>MC is a self insert
MC is a self insert
>MC is constantly yelling "Don't call me small!!!" like a retard
You have just shat on 99% of the anime/manga production.
this, but it only affects modern anime
>i'm your average student
>he isn't
Oh well,fuck you too.
Who are you quoting, OP?
>MC is an "audience surrogate" completely overshadowed by the much more interesting supporting characters
>MC have the big dream of becoming some big shot and always remind everyone around him of this
>MC joins the chusma.
MCs used to be based so you could aspire to be them. Now they're all pathetic. What am suppose to do with these guys?
>What am suppose to do with these guys?
MC is a massive loser yet has multiple hot women wanting his dick
I'm the only one who's going to appreciate this Chavo del 8 based meme
>a singular MC exists and the production doesn't consist of an ensemble cast
What MC isn't a self insert? It seems to me that basically every MC can become a self insert for someone. Do you mean the authors self insert or something?
The self insert for the average otaku for example, otaku transported to another world, virgin salarymen, bland high school looking guy, etc.
God Kenshiro with a beard is such a chad
its nu Yea Forums tranny lingo, ignore it. self inserting is based and everyone does it.
What does Yea Forums think of overpowered MC's?
>MC is "just a plain average japanese guy"
Are there even any MC's that is a foreigner in Japan?
It follow the modern trends.
You don't need to make a better self, don't need gym, don't need culture, don't need effort.
You breath, and so everything must be given to you on a silver plate. Girls must like you just cause you exist. And your parents and relatives must appreciate and support you for the waste of skin you are.
Current year in a nutshell.
I like them in comedies, but not much elsewhere.
It means the most average and faceless he can be, so everyone can be him. Especially japanese people that all dress and act the same, cause no individuality is forgiven.
Depends on the circumstances, and the plot.
Surely i prefer MCs able to have their way and assert themselves instead of being dragged around by the flow and everyone around them.
>Surely i prefer MCs able to have their way and assert themselves instead of being dragged around by the flow and everyone around them.
Fucking this.
I'm tired of all the shounen MC's being pussies that keep getting bailed out by their friends
>MC is a total whiney loser while still being portrayed sympathetically as a complete victim. He has no personality other than being a good for nothing "nerd consumerist" so manlet losers can "relate" to him and feel like they're "winning" more when he gets handed everything conveniently
>This character is so good cause I can relate to him!
who's that based mustache guy?
yep, that's me if only they knew how small it is
if it's creative, why not.
I only really hate it when it go full nothing personel.
Barring the recent trend of numale MCs like Deku, most battle shonen protagonists are power fantasies at most and not self inserts because they aren't "literally me" type characters
But I thought Nippon was better in the regards...
I know this is bait but Oreki is actually a really well written and developed character and does not belong to this meme list.
>MC is a whiny angry loser
He is a self-insert for otaku losers!
>MC is an average person without distinguishing traits
He is a self-insert made to fit the most people!
>MC is an overpowered successful person
He is a self-insert to make the viewers feel good!
The last one isn't a self insert.
It can be. Literally any character could be a "self-insert" since it means literally nothing.
Self-insert is when you pretend to be a character and view the world through his eyes (as opposed to just viewing the characters from above without overempathising). It's probably more pleasant to self-insert into someone great than into a loser.
>MC gets a harem
Only if their overpoweredness/success is meaningful
Absolutely awful. I don't mind the MC is powerful but still can be beat (Light from Death Note) but when they're actually unbeatable is just the worst shit to read in the fucking world
>Overpowered non-self insert MC in a comedy
>smelly skelly
>non-self insert
You prefer action with tension
>MC is a female self insert
He cant BONE
>MC is a self-outsert
Probably? It still baffles me that people can enjoy conflict when there is not a shred of possibility that the MC can lose. And I don't mean in the context of "the protag can't lose" but rather that even in-world it is literally impossible for them to be beat.
Some shitty manga, that just got some chs tl'd, that some anons were peddling a few days ago about some miner MC with his spade that can shoot laser beams and cut through space or some bullshit is almost the epitome of what I'm talking about. What a great concept for a guy to deal with fantasy-land with a fucking shovel, but nah, it can shoot dragon ball beams and he's invincible and whatever the fuck.
