
Attached: shfd.jpg (1170x932, 223K)

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Discuss what, use your words, phoneposter

I think they're being pretty damn clear.

On nichibros everyone is Baka

Nichibros had a girl version built into it though.

I like both, thanks, user.

me in the left

nichibros had sugita and yuu kobayashi tho

I love my wife yamamoto!!

Attached: 2019-09-10 13.46.22.jpg (330x428, 84K)

Do I discuss the garbage ms paint image? What I like? Compare and contrast? Or do I false flag as one of the series fan to give it a shittier appeal? I think it's the last one because it's a low quality template thread but who knows

And even the minor series in the series it self was better than this crap

Why is there no doujinshin about this acouple yet?

Attached: resize.jpg (850x478, 113K)

They are both really made for a male audience, though. And I am not sure if JoshiMuda ever got quite as vulgar as Nichibros. As far as vulgarity goes Asobi Asobase is probably closer. As a whole JoshiMuda keeps its characters attractiveness a lot higher than Asobi Asobase too, something wouldn't quite agree with how Nichibros did things. JoshiMuda is a lot more metaish comedy do, while Nichibros is actually the type that makes you laugh genuine. Something Asobi Asobase can do too. Don't get me wrong, like JoshiMuda. But I guess the more you think about it the more is the paint picture wrong.
If you want to compare to something made for women, then Kimi to Boku. might be a good pic. Technically still in a shounen magazine, but obviously made by a woman for women.
Here are my hot opinions on this stupid topic.

Also have this.

Attached: Asobi Asobase Cover 8.jpg (1440x2048, 471K)


Both are shit.

Shut the fuck up you stupid whoreslut.

Attached: 1564489781479.png (270x360, 66K)

right is funny, left is shit

>ITT newfag pretending to look veteran by shittalking single word OP and phones even though single word OPs have been a thing since forever
also how's this show? I don't really have time to keep up with seasonal. Is it really good,?avarage? mediocre? amazing?

Its been really fun. Not quite as good as Asobi Asobase imho, or even Boys Danshi like the OP suggests, but it's in the same vein and very enjoyable.

Presenting the slowest slowpoke the slow world has ever slowed.

I see, thanks pleya.

It's not as funny as Nichbros but it's good. Somewhat similar to KKK.

There's so many things wrong with this post both stylistically and conceptually that I refuse to believe OP is anything but a Russian or Chinese spambot.

I think the further away I get from my highschool years the more I can appreciate these kinds of shows.

Attached: 1564517487424.png (590x670, 269K)

MS paint OPs are soul. There is enough polished junk made by failed graphic designers online as is.

Nichibros was funnier but I enjoy both. Also Nichijou.

I think they're being pretty flagrant with their sameposting

Yes, men and women are indeed equal.

And necrobumping

This was so stupid.

I love it.

Attached: cap_[Mad le Zisell] Joshikousei no Mudazukai - 07 [720p1]_00:15:30_29.png (1280x720, 898K)

which one



its pretty great
not as funny as danshi but still enjoyable

also someone tell me which other song the ending resembles
its should be from another anime

fuck you asshole

I'll marry baka!!!


dubs confirm ur an gay

Sugoi koto itte moii??

itd be ittemo

see you are the gay, retard
we already know that you stink baka
and it is not sugoi because you simply dont shower
get fucked

i like both

I don't get it.

Nichibros is superior

Being shit*

brainlet spotted
also it got explained in the thread already


Absolutely. MS paint abominations are the heart of Yea Forums creativity, leave the professional stuff to reddit users humblebragging about whatever arts and crafts bullshit their girlfriends made for them

>no nichijou

Attached: 0.jpg (495x480, 43K)