White Album 2

What did Yea Forums think?

Can we all agree Setsuna is the canon winner?

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It's called the other side of happiness for a reason user.
Give it up, Kazusa is the thematical true end for this work.

OP, as usual, is a fag.
Kazusa was the best and truest girl. Canon winner.

Greatest love story ever told. Kazusa is best girl.

Nope. It's already been confirmed most of the staff who worked on the VN preferred Setsuna.

Neither end is definitively canon anyway.

>being this delusional and in denial
I never said anything about my preference. I said Kazusa's end is the thematic true end to this story.
If you really think that that Disney ending is what Maruto calls the other side of happiness then there is no hope for you.

>I said Kazusa's end is the thematic true end to this story.
t. brainlet in denial

If you actually read CC and Coda, you would know why it's more appropriate Setsuna won.

Attached: 274238.jpg (1500x1030, 282K)

How does this happen?