So Yea Forums is this any good? what are your thoughts

so Yea Forums is this any good? what are your thoughts

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Jouji Nakata/10

Jouji Nakata and Jun Fukuyama, it's good at least because of the voices

Yes, it's great. go watch it.

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It's pretty great. The count is an absolutely amazing character.

sweet i will watch it tonight thanks guys

gay, in a good way

one of the best GONZO adaptations
beautiful visuals
great OST too

if only they could do Blu-Ray remaster it woulda been perfect

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anyone know where i can watch it? twist moe doesnt seem to have

I got it on blu-ray......

I watched it on blu-ray too, but it's not a remaster
regardless I loved visuals and the show

It's overrated. It's not really _that_ good. I forced myself to finish it

It's great BUT the sci-fi aesthetic adds absolutely nothing.


One of the most unique yet suprisingly faithful adaptations of Count of Monte Cristo. Go watch it.

I bought the entire DVD set for peanuts on an auction website, since it had been released in my country and the publishing company had gone bust.

>adds absolutely nothing

adds uniqueness and it was not the main focus of the show
and as one user mentioned -
"it is faithful adaptations of Count of Monte Cristo"
it is good

>suprisingly faithful adaptations

Name a key scene that wasn't in the anime.


he's right and you know it
don't try to refute this
it's not just his single opinion, but many anons in older threads agreed that it is faithful

It was a good series but the CGI mechs didn't age well. And I would've liked more explanation on The Man in the Iron Mask.

>all the weebs in here who haven't read the book or even watched one of the proper adaptations

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>Dantes didn't die in the novel
>Haydee did absolutely nothing in the anime
>Dantes doesn't love Haydee in the anime

The anime version really played up anime cliches. For example Albert's fiancee being in love with him instead of being a lesbian like she was in the original novel.

I liked it alot.

It’s fine, Franz got the gay instead.

The novel ends with Dantes leaving with Haydee, giving up on his revenge.

And Eugénie was a lesbian in the novel.

Haydee best girl

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Beppo best girl (male)

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Fun fact, this show as originally meant to adapt "The Stars My Destination" which is a sci-fi novel adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo. When they couldn't get licensing for it they just did their own sci-fi adaptation of Monte Cristo

Agreed, my penis actually liked him and his foxy personality
no homo

Here's the best boy.
Did he get shot in the shoulder in the same spot where he got poked by the Count during their fencing practice?

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>no homo

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First trap I ever fell for and i'm still not over her/him.

ost is great and animation is alright but it's so full of itself it felt like watching two shows at the same time

Dude, the book is like 1000 pages. I have 3 isekai manga to read.

you mean manwha

It's probably the best adaptation of the Count of Monte Cristo we'll ever get.

Oh, it's pretty goddamn far from perfect. But watch one of the Hollywood Monte Cristo movies sometime to see what it's being compared to.

It is unironically the best adaption of Count of Monte Cristo on any medium

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did you even read the book? have you even looked at the other adaptions out there? it literally is the most faithful adaption. even compared to the french mini series

dumb fuckin weeb

As someone who just recently finished it.
it is unbelievably slow and the MC is a fucking retard.
it has so much build up for so little pay off, same your time and watch something good.
Or read the dam books.

Unironically the best adaptation of the novel. It's kino.

Read the book first, then watch the anime.

Same desu

I watched it after reading the book and IMHO it was pretty awful. Sure, the Hollywood adaptations sucked, but it isn't like this anime was particularly different.
The only thing which I appreciated was the opening. It's easily a 10/10 and among the best of all anime.

Haydee is love
The anime was alright, felt like it jumped the shark around the episode with the mech duel

wait and HOPE

Maybe if they have no idea what they're talking about.

Have read it, unabridged even, and the anime would have turned out better if they had stayed closer to the books, as the stuff they did change was pretty central and the new stuff was a weak replacement for was originally there. Other adaptions being shit doesn't matter as previous poster made an overall statement, not a comparative one. Even then, calling it "most faithful" is almost a mockery, when you end still end up driving into a tree.

The duel was completely butchered, for one.

hash cave island OVA when?