JoJo epic moments

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Someone said BASED?

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Nor based or redpilled thats more like hag and roastpilled

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Josuke's 2x2 balls are the reason why women complain about manspreading

Best boy incoming.

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Is the left one projared?

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That time a fucking rat figured out the mechanics of The World

>A literal ape is named after a hip-hop album
Araki is redpilled

Dinosaur Johnny posing is the highest point of SBR

The invisible baby posing after bamboozling the rock-paper-scissors lad

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God I wish that were me

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pucci singing haleluyah

How can you not love this gigachad

Milagro Man was an incredibly cool arc. Joshuu feels like he's incredibly threatening and capable he's just a shitter.

Holy shit what a chad.

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>when alessi turns her into a literal fetus
This always stuck with me, it made the situation so frantic and scary. I don't know why so many people hate the fight aside for Jotaro's retardation.

Could Kakyoin Beat Yuya?

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God I wish I was Lucy

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>you will never be as hot as valentine
fuck this gay world

Mostly virtue signaling retards who are like "omg Alessi is so creeepy... :( I don't like his fight" like nigga that's the fucking point

I will show to Mista my sex pistols if you know what I mean

Me when I say on Yea Forums that maybe we shouldn’t hate black people

The fights is good. And Jotaro kid beating Alessi is retarded but is funnily retarded so I forgive it


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>doesn't let women ride his horse because Lady Fortune is already riding it
>in order to save her, he takes Lucy Steel on his horse during the fight with Valentine
>dies with a woman on his horse, referencing the fact that Lady Fortune wasn't on his horse anymore


>Lucy was the embodiment of Jesus and simply being near her made you impervious to "misfortune"
>when Gyro died he actually had Lady Fortune on his horse, implying that it was his strength that got him through his hardships and that no fortune could stop fate
>Gyro dies the same way Ringo does, having convinced himself his power was more limited than it really was (he didn't really need Lady Fortune, Ringo didn't need to manipulate his watch)

this kinda writing you just don't get in the other parts

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>When all the crew laughed about how pathetic the stand user and his car was

this can't be real

They'd better find a way to make this scene terrifying as shit in the anime, with the music and voice acting it deserves. Otherwise it's just going to be another le doesn't make sense meme moment for the normies to eat up.

What did araki mean by this scene

Emphasis on the lifeless look in Guccio's eyes and the ribs sticking out of his back would make it great. If they have an extra scene of Guccio falling over and dying after the disc ends that'd be absolutely fucking kino.


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that shit polnareff pulls off with the mirror is pretty slick

tbqh Pucci is both le doesn't make sense and terrifying at the same time, and when animated it's likely people will eat up the former more. His first proper scene is this followed by slamming the bitch to his desk for stealing

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>Otherwise it's just going to be another le doesn't make sense meme moment
For me it was just another meme moment

It is

why did dp make her hotter?

Pucci was fucking great

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That's their job

What a good fucking pic. My sides are gone from this.

100% real. I was surprised as fuck when I first saw it

What's the context or should I read it myself if I can find it somewhere

part 6 start

Of course. Nobody can dodge his emerald splash.

Here is the colored version

That was my favourite part of P4

dope, thanks.
It's probably gonna be 4 years until the anime debut so I'd rather just read it

Za Warudo will always be the best.

Is going to take just 2 years to make the SO anime. Calm down we recently had vento aureo

>just 2 years

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>Joshu's a good fighter and slick as fuck but is too busy being a stupid asshole to do anything besides disassemble girls' bras with his stand

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Lmao just read volume 1,how the hell are they gonna animate this

Any answer that isn't pre-hamon Jonathan smashing Dio through a wall and their fight until JoJo pins in on the family statue is the wrong answer.

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Polnareff finally killing Vanilla Ice was amazing to look at

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and translate, third party translators are often better than the translation brands like crunchyroll since they don't give a fuck about copyrighted stand names

Do people really care if the subtitles have the stand names in them or not? You already know what it is.

it was weird when he screamed sticky fingers and the text said zipper man

Can’t wait for
>I shall name it Stone Ocean, as one day I’ll escape from this stone ocean

Did araki hate or something

Instead of Zipper man it should be called Sticker Fingas

Personally, I'd be more concerned about the translation of the words that I don't understand.

all the stands names and abilities are bands and song names. legally there is a problem using them in america. i think this all goes back to that time the west said publically they wouldnt pay japan for the rights to make bullet trains then couldnt make fast ones and japan was laughing very hard because their high school students understand what he problem was. when the train moves faster you have to alternate which "tracks" you skip. so starting out and up to say 300 mph all the tracks alternate and are on or off accordingly. but then at 350 mph you have to stagger it and you skip every other track like its not even there and when you kit the next interval which might be 450 you skip 2 tracks ect

the west accused japan of not listing a full diagram of working parts on their patent application which was granted but the west said they didnt have to pay for the rights to make them. and thats why japan was laughing pretty hard

havent read part 8 but all the screenshots i see are horny as shit
is this part really that horny

You forget about part 6?

When did anybody get a boner in part 6?

“subscribe to pewdiepie” stand when

Jolyne masturbated in the prison
She felt jealous about how snails have sex with everyone
Pucci gayness with Dio
Weather Report incest
This scene Part 6 is also hella horny

looks like he has his priorities right, user

I didn't see any boners though

>Pucci gayness with Dio
that's not a thing

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You forget about part 5 with all its homoshit?

How will the anime make this gayer?

Visible boners on both of them

SBR is transcendent.

>legally there is a problem using them in america.
No there literally isn't. It's called a fucking parody and it's protected speech.

>I know more about the law than the companies that publish Jojo!
Educate yourself

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Again: it's LEGAL.
Read your own fucking image, dipshit.

Oh maybe it makes sense, Dio killed his victims after fucking them, and pucci was his friend so i doubt they fucked

Lawyer here

It's not a matter of whether or not it's protected speech. There are copyright AND trademark infringement grounds that every single artist/band could sue the JoJo publishers for. The company doesn't want to deal with lawsuits coming from every angle because this is territory that doesn't have any case precedent. They would consider this to be more of a "tribute" scenario rather than parody. It would likely still all be considered fair use because it's so transformative and doesn't copy the heart of the original work, but I guess they don't wanna deal with a full court trial over some character names.