Better than "normal japanese boi"
But I've had sex.
I think the appeal of overpowered MC's is completely different, it's more about how the other characters react to or interact with the MC than action
>Better in raising confident, active go getters
No. There's a reason they have such a stupidly high suicidal rate and why their birthrates so low.
Where did you get those pictures of me?
It means that they are made to be as bland and 'everyman-ish' as possible. Or in this case they are made to be as broadly nerdy and 'relatable' as possible.
Lazy but intelligent, milquetoast in personality, and basic in design are the most common aspects of this.
It all depends, on the context and what is considered overpowered.
The "high schooler MC with a secret unlocked ability" is most of the time completely shit.
Why do authors do that? Perhaps they don't know how to write or what to do with a protagonist?
Mostly it depends on the level of individualilty a character has. Common signs include
>The MC makes decisions and influences the world around him rather than being dragged along by circumstances or other characters
>MC has his own goals and ethics.
Those are some good starting points. A non-generic design also helps.
I mean, I guess? but at that point I question why not make them the antagonist and have the protagonist struggling to deal or live with such an OP character in opposition (or maybe even alongside).
I think the exception for what I'm saying is Ragna Crimson, even though the aspect of the MC being absolutely OP puts me off real bad, he is still put in his place many times in spite of that during the story so far.
>MC is a bland harem-master the viewers is supposed to identify to.
Depends. If he's OP after years of training and still is in the context of other OP people it's fine.
Forgot pic
What is every isekai ever made?
Most fiction is power fantasy, it's just a matter of if that power fantasy is the main focus or if the author has an actual story to tell.
Yeah you shouldn't even be allowed to post here unless you spend enough time watching the shut-in equivalent of Hallmark shoveling the same shit into your mouth endlessly.
Deku is not a self-insert, but he is an awful character. Well he's basically a self-insert from Yakuza onward never mind fuck it you're right.
The main conflict can be anything other than fighting or being the strongest.
I imagine it's pretty difficult to write a story focused on fighting while having an "overdog" protagonist, but if done properly, it can feel more satisfying than an underdog story
You mean me, fucking virgin loser.
Deku is effectively a shit character who have everything handed to him.
Honestly at first i honestly tought he was going to try to become a hero without quirks, would have been more interesting than "lol here is the strongest quirks known to man b" .
But i fail to see how is he a self insert, he's way too pathetic for that, most self insert are just completely bland not too out of the norms both in characters and design.
I fail to see how you can self insert as Deku unless you're as respectable as a bidet.
I'd actually love for you to cite such examples, because I want to see it done well. Mob Psycho and OPM do come to mind, but they're either not really about the fighting or about other characters fighting. I thought Overlord was doing it well by sparingly using Ains, but then the show shat the bad hard in S3 and not to mention of sections of him being a cover adventurer made me wanna sleep, except when it was about dealing with the Copper Killer girl
I haven't seen much of what I'm talking about though unOrdinary(webtoon) comes to mind
also Classroom of the Elite
I guess it depends on a lot of things.
Genre is a big one. For example, I like romance manga, but I have no interest in 'inserting' myself as a character, it just sounds retarded. However, there are a lot of people that seem to live vicariously through the protag of whatever story they're reading. So if you make your protagonist as 'relatable' as possible then you can appeal to this demographic heavily. Or if you are writing a VN, then making your protag as simplistic as possible allows for the reader to better role play - many anime are just adaptations of a route or two from a VN.
For action manga, then you have to appeal to some subset of population in what is likely the most over-saturated genre in the medium. So if you write a MC that is almost identical to the readers, which means making them as bland and simple as possible so everyone can 'see themselves', you can rope in the people that want to again live vicariously through a fictional character. Then you can cheat your way through exposition and the plot as your MC has no real goals or knowledge of the world so they do and learn whatever you as the writer want them to at any moment.
Most people that don't self-insert will tolerate a 'self-insert MC', but people that self-insert aren't gonna want to read about a non-self-insert MC.
It's fine providing they have a weakness to provide some sort of conflict.
