate dorm

That would be a disgusting combo


>We are one month away from season 4 and a few months from a new film. How great is it knowing that such a great action series is doing so perfectly?


Demon Slayer has already surpassed it in ranking, popularity and sales. MHA is over. No one cares anymore. S4 will be a flop.

Speaking of the movie, do we know when the first movie takes place, and what the plot of the second one is?

between the second and 3 season

>It's relatively easy to trick people into his control
It won't be easy when people catch on and figure out how easy his quirk is to counter.
But yeah, it's also useless in any situation where Shinsou's enemy has at least one ally to prod them out of the brainwashing.

>Demon Slayer has already surpassed it in ranking, popularity and sales. MHA is over.
Why do you go on the internet to tell lies

So many cool names. Shinsou will be a badass hero.

Actually what with the mask and the new stealth shit he's doing, it's kind of a challenge. Actually all Shinso has to do is troll the hell out of a target until they get pissed off enough to answer him. But yes his quirk is limited due to it being focused on one target and how weak that control is. But hey, perhaps a split second command has it's uses
>"Knock out your friend"

I remember

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Did you read the manga? The way he uses his quirk is crazy dynamic.

KnY is like 14 million behind user... and kimetsu shares the same audience as BnHA

Mirio a cute
Mirio a best
Mirio a miracle of the universe

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>Not shirtless Endeavor

Who the actual fuck is Mirio

Eri's husband

It's not a lie.
Kimetsu also has less volumes.

A quirkless teenager


love of my life

>Kimetsu also has less volumes.
Excuses, it still has sold less this year and overall, all while having a anime airing

If only...Shirtless Endeavor would be a treat

give us more shirtless boys

If he were Eri's husband he would be with her on Japanese Christmas.

No, you've gone mad with power

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I'm glad he wasn't there, that completely blow the fuck the readers who thinks he's some kind of father figure. Also, Aizawa told him they'd be there for a reason and he's currently with his class, doesn't mean he can't show up later and wish Eri a happy christmas.

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How does this series not immediately remind you of Hitman Reborn?
>perfect series
>4 seasons
Watch them fuck it up. Bonus points if no time skip.

I fucking love training arcs. I don't understand how people who don't can love shounen.

I want shirtless Shigaraki

How about shirtless bunny?

Attached: Rumi_Usagiyama.png (317x832, 281K)

I love training arcs but Joint Training was pretty weak. I don't think it was as awful as some people say but it's certainly one of the weakest arcs in the series.

I used to be really into that series a decade ago. It really started to fade into obscurity like what, halfway through the timeskip arc?


yes, mommy likes
this please

All lanklets must die

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Now I wonder why Hori introduced her?

He wanted to draw a brown waifu, so he drew a brown waifu

I was wondering if Shigaraki had a nice body but then I remembered he spent a month fighting against Giga. He must be very fit. I need a shirtless Shigaraki.

They wrote themselves into a corner. You can't go back in time, train like it's a 3 year DBZ hyperbolic time chamber, then come back to the present and encounter people anywhere near your power level.
And apparently you can't do the opposite; beat the big bad and skip forward for power level deflation as fairy tail did.
Discarding your world building always goes down poorly.
Boku no Hero might have power level problems soon too, since there doesn't seem to be a large enough gap between pros and students. Which means if they want to follow manga tradition of never ending a popular series they will have to pull new enemies from somewhere bullshit.

Don't lewd the NEET

That and he has a bunny fetish. BUT I'm interested to see what story relevance she'll have, if any.

Realized there's not enough female heroes, but didn't want to actually change anything so he introduced an irrelevant female hero. Same reason that characters like Mina exist.

just imagine his sexy muscles, so hot

the fact that there's no mention of hero geopolitics beyond some scant "usa is where all-might used to train!" annoys the fuck out of me

Attached: LeagueOfLegends.png (707x1000, 421K)

NEETs are for lewd degeneracy, specially Shiggy

I read this up to that one school festival arc with the cute midget, and then forgot about it. I think I read one bit after where Endeavor fought a monster with the help of the feather guy, can't remember his name.
Might pick it back up, but until then I can't really be excited. Heard it went a bit overboard after they got that game but idk. The art's always been good though so I can't complain about the artist for the manga drawing more.
also the midget is the best one

Shiggy is the property of the Lord do not lewd him.

shiggy's bum

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I actually prefer it that way.
Keeps the story focused on Japan and all the villains/heroes inside it.

Do you think Shiggy's brown eye gets dry and flaky like his face does

that is because the whiteknight who drew that is incapable of critical thinking and in his skewed brain insulting attentionwhores = shitposter.

Shiggy is for lewd! Just look this cute face.

Attached: Shiggy cute.png (875x760, 663K)

I want to see Shiggy get a neet girlfriend

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I want to kiss his dry crusty lips

Why are everyone talking about shirtless characters?