Jojo is gay in general

>Lawyer here
Post certifications.

just trust me my dude ;)

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no, it's horny, but not gay
only gay shit is a joke or played up on the anime adaptation for fujos (part 5)

>shoes in bed
I thought Pucci was Italian, not American.


>part 6 is the wor..

He is literally american

It's got the besg girls

It has the most girls but most of them suck and don't do anything

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nice butt

Anyone got a good torrent of the Netflix adaptation?

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Fijos área like a guided missile of filth, they carry they own fuel and explode with it into anything, they don't need the artist to explode into a sea of filth and degeneration.

What kind of mental state do you ned to be in to analyse a shounen manga like Jojo to this extent?

I can't believe Jotaro's wife lost her virginity with an ape

Yasuho alone has done more than most brojos.

Good thing SBR is seinen then.

He's talking about fights/progressing the plot, not having sex with people

>decided to finally watch that 44 araki forgot moments video
>literally every single point is wrong
sorry for blogpost, here is my favorite epic moment

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Yasuho is unironically the second best brojo after Gyro.

Jojotubers are the worst thing to happen to the fanbase.


agreed, they are turbo brainlets who everyone instantly believes for some reason

I wish Scarlet got a stand

If Pucci isn't voiced by Nakata the anime will be doomed from the start.

only retards dislike alessi

but could he survive a thunder cross split attack?

Legit only started the show this week, only up to episode 14.
It makes me fucking smile, I'm normally not a dude that browses Yea Forums, but holy shit is it great.

Glad to hear it but don't browse threads until you finish because people will intentionally and unintentionally spoil things.

It started serialization in WSJ

A held back one or a full power Thunder Cross Split Attack? Because no one can survive a full power Thunder Cross Split Attack

Reminder :
Speed King -> Burn -> Child in Time

When I first started reading JoJo four years ago someone told me Polnareff turned into a turtle. So when I got to part 4 I really expected that turtle from the beginning to show up again save Josuke with Silver Chariot.

>make based faggot villain
>"actually he is not gay, he just sleeps naked with his friend"
fuck off araki

i literally told my friend "no manga is a masterpiece if it doesn't have yuri on it" before reading SBR, i absolutely lost my shit when this happened

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I think people that inject faggot shit on media should kill themselves as much as the next guy, but Araki ain`t weaseling past that scene, DIO as a fag but a cool fag, like Freddie Mercury

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>cool fags
Weird way to spell "bisexuals"


pilled desu

there is nothing pointing to Dio being bi, fuck Araki for concedeing to fujos

he fucks men and women, deal with it

>cannot stop touching his step brother's penis

I don't have to deal with anything, Araki only said that because he feared for his life

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why yes i killed trillions because i couldn't suck my boyfriends dick anymore, how did you know ?

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cringe delusion

A normal one; if you're at all experienced in literary analysis you tend to notice these things in the background


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discord falseflag general
previous editions:

You are a faggot.

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I’m glad for you. Endure Stardust Crusaders because it fucking suck but the last half is okay and Vanilla Ice and Dio fights are very good.

>yfw Kira used Bites Za dusto in Turtle Polnareff so he could save Josuke

i haven't watched the anime, but the manga had a pretty comfy feeling

Tons of user said that SC is enjoyable more as a manga. Personally I don’t know what to say I was an animeonly until 2 months ago

Jotaro vs DIO wasn't really good

Nobody actually thinks pucci is gay you fucking idiot

>Nobody actually thinks pucci is gay you fucking idiot

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The anime felt comfy to me, just a bunch of good friends on a journey to kill an evil vampire, it's clear that Araki doesn't know what he's doing with stands yet and the villain of the week format doesn't work very well in a show but to me that simplicity is what makes it so great, a prime example of something bad being good just because of all the soul in it

It was pretty mediocre in the original, but the OVA version of the fight is one of my favorite fights in all of anything.

I think the anime is more enjoyable once you read the manga first. If you didn't read the manga firtst, all you can think about is wanting to see DIO and everything that happens before that feels like an annoyance. Once you already know how the story goes, you don't have that feeling and you can sit back and enjoy the journey.

Also, a lot of people don't realize just how much extra scenes the Part 3 anime has added to it. DP did a really good job of fleshing things out.

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discord falseflag general
previous editions:

any decent res pictures of spice girl? I want her as a phone wallpaper but I can't find shit

Irrelevant since that scene is after it became seinen.

That scene gave me a boner, no kidding.

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oh my

When will Ringo appear in SBR? I’m at the Boom family right now

He's in the True Man's World arc

>14 years old

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How much until that arc? I’m at chapter 20

You gonna watch it, faggots?

>This is only ~30 seconds of the full 2:30 pilot. It will be uploaded in the coming days.
I'm already disappointed.

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I'm so happy that there are people out there putting in the effort to clear up all the misconceptions about the Phantom Blood movie.

Why wasn't the original movie released exactly? Poor reception at the Tokyo Fair? Studio shuttered?

Pucci is a chad

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Keep reading and he will appear eventually

Where's that music from?

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As far as I'm aware, this was made specifically for that Phantom Blood movie.

Correct. But because the movie got axe'd Araki made a cover for SOUL'd OUT as a way to say sorry. Link related:

More trivia: Magenta Magenta and Wekapipo are both songs of SOUL'd OUT and the first japanese music referenced in JoJo.

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The water is actually strength too so she showered using forever fluids

What would happen if the person taking a shower were a kid?

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>i'll assassinate the president by seducing his bisexual wife

SBR is on another level

>Lucy will never sit on your face
Why are we even here? Just to suffer?

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i want sex

I want a girl to sit on my face more than I want to fuck her

Me too, brother, me too.

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Everyone's forgetting the most truly epic moment

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Can't wait for David Productions to turn this into a three minute sing-along.