Could Kenshiro be considered an OP character ?
At the start of the manga, besides Raoh there's not many people who could take him 1 on 1, the big bad guys always take innocents as hostages or use trickery.
Well there's still shonen.
Just give them opinions and personalities. You don't have to try and force some kind of connection between the reader and the MC by making the protagonist as 'relatable' as possible. People naturally feel empathy for each other, so long as your plot is decent the readers will want to MC to succeed and grow regardless of their ability to self-insert.
No no no no. That's totally me, can you see the similarities?
What's the difference between empathising and self inserting?
>Manly beard was handsome as fuck
I hate this timeline.
Touma is the only one I give a pass, despite being a very blatant self insert
Ah yes, Goku. The man who has never kissed his wife.
What do you think of Ayanokouji?
I think it speaks to long term societal trends of the new generation being marketed to excessively as consumers. As automation takes more and more jobs away from people well companies still need people to buy stuff. Whether its from their parents, social welfare or another source people will find money to buy stuff. To consume. This makes the modern MC into a passive actor rather than an active one. No wonder the fantasy of getting thrown into another world where their skills are useful and they become amazing producers seems so common. Rant over.
Jotaro or Josuke come to mind. They tend to thrash their enemies if they fight them one on one without tricks. Its generally up to the enemy to creatively use their powers then to get the upper hand.
>I can't come up with a legitimate criticism of a MC so I say self-insert
The old MCs followed the format of being heroes that you aspire to become, sort of like comic book heroes. They were free to explore big stories because of the big personalities involved.
Modern MCs pander to NEET tween salarymen who have few aspirations in life and are awkward with women. Which is why every story involves school, celibate teen harem fuck lust the author never had in reality (ie: "I didn't get laid in high school ;_; " syndrome), and becoming master of the mundane in the stuffy microcosm of current day Japanese society.
Old stories:
>I'm gonna pilot this space ship and kill these aliens, fuck this hot bitch, discover this space treasure, and punch that nigga who snubbed me
New stories:
>I'm going to be the bestest flower shop owner in Akihabara!
>thought the autist main character was the author's self insert
>turns out it was the slutty love interest
It's easy to mass-market. It's a formula. The same reason why all pop music sounds exactly the same: It's written and produced by the same group of people. There is no "Taylor Swift", for example. That face and name is a product, which dozens of talented individuals prop up through their labor to maximize sales. The person occupying that face and name accounts for only a sliver of the creativity involved.
>Average schoolboy that is so average it's the most average of the average beings
>Suddenly everyone falls for him/he is the chosen one/he has some hidden power
>He still acts like an average person, either being a passive beta cuck who refuses to kiss a girl while she's literally willing to make him babies
>Basically the typical nice guy
>Or edgy incel that rapes everyone for the sake of rape
And it always goes like this.
>MC is just your average high school student not in any clubs and whose parents are away.
>whose parents are away.
I don't know why but this part is what kills me
Read Teppu. It has a very interesting overdog protagonist.
I will say that Satou from welcome to the NHK should have been another shitty clone of that character but wasn't done pretty well in my opinion as he actually had some personality and it showed the actual reality of what happens to a character like that . Well I mean there was a convenient enough love story shoe horned in there but it made sense in the context of the story at large so it was forgiveable.
*was done
>parents are away
And the reason is always a business trip, or they're just traveling together emphasis on them being overseas.
It's just to simplify the cast. And yet, school shows that have the parents in them are often times a lot more interesting and realistic, since they put a cap on retard logic and add more plot dynamic.
Instead of the MC being a depressed loner introvert who gets to meander through life because his parents aren't there, why isn't Japan making one that's actually realistic: The MC is a normal boy who becomes a depressed loner introvert because society is shit and his parents, while loving, are basically strangers who are busy with their regular jobs and interests?
MC being a massive loser with no confidence is fine, it becomes a problem when his evolution to Chad Mc. Dick happens in two chapters and the author spends the rest of the time throwing hot women and success at him and sucking him off.
The problem with overpowered MC is when he is combined with a story structure that tries to do the chalenge->power up->challenge loop because the loop is meaningless because there is no challenge.