Name a better female MC. I'll wait

Name a better female MC. I'll wait.

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Make me tittyko you cow

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I do like her, but she's not the best. That spot belongs to my waifu, who I proceed cleverly not to name in fear of getting bullied.

So she's the worst, huh?

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I didn't even mention her name and I'm already getting bullied.

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Blonde girl was waifu of the season that year


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Fukuda wanted a Alpha female MC in Gundam but got rejected

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Unpopular opinion, binbougami >>>>>> twin star exorcist

Is it? I don't think there's enough people here who read both to make an educated opinion.

>twin star exorcist
does anyone even discuss that?

best female MC

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Asshole MCs in general are pretty enjoyable.

Well that was easy

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>Name a better female MC. I'll wait.
Binboda Momiji, not sure why you thought this would take long.

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>unlikable heroines:the anime
>ever getting another season


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Undeserved arrogance and shit personality =/= alpha
Also pic related

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>boring waifubait

fuck I just want the rest of the series animated

>Undeserved arrogance
Not that guy but she did prove her worth after she got taste of reality.

Still best girl


this a contest or sth

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Oh, the average NTR manga no one would know cause is shit made by a nobody, and nobody give a shit. And the art is crap.
I'm so triggered user, so much rage. There is billions of NTR shit that are better or worst depending of point of view buit this one for some reason... pure triggering. Because dunno... for some reason there is 1 fucking user that keep spamming it everywhere, and so this should trigger me.

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that's the best part though. without Momiji's flatness their fusion wouldn't turn out so perfect. (sorry no pic. i looked for a while but i didn't find one.)

Momoka, Ichiko and Watashi are the top three

Go back wirh pic related, you're not welcome.

There is nothing "alpha" about her.
She is pure Ryona fanservice, she is made to be the most irritating character she can be so is all laughs and giggles when she get abused as she deserve.
But there is some feminazi that truly think angry/sociopath translate into "strong and assertive".
She is not. She have simply a shitty personality.


Kanata from Sora No Woto.

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Why are you like that?

You should add some pics or nobody will understand what she is because the anime is so obscure especially when whose only feature is nothing but a fancy ass trumpet

guro posting is not allowed outside of Yea Forums

Who is this girl?

HanaKana is only enjoyable in crazy bitch roles. Prove me wrong.

Good Luck Girl

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>Undeserved arrogance and shit personality =/= alpha
So like most males people call alfa.

Titiko wasn't a crazy bitch though

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>come looking for lewds
>not enough lewds posted

Have you forgotten anons?

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Hey, this is a devout christian board.

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I literally dont remember anything about this series

Hold a determination to fist

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I really enjoyed this series a lot, was much more memorable than SnO and broke a lot of conventional tropes. Hopefully Sukeno switches genre after it ends, he was better at SoL, comedy, character drama, etc. than smashey killy edgy shounen.

Easy. Dolores, i

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Why did you post a blank image?

You're absolutely right

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I miss when directors know how to cast Hanakana at her best potentials with characters like these.

I dropped that show because it seemed very shallow and boring.
Is it worth finishing? Does she get any meaningful development towards the end


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>OP ask for MCs
>people post heroines

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Youko from the Twelve Kingdoms.

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>heroine isn't main character

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>girls can't be main
>girls can't be characters
Gets me hard everytime.

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She was able to surpass most of the male MCs of the franchise
Season 2 fucking never

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I love Momiji

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Imagine her smell

This one hands down

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It started so good and then they shat all over the franchise making it a school for super maids and shit. I'm still facepalming today.

I agree, well at least Sunrise wants bring back older series as revival projects. Will the next Mai-series be a sequel or reboot?

Please No, Hime is perfect already don't it suffer no more.

New Mai Hime series when?

The only acceptable answer.

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>Does she get any meaningful development towards the end
Yes, and in the last arc especially so. However I found her charming from the beginning and the focus of the overall story is not on character development, so maybe it's just not for you. It's anything but shallow though.

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I easily could, but I don't want to support rec threads.


wish we saw what ended up happening to Hilda's ex-family and the cops

>still couldn't kill gay priest


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She was great as Katrielle


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First thing to come to mind. S2 when.

>big tits


Those that have beautiful eyebrows, of course.

God I loved this show.

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Anita Sarkeesian.


I always like reading this right before the ntr parts since they're just so bland and boring, there are way better ntr hentai than this

Been may years since I saw that I guess I will just rewatch for the sake of nostalgia

Suzuki Satomi "Benten" from Eccentric Family. Easily one of my favorite anime characters, let alone female villains/MCs. When is the stupid 3rd book coming out so they can finish the tengu succession stuff?! Unlike S1/book 1, S2/book 2 just wasn't as self-contained.

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>I dropped that show because it seemed very shallow and boring.
Oh boy, I did the same mistakes years ago and watch it later, I did regret not watching it before.

whe wouldn't stop nico-niing, so i had to tell her


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shame the manga turned into a genreshifting trainwreck and got the axe like a bitch anyway

Best Hanakana.

How would that be an unpopular opinion? Twin Star Exorcists is shit.
Are you one of those people who believe that shounens are the kino genre or something?

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Did nothing wrong

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Mary sue to end all mary sues