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what the flying fuck
>In an interview in 2007 for Eureka magazine, Hirohiko Araki responded "...women, men--Dio can go with either." to a question about Dio's sexuality.[7]
>Scarlet Valentine, the wife of Funny Valentine in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run is confirmed to be bisexual in-story, when she shows attraction to her husband but is also seduced by Lucy Steel.

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They got the gar audience, they also wanted the pedophile audience

Is Araki a cumbrain?

DIO is a man of culture.

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Your church didn’t teach you Mother Mary was the hottest dyke in Israel?

People complain about
>It just works
while I'm sitting here, tryna figuring out if the SBR/JJlion Universe is the result of Pucci

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I just think it was a missed opportunity to call back to part 2 and let Joseph show Jotaro who he used to be when he was younger. I still like it just fine

uh, technically no one said "BASED"

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holy shit this looks great

>you will never fuck dio

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Not with that attitude, sir

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The Jojo OVAs had some absolutely fantastic animation. The scene in the desert where Polnareff summons Silver Chariot and the sword bursts from his chest was pure drawn porn to me and still is.

The entire problem with the whole thing was the terrible voice acting, even the Nips screwed the pooch on that shit which is a rarity. Dio sounds like a geriatric and hardly sinister enough.

I cannot fucking wait for the first episode of part 6 just for that one scene


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kys nigger

please go back

The same state as Araki. He writes his stories with the hopes that people will understand the stuff he's saying without words.



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fuck off with your vedditor memes

I love how much of an asshole he becomes. This will be amazing with voice acting

Why's there so many removed messages lmao

VAfags were posting.

SOtists were posting.

DiUchads weren't posting

>t. brainlet

DIO literally says that he needs his potential friend to be someone who is free from any sexual desires.

>Anasui seems like a sex obsessed criminal when we first meet him but he just really loves Jolyne and wishes to marry her who wouldn't dare cheat on his waifu
I love this fucker

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it ain't gay to kiss your homie

Shower thoughts: what band/artist has Araki referenced the most in the 30 years Jojo has existed?

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As a person he's very douchey, but as a character he's hilarious and dynamic.

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It's the first chapter I believe

He doesn't mention bands generally more than once but I've noticed:
Talking Heads: Talking Head, Burning down the house
Yes: Bruford (Yes drummer), and the whole section of that girl from part 8 talking about fragile
King Crimson: also Bruford (Also played for King Crimson), and King Crimson

Pro tip: part 5 references the best music in the whole series

I mean not only does Queen get Bite the Dust, Sheer Heart Attack, and Killer Queen, but he brings back the same stand and user in part 8

Dire Straits was two different characters in part 1, and Straits made it a ways into part 2 as well.

besides that I can't think of any other repeat references


He's stated in a few interviews that Prince is his favorite artist, and you can see that with Soft & Wet, Cream, Paisley Park, Kiss, etc. All being Prince songs.
As well as that, he's stated prince as being an influence behind tons of character, stylistic, and posing designs over the years.

Wait, so Kiss isn't based on KISS, but Prince's Kiss?

You have any evidence cream and kiss aren't based on the respective bands?

Araki's tastes?

I find it kinda strange that Araki has never referenced Nirvana (but Foo Fighters did) and Iron Maiden

He likes old music, it's much more believable that he's referencing super popular bands than he's referencing songs of an artist he likes
Plus, the band cream fits vanilla ice much more
Don't know dick about the band kiss, so I don't know of any thematic connections to Hermes

>every Stand user in Morioh is either a psycho or an attempted murderer except Koichi and Tonio
>Shigechi is left to die by schoolchildren because he looks creepy
>the town would have been fucked forever if Jotaro didn't show up
>"Morioh has a golden heart bro"

Did Valentine and her bond over their shared lust for teenage women?

I would like to reveal to her my stand.
Jojo continues to be a great surprise.

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I didn't realize "Crossfire Hurricane" was a reference to Jumping Jack Flash until yesterday.
I wish the musical references were more subtle like they were in the earlier parts instead of a character being named "The Jimi Hendrix Experience"

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Yeah, it took me literal years to get what DIO was referencing.

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Reminder that JOSHU is the TRUE Jojo of Part 8

What was their stand name again?

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that looks fucking amazing

My wife Shizuka is no psycho


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bump :^)

>download latest BD to check out if horrible backgrounds and zoomed out animations in KC vs Metallica are fixed or that horrible animation of KC donuting Abba
>DP only changed eerie moving red backgrounds when Doppio talks to the Boss
I'm very disappointed. My favorite fight will forever look like shit in anime.

"3D johnny depp pirate movie" is what they should be called irl

all the backgrounds characters in part 8 look like they have fas

[It's a Man's Man's Man's World]

Instant hype from chapter fucking one right here.
This press conference managed to be one of my favourite scenes of the entire part. It sets the scene so perfectly. Especially towards the end when someone asks him what he's gonna do if the tournament makes a loss and Stephen basically says he has already achieved what he wanted since the entrants will all be true pioneers.

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the most retarded was shit like echoes or surface which are single fucking words.
unless i can go ahead and patent the word "the"

>There are people who think part 7 had a weak start
If anything parts 2 and 4 had the weakest beginnings.

>YouTubers that clearly haven't watched JoJo, yet still make the same jokes that everyone and their mother have been doing almost a decade ago in vain hopes of getting views from retards that spam non-stop "IZ ZIS A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFRENCE??????/??????LE EPIC MEME XD/????/????

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I wasn't really into it until the holy corpse was introduced

>he says this while posting le funny king crimson face

People hate it because it is said in the arc explicitly that when you are turned into a kid you are back at your kid level power and mentality. However, Jotaro is able to effortlessly beat the shit out of Alessi even though it is stated in the beginning of the part that Jotaro was a sweet and caring child. They don't have their stands either so he should be weak.

How many times has Joshu seen Pirates of the Caribbean in theaters that noisy people is a problem specific to them?