Why aren't you?

cute boys without shirts are cute and sexy

How much bulkier will he get?

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shiggy would look cute in girl clothes

I want dress him in my clothes!

i think his body is perfect at the moment, it is the perfect balance of sexy and cute

Does this count as a shirtless character?

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user said there was gonna be a shirtless character in the color spread and we are all playing along, besides shirtless boys are sexy

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I just want ONE panel where Ochaco is fantasizing about buff, shirtless Deku while Mina teases her

NSFW that shit, he is nude

same, i want to make him dress up in my lolita stuff and make him wear my cute fuzzy reindeer stockings

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it's not fair bros...

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I want to build a home with Aizawa!


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Joke get the fuck off here and back in the plot

I want to vaginally penetrate Geten and/or Ms. Joke!


We know High-End Nomu

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He probably won't get to Endeavor levels will he? I assume he'll stay more skinny athletic muscle, like Mirio.

Who the fuck would seethe over that? holy shit, you whiteknights are ridiculous

i want to build a home and then live in it with you!

Attached: 1563375933119.png (1236x1044, 554K)

How does he wipe his ass?

What would Mrs Joke think of Eri?

>trying my hardest to restrain my posting
>people bringing up Joke
>people posting things that bring me nostalgia for the old threads
nononononoNONONONONO stop it's not fair

me on the left

Wash's lewd hoses

me on the back

He doesn't

you like getting cucked?

What are you gonna do when Hori deliver us a shirtless Endeavor?

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Never gonna happen

Why do you want shirtless Endeavor?

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Hawks you are supposed to be with the villians

Literally how?
He doesn't have mommy Kurogiri to take care of his shit anymore.

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I'd put a ring on Joke's finger with my right hand while putting my fingers in her rings with my left.
If you catch my meaning.
My meaning is that I'd ask he to be my wife while fingering her vagina and anus, and that I'd have sex with her after that and continue on indefinitely, and raise 4 children in a home full of laughter and traditional morality while discreetly enjoying adventurous sexual pursuits with her in the bedroom regularly and vigorously continuing well on after we've become empty nesters and been assumed to be too old to carry on with that sort of thing. If she died first I'd then kill myself and leave a note asking only to be buried in an oversized coffin along with her, and for us to be made to embrace so we could just lie that way, together forever.
Am I being too vague and coy about this, is anyone getting what I mean?

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Can't believe Hori forgot them




Who's the equivalent of pic related in class b?

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Stop posting Hawks, you have spy work to do

vantablack and mushroom girl

mushroom is into hawks

TetsuTetsu and big hand bitch

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He's got a broken leg, mutilated left hand, skinless right arm, and from what we saw, maybe some serious lost skin on his chest. You might want to wait a bit before asking to see the Bare Shig.
Full S4 OP "Polaris" will be played today at Blue Encounts live outside performance.

Why? He's still perfect, but I'll wait until he's healthy again.



That's only because she hasn't embraced the darkness yet.

That's the Class B KiriMina

Attached: 1564858190052.jpg (533x720, 38K)

i love kend-
>that eye
oh no she is deformed

it's the straight kirimina

Aizawa is a good dad

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A virgin dad

She'd probably like her. And work really hard to keep her smiling and even laughing.

See Aizawa being such a good Daddy would also probably prompt her to redouble her efforts to snag him.

I'll take care of that don't worry

And that's okay

Attached: DoUep_4U4AARXJg.jpg (700x500, 27K)

i need more eri/aizawa interactions

We had a cute one last chapter

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>Deku noticed Eri's horn growth just now
>Aizawa has commented on how optimistic she's been feeling lately, as if it's new information for Deku
Deku rarely sees Eri, he's a bad fried.

>start reading into this series
>already understand what the author intends to do

He's working really hard to get up to 25% or higher, because Deika City showed he's running out of time.

enlighten us please

Tell me, maybe then I could be free

Either of these

Hori motto is always do the opposite of interesting

what did you want user
tell us, come on

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Boring class

This. I'll never fucking understand Bfags, but i'll be forever happy knowing they won't be relevant, ever.

But Kendo and Tetsutetsu are better than some class A kids

anything is better than fucking Koda

Koda will be interesting when he shoots up the school.

The funny thing is that everyone in Class 1-A treats Deku nicely because they think he's crazy.

Deku as a potential school shooter has crossed the minds of everyone at some point.

MHA would've been much better if instead of getting OfA, Deku got a gun.

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is vigilantes this week too

Based, redpilled, but most importantly true.

i'm hyped for all the eri chan lolicon doujins this season will generate

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it's already canon, they are fan favourites, hori has hinted at it a bunch with sketches on twitter, their quirks combined make full body toxic explosion + bigger frog hands with bigger palm sweat glands so bigger palm explosions than bakugo's + all the physical abilities of a frog.

anyone who doesn't think this is bakugo and tsuyu's end game is in denial at this point coincidences don't exist like that.

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