Red pill me on texhnolyze, is it a good show?
Red pill me on texhnolyze, is it a good show?
The Chad Kano > The virgin Yoshi
kano was a major fuck up
Kano was a pretentious inbred freak with stunted leg growth to go along with his stunted emotional development and in no way compares to The Man of Men. Yoshii would have executed him like the degenerate that he was.
>Red pill me on
go back
Very hard to digest, but an excellent anime. The first 4 episodes grind down most viewers, the rest of it gives them depression.
Local Man Ruins Everything: The Animated Series
If someone who didn't finish the series seen your post he would think you're talking about Yoshii, when you are talking about Kano.
I liked it, but if it isn't to your taste then don't force yourself.
Boring as fuck
he's talking about ichise vut its true practically every character in the show had a hand in causing extinction
It starts incredibly slow and long winded, the first episode is entirely silent which is cool and refreshing, but the next episodes are some characters talking about something you don't understand briefly interrupted by something good.
It was as hard to get through as Angel's Egg
Aster episode 6 i think it begun keeping me on the edge of my seat.
Oh and I forgot to mention in the end I absolutely loved the fuck out of it 11/10 rewatched 3 times.
The slow start is really the only negative thing about it.
The best sell you can give on the show is that it is a show about how humanity acts in its last month before extinction
It is a heavily philosophical series. Unfortunately, if your philosophy has advanced anywhere past the manchild stage of a 20 year old, it will ring hollow. On the other hand, if you're a typical ledditor, which you seem to be, you will (pretend to) love it. Still, there's quite no other anime like it and worth an appreciation.
did you see how the shapes ended up? They were rooted to the ground and constantly twitching. Defining the line between where technology improves us and where it just flat out changes us is the whole point of the show and its clear that the shapes crossed that line. Kano might have had the intentions you are saying but he fucked up with the shapes
I was always under inpression the shades were going to either bloom or bear a fruit and it was their metamorphosis stage that would lead to something else.
Very true.
i bet you have a lot of friends
>Fusing yourself permanently into the ground in the hopes that maybe someday you'll magically evolve into a different lifeform even though you're literally just a head in a metal shell.
If the title of episode 21 is any indication, Kano had a brain disease ("encephalopathy"). He definitely THOUGHT he was the smartest guy in the world, but hell, just look at his character design. Kano has blue hair in a series of fairly realistic character designs, his texhnolyzed legs are reminiscent of goat legs instead of normal like other units. He's obessed with aesthetics and so makes his base of operations an opera house in which he lounges around in a bath-robe, smoking and waxing philosophical. I'm pretty convinced he's supposed to come off as a pretentious narcissist who unironically believes in solipsism but taken to the extreme in that he's able to actually impose his 'art' onto the real world and kills humanity in the process.
>his texhnolyzed legs are reminiscent of goat legs
holy shit how did i never catch onto this. They couldnt have made it any more explicit in that case
i'd say the show's whole point is about content and form (that's why they named "shapes") in art and his use to evolve the human race. If you look at Kano (Especially his conversation with Onishi) it makes a lot of sense.
It's probably worth noting too that Kano initially had incredibly stunted, short baby-looking legs as a child - possibly a statement about his equally stunted emotional development seeing as how when he's an adult he's still going to his Mothers and demanding to have his "toys" returned to him. And then the added insult of him just throwing away Onishi's good legs to get his Satan robot-goat legs. Not to mention having yellow eyes.
And you're right, I do.
This guy will become your favourite character
I didn't care for it after 10 episodes