>it is stated in the beginning of the part that Jotaro was a sweet and caring child
That doesn't mean he's going to be sweet to someone trying to kill him.

This is an imageboard after all

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Almost every page of SBR is a epic moment but Tusk 4 just letting himself in without permission is so damn satisfying

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They can use the words echo or surface as words. But the names are music references and everybody knows it, they won't be able to get away with playing dumb and acting like they just named a stand Echoes after the word and not the song.

>though it is stated in the beginning of the part that Jotaro was a sweet and caring child
That was his mother being deluded

Buddy, this is gonna be the next torture dance

It's gonna be an acapella with sounds you can only make with your mouth, mixed with gurgling and screaming.

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>The chapter was this nonsense for 8 pages
>After that, it ends
Imagine being Araki's editor the day he went in to deliver the chapter and realizing the motherfucker is seriously about to give you less than 10 pages of a stupid gag and fuck off until the following month

It was a bonus chapter for the volume release, not the serialization. Araki just decided Gyro didn't make enough shitty gags to Johnny's dubious sarcasm

I mean even I do that with my friends, so I can see where Araki's coming from. It's essentially just male bonding, since the bed is naturally the comfiest spot in a home.

Are your friends charismatic and sexy vampires?

>Johnny is convinced the corpse is the only thing that will save him from himself
>But Johnny also knows Gyro is the only true friend he's ever had
>He gives up the corpse and all of his hopes with it to save him and lies on the ground crying
>Gyro realizes what Johnny did and immediately tries to make him feel better and let him now it ain't over yet
Epic moments you said?

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I'm gonna say 2/3 for some, but regardless, this is very possible if you're comfortable with each other's presence.

Sweaties, where are the spoilers for jojolion?

Dio is a faggot*

Tsurugi is the main villain

The only thing I wish was changed is that Baron Rockachugo in his car should've at least been a minor character. Instead he just gets one panel later on where we see he forgot to bring any spare fuel.

KC vs Metallica and Abbacchio's death looked great you fucking sperg

It was pretty shit dude

agreed, those were great eps.

How high do your standards have to be to actually believe this

I would have liked it if they gave one of the most important fights in the part the same treatment as White Album at least

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FF is hideous

Tell me about another character that when you fuck her, even if you two are alone, its always a gangbang.

FF wins every time

>I wish the musical references were more subtle like they were in the earlier parts instead of a character being named "The Jimi Hendrix Experience"

No one even knows what the fuck Walking Heart and Awaking 3 Leaves are supposed to be. How is that not subtle?

I literally cried with that ending. Good writing.

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I just found it so surprising that they actually lost the fight. Like, when have the main characters in JoJo ever lost a minor fight? The secondary villains might range from shit tier to absolute kino but at the end of the day, they are all disposable hypemen for the big bad. Seing them lose, specially in a mostly non-combat arc like sugar mountain spring, was subversion of expectations at it's best

>part 2
?????????? The first part of bt is great, the introduction of joseph and the straitso fight are beautiful arcs

God I wish that were me

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Best fight of part 3

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what did Araki mean but this?

Rereading Part 8 so far.
Didn't Jobin awaken his stand ability as a kid though?
Is Araki just scrapping all of the Wall Eyes stuff?

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Jesus, Devil's Palm and Wall Eyes just act as stimulant to speed up Stand development. Jobin awaken Speed King naturally because he was in a life threatening situation
It's essentially the same with arrows in part 3-6


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Do you think Diavolo is dead or still eternally dying?

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Is this the only way I can fuck Bruno and it’s not gay?

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>scarlet valentine

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From what I've gathered, doesn't pretty much every artist that's aware of Jojo like that they're referenced as some form of punch ghost? Wasn't it only Prince's autistic screeching that put fear in localisers?

>cool fag, like Freddie Mercury
His anus was so loose a poop just went straigh out when he was in a hot tub

giorno vs diavolo wouldve been wayyy better of a fight if bossu intiially won the arrow and obtained king crimson requiem but lost to gold experience fair and square with the arrow either now finding him unworthy or simply being punched out of king crimson's face

I liked xForts' take on the idea that Diavolo could see so far into the future with KCR that he just straight up alt-F4d the fight with Giorno and fucked off into a depressed ghostly life.

People with loose anuses can still be cool.

Jobin has lived on the cursed land for his entire life, so it probably had something to do with his stand.

What the FUCK was Fugo's point?

To be a cool character.

Those aren’t musical references.

More like an useless character

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I mean they beat the shit out of the Eleven Men in a gunfight, they didn't lose in that capacity. The only reason they handed over the Corpse Parts is because the Giving Tree forced them to.

SCR is pretty badass

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But without the tree's money they wouldn't be able to hire those burgers to kill the Eleven Men

Mostly only at the begining.

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i mean, jotaro effortlessly beating up everyone is kind of the running theme of part 3

Did you forget Poor Tom and Mitsuba

Polnareff kept his memories for a bit after being turned into a kid

Best theme next to Risotto's.

How does she not break her spine walking like that?

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They won't animate it
Screenshot this

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How would you defeat King Crimson without literal godly powers (aka Requiem)?

Ranged AOE attack that lasts longer than ten seconds

The light shit with SCR doesn’t happen and he just gets fucking killed and then Giorno uses his powers over life to restore Polnareff and give him back the strength to control SCR
But SCR goes berzerk as Pol tries to “retame” it and Giorno has to use the arrow to calm it down

He said without Requiem

Not like using it to evolve, using it as bait basically. Distracting it, keeping it from hurting anyone else

It could be a big team battle. Part 5 puts a big focus on the gang as a whole so having the final boss be a group effort led by giorno would be a good conclusion. Not to mention how Dio’s son helping a stardust crusader gain control of his stand contrasts with DIO flesh budding Polnareff and starting SC by making Holly have a stand she can’t control

Made in Heaven could fuck with it's time powers same as it did with Star Platinum. Even if he could see Pucci coming, he'd be too fast and the time erased window would be way smaller for him to rely on

>Part 5 puts a big focus on the gang as a whole
Does it? Almost every fight has the group split up.

