ITT: anime that was more successful in your country than japan

ITT: anime that was more successful in your country than japan

Attached: lets dance with papa.jpg (216x387, 132K)

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god tier dubs
saving shitty anime since always

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Like many Italian social issues, I'm holding terroni responsible for this one too.

Attached: Sanpei.jpg (1014x708, 247K)

explain yourself young man

What is there to explain? For a mercifully brief period of time, Italy had an inexplicable interest in anime revolving around fishermen.

Attached: This one was far more popular in japan, though, so it doesn't count.jpg (312x320, 32K)

voltes v

>Italy had an inexplicable interest in anime revolving around fishermen.

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Touch me

It's probably the first mecha anime that aired in my country. Most of us is attached to it.

Attached: Daimos.jpg (510x440, 63K)

The manga was popular as fuck in Japan.

Attached: descarga.jpg (1440x612, 181K)

Kek, bullshit dubs with mexicanisms only mexicans give a damn about.Same with tamers and James from team rocket. Mexican dub in the 90s was the best when trying to be neutral, but there were a few moments where they sucked and made onda vital look better

>Kek, bullshit dubs with mexicanisms only mexicans give a damn about
uhhh yeah? that's what the thread is about, faggot

How much popular was this on japan? Because I have met a lot of 40-60 y/o woman in my country who became nurses because of this, my mom included

Attached: Candy-Candy-anime.jpg (590x449, 60K)

I'm assumng you're French, since that whole series might as well be.

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>Flops in Japan
>Popular enough in the US to get Adult Swim to fund a sequel

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you called?

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How would people here know? Just look at the first reply.

I'm taco

What are you even talking about?

There are many series in the middle east that have a large cult following yet I barely see any of them mentioned elsewhere, mostly because of how great the OP/EDs were.

Attached: Ginga_Sengoku_Gun'yƫden_Rai.jpg (316x450, 42K)