Sheer heart attack

Not in fights but outside of it, especially in the anime. They’re always interacting and bouncing off eachother. And Giorno doesn’t stand out as much as other JoJo protags

Trick him into entering a highly populated area so he won’t use his powers or draw attention to himself and then ambush and shoot him

Remove all the iron from his body

That's just for convenience, it'd be hell to write fights with all of them participating at once, both the protagonist and villain side.
It's probably why Araki limited the crew to just a duo in 7

Yeah but what about a big ass game of keep away with SCR and the arrow until Polnareff can get SCR back under control

Most of the interactions were among Bruno's old crew, a majority of which had died or left before the final confrontation. Bruno, Giorno, Mista and Trish didn't have much of a connection to each other as a whole.


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Literally just shoot him. Epitaph needs to be activated so if you just snipe him from a hundred meters away he wont ever know what happened to him.


Do you think Risotto would have come so close if he had been fighting Diavolo from the get go instead of him assiting Doppio via frog phone?

yeah, from that point the wall eyes start to get less and less relevant

Nah, Diavolo could just go straight for the kill.

>Joshuu didn't become part of the NeoDuwanggang and has been relegated to background character status like the rest of the Higashikatas
It's not fair

But what if King Crimson catches it reflexively like Star Platinum

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he's gonna beat the shit out of Tooru, just you wait

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Why do people keep saying this? He got an entire arc dedicated to himself.

>villain gets the arrow but giorno STILL beats him

holy shit no

>hates it when noisy people are next to him
>yells about it in the theater
what a cunt

I wanted him to join up with Gappy, Yasuho, and Rai.

>villain gets the red stone but MC STILL beats him
>villain gets Joseph's blood but MC STILL beats him
>villain gets Bites the Dust but MC STILL beats him
>villain gets Made in Heaven but MC STILL beats him
>villain gets the corpse parts but MC STILL beats him
It's a winning formula.

You mean
>villain gets red stone but ASSPULL beats him
>villain gets Joseph's blood but ASSPULL beats him
>villain gets Bites the Dust but RETARDATION beats himself
>villain gets Made in Heaven but ASSPULL still beats him
>villain gets the corpse parts but MC STILL beats him

An arc that had nothing to do with the story and didn't prominently feature any other characters. Milagro Man was a good arc but I'd gladly give it up if it meant Joshu would become a permanent member of the crew.

Does anyone know the name of the Italian sounding song that plays at the beginning of Battle Tendency Episode 14?

Nut King Call's hands are on that cover showing all of Gappy's other team members. That means something, clearly.

The arc had nothing to with 'the story' but everything to do with developing Joshu. Why would Araki even bother if he was just going to be a 'background character'. An entire arc to himself divorced from the plot is something most brojos don't even get.

I want to believe, user. But we're nearing the endgame and he's still bumming around the house unaware of the plot.

>Why would Araki even bother if he was just going to be a 'background character'
Soundman literally opens up Part 7 and he's just thrown away.

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Pucci only loves god and to him Dio is a sort of god

easily the dumbest stand fight after the sun

these are edits

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>Actually has a personality
>Actually contributes to the plot even with a non-combat stand
>Role as love interest doesn't feel super forced because she actually has pretty decent chemistry with Gappy
Based as fuck

Not even close to being the dumbest

I'm willing to bet, nay, I'm sure, that that was a change of plans. Dude was clearly meant to have a bigger role before Araki changed his mind and killed him off

He became based as fuck when he got his memories back

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How is Weather a blue eyed whitey while his brother Pucci is black as shit?

Considering the last love interest with an actual role was Erina all the way back in part 1 (Suzie Q happened off-screen and she didn't really do anything), seing a love interest in JoJo feels so oddly fresh. Like, the male and female leads being into each other is such a cliche trope in all forms of media but JoJo has done a fantastic job of not really giving a shit about romance so I find myself invested in those 2. It's a cool departure from the Jobro formula

It's gonna be sad when Gappy dies and Yasuho and Joshu end up together post timeskip.

It sucks that it only lasted for like 5 minutes and then went back to acting more or less like his usual self for no real reason before getting donuted.

>dumbest fight

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Blame David Pro for making his expressions so damn memeable.

>This was our introduction to the main villain
Absolutely based writing

He was going to be a spy for Diavolo and betray Team Bucciarati originally, but Araki aborted that arc and wrote Fugo out of the story.

Which makes no sense, why would Diavolo have a spy among his own men?

Because he's a paranoid nutjob?

>he didn't like beetle tendency

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Why would he trust his own spies then? What's the difference between hiring one guy you don't know vs hiring another guy you don't know

What the hell he did?

Gappy gives me a priapy

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Best JoJo

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how does king crimson work
you can't just erase time

>Epitaph predicts events up to roughly 10 seconds in the future
>Everyone but Diavolo is locked into whatever actions Epitaph predicted they'd take and retain no memories from the erased time period
>Diavolo can lolnope anything that would negatively affect him during the "erased" time

say it with me now, IT

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>it's LEGAL
only in California

>dio looking at the mona lisa
Did he get a boner?

Do jojofags think shit like this is worthy of a thread? C’mon they’ve already shitted up Yea Forums, so why make it any more worse?

You're right, we CLEARLY need another waifubait thread.

>infringement grounds that every single artist/band could sue the JoJo publishers for
So why don't they just do it? The jap audio has the characters clearly saying the names, in plain English, why can't some shitty fansub group just type it out?

>you can't just erase time

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>in plain English,
Lol no

How does D4C work?
Why is Valentine's dad dead every universes?
How do the other Valentine beat their Johnny, Gyro, Diego, etc. without a stand?
Why do the other Johnnys fight Valentine? It's not like diamonds can cure their legs
How does he come out into a city in that one universe?
Why did Jesus leave behind a map of diamond mines of North America in the other universes?

It transports things to parallel universes when they’re pressed between two surfaces
Clearly his dad dying has something to do with him developing his stand
Maybe only our Johnny developed Tusk Act 4
Maybe there’s some kind of expensive surgery or something Johnny needs money for
Stands maybe
Because diamonds are unbreakable

If only araki kept the original design...

let Diavolo have his fun on the good guy's side

>main villain
sure pal

give it to straight
what are the chance of part 6 animated

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Pretty high given that JoJo keeps selling like hot cakes. Let's just wait a few years.

You can’t post guro on a blue board you sick fuck

Serves him right for burning down his house

Araki's art was absolutely stunning in mid to late part 7

she's going into prison, they're inspecting her to make sure she's not smuggling anything in

do you reckon DP will animate fat valentine

I see shit like "did the pillar men have stands?"
fuckin no moron as if araki thought that far ahead

Pillar men have advanced forms of what DIO’s vampiric Freeze was
In other words: Vampiric Freeze = Ice Mode

>to be continued arrow noticably absent for most of the part
>Valentine stuns the audience by being the first jojo main villain to actually, at least seemingly, give up.and try to negociate
>the arrow returns
How based can part 7 possibly be

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I really hope roundabout will come back in part 7

No, it needs to be America, the last track on the same album where roundabout is the opener.

Part 3 Pol with prep time could beat King Crimson. Remember Silver Chariot is almost as fast as Star Platinum.

Unironically Avdol beats Diavolo by spamming AoE attacks.

user he had several years of prep time and still bit the dust

or Zippy Fingers can also work

He was a cripple. I mean if he was at its peak while knowing how King Crimson worked

Queen(Sheer Heart Attack, Another One Bites the Dust), Prince (loads of shit desu) and Jimi Hendrix (Stone Free, Purple Haze, and if you consider PHF canon, you have loads there too)

How the fuck does king crimson work? Ok sure it erases time but how can you erase time and things still happen in it? This is bullishit araki I need to know!!! ARIIIIII

Made in Heaven wasn't defeated by an asspull tho

He see the future, then he use like a za warudo but instead of stopping time it deletes it and nobody remember what happened except bitchavolo

What happened next?


It's not really erasing time, it's skipping time

>It's a main character cries and begs for the villain to fix everything for the entire final fight episode
Nothing could have prepared me for how kino this battle got

>dumbest fight
>posts best
are you fucking kidding me, there's so much shit that could take the bottom spot, wheel of fortune, strength, boom boom family or worst of all dragon's dream

So basically every final antagonist in Jojo since the introduction of stands has one with some space-time control ability?

The best moment in JoJo is when Joseph punches a god into outer space, by using the force of a volcanic eruption to launch his dismembered arm at him, and he does so with nothing but dumb luck and trash talk.

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So far none of the posibble final bosses for Jojolion seem to have such kind of ability but one of them has been stated to be in the process of evolving his stand so only time will tell

Drop a vote for It Just Works to keep his spot on the Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Autumn cup. You can also vote for any other you’d like to see or even come up with your own answers in the write in sections, with enough support write ins can make it in.

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Have a link as well because I’m fucking stupid

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>Fijos área

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Hehe, the flowers on her dress are shaped like labia in this panel.


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You pervert, hehe.

It's intentional. Look at the flower on Valentine's dress and tell me it also doesn't look like pussy.

No it needs to be Siberian Khatru

No it needs to be You Spin Me Right Round

It's gotta be A Horse With No Name, no doubt.

I'd bang Mista sober, Bruno after a handful of shots and Giorno after a whole bottle

Who's the strongest Jojo?

Way too popular, way too expensive

Giorno, maybe johnny

Part 8 has the most sex by far to an uncomfortable degree, especially when it comes to Tamaki Damo

Araki is talking out his ass here, it is so fucking obvious that Pucci was gay for DIO.

Saying he's not is like trying to claim Cho Aniki isn't gay.

as much as I hate Part 6 and hate Heavy Weather, Weather's real personality is fucking amazing.

Araki seems to not like NWOBHM, there's no Judas Priest or anything like that either.
It's either doom metal, thrash, or 80s glam.

Every guy is gay for Dio though.

Part 2's beginning is fantastic, Joseph absolutely shits all over someone as strong as DIO was in based fashion.

if anything I think Part 5 has the weakest beginning. Part 5 doesn't get good until all of Italy is trying to assassinate them.

Doesn't part 2 start off with some cop wiping a booger on Joseph? Yeah, that was the worst one.

Weather was better when he was a memoryless sister banging retard.

Vanilla Ice doesn't have control over the name, so while he actually liked the reference, the record company didn't iirc

to star in an amazing spinoff novel that's better than the source material
Rainy Day Dream Away is the coolest stand of all time

Giorno vs Bruno is one of the best early fight

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Sticky Fingers vs Gold Experience and Black Sabbath were based

Made In Heaven was far from asspull. If anything he gets beaten in the most logical and clinical way possible, he gets a major weakness exploited and it makes perfect sense.

baba o'riley

It's a fight where Giorno relies entirely on abilities that would be retconned within the next few chapters, and Bruno has a completely different personality here too.

I honestly think YoYo Ma is the worst fight in the series. I still have no clue what it was about or why it happened or how it was so fucking bad.

Dragon's Dream sucked but at least it had a kind of interesting concept of being bad support for an expert martial arts assassin. YoYo Ma was nothing more than boring and annoying and had nothing interesting about it.

t. SOtist

A classic part of Jojo is where main characters are introduced as enemies but once they're defeated, they become friends and their powers change entirely

>How does D4C work?
Allows its user to navigate infinite alternate dimensions, and can jump to a new Valentine in case the old one can get killed. Also has a somewhat limited ability to fuse dimensions together, ie it fusing with Love Train and it fusing several dimensions where Johnny is shot together to confuse everyone

>Why is Valentine's dad dead every universes?
we're never actually shown this and it could be a lie to convince Johnny he's a righteous man. That said if it -is- true, Valentine's dad dying is important to who Valentine is as a person, could just be a necessary part of his destiny.

>How do the other Valentine beat their Johnny, Gyro, Diego, etc without a Stand?
There's a good chance they don't. I mean he pulls out a living Diego, he says he can pull out a living Gyro (and obviously he can), also as the President he still holds considerable power. Keep in mind Valentine manipulates dozens of people in attempting to kill them, he probably did the same in other universes. Also Part 7 has way lower power levels than the other Parts, everybody has a revolver and as many people get killed by guns as they do supernatural powers.

>Why do the other Johnnys fight Valentine?
Valentine is a perfect foil to Johnny, Johnny is motivated by selfishness but tries his best to do good actions, Valentine has a selfless motivation of wanting eternal prosperity for the US but performs evil actions. Hell it even goes so far as Johnny having a living father who hates him and Valentine having a dead father who loves him, they are perfectly opposed to each other.

>how does he come out into a city in that one universe?
that universe's city was built a few miles away from where it was in the other one.

>Why did Jesus leave behind a map of diamond mines of North America in other universes
I'll give you this one because it's super specific and I don't even know where it is in the manga.

why did this dumbass thot fuck Tamaki Damo in the first place?

>dumbass thot
You answered it.

This. Jonathan died smiling because he knew if Dio survived at least he would have his dick touched by Dio's hand every time he took a piss


>abilities that would be retconned within the next few chapters
Read the fight vs the baby again, Giorno's Gold Experience still put the enemies in slowmode, it's just not as relevant because the enemies either got away with it or are defeated as soon Giorno gets them

>Bruno has a completely different personality
different behaviour =/= different personality
Of course a gangster would treat Giorno like shit before they became comrades

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>Of course a gangster would treat Giorno like shit before they became comrades
Even though he never treats anyone like that again in the whole part, even their actual enemies.

He only was specially cunning and bizarre when he was interrogating Giorno and he never was in the same situation with other enemies. During the fight he treated Giorno just like he treated the rest

Consider this:
Would be perfect cause they can do the same "to be continued" thing like with roundabout.

I wish Araki stuck with this Giorno and Bruno

He did

No he didn't.



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Men In Black

Giorno with a proper arc development
Bruno as the cool and cold guy
Mista as the comic relief
Bruno going zombie isn’t in the plot
Diavolo ends up killing both Mista and Bruno but that dead helped Giorno to get the arrow that give him the ability to control time (a reference to his dad) so Diavolo timeskip are less useful and the place take place during all the colosseum
Mista stopping rolling stone end up with Bruno living a few more days but Mista dying too
Delete the 2 years pregnancy bullshit
Doppio isn’t another personality but a disorder he have sometimes and he activates Diavolo when in danger or serious

I want gost-Kira and ghost-Doppio adventures now.

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>Doppio isn’t another personality but a disorder he have sometimes and he activates Diavolo when in danger or serious
Why would a disorder form a mafia gang?

This artist draws too much Doppio x Risotto.

Why did Bossu ditch this for the land life?

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Physical raw strenght is obviously Jonathan

Someone translate this.

>Doppio isn’t another personality but a disorder he have sometimes and he activates Diavolo when in danger or serious
That’s literally how it already is.

Giorno or Jousuke
Soft and Wet is a bullshit stand and will use its stealing powers for overpowered reality warping bullshit by the end of Part 8

His girlfriend was a tourist iirc and at least in the anime it didn't seem like he wanted to do anything til he met her. I think he wanted to be a sailor because she lived far from Sardinia.

Then he left her after burning his hometown so it didn't matter anymore.

I mean, he can be really imaginative with its power, but most of time it's just a support ability

Rolling Stones has 5 references: Magician's Red Crossfire Hurricane (from the lyrics of Jumpin' Jack Flash), Sticky Fingers, Rolling Stones (the stand), Jumpin' Jack Flash and Tattoo You!

Honestly, who cares?

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Thought: Kira looks like David Bowie and is associated with cats because of the David Bowie song Cat People
If you read the lyrics the song actually fits him very well

First 4 yes, but no to rest.
Diavolo needs to be a completely different villain with different powers and not yet another hide-and-seek moron that fucks with time, and the worst case of it too. Give him a relationship with Giorno, maybe tie it into the whole ''son of Dio'' thing so that it's actually relevant instead of a mere reference so he can say muda which was pathetic shit.
No 'I win' arrow nonsense. That was merely a last minute asspull by Araki to write himself out of the corner, if you're gonna introduce a new mcguffin make it something relevant to the mafia organization.
RS is also retarded and serves only to try and excuse shit plot.
Make Doppio his most loyal lackey that he can remote control due to his stand or some shit. Diavolo doesn't need a super-strong stand power, he's a mafia boss, people do shit for him, what is the point of an organization if everybody wants to kill each other at any given moment, it's kinda silly that Diavolo had to go out and personally take care of everything in the end, characters spend most of the time trying to find out who he is (which turns out to be irrelevant) and he just comes to them. It's just a whole season of trolling.
Give Polpo a bigger role than just having him show up to die and Passione should not be handing out stand powers like frickin' candy to randos.

Just fucking replace Diavolo with Pucci then
Have him built Passione with the arrow (to make new stands) and discs (to recycle traitors and keep check of the gang's stands)
His identity is kept secret thanks to Whitesnake being remote controlled and illusions

Scarlet's exagerated reaction really makes the whole scene

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Have you never been in the room of a friend who doesn't have a chair, or whose chairs are always covered in cathair?
Do you have no friends who walk around the house shirtless?

Kira looks like an emaciated pedophile

Love of god =/= in love with god

Dio is Bi.
Pucci is straight.

There's a difference between being in your friend's room and sharing a single bed hotel room with a hot guy.

Whitesnake's power is honestly so much more appropriate for that setting than KC. It would make complete sense in the context of running an organization. You can reward loyal members with stands and strip others of power.

That’s what Bowie looks like too due to years of drug use and once only eating hot peppers and milk for a year

If you're straight you don't think of hot guys as hot guys.
And they were in a hotel? Was DIO visiting Pucci?
Although my brother and I do this shit all the time when we only have 1 hotel bed in the room, although one of us sleeps on the pull-out.

>only eating hot peppers and milk for a year
What the fuck

This is DIO we're talking about, he can give anyone the gay

Except pucci, which is part of the point
Honestly, it kinda pisses me off that people don't get Pucci and Dio, since I've had bros like that before. Being so comfortable around someone, and so on the same wavelength, that you feel like you could say anything to each other without fear of reproach, is absolute bro goals.
The kinda bro where even if you decided to highjack an airplane for a philosophically sound reason, you could see him helping you.

>a mere reference so he can say muda
Giogio was made as Dio's son because it was the only way Araki could make the story work, or do you expected Joseph to have ANOTHER bastard? Make him Jonathan's son using Dio was the perfect way to make another Joestar from far away without repeating Josuke bullshit

Actually, yes.
Just look at Joseph of Arrhythmia

New diet plan

Well exactly, it's a great idea, but fucking wasted because him being Dio's son is completely irrelevant in the story and only reduced to a shitty reference. That was my point.

Cringe brainlet.

I agree Araki should receive public punishment for ignoring Giorno's father after the first chapters I'm just saying Giorno wasn't made Dio's son just to make him say "muda". There's a genuinely good reason from a story-telling point of view, it's just that Araki dropped the ball hard

No love for Part 2?

I liked the volcano eruption.

The third best art

Part 2's art was pretty shit

I liked it.

Yeah, seconded. Is he a man of the "sea"? Or a man of the "land"?

Worst protagonist

There are reasonable limits to his ability, I think.
They'll probably never be described, exactly, but they're there.

Sorry it was a typo. Yeah Part 1 and 2 artstyle aren’t that good

>Third best protagonisftfy

>first worst protagonist
Joseph was gold in part 3, but shit in part 2

>lol what if the protagonist was Jonathan again, but goofier?

His design is lacking but his personality is wildly different from Jonathan and you know it

For anybody who hasn't realized, The World is gold and wears an oxygen tank because he's a HOLY DIVER.

but he isn’t like johnthan, the point is that both are different but yet have the same, also he became less goofy during part 2 and matured a lot during all the hamos training and the pillar men fight.
But at least I’m fine that we both agree that johnathan is good and joseph from part 3 is better

After the boom boom family I am less invested in reading SBR. Also it doesn’t help the fact that I ate tons of spoilers

I love Jotaro

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Best Jojo easily

*the same destiny
sorry i’m very retarded

This was me like a month ago too, keep reading.

Jotaro only said this to manipulate her into action

Jotaro or Jotaro with tits?

I will fellow user-kun

Jotaro with tits have actually a personality more than being cold and angry, and a proper development arc

I'd assume "marine biologist" is SWF for "travels all over the world killing dangerous fuckers who he really hopes don't find out he has a daughter, while he might be being trailed at all times"

Cringe. You have never read the part


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Except when he is the main character, in which case he becomes worst jojo

Part 3 Jotato was a good character.


So much of the begining of part 2 I spent in making sure you understood how different Joseph was to his grandpa, brainlet.

THIS is the worst protagonist
Fucking boring gary stu

cringe fanfiction

Part 3 Jotaro wasn't even a character

Way to expose yourself as a speedreader, user

Way to expose yourself as a retard, user, since the beginning to the end all he was all "I gonna kick your ass huh"
He didn't even hugged Joseph when he "died" the fucking soulless piece of shit

Not everyone is a hugger

I wish people knew what the fuck Gary Stu meant

>I'm just saying Giorno wasn't made Dio's son just to make him say "muda".
I never said he was, only that that's as far as it went. I think Giorno is the best in concept for a new JoJo, a complete irony. But the potential completely flew over Araki's head for whatever reason. Heck, even part 6's penultimate out-of-nowhere jobber sons were more relevant, it's ridiculous.

America was released as a single you dumb fucking zoomer,the only versions of Fragile that has it are rereleases that include it as a bonus track.

But you don't get it, bro, he asked Holly if she was feeling Ok that one time, bro, he secretly cares for everyone but doesn't know how to express it, bro, it's all just a facade, bro

Exactly, he's obviously a kind-hearted boy, he's just too cool to show it to the people he cares about

Didn't read the rest of this chain, but
>not pursuing a potential plotpoint in preference of writing something completely original
>bad writing

>writing something completely original
And that is...?

It's not actually a secret with what happened with Steely Dan, he cares about everyone. He is an autist.

Something to do with a cult he was part of or something

A plot that doesn't include plotpoints from prior parts, is what I meant. Granted, it includes Stands and expands upon the Arrow.

Part 4 Jotaro = Part 8 Kira > Part 6 Jotaro > Part 3 Jotaro

There was no reason to make Giorno a part of the Joestar bloodline then. That would have been actually original.

Ah, and turtleman.
But it's not wrong to want to make Giorno stand on his own, without jerking off your old work

No, it was just his own issues.

How the FUCK did Dio know that the bone thing would happen
How the fuck did he know ANY part of the Heaven plan would work

>A plot that doesn't include plotpoints from prior parts
But Araki already did that by having Koichi in Italy helping Jotaro find DIO's son

Bad writing

Not him but you are asking for a JoJo to not be a JoJo


It fit into Jojo's metanarrative of a bloodline who fights against the inevitability of fate, as a paean to humanity

Because Dio is a shittily written character with no consistency
Reminder Dio peaked pre-vampirism

So it's not original

Are you sure? Wasn’t it because he was super into Alister Crowley’s weird magic shit

Don’t be surprised if it gets deleted since you linked it.

That doesn't happen

That was just the link between Jousuke's adventure and Giorno's, he stops appearing soon and is irrelevant. You could honestly read only part 5 and you would unterstand everything, there's barely anything from the past and you can left it was an extra if you want to dig into these characters' past, but just reading part 5 alone could work.

It's more about writing a story where the character's goals and accomplishments are their own, more than having zero actual connection to other parts. E

That’s not the same as being in an organized cult.

>part of metanarrative
>other than the similarities required to establish metanarrative and stands, original narrative
Is this that hard